CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

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I don't mind sharing!!
Just remember i get him when he is in the bullet proof vest.... Grrrr!
And there are (apprently) some good episodes coming up, i can't wait for the Lying game... its my Falck Fan Girl Radar, its supposed to be quite a good episode for Flacks snarkyiness... and i love it when he gets snarky!

SOOH won't be so bad... just don't watch the end, or tape it and whizz through the D/L stuff.
Thanks you guys!!! Don't worry I won't eat much cake but I do have A LOT of chocolate to share out!!!

*Hands out choc to people who want it*

I have already told my mum that when season 3 comes out on DVD she is spending her money on that usual stupid price for a delayed birthday present!!! :lol:
I was out the Saturday night Consequenses aired and I couldn't tape it :( and all the other various sources I watched CSI Eps seem to have Consequenses missin :(
Thanks Sammy! Yeah you get Flak and his bullet proof vest!
I'll definitely tape SOOH and then record over the end! BLAH!!!
Enjoy June_85.
I'm very excited for Consequences!
Just to add my bit regarding last Saturday's episode......whatever it was called *scratches head*. What the hell was it with Danny and that vest? Is that a New York thing? Do they wear vests with everything 'cos it looked extremely strange IMO :lol:
Ice skating story was a bit flat I thought and didn't really resolve itself in a satisfactory way. I very much liked the story regarding the deaf family however - the issue of whether or not to have medical intervention to cure deafness is a real medical hot potato (can there be such a thing?) and it was good to see it tackled here.

But what really got me (apart from Danny's vest) was Mac grabbing Peyton. I know some of you thought it was a little rough but I thought it was just great - really showed the powerful emotions that run beneath that cool exterior :eek: And surely Peyton (don't really mind the name but it does sound like a type of handbag) was crying because she really luuuurves Mac. Awwww....well she's a damn sight better at emotion that poor old Lindsay/Anna at least :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Yeah I did wonder about the vest but it made him look very sexy so I'm all good on that matter. I did lose interest on the ice skating case though. At one pont I even text my friend to ask who the killer was. Very confusing.
Yeah thats cos you were too busy looking at flack in his NYPD Jacket!!
I thought last weeks could have been better but it wasn't terrible.
Yeah does danny need to wear a wifebeater with everything? Not that i'm complaining i do find them hot... but common sense would say if you are cold don't wear such flimsy clothing Messer!!

I'm looking forward to saturdays episode... Yay for saturday night!
I really was Sammy! Hehe! i ws like who was the killer? I'm so confused!
It made me laugh. He had the thinniest top on and he was investigating the death of an ice skater. He must have been freezing!!
Saturday's episode should be really good!
So it's Obsession on Saturday guys. We really are getting through the episodes quite quickly. Only seems like yesterday that I was all excited for People With Money! Time flies huh?
Yeah half way through. So in the same time amount of time again we'll be coming up to the finale!! I cannot wait for the final 4 episodes. I know I said I was trying to stay out of the spoiler thread, well I've given up. First thing in the morning I'll be in there getting all the gossip.
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