Here's a new spoiler thread for season 6 (and a link to the old one), and here are the spoilers I have saved elsewhere. This definitely isn't everything that's been posted (especially pictures and whatnot), so if you have stuff I didn't bring over from the previous thread, I'll love you forever if you shared it with us. 
6.04 "Dead Reckoning"
6.07 "Hammer Down"
6.04 "Dead Reckoning"
~ A woman named Deborah walks into the precinct and tells the police that she murdered her husband. She takes them to the crime scene and walks them through how she killed him after she discovered that he had cheated on her. Meanwhile, at the lab, they're running tests on the evidence. Mac gets a call - DNA and fingerprints say Deborah wasn't the only person who handled the murder weapon. She's lying.
~ At the precinct, Mac leaves to speak to Stella about DNA results and leaves Flack alone with Deborah. Flack asks her if she'd do it all over again if she had the chance. She seems unrepentant for her actions, and she tells Flack that regret is a waste of time. Flack tells her that it doesn't matter if she feels alright about what she did - it's still going to haunt her.
~ Mac bursts back into the interrogation room, angry. He demands to know who else was in the apartment with Deborah - the DNA matches several unsolved murder cases.
~ Later on, a woman comes into the precinct and tries to get Flack to shoot her - but Flack can't do it. When Flack and Stella are interrogating the woman, Mac asks Lindsay what happened - she has to admit that Flack froze. The same thing happens later in the episode, when Flack has a flashback to shooting Simon Cade in the finale. Clearly, killing Angell's murderer is haunting him.
~ Danny is in physical therapy, trying to walk. It's painful, and he gives up. Hawkes is waiting by the door, and when Danny makes it clear that he wants to leave, Hawkes comes up with his wheelchair. Danny wants to know where Lindsay is, and Hawkes says he offered to come because he thought she could use a break. Hawkes wants to know why Danny is giving up so easily, and he points out that he's going to have to give it all he's got if he wants to get out of that chair and walk again.
~ Sinclair is definitely there. Haylen is also mentioned in a scene with Hawkes, so she'll be there by episode 4 at least.
6.05 "Battle Scars"~ At the precinct, Mac leaves to speak to Stella about DNA results and leaves Flack alone with Deborah. Flack asks her if she'd do it all over again if she had the chance. She seems unrepentant for her actions, and she tells Flack that regret is a waste of time. Flack tells her that it doesn't matter if she feels alright about what she did - it's still going to haunt her.
~ Mac bursts back into the interrogation room, angry. He demands to know who else was in the apartment with Deborah - the DNA matches several unsolved murder cases.
~ Later on, a woman comes into the precinct and tries to get Flack to shoot her - but Flack can't do it. When Flack and Stella are interrogating the woman, Mac asks Lindsay what happened - she has to admit that Flack froze. The same thing happens later in the episode, when Flack has a flashback to shooting Simon Cade in the finale. Clearly, killing Angell's murderer is haunting him.
~ Danny is in physical therapy, trying to walk. It's painful, and he gives up. Hawkes is waiting by the door, and when Danny makes it clear that he wants to leave, Hawkes comes up with his wheelchair. Danny wants to know where Lindsay is, and Hawkes says he offered to come because he thought she could use a break. Hawkes wants to know why Danny is giving up so easily, and he points out that he's going to have to give it all he's got if he wants to get out of that chair and walk again.
~ Sinclair is definitely there. Haylen is also mentioned in a scene with Hawkes, so she'll be there by episode 4 at least.
~ The episode starts with a young woman staggering to the front desk of a hotel. When the desk manager comes out to see who rang the bell, he doesn't see anybody - the woman collapsed on the floor, bleeding from a head wound.
~ When the woman wakes up in the hospital, she doesn't remember what happened - or how her boyfriend ended up dead in their hotel room.
~ The victim was a hip-hop dancer who won a competition the night before.
~ He was killed with simunition during a robbery gone wrong.
~ Danny and Flack have an interrogation together, but there is no indication about whether or not Danny is still in a wheelchair.
6.06 "It Happened To Me"~ When the woman wakes up in the hospital, she doesn't remember what happened - or how her boyfriend ended up dead in their hotel room.
~ The victim was a hip-hop dancer who won a competition the night before.
~ He was killed with simunition during a robbery gone wrong.
~ Danny and Flack have an interrogation together, but there is no indication about whether or not Danny is still in a wheelchair.
~ Seems to be a pretty Hawkes-centric episode. We find out that he's been having some trouble. A month ago, he lost everything after he trusted the wrong person. It doesn't clarify what happened, but he had to sell his apartment, and he has no savings left. He's sleeping on friends' couches and begging for overtime. The whole situation has been very rough on him. 
~ The episode also starts with Hawkes. It appears that he's been working with the Manhattan Parks Medical Unit (I think it refers to this), and he sees a young man with a bloody nose when he's working there in the middle of the night. Hawkes doesn't pay much attention - the guy admits to having a few drinks, and there are people with more serious injuries out there for him to take care of. He suggests that the man go home, get something to eat and sleep it off.
~ Unfortunately for Hawkes, the man dies. He was poisoned. Hawkes doesn't know the name of the woman who was with the victim in the park the night before because he didn't log the incident. He screwed up.
~ Adam (of course *lol*) informs the team of the latest fun trend that seems to be related to their case: sploshing. It involves putting food on a person's body and eating it off - you know, in a sensual way. *cough*
~ It mentions Danny having a cane, so I assume he's walking by 6.06 even if he's not 100% back to normal.
~ The episode also starts with Hawkes. It appears that he's been working with the Manhattan Parks Medical Unit (I think it refers to this), and he sees a young man with a bloody nose when he's working there in the middle of the night. Hawkes doesn't pay much attention - the guy admits to having a few drinks, and there are people with more serious injuries out there for him to take care of. He suggests that the man go home, get something to eat and sleep it off.
~ Unfortunately for Hawkes, the man dies. He was poisoned. Hawkes doesn't know the name of the woman who was with the victim in the park the night before because he didn't log the incident. He screwed up.
~ Adam (of course *lol*) informs the team of the latest fun trend that seems to be related to their case: sploshing. It involves putting food on a person's body and eating it off - you know, in a sensual way. *cough*
~ It mentions Danny having a cane, so I assume he's walking by 6.06 even if he's not 100% back to normal.
6.07 "Hammer Down"
~ This is the NY episode for the three-series crossover (Miami's portion of the crossover is also episode 7). Langston is in New York. (Mac seems to be the main one working with Langston.)
~ The crossover seems to be about missing women - and illegal organ harvesting. From what I can gather, women have been found dead and butchered on the side of the road (presumably in Vegas), and the chase leads Langston to the other cities.
~ The episode begins with a guy named Terry driving a semi-truck* with a woman locked in the sleeper portion of the trailer. A drunk man is arguing with his ex-wife on the phone while he's driving, and he looks down when he drops the phone - causing an accident when he slams into the semi. A bystander (Joseph) stops his car to see if the people involved in the crash are alright - and he gets carjacked for his trouble. Terry pulls a gun and drags the young woman into Joseph's car, demanding that he drive them away. Ten miles down the road, Terry tells him to stop. He takes Joseph's phone and wallet, shoots him in the stomach, and drives away with the woman in the car.
~ Hawkes gets upset about the illegal organ transplants and the women who died when their organs were taken.
*or whatever else you call it
6.08 "Cuckoo's Nest"~ The crossover seems to be about missing women - and illegal organ harvesting. From what I can gather, women have been found dead and butchered on the side of the road (presumably in Vegas), and the chase leads Langston to the other cities.
~ The episode begins with a guy named Terry driving a semi-truck* with a woman locked in the sleeper portion of the trailer. A drunk man is arguing with his ex-wife on the phone while he's driving, and he looks down when he drops the phone - causing an accident when he slams into the semi. A bystander (Joseph) stops his car to see if the people involved in the crash are alright - and he gets carjacked for his trouble. Terry pulls a gun and drags the young woman into Joseph's car, demanding that he drive them away. Ten miles down the road, Terry tells him to stop. He takes Joseph's phone and wallet, shoots him in the stomach, and drives away with the woman in the car.
~ Hawkes gets upset about the illegal organ transplants and the women who died when their organs were taken.
*or whatever else you call it
~ The serial killer played by Skeet Ulrich is in this one. (He first appeared in 6.03, but I don't know if this is the first time we're seeing him after that.) The case leads the team to a psychiatric hospital, and they'll learn about the killer.
~ Flack is missing - his commanding officer hasn't seen him for a few days, and he tells Mac that Flack hasn't been the same since Angell died. Mac tells the lieutenant that Flack called him and said he had a family problem to deal with and needed the day off - the lieutenant knows this is a lie, but Mac says he'll take responsibility. Then he and the team try to track Flack down.
~ Meanwhile, Flack gets beaten up somehow and ends up at Terrence Davis' (Nelly's) apartment.
~ csimania19 posted the casting call for this episode:
6.09 "Manhattanhenge":~ Flack is missing - his commanding officer hasn't seen him for a few days, and he tells Mac that Flack hasn't been the same since Angell died. Mac tells the lieutenant that Flack called him and said he had a family problem to deal with and needed the day off - the lieutenant knows this is a lie, but Mac says he'll take responsibility. Then he and the team try to track Flack down.
~ Meanwhile, Flack gets beaten up somehow and ends up at Terrence Davis' (Nelly's) apartment.
~ csimania19 posted the casting call for this episode:
The Compass Killer is back, and adds yet another to his circle of victims -- but this time the CSI squad knows his name; Flack's alcoholism threatens to derail his career...
[DEACON] Late 20's, African-American, a good buddy of Terrence Davis (NELLY), but almost certainly a gangster, Deacon drops by Terrence's apartment unexpectedly for a chat, and has no idea that there's a slowly-sobering NYPD detective groggily waking up in the bathroom. He's blind to the fact that he's an unwelcome guest...GUEST STAR
[LIEUTENANT WILLIAM SYTHE] Late 30's - Early 40's, OPEN ETHNICITY, a handsome, stern cop, he's the commanding officer of the detective squad, and he knows all about Flack's "personal problem" (alcoholism). A man with great respect for Detective Mac Taylor, Sythe agrees to believe Mac's story that Flack had a family emergency -- but he lets Mac know that it's BS and that Mac is covering for a chronic screw-up...ONE DAY GUEST STAR OPPOSITE GARY SINISE
[LOUISE DUKES] Late 20's - Early 30's, a very attractive hospital administrator, Louise works at the Crestridge Psychiatric Hospital, the former residence of the criminally insane Compass Killer (SKEET ULRICH). Questioned by the detectives, Louise puts a name to the sketch of The Compass Killer, and tells them a few things about Hollis Eckhart...ONE DAY GUEST STAR
[RECEPTIONIST] Late 20's - Early 30's, a beautiful receptionist at the New York Surveyor's Office, she argues with her boyfriend, until he settles the argument the hard way -- with both barrels of a shotgun...FEATURED CO-STAR, NO LINES
~ This seems to be the third (and final?) episode featuring Hollis Eckhart, the "Compass Killer" (played by Skeet Ulrich).
~ Danny and Flack are working together, out in the field. They have to run to catch up to a homeless guy, and afterwards Flack asks if Danny's alright - Danny points out that he outran Flack, but there isn't any more talk about it because he picks up his phone to call Mac (Flack does, however, give him a look).
~ Hollis Eckhart is apparently scarred up. He steals some rope from a hardware store and beats up the owner.
~ As mentioned in this CSI Files news article, the episode will include the New York State Pavilion.
~ csimania19 posted this additional casting call for 6.09:
~ Danny and Flack are working together, out in the field. They have to run to catch up to a homeless guy, and afterwards Flack asks if Danny's alright - Danny points out that he outran Flack, but there isn't any more talk about it because he picks up his phone to call Mac (Flack does, however, give him a look).
~ Hollis Eckhart is apparently scarred up. He steals some rope from a hardware store and beats up the owner.
~ As mentioned in this CSI Files news article, the episode will include the New York State Pavilion.
~ csimania19 posted this additional casting call for 6.09:
[RED HEAD GIRL] Early - Mid 20's, Absolutely stunning, seen talking to ADAM ROSS (AJ Buckley) in a bar before their date is rudely interrupted - FEATURED CO-STAR
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