CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

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The BM comment is clearly a reference to Danny and Flack! *squees*
I wish we had waited a few more weeks for RS just to add to the suspense although I don't think my heart would have taken it.
I watched RS again yesterday and I still shriek when Shane Casey turns up as Hawkes attorney!!
Sammy11 said:

I hope i've helped in someway Twinkletoes sorry if it hasn't enlightened anything...

Thanks Sammy11....but how did she get the bullethole then?? :rolleyes:

Edited to add:

Aha! I've just read the review and she fell on the skate lacer....didn't realise that. I, too had rather lost interest by that point....
I just thought the ice skater was shot!! Is it really bad that I couldn't take my eyes of Danny and the blue jumper to tell you the slightest thing about that case!!! Even now!!
DO you know what, i was so excited about the prospect of Flack in his NYPD jacket that i didn't see that bit, and even Danny in his blue almost nothing couldn't hold my interest. I'm a Flack girl. But at least we got all that cleared up!! :D
We are so fickle Sammy - a cute guy in a little outfit and we turn to a mass of gooey stuff!! You still got Flack and th lil girl to come!
Yeah it's all cleared up now I think!! I may try and watch it again but the thought of both Lindsay and Peyton breaking down makes me want to retch!
Unfortunately there are no screen caps of this episode but there was one scene in the lab with Danny where his blue jumper was streched tight over his strong arms, oh my oh my he looked fine....
Twinkletoes. I saw that. I was practically drooling. It's so bad but when he was on the ice I couldn't take my eyes of his nipples. They were just there. Dayum!
Now we know how they feel! and by the i mean men! :D

He did look good!! i will admit that... the whole vest through the top thing too, i liked it. Is that though the male equivilant of a VPL?

Yeah Flack and the lil girl (i hope that is in the lying game, i could be sorely
Now we know how they feel! and by the i mean men! :D

He did look good!! i will admit that... the whole vest through the top thing too, i liked it. Is that though the male equivilant of a VPL?

Yeah Flack and the lil girl (i hope that is in the lying game, i could be sorely dissappointed!) can't wait, its gonna make me broody and that ain't a good thing!
Yeah we know what they go through now!!
Yeah the blue jumper was a tiny bit see through! Probably wasn't the best item of clothing to wear on an ice rink! Loved it though!! He dresses so yummy!!!
Just watching Trapped!!
Yeah thank god Danny has a stylist, after seeing some of the car wrecks Camrine has turned up in... sorry people *ducks various object being thrown*

I watched it last night - love the pizza comment!
His outfits for various events make we wanna reach for the sunglasses!!
*throws cake at Sammy*
Hehe! you made me wanna watch it - Danny plant it in the end zone!! Eurghhh!!
"And put some points on the board"

heehee! "rigours settin' in!" :lol: Love it!

*catches cake and gobbles it up!* :lol:
Looking forward to my chip butty when i get home - all your fault Chelle!
Yeah poor Carmine, dressed in the dark again! he steal some of Danny's wardrobe though apprarenlty, so somewhere in LA are a lot of happy checkout girls, watching him waltz around in that GreenT!!
*boards plane to LA*
Hell if he wears the blue shirt out and about he may need a restraining order!!
Sorry Sam, chip butties are good though!! have fun!
Aww I love Danny in Trapped!
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