Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

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GuelphGal said:
Happy Birthday ThumpyG!

Carmine's gonna be a busy boy for the next couple weeks. Birthday today, birthday friday, mine's next Wednesday...he better have some energy left next week :lol:

Mine's on the 17th. And it's special coz I turn 18!!! He should have something special in store for me. Hahahahah..... :devil: :lol:
Hi - just a quick question from a newbie. What is "The Mook?" Am I right in presuming he has a pet of some sorts? I read about it in a previous thread and tried to follow the directions to see the photo on his website but couldn't get on it and it's been bugging me ever since! Any photos would be appreciated! Thanx
ka990 said:
Hi - just a quick question from a newbie. What is "The Mook?" Am I right in presuming he has a pet of some sorts?
The Mook is his cat :) but the only pic of the cat I have is on my mobile :(
^ Yes, the man has a cat. If you go to his website, there's a pic of the cat presumably curled up on his bed ... where we'd all like to be. :lol: I'd be a nice mod and go upload the pic of his cat for you, but my internet connection is sucking hard at the moment and that would take forever. :(

chaostheory08 said:
Mine's on the 17th. And it's special coz I turn 18!!! He should have something special in store for me. Hahahahah..... :devil: :lol:
He should have something special in store for you this year. You are now legal after all, so the birthday festivities can be fully enjoyed without having to listen for the cops. :lol:
Sorry I'm late with the birthday wishes ThumpyG.

Hope you had fun with Carmine and that you brought him back in one piece. :p

Wow...I can't wait til my birthday as long as I get to spend it with him too. :D
MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ Yes, the man has a cat. If you go to his website, there's a pic of the cat presumably curled up on his bed ... where we'd all like to be. :lol: I'd be a nice mod and go upload the pic of his cat for you, but my internet connection is sucking hard at the moment and that would take forever. :(

chaostheory08 said:
Mine's on the 17th. And it's special coz I turn 18!!! He should have something special in store for me. Hahahahah..... :devil: :lol:
He should have something special in store for you this year. You are now legal after all, so the birthday festivities can be fully enjoyed without having to listen for the cops. :lol:
he has a cat. i always saw him as a dog person, cats are for lonely people...like me :( i once had 24 cats gave them all away so now i have 1. guess i'll go in search of that pic.
Hey all!!!!

I have survived my birthday.....barely!!! :lol:

Carmine is back and surpringly in good shape, ;) I was nice and let him sleep, he needs his energy!
Springmoon said:
Just in time to pass him off to feenx. Happy Birthday cat lady!!

thanks,:lol: cat lady, woooo i finally get Carmine, oh Carmine come here...*starts robospanker*
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