(...erm, who's Dave Benton...?)WTF, they're bringing Dave Benton from Miami? My little sister will be thrilled, but that's odd - unless maybe he's just featured in a scene where Langston and Mac call the Miami lab...
YayAnyway, Hill just posted this new Twitpic on Twitter: Click!. Here's the caption: "On set today shooting underwater scenes. Hawkes has to find evidence in the Hudson!"
I guess they were trying not to have Langston be in too direct competition with Grissom, nor step on Catherine's seniority. Also seems like the show mighta been trying what NY are this season, having someone come in who doesn't know the ropes but learns them, a way to look at things outside in again. From what I understand Langston's been taking courses/training etc and has now been bumped up to CSI Level 2? So not quite the newbie anymore if so. I think they were also definitely trying to smooth Langston's addition by having Grissom be the one essentially recruiting him, and more on the basis of his character, knowledge and background than any law enforcement experience. I don't know whether some people are disliking his character or the screentime he's getting or some combo of both. If I followed the show more closely I'm sure I'd have a stronger opinion myself.I think it was a bad move to have LF be the new lead on the show but NOT have him be the new leader for the team. It makes no sense that the newbie would be the one who's flying to Miami and NY to work with the two heads of the other crime labs. Logically it should have been Catherine. But I agree with both Fay and Ceindreadh that the most likely reasons they went with Langston was because LF is the show's big name and the other actors on LV never liked the idea of the spinoffs so they wouldn't be on board for a crossover episode.
I'd also hope that after five and seven years respectively, any LV rankles would have eased, rather than have become some entrenched set/show culture or the like. Especially with the transitions their own show has seen in the past few years. They're hardly the same entity they were when they started Back In Tha Day. I think the business has seen a lot of change in past ten years (while some tendencies admittedly remain very much the same or even moreso). I would also think that if your character was written the one to do a cross over, that you'd damn well take your cheque, with a grudging superficial glossy smile if need be, and do the cross over. Especially the way things are in the business these days. It's a rare thing to be over-employed.
It's odd in a way to see LF as a lead, but I kinda do, whereas in a show like CM, for example, Joe Mantegna's a big name, but really seems part of an ensemble.
I definitely agree they chose LF as the Big Name to cross over. And I agree that character-wise it might have made more sense to have Nick or someone else making the trip. In some ways though, I think it would make sense to have Catherine, as supervisor, send someone other than herself to another city while she continues to run the labs. And yet of course in tvland, it's usually the main character that makes the trip. It's a little disappointing that with only one chosen that it isn't, for whatever reasons, Marg Helgenberger, I think she'd be a great dynamic to mix into both other shows. I still don't know enough about Langston to be interested in that sense.
The way the press bits are wording things, teh Mighty H is also the one all but summoning Langston in particular, because of a related Missing case in LV he was on. And who ever dares say "no" to H :lol:. Perhaps Catherine's just as happy not to have to deal with him...
Production-wise, I'd think it's also definitely simpler (and cheaper) to have only one name leave their respective set to travel to others (and also to locations as in NYC for example). Which is too bad, cos a wider mixing/meeting of rosters & worlds coulda been a lotta fun. In other ways, kudos for them trying such an undertaking at all. I'm still interested.
Depending on how the filming of each of the three episodes is staggered, it could also mean that LF will be less prominent in an LV case or two while shooting the NY and MIA shows. Who knows. - so mebbe there's a silver lining to be had for those who dread Langston
Does sound like Langston and the others are on a big chase, one step behind, less than a winding mystery. Also sounds like those "triage blinders" are what they're using to up the ante for one neat aspect that can actually be resolved in an otherwise huge topic. So no, the plots are not going to be what drives my interest and curiosity. But I'm still curious to see how the shows will be integrated.This article from ET Online includes some quotes from NY's PTB:
...."Everyone stays true to their writing style," "CSI: NY" exec producer Pam Veasey tells ET. "What you fundamentally do is tell a 'CSI' story, which is what we all have in common. Once it gets to your show, you will see each of the shows take a different approach to a story that starts in Miami. We did all get together and talk about what the through-line would be. Obviously, Ray Langston travels through all of the shows. You have to find the consistencies with his character, how he would flow into each story."
Following Miami, Langston rushes to New York when Mac Taylor (Gary Sinise) and his team identify a woman hidden in a big rig as someone Langston interviewed in Miami. Then the woman disappears and Taylor and Langston realize that they have uncovered an interstate trucking ring specializing in human cargo and black-market organ harvesting.
"The story is really a ticking clock story," adds "CSI: NY" executive producer Peter Lenkov. "It is really a hunt for a suspect, but also saving a girl's life. I think we put blinders on to get that done by the end of the episode. This [case] takes priority because it is real triage the way it lands in our lap. We realize soon after that time is of the essence. We elected in that episode to make it our sole focus."
The search finally takes Langston back to Las Vegas, where the investigation leads to a prostitution ring that may be harboring the missing woman.
"They are all great episodes that blend together and lead you to the next," Pam concludes.
The "CSI" crossover begins on "CSI: Miami" on Monday, Nov. 9 at 10 p.m., moves to "CSI: NY" Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 10 p.m., and wraps up on "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" Thursday, Nov. 12 at 9 p.m. all on CBS.
Sounds like the CSIs could also benefit from M-TAC, the way Langston's running about :lol: but that would kinda defeat the purpose...
In an ideal world I'd hope that the rest of the LV team wouldn't invisibly just go about their business on other cases in the background, and that we'd instead see them also somehow involved from their end, even before Langston returns to Las Vegas. I don't hold out too much hope for that with the screentime constraints cramped as it is. Actually, I doubt we'll see that at all. Might get half a phone conversation at best.
I'm not a huge Langston fan, but I do respect LF. I hope that this will further help rather than hinder LF's ongoing integration into the flagship show, and that LV's stronger for it. Not easy to step into regardless.
So, yeah, still interested, and will probably try to tune into two of the three.
Thanks for all the pics and links, yas all
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