CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

Walking into the family room, Nat found Danny playing Snakes and Ladders with Kat.

"Danny... I have some news to share with you."

"Oh yeah... what news Nat?"

"Your daughter and Gray... are going to have a baby."

"That's nice Nat. Good..... a what?"

"A baby. Your little girl is pregnant. Isn't this great? You're going to be a grandpa."

Danny said nothing, not a word. He couldn't believe it, a grandfather at his age? No way.

"But I'm too young to be a grandfather. Mac is a grandfather, and a great grandfather, not me. I'm still too young. Don't those kids understand that?"

Nat laughed. Poor Danny looked like someone had dropped the atom bomb, on him.

"Oh stop. You're the perfect age to be a grandfather. Now go let your daughter and son in law know how happy you are."

"But I'm not happy, I don't want to be one of those oldies. Do you know what this means? next comes the cane and gray hair." he whined.

Nat laughed. She couldn't believe how melodramatic Danny was being. Then she heard her Kat say...

"Aww... it's okay daddy. Don't be sad, babies are fun. Wasn't I fun, daddy?

Climbing up on her daddy's lap, she hugged him. "I love you daddy."

"I love you too, my KitKat. But you're my daughter. A grandchild means you're old."

"But you should be use to that daddy. You are always saying how we make you feel old. Cause you have to chase us and get tired. So if we already made you old, then it don't matter, right daddy?"

Sighing deep, Danny really couldn't argue with his daughters logic.

"Fine... Let's go see your sister."

Walking upstairs, they found Gray laughing at Lindsay. She had a pillow stuck in her tummy. Admiring herself.

"What are you doing, Linds?"

"Trying to see what I'm going to look like in a few months. Aren't I going to be gorgeous with my tummy, dad?"

Danny sighed... "Yeah baby. You're going to look great. So are you two happy about this?"

"Mhm... very. Though now we need to really find a place to live. I mean our wedding is next week, the baby will be born in eight months. We have so much to do, before we can settle down to start our lives."

Danny knew about the flat Gray's parents had paid a years rent on. He also knew that they only had a week to wait.

"I wouldn't worry about a place to live. You can stay here with us, we'd love to have you for a while."

"No thanks, daddy. Gray and I will find a place. No worries."

Danny knew he was going to have to call Adam and let him know. Otherwise the kids would find one on their own.

"I have an idea... why don't you and Gray head over to his place. I think Maddy and Adam would love to know that they are going to be grandparents too."

"You're right dad. Thanks."

Kissing his cheek, they headed over to Grayson's, to tell his parents the good news."
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Maddy had just hung up the phone with her mom. She hated the fact that she was so sad. But she wasn't sure, what she could do to help her. From what her mother had told her, she was meeting Andrew at the Cafe, for coffee.

Thinking more about it. Maddy had to give her mother props, for talking at a Cafe instead of her and daddy's home. For that was their place. Maddy had also noticed the feelings between them were undeniable. She knew her mother was going to have a very hard time, over the next two weeks.

Placing dinner in the oven, Maddy wondered what the kids would need to see them about. Danny had only told them, that they may need their gift earlier then what they had planned. At times she wished he wasn't so quizical.

Hearing the door, she seen Gray and Lindsay walk in. Looking at them, she could tell they had good news to share.

"Hey kids... what's going on?"

"Lots mom, where's dad?"

"He's in the other room, why?"

"We need to talk too you both. Together. This kind of news is very exciting. At least for Linds and I."

"Aaaaaaaadam... come in here, please. Our children are here."

Walking into the room, he said...

"Hey Maddy, what is it?"

"Gray and Lindsay have some news to share with us. Very important news."

"Whoa... umm...okay. Shoot."

"Mom... dad... Lindsay and I are pregnant. We're going to have a baby."

Not a sound could be heard. Nothing but silence filled the Ross home.

"Hello... mom... did you hear me?"

Maddy had tears in her eyes. A baby. She couldn't believe it. She was going to be a grandmother. Shaking herself out of her trance, she grabbed Lindsay in her arms and held her.

"Ohhh... I'm so happy for you, sweetheart. So happy."

Adam wasn't sure what to say. Oh he was happy. But to be grandfather at his age, was going to take some getting use too. slapping his son on the back, he said...

"Umm... boy, well... I'm happy for you both."

Maddy, and Gray laughed, Adam looked ill.

"Aww... come on dad. I hope you're not thinking like Danny. He says that he's to young to be a papa. That only my grandfather is old enough to be a papa, but not him."

"I'm not son. I'm very happy for you both. We were going to wait till your wedding day, to give you kids your gift. But it looks like you are going to need to set up shop early. So here's your gift from your mom and I. An early wedding present."

Passing them the envelope, they opened it. Taking out the keys, and the lease they read it.

"Oh my... ooohh... you got us our flat. You two were the ones that rented it for a year?"

"We were sweetheart. This is our gift to you and Gray. The rent is paid for the year. Once you are both settled, your dad will bring over your baby furniture Gray. So you can have it for your child."

"Oh mom... this is amazing. How can we ever thank you and dad for this gift."

"By making each other happy for the rest of your lives. By keeping your vows to one another true forever. That's all we ask."

Hugging them close. Lindsay reached her hand around to Gray's. For they knew their lives would be filled with happiness and love.
Later that night, Jake and Tristan got called into work. Leaving the girls to host the party without them. At first it started out great. Just a few friends had shown up. But by eleven that night, they must have had almost every student on campus.

As Shannon turned up the music, Sara could see the pictures bouncing on the walls. Then she seen the beer. Grabbing her sisters arm, she pulled her aside.

"Listen Shannon... someone brought beer, and what looks like rye to the party. If this party gets crashed, we will be held responsible. Daddy will kill us, especially if we get taken in. Damn it Shannon, we need to stop this now."

"Oh stop worrying, Sara. If you're not having any fun, then leave."

"Fine... I will. Come on Devon, let's go. I'm not staying here."

Devon was all for it. It was getting really rowdy. The last thing he needed was to be arrested. Heading out the door, Sara heard the crash.

"What the hell was that?"

"Who knows. Let's just go to your place Devon. "

Taking Sara by the hand they left as someone threw a beer bottle over the balcony. Missing Sara's head by a inch, she jumped.

"Oh God... you okay Sara? You didn't get cut, did you?"

"No... I'm fine. Let's just go, please."

Once they were in the car and on their way, they could hear the sirens and see the squad cars pulling up to the building.


Eric was at his desk when Don came and got him.

"Eric... let's go. You're needed downstairs."

"Hm... what for?"

"You've been requested by your daughters, who have been arrested for throwing a party."

Eric sighed. "All of them? Booze?"

"No... just Shannon and Sharon, and yes... beer and a few other beverages."

Getting up, Eric pulled out his chair and followed Don down to holding. All he knew, was that the guys at the station were going to rib him good for this. Luitenants daughters brought in for disturbing the peace and hosting a drunk'n party.

Walking in, he could hear the snickering already.

"Psst... hey Delko. What happened to those little angels of yours? Looks like they grew horns and tails, huh."

Then one of the other guys started singing... "hi ho, hi ho, it's to those naughty Delko girls you go..."

Giving Tibbs the middle finger, he continued to walk. Nearing the cell, he seen what had to be at least 20 students.

Seeing their dad, the girls went to say something.

"Not a word. Not one... little... word."

Unlocking the cell door, Eric and Don lead them from holding, to Eric's office.

"How many were at the party, Don?"

"At least seventy-five students. Most of them scrambled and got away.

"Thanks. I'll take it from here."

Closing the door, Eric looked at his daughters.

"Where's your sister?"

"She left the party, dad. She had nothing to do with it. It was all Sharon and I who planned it. Though we didn't know about the beer, till later. It was just suppose to be a fun party, you know. Some how it got out of hand."

"They usually do. I honestly thought you girls were more then ready to be on your own."

"We are dad. Don't get all parental on us. It was just a party. No one was killed, there was no drunk'n brawl. Most of us there were almost twenty-one."

Eric knew they were right. They were adults. But regardless of that. They would always be his little girls.

"I understand that Sharon. I just don't understand the need for a party. I mean the three of you are getting married in a few months. So why bother with a party? What did you have to prove?"

"Nothing daddy. We just wanted to give back. All our friends had hosted a party. We were the only ones left to do so. So we decided it would be tonight. Like I said... it would have been fine. But a few of the guys got a little wild and started throwing beer bottles over the balcony."

"They are lucky they didn't hit someone. Or worse... kill them."

"I know dad. I hope we didn't embarrass you to much. We kind of heard the guys teasing you."

Don't worry about the guys. I can handle them. You girls are lucky no charges were made against you. Your building manager seems to think you deserve a second chance. I hope you understand you won't get a third."

"I know dad. How about our friends?"

"Don's releasing them. None of them are in trouble."

"Thank goodness for that. Again we are sorry, dad."

Kissing their father goodbye, they headed home to what was left of their flat.
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