CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

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*clears throat* From the original set:



Besides, you can't rely on the BHC for consistency, can you? I mean, after all, it's the Black Hole of Continuity, for Pete's sake! ;)

imaguestage said:
She was so caught up in herself that she didn't care about hurting Danny. How was Danny supposed to know how to support her and be there for her if she never let him know what was going on? Oh wait, even with her pushing him away at every turn, he still figured out a way to be there and support her because he cares about her.

When it came to Ruben's death, Lindsay knew what was going on with Danny. She knew about his guilt, she knew exactly what was going on with him and she chose to avoid him. If we go by the rule that only what is referenced on screen is canon, Lindsay for the most part acted selfishly after Ruben's death. She knew what Danny was going through and that thinking you are guilty of getting a child killed is going to trump thinking about a girlfriend and/or screw buddy's birthday.
Well said!

angel142 said:
I don't remember Lindsay's birthday episode too well but I can't remember her being all that angry, in fact wasn't she teasing him about it?
Actually, she spoke with a very sarcastic bite to her tone. There's a major difference between teasing and taking a dig at someone the way she did at Danny in that scene.

If I remember correctly, she said something like, "Oh! Are these for me? They're lovely!" when Danny handed her some test tubes. She was implying to him that she was angry at him for forgetting her birthday, something she felt was important for him to remember and bestow her with a gift (and this was while he was still grieving over Ruben's recent death). If it was just teasing, Danny would not have felt cornered into having to explain why he forgot her birthday.

Also, in a couple of episodes she was either trying to talk to him on the phone or get him to meet up but he either ignored her or lied to her about what he was doing.
She only called him in two episodes. Once was in episode 4x13 when she called him because he was supposed to be in work and she couldn't reach him. Note that Danny also ignored Flack's phone call later in the episode, which means he wasn't specifically ignoring only Lindsay. He was in a situation where he didn't want anyone else to get involved so I don't think it's fair to use that as an example of him deliberately ignoring her due to 'relationship issues'.

The only other time she called was in episode 4x16. And no, he didn't lie to her. Lying and telling whatever info you feel comfortable sharing with the other person are different things. Who says he didn't do the list of things he mentioned to Lindsay after breakfast? His shift could have started only in the afternoon, giving him the time to run those errands. Moreover, the status of whatever was going on between them has yet to be determined (at this point, I doubt it ever will be). My opinion being that they never were (one night of sex does not automatically mean a relationship), Danny has the right to not tell Lindsay about Rikki if he decides not to.

There's also Lindsay instantly jumping to the question of, "What's wrong?" after he declined lunch. He was just fine talking to her until then. Later in the episode, we find out he very likely became defensive because it truly wasn't a big deal to him that he declined lunch but it was to Lindsay and he didn't get why. That, in turn, goes in line with his WTF expression when she gave him the Monologue of Doom and revealed to him what she'd always assumed things were like between them.

Shytownmofo said:
Not to say that Danny cheated on her, because even when he said that sleeping with Rikki was not a healthy thing in the longrun, or even when Rikki told him she was leaving, not one time did he say that he was involved with someone...Not once.
By far, one of the most telling signs about the whole situation. Add that with Lindsay having told Danny she's in love with him twice and him having never said the same back and Lindsay telling Danny and Mac she wants to get over it and thinks it was so stupid of her to get involved with him ... yeah, I think TPTB's plan to revert them back to their season two friendship again, with both of them moving on with other people who're recurring characters and therefore don't have to appear in every episode.

PerfectAnomaly said:
With the news that Danny will have a lot of development that doesn't include Lindsay and the news that Lindsay will have to come to Danny's rescue my mind went to one scenerio. Or rather one person.

:lol: Dude, I thought the same when I first read those spoilers too! I didn't want to say anything because I remembered Carmine mentioning that there was no news from the writers at all about Mr. Louie, so the chances of Louie making a comeback now would be nothing short of a continuity miracle. :lol:

Could it be TPTB have heard our cries for the return of the elder Messer? Louie returning and still having issues with the Tanglewood Boys (or dare I say Sonny Sassone specifically) would be something that would involve Danny and could put him in danger so that the team (specifically Lindsay) would have to come to his rescue. It would be great. We find out what the hell happened to Louie, we get more Danny drama that doesn't revolve around the Drama Llama, and we get to see Lindsay kick ass and be there for someone else (and in a sense "even things up" with Danny in the whole life saving department, even though I don't think she needs to "even things up" because of Danny taking her shift in SD.)
I have a theory: Sonny Sassone is now rotting in prison. Before, he was the leader of a notorious gang, with bucket loads of money to burn, the worst kind of a-hole who'd kill innocent people just for kicks. Now he's become a nobody, imprisoned in a cell for life. That's gotta burn.

If he's craving for revenge, his top target would be Mac, the cop who put him in prison. But since the spoilers indicate Danny's the one who'll have 'a lot of things' happening to him, I can see Sonny exacting revenge upon Danny for his incarceration. One Messer brother already got his 'punishment'; getting beaten to the point of death for his betrayal by wearing a wire recording Sonny's confession of the murder. If Louie hadn't done that, Sonny wouldn't be in jail today. And the reason Louie did it? To prove Danny's innocence.

So who knows, Danny may have a major run-in with the Tanglewood Boys still running free out there, and the CSI team, including Lindsay, will be doing everything they can to help their peer and friend. Louie doesn't even have to appear and yet, we'll still have continuity on him!

Faylinn said:
Besides, you can't rely on the BHC for consistency, can you? I mean, after all, it's the Black Hole of Continuity, for Pete's sake! ;)
JellyBelly said:
Okay, I understand that, it just gets a little frustrating when you don't share that opinion yet it seems that all D/L fans are tarred with the same brush.
Heheh, I'll just say this: After years of being on this board and being part of the CSI:NY fandom, it is very sad to me that I can count on one hand the number of active DL shippers who don't think Danny's a cheating monster who deserves to be hurt in the worst ways and crawl back to Lindsay. And before anyone asks, yes, that includes other boards, websites, etc. Honestly, it would be nice to hear more from such shippers because the vitriol so far is really overwhelming opinions different from the majority. Think about Ausiello implying twice in a row that DL shippers have 'threatened him with bodily harm' and are going to 'chase him with pitchforks' after the Pam Veasey spoilers. Jokes or not, they do say something, and not in a positive way either.

Its strange because i've never really seen it on here i mean this is the only csi board i go on well i go on another but it doesnt allow ship talk but I find it wierd people will take it that far.

I never saw him as a cheater cos tbh we never knew where they stood throughout the season and i'm a DL fan but i have given up the fight for them together would rather friendship its much easier and causes far less trouble.
*clears throat* From the original set:



Besides, you can't rely on the BHC for consistency, can you? I mean, after all, it's the Black Hole of Continuity, for Pete's sake! ;)


I forgot about that one. :(

Damn you BHC! Damn you to an alternate universe where your powers are useless and there is nothing but continuity! MUHWAHAHAHAHAHA!! :evil:

Kimmychu said:

I have a theory: Sonny Sassone is now rotting in prison. Before, he was the leader of a notorious gang, with bucket loads of money to burn, the worst kind of a-hole who'd kill innocent people just for kicks. Now he's become a nobody, imprisoned in a cell for life. That's gotta burn.

If he's craving for revenge, his top target would be Mac, the cop who put him in prison. But since the spoilers indicate Danny's the one who'll have 'a lot of things' happening to him, I can see Sonny exacting revenge upon Danny for his incarceration. One Messer brother already got his 'punishment'; getting beaten to the point of death for his betrayal by wearing a wire recording Sonny's confession of the murder. If Louie hadn't done that, Sonny wouldn't be in jail today. And the reason Louie did it? To prove Danny's innocence.

So who knows, Danny may have a major run-in with the Tanglewood Boys still running free out there, and the CSI team, including Lindsay, will be doing everything they can to help their peer and friend. Louie doesn't even have to appear and yet, we'll still have continuity on him!

It's a good scenario you've got, except for the part where Louie is dead! :censored: :p

Although if Louie is dead it would make more sense to me that Danny would be the "top target" because Louie wore the wire and ratted him out to save Danny's ass. The only evidence they had in the Giant's Stadium murder was Danny's DNA on the cigarette found in the grave. So if Danny hadn't tagged along with them and f*cked everything up Sonny would still be a free man.

Carmine's interview is from March 2008 so it's not out of the realm of possibility that in the last four months TPTB have talked about/planned bringing Louie back. It could be that Carmine's interview combined with our pleas got them planning it.

I refuse to give up hope if for no other reason than to spite the BHC! You hear that BHC? As long as I have hope you will NEVER win!

Hey Hello I just had a revelation.....and just give me a V8 moment if this has already been stated or pointed out.

Who was the guy in the picture on Lindsay's desk in season 2. Remember the one where it looked like they were skiing. Did we ever establish this fact. This couldn't have anything to do with her dead friends because they were all girls, remember.....so.......

Is there a possibility that this guy could be the "New Interest" for her? Enquiring minds want to know!

OK, I just thought I would see if I could get ideas on this.
I don't know how I feel about Rikki coming back. I like how they ended the storyline and said goodbye to each other.

I just hope she doesn't end up pregnant(from reading the spoilers that seems to be the case). One of the things I like about CSI NY is that it has character development but the writers never over did it. The main focus was always the crime and personal lives secondary and I like it to stay that way, but with all these recent spoilers it seems like the crime is secondary.

If I want to watch a TV show that focuses a lot on the characters personal lives and whos dating who, whos cheating behind their gf/bf's back, who's getting pregnant, I'll watch Grey's Anatomy or ER.

Also, how much drama can the writers put a character in. I feel like if Danny goes through anymore drama he's going to end up in the nut house.
Also, how much drama can the writers put a character in. I feel like if Danny goes through anymore drama he's going to end up in the nut house.

I think that may be the idea. Or at least, that's one thing that Carmine has hinted at in interviews, Danny having a breakdown and perhaps needing to be committed for awhile.

It does seem that Danny does get all the drama thrown at him. That's probably because he handles it beautifully.

However, I'd like to see some of the other characters get more drama. Something really meaty involving Hawkes would be very nice. It seems as though we might get that, if the other spoilers are accurate. If they do it right, I think that would be magnificent, and very much overdue.

Just for the sake of discussion, especially because this thread has become the Danny/Lindsay/Rikki triangle show, how do others feel about the possible Hawkes ethical dilemma for this upcoming season?

I like it. He's not really gotten any meaty storylines at all. Although, I hope the writers do it right, because it could end up being an Aiden part 2 if they don't. However, I think that Sheldon is a lot more stable than Aiden, and would end up making the right decision.
Dawni said:
Its strange because i've never really seen it on here i mean this is the only csi board i go on well i go on another but it doesnt allow ship talk but I find it wierd people will take it that far.
I'll take that as a testament the moderation of this board is done well. ;) But yeah, I'm not surprised at all some 'fans' will take it that far. I put fans in quotation marks because if 'fans' are gonna threaten people and bash TPTB and actors who are just doing their jobs and wank all over the internet just because they're not getting what they want, well ... they were never true fans to begin with.

PerfectAnomaly said:
It's a good scenario you've got, except for the part where Louie is dead! :censored: :p
He is?! :eek: :p :lol: Well, dead or not ...

Although if Louie is dead it would make more sense to me that Danny would be the "top target" because Louie wore the wire and ratted him out to save Danny's ass. The only evidence they had in the Giant's Stadium murder was Danny's DNA on the cigarette found in the grave. So if Danny hadn't tagged along with them and f*cked everything up Sonny would still be a free man.
Yep! :D So all I'll say now is, if TPTB really is going to follow up on the Tanglewood Boys situation, season five is going to be awesome!

Shytownmofo said:
... how do others feel about the possible Hawkes ethical dilemma for this upcoming season?
I want Hawkes to kick that 'friend''s ass ala Snow Day bone saw. :lol: But seriously, there is no way Hawkes is going to bend over and mess with evidence just because that 'friend''s dad paid for his education in the past. The only way I can even see Hawkes considering the idea is if this 'friend' has some mighty leverage on Hawkes and can use it to end his career or something.
Just for the sake of discussion, especially because this thread has become the Danny/Lindsay/Rikki triangle show, how do others feel about the possible Hawkes ethical dilemma for this upcoming season?

Finally someone is reading my mind!!!!!! I'm sick of The Triangle from H.

I have some doubts. I don't think he will commit a felony by his own free will. But i do think he could make a mistake thinking is for the right reasons (just like in Murder sings The Blues). On the other hand, maybe he learned that lesson and he will sacrifice his former friendship. I'm afraid for him!

and I need to say i'm dying for having Melanie! I always thought Don had many sisters because of his behaviour towards women and especially towards Stella. He looks very comfortable with women around and he looks as he is used to rceives many jokes from them (that's why i thought about sisters).

But now, when i know he only have Melanie and she is a black sheep...well it makes it more and more interesting! :D

I wonder how Melanie will affect Stella (I do think Adam will have a crush on her) :D

Debbie :D
I can't see Hawkes doing anything unethical. I think he'd be pissed at the guy for putting him in that situation. One thing that I think is really true of Hawkes is that he has a very strong moral center and really sticks to his guns when it comes to what he believes is ethical and what isn't.

I can totally see Danny having a breakdown next season...I kind of wonder if that's the drama for him that doesn't involve Lindsay. I love Danny drama, and I kind of like the idea of him having a breakdown.

The idea of the Tanglewood boys coming back could be cool, too, but I don't know if that would be too melodramatic. Still, Carmine always shines when Danny goes through hell, so why not?
I can't see Hawkes doing anything unethical. I think he'd be pissed at the guy for putting him in that situation. One thing that I think is really true of Hawkes is that he has a very strong moral center and really sticks to his guns when it comes to what he believes is ethical and what isn't.

Agreed entirely. Hawkes will likely feel conflicted but I can't see him doing anything unethical.

I can totally see Danny having a breakdown next season...I kind of wonder if that's the drama for him that doesn't involve Lindsay. I love Danny drama, and I kind of like the idea of him having a breakdown.

Absolutely. I think this is the way they're going to go. I think it's a great opportunity for Carmine and it's fantastic for them to show how a CSI may reach that point in time where they just can't take anymore. Throughout the whole franchise, they toy with the idea of their personal and professional lives colliding and how that plays out psychologically, but they could really take it to the edge with Danny. Who better to play that than Carmine?
I didn't say Hawkes will do anything unethical. I said he could make a mistake thinking is for the right reason

Regarding Danny Drama, Carmine will do a fantastic job! i have no doubts about him (pity for me because i don't like Danny Drama)

Who better to play that than Carmine?
i think about Melina being capable of great acting in a dramatic scene... Only i don't think writers will do that this season. I think they will preserve that storyline for her for next seasons (her foster sister running away because of her is still a pending storyline. I think sooner or later she will suffer the consequences of her acts)

Debbie :D
I didn't say Hawkes will do anything unethical. I said he could make a mistake thinking is for the right reason

Regarding Danny Drama, Carmine will do a fantastic job! i have no doubts about him (pity for me because i don't like Danny Drama)

Who better to play that than Carmine?
i think about Melina being capable of great acting in a dramatic scene... Only i don't think writers will do that this season. I think they will preserve that storyline for her for next seasons (her foster sister running away because of her is still a pending storyline. I think sooner or later she will suffer the consequences of her acts)

Debbie :D
I agree with everyone who says that Hawkes wouldn't do anything unethical, but that he might make a mistake thinking he's doing the right thing. Even if his 'friend' (who I hate already for messing with Hawkes) had something on him that could end his career, I can't see Hawkes being blackmailed into doing anything unethical. Some SD-esque ass-kickin' would be WONDERFUL. I love Geeky/SuperBrainHawkes, but I do like it when he gets all pissy and in kick-ass mode.

I'd love to see a follow up to the Tanglewood storyline involving Danny (and Louie, please, TPTB!), and also a story where Stella has to deal with the consequences of letting her foster sister escape.

Roll on s5! *jumps up and down impatiently*
I agree with everyone who says that Hawkes wouldn't do anything unethical, but that he might make a mistake thinking he's doing the right thing. Even if his 'friend' (who I hate already for messing with Hawkes) had something on him that could end his career, I can't see Hawkes being blackmailed into doing anything unethical. Some SD-esque ass-kickin' would be WONDERFUL. I love Geeky/SuperBrainHawkes, but I do like it when he gets all pissy and in kick-ass mode.

Roll on s5! *jumps up and down impatiently*

I agree with you MacsLady (as usual :D ) At this point i think it will be a heart breaking moment for him...but still i let the door open to a possible mistake ( really hope NOT)

Btw i would love to know why on Earth Mac wasn't mentioned on 5.04???:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
Also i wonder if Melanie will afect Stella in just one episode or she will be a constant pain on her back:lol:

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