CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

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I missed one..'Here's to you Mrs Azrael'........THAT ONE....the shirtless Danny one...Damn my V+ box. I'd recorded the episode cause I couldn't watch and when I came to play it back there was a fault with it and it wouldn't play..to say I was upset was an understatement..........I was as mad about that as I am with the whole D/L shebang. I'd resigned myself to waiting for the DVD's but if you think you could???? I'd be really grateful..
On Sunday, from 8 pm onwards there is going to be back to back episodes of CSI. Then at 11 pm you have got CSI:The Inside Story, then another episode of CSI. Monday is more or less the same. :)
nattybatty. I liked the season 2 Danny and Lindsay! The slight flirting and cuteness is sweet and if they left it like that and didn't add to it that would have been fab with me.
I've seen the slight parts of SOOH and wincing at the D/L crap and at the end was how I endured it.
It just puts a bad taste in my mouth.
OK my opinion on the D/L "relationship"... I've had more chemistry with furniture! - i know that sounds incredibly wrong but come on people...

I feel like i'm back at school watching those too, i know exactly what you mean Joolz, it makes me cringe, i honestly thought i'd left all that behind at 17.

Plus both Michelle and Joolz have said it has reduced teh character of Danny to the supporting romantic lead, yes Danny isn't very good around women (evidence is in Season 1) and he is a little geeky, but he is also cocky and passionate and upfront, they have squashed all that to make him and lindsey happen!! Ok fair enough Danny got a lot of coverage in season 2 (and had Vanessa Ferlito not wanted to leave i imagine we would have seen more of aiden too). The main problem with it, in Season 2 all they did was flirt and tease a little, that was fine. A good relationship, neither actor is ugly (not hat it would matter if they were) but they are both young, (not both)single - danny was actually seeing someone in Season 2! - lets face it people we all flirt! but as far as i'm concerned thats where it should have stayed. There is no need for a relationship, what has it got to do with forensics?

Lindseys character wasn't developed enough to make her Danny's equal we couldn't care about Lindsey in the same way, yes she has had more screen time than Aiden but what do we know about her apart from something nasty happened in her past? which i hasten to add severly lacks any kind of continuity!! in season 2 (Manhatten Manhunt) she walks into an apartment where 4/5 kids have been executed and there is blood everywhere, and she wants to stay and process it (she has a strop about it) and in season 3 she sees a dead body on the salb and freaks out! HUH?!?!

I don'[t dislike lindsey and have nothing againstt he actress (although i find her emotional scenes VERY difficult to watch) i just think she should have been developed more before one whiff of a relationship was explored (if that what TPTB wanted) but my preference would be that it never happened.

Thats my opinion anyhoo.
I agree Sammo, they needed to develop Lindsay so much more and decided who they want her to be. In Zoo York, she's chasing a suspect and side swipes him into a acar. Manhattan Manhunt really peeved me. Surely if she was going to suffer a breakdown because of her past, maybe that should have been the case. I know the storyline was only bought in because Anna was pregnant but TPTB must think we are stupid.
I only dislike lIndsay in the romantic storyline setting. She has chemistry with Mac, not Danny. Why couldn't she have moved from Montana with a partner/husband. Some many questions!
She has chemistry with Mac

Her and Mac do have chemistry (and it doesn't make me feel sick but maybe that because it hasn't been acted upon. But at least put them with people that spark.

Flack and Danny for instance have great chemistry!! ;) :devil:
I'm a geek and have spent many sad lonley nights baby sitting watching Youtube clips of 'the story of danny and lindsay' there now up to part 21 and its quite adictive im now a convirted Danny/Lindsay fan, however i think out of the three csi's one of them could be gay. I think Flack and Danny are more brother than lovers and if any of the cast were gay then it wouldnt be with another principle character. Sofia would be a great choice. What do you guys think??

PS JOOLZ- You avatar is V funny lol
Right, I've just watched the lying game...

erm.... well.... The best case was definitely the A case, the B case again for me lacked any real interest. ALthough Mac getting mad in the interogation was good, and i liked that Danny was all about the science this week, coupled with the lack of D/L interaction it made this week ok.

This week was more of a C+.

I really liked the Stella and Flack case though, it had to really good suspects and i loved the way Flack handled it. His disgust at the killer was great and his interogation was brilliant, nice and subtle which is not something you expect from Flack, i loved how he wanted to make the guy feel uncomfortable, standing close, practically whispering in his ear (i felt quite jealous!). I lvoed his comments as well through out the episode, a few flackisms thrown in here and there. I love Stella and Flack working together they have great chemistry, and really bounce off each other. I would have loved to have seen the slimey congress man arrested and questioned by them too though.

Danny wasn't featured much but he had some great moments, i loved when he was lookign for the places... bless him, so confused! and when he was on the phone asking about yoga! HAHA!

On to the Lindsey bit. You know what, it wasn't too bad. I did have to turn teh sound down and i wasn't totally interested, but i think that has more to do with the fact that i know what happens... But overall it was handled well and didn't make me wanna hurl so much, although the whole watching him from the cab was a little melodramatic!! :rolleyes:


Ok, Flack was looking HOT! tonight!! all his little looks and smirks. In the words of Rik Mayall, WOOF!
The bit where he talks to the little girl... Aaaaw, lucky little girl, i hope he gave her her rattle back!!
And as i've mentioned his interrogation of the horrible hick was fab!

Danny had some cute moments this week, he wasn't so much Danny as last week though, i still felt he was missing a little something but it was nice to see geek danny back!
I enjoyed last nights episode. Even the Lindsay drama didn't put me off too much lol. She was huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge last night :eek: she looked as though she could have dropped at any minute on set :lol:

I liked Danny alot in last nights eppy :p he oozed the 'cute factor' to me :eek:

I had both murderers picked out from the start :p I thought it seemed pretty obvious that the only one with the ligit Alibi was going to be the guilty one.

Next weeks episode is the one with Nelly Furtado in isn't it?

Ermmm unimpressed at the Story of CSI taking the CSI:Miami slot both tonight and tomorrow :eek: why show it it 2 days running :rolleyes:
I liked last night's ep. It wasn't great but it was pretty good.

I'm not a great Lindsay fan but her storyline didn't put me off.
I've only had chance to skim watch the episode yet, my house is always loud and busy on a weekend evening..But, I did see Danny a huntin' for non-existent places and had a giggle at that. Yep, Lindsey did look huuuuge. The fact that Danny and Lindsey weren't in any scenes together was a definite plus. Oh, and I demand to be interrogated by Flack, right now....whisper in my ear baby...Damn he was firing on all cylinders last night. Should get more of a chance to re-watch properly tomorrow.
nattybatty55 said:
I was just woundering if any one has missed any eps??? because I might be able to load them onto youtube for you!!

nattybatty, this is the second time I've had to mention this to you. Please do not discuss illegal downloading of the episodes or videos here on the board, and don't link to them. Putting entire episodes up on YouTube is copyright infringement. You can't discuss it here. Please remember that. Thank you.
OK so here I am with my review from last night!

It wan't that bad of an episode! Danny wasn't in it much but his scenes were fairly cute. I work in hotel and would love for him to appear at the front desk. The yoga comment and him driving around - yo relax - was so funny.
The storyline with the drag queen had me in hysterics, I'll rephrase that Flack had me laughing alot as usual. Him noticing that Jane Doe was actually a John Doe and his interrogation. I don't know about you but I tend to wash my hands in the sink not in the toilet. Kitten. Hilarious!!!

The D/L stuff - not as bad as I thought it was going to be but still fairly bad. Lindsay stopping the cab was fairly cheesy but I want Danny to look at me like that.

Next weeks episode is the one with Nelly Furtado right?
I'm a meanie but I'm excited for a few weeks of CSI:NY without Lindsay!! Gives me a chance to build up to the car crash of SOOH.
Did anyone see the new Russel Kane VT between the 9pm and 10pm showings of CSI:LV on FiveUS last night.

He was auditioning for the role of the dude that made the paper things from Murder Sings The Blues and he was trying to do the American accent, and he was getting tips from Eddie Cahill and Eddie was like 'Can I be in on your audition?' he was really pissing himself. Gary Sinise was PML-ing at him aswell LMAO

If ya missed it ya's can prob catch it again tonight
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