CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

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I hope to god he was!! some of them are incredibly questionable, although i don think i'd want him now without the fugly ties... they are kinda cute.

You'd think Danny would be able to help him pick some better ones out...
Yeah the slow mo was just pure cheese in capital letters. I didn't like the end with Sheldon saving that guys life. It again seemed rushed! I did enjoy it but it wasn't a team thing really. Mac, Stella and Hawkes put there all into it and Danny and Lindsay just disappeared.
It makes it alot easier that Danny stripped and I do admit I did cry but that was when she realised she'd killed her own daughter!
On a side note, this weeks epiosde looks interesting. I think we have Flack and Danny on the same case!!
Yeah, the hawles thing was rushed, i'm just glad it saved me from the CHEESE (there you go ;)) that took place before it.

I was wondering when we were goign to get the Danny/Flack case. I look forward to those :D :devil:

I think Mac and Flack resolve some issues... ok i'll be honest i think Mac has to tell flack off for a tantrum, but i bet he looks cute so i'll forgive the teddy out the pram moment.
I know what you mean nattybatty.
I did laugh out loud when I read in HEAT magazine what happens this week!! 1 more episode to go before Raising Shane! I sound like a broken record!
the Hawkes story had the potential to be fabulous but it knida got ruined. Also Mac's little one line about his father. We seriously need more character development.
Roll on Saturday!!
God knows what you are goign to talk about after Raising Shane... i guess you'll then be dreading Sleight out of hand :lol: DOnt' worry the DVD is sposed to come out on April 30th!! 26 days to go!

Definitely agree on the character development! ok i know i'm a flack fan so i am going to say this, but please just could we meet Flack Sr, even if its not for long. just a brief encounter would do. TPTB love startign storylines, but never carry them on!! :mad:
I don'ty kmnow what you are talking about! i'm just not going to watch Sleigh out of Hand and definitely not record it! If I don't see it, it's not happened! I'm still baffled as to why the writers took it in that direction but I'll leave my thoughts to myself.
I'm with you on the Flack snr. I think if he was a beat cop around the time Pa Messer was into all kinds of trouble or even meeting Louie through Tanglewood that could bring some fabulous scenes between Flack and Danny! Bring their fathers into it and BRING BACK LOUIE!
Yeah, yeah!
I'm going to watch it, but only for the Flack/Hawkes scene!! sorry to anyone who doesn't want spoilers but i will leave it there. I'm sure i can just go make a cuppa for the ending though. Yeah you and me need to keep our mouths shut and our opinions to ourselves... :D so gonna happen! :lol:

Sounds like you are starting a campaign...

Just think Danny and Flack could have crossed paths much earlier if say their fathers did. aaaw little messer and flack... cute. Sorry fangirl moment, i apologise *hangs head in shame*

Alison Graham (is a Mac fan) has put CSI:NY as choice in the Radio times. apparently mac spends a lot of time frowning in this episode... i don't know why its choice though, she doesn't go into detail about that. But hey its choice and thats all we need to know!
OK, Sweet 16 is this weeks ep and Yep Mac does do a bit of frowning!!!

Some of the older eps contribute to this Week- e.g:
- Flack and the drug raid
- Macs 'stepson' Reed.
Ladies, I'm going to be away for the next week - thank God for Five Download, I'd be totally lost without it!!

Can I ask you all to keep Carmine warm for me and to let me know all the fun and games that have been going on when I return. Thanks :D
You've gotta love download!

You've Just thrown Carmine to the wolves you know that Twinkletoes! You'll be lucky to see him in one piece ever again.

Warm... that man could heat up himself!

Have a nice holiday, we'll let you know if you've missed anything important.
Mac frow ning again! The man needs to crack a smile - it's not going to break his face! That lady from the Radio times really does love CSI:NY!
Did I hear someone telling us to look after Carmine! Twinkletoes, I will make it my main priority to feed, water and bathe the man. Emphasis on the bathing part of that. Anything he needs, I'm there!
OK, Fabulous I have just realised that I will be in the MIDDLE of a field next week when 'Raising Shane' airs. :devil:

Yes yes, I know that I have seen most of the ep but its nothing like sitting on a cosey sofa to watch CSINY on a saturday night!!
I think that makes two of us being away when Raising Shane is on! I love my friend who's birthday we are celebrating in London but I can't believe it's that one episode of CSI:NY I'mgoing to be missing!
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