CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

Serenity by the Sea.

Mac and his daughter were laying in each others arms, in a swing bed that overlooked the sea. They could hardly believe how beautiful the scenery was here. Everything was gorgeous. Scents of flowers blew in the wind. Leaving in it's wake a peace and tranquility.

"Daddy... why are you and mom not talking?"

"When I was recovering from my injuries. Your mother and Andrew became close. She had alot of fears that I was going to die, or come too with major brain damage. So her Andrew would talk for endless hours about our life, you children and grandchildren. Leaving them to grow closer with each moment they shared.

Later they discovered their feelings had grown into something more. They became very deep, almost passionate. Before any of us knew it, they had fallen in love."

"Oh daddy. I can't believe this. How can mom even concider loving another?"

"I don't think she meant too, sweetheart. But you have to remember, I was in a coma for a month, then my recoperation period took five years. Within that time, Andrew could give your mother what I couldn't. Walks along a beach, long talks during the evening, and companionship during my anger and rage."

"Yeah... but that wasn't your fault daddy. Mom knew that. Plus... how can she think Andrew even compares too you. No one compares too you daddy. No one ever will."

"Thank you my baby girl, but I'm afraid your bias, as he squeezed her closer. Anyway... It wasn't till two years later, that I found out your mother and Andrew were sharing more then companionship. I had seen them on the beach, sitting along the shore with their arms wrapped around each other, stealing little kisses.

I remember wanting to walk up too them. But then I changed my mind. I decided it was alright for your mother to have someone to talk and share things with, especially if something happened to me. I knew your mother would be taken care of. You see... I had it in my mind, that it was okay for her to have a companion. But deep down it wasn't. Deep down I was angry and hurt with what they shared. For that was what your mother and I shared, before the blast."

"So what made you change your mind, daddy?"

"You sweetheart. After your breakdown, I finally realized I was heading down the same road. Constantly telling myself, it was okay for them to share each others company. Or turning a blind eye to it, like it didn't exsist. That's when your mother and Andrew found out I knew. So I gave her this two weeks, to figure out what she wants. When we get back. It will either be myself, or Andrew she chooses."

"Oh daddy... how can you go on if she chooses Andrew? You two have been together forever. This can't be happening. I don't want you two to break up. It's you and mom that keep all our hopes alive for the perfect relationship. It's you we follow and live up too. All those values you and mom share as equals. If you two can't surive it, then no one can."

"Hey... come on now, love. We are suppose to be talking and helping each other through our problems, so I need you to be strong sweetheart. For whatever choice your mother makes, it will never mean we love you kids less. It will also never mean that solid love and foundation won't happen for you, or your siblings, cause it will. I know...

I can tell the way Peter looks at you. He loves you beyond anything he ever thought was possible. For he gives you the same looks, I gave your mother all those years ago. It's a spark that never stops, it's a friendship that lights up no matter how dark, or sorrowful life becomes. You need to understand that love."

"I know daddy. It's just... you and mom have always been our reason to never settle for something, that isn't meant to be."

"I know sweetheart. But I also know... that no matter what happens with your mother and I, we will always be here for you children. Always."

Kissing his daughter on the forehead, they continued to allow the sea to lull them to sleep.
When Shannon and Sharon got home, they found Sara and Devon cleaning up.

"Hey... you guys don't have to do that. It's not your mess."

"I know that sis. But we want too. We shouldn't have left. So how did daddy take it when he came to get you out of holding?"

"He wasn't happy. The guys at the station were teasing him. Though he wasn't as upset, as we thought he'd be."

"I guess he's mellowing out, in his old age."

Shannon and Sharon laughed. "Yeah... I guess. Has Tristan or Jake called yet?"

"Trist did. He said he's on his way over. He's bringing coffee."

"Good... now let's get this place back in order."

Once they had everything cleaned up, and the room looking almost normal. Sharon and Shannon grabbed a shower.


Stella was trying to sleep. Looking at the clock it read 5:45am. Getting up, she headed downstairs to make herself a coffee. Taking it out on the porch with the dogs, she watched the sun come up.

"Hey mom."

Lost in thought, Adam called her again.

"Hey mom."

"Oh... good morning Adam. Out for your morning run. How's Maddy and little Adam?"

"They're good. So are you excited to be a great grandparent again? I know dad is."

"Oh... you talked to your father?"

"Yeah... he called Maddy last night. He was very excited that the family tree was still growing strong. I really think he lives for us to reproduce." he laughed.

Stella gave a wide smile. That was her Mac, so worried that the tree would fall. Always concerned that the roots would be pulled away from the trunk, of their generations.

Adam could see his mothers tears build. He knew how hard it must be for her, not to even hear from her husband.

"If it helps mom, he asked how you were doing?"

Smiling down at Adam, she said... "It does... thanks. So they are doing well?"

"Yeah... dad said it's like heaven. There's so much peace and tranquility there. But he said something that I couldn't understand. He said it's almost perfect, but his heart is missing his spirit."

Shrugging it off, Adam kissed her cheek, then waved goodbye.

Stella knew what it meant. Quietly crying, she headed back inside to feed the dogs. Then running a bath of steaming bubbles she climbed in, laid back, and fell into a very desired dream.

"Mm..." she sighed as she felt her body begin to burn.

Opening her eyes, there was her husband. Softly, tenderly, kissing her, causing her to shiver and burn in her soul. Then on her other side was Andrew, whispering his love into her ear. Telling her, that he was there for her, always.

Feeling so much passion became to much for Stella, she couldn't focus, couldn't form a coherent thought. All she could do was feel her husbands kiss, his caress, along with the sensual words from Andrew.

Hearing the phone, she snapped out of it. Realizing it was all just a dream, she ran for the phone.


"Hi mom... how you feeling?"

"I'm fine Mack, she whispered...just getting ready to start my day."

" You sure, you sound like I disturbed you. So what time is your talk with Andrew?"

"Later this afternoon. Why love?"

"Eric and I were hoping you could join us for dinner tonight. We don't like you being alone."

"Oh would you stop Mack. I'm fine on my own. You need not be worried about what is going to happen between Andrew and I. We have no intention of making love, we are just going to talk about where we are headed, that's all."

"I know that, mom. Gee... you don't have to get upset. I wasn't even thi...."

"Oh yes you were. So you go and behave yourself, and stop worrying. Understand? I love you."

"I love you too, mom. Bye."

Hanging up the phone, Stella dried, then dressed in black slacks with a white blouse. Knowing that later in the afternoon, she would be meeting Andrew for their talk.

MJ woke with fears. He had his concerns about today. He knew no matter what choices were made, someone was going to be hurt badly. Problem was... he wasn't sure if his grandparents would survive. There was alot of history there. History that was never meant to be tampered with.

Which is why MJ would always hate the day that changed everyones lives, forever. For if that blast had of never happened. His father, cousins, would still be alive. And his grandparents, would not be going through the hell they are now.

"Hey honey... are you okay? You look sad."

Wrapping his arms around his wife's swollen tummy, he whispered...

"I'm scared Melina. Really scared of what will come of today. I'm so worried for my grandparents. For it seems everything has fallen apart. Nothing is the same. It really scares me that the foundation my grandparents share, can be uprooted like this. Never did any of us think they could be tempted by another."

"I know MJ. I truly do. But they are strong enough to survive whatever comes to be. I'm also worried about my father. He's never loved anyone since my mother. This is why I worry about him. Stella has someone to go back too, my father has no one."

"Aww... don't cry honey. Please don't be upset, it's not good for our babies. As you said, it will all work out."

Snuggling her onto his lap, they held each other close. Knowing in their hearts that someone was going to lose more then their love.

Andrew was finding it hard to concentrate himself. He had been looking forward to this day since Mac left. He knew, that he and Stella shared a beautiful bond of passion and love. He could also see and feel their needs of wanting more intimacy, growing stronger.

Hearing the door open, he seen his daughter standing their.

"Hi sweetheart. Are you ready to give birth again?"

"No daddy. I just wanted to talk with you for a while. I've still got a while to go, for the girls are still kicking up storms inside. I'll know when it' nears my time, for they will stop moving."

"I know you will, love. So how is MJ doing?

"He's a nervous wreck. You'd think he was going out with Stella tonight, instead of you."

Laughing, Andrew said... That's normal. He's concerned with what is going to happen, with his grandparents. So what's this about, sweetheart?"

"You and Stella. The feelings you both share, and feel. Wondering if you are sure, she's what you want."

"Aww... somehow I knew you'd pay me visit, love? I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry dad. I can understand why you'd fall in love with her. She reminds me alot of mom, too. The two of them are so alike in everything, it's scary. But I just want you to be sure, that you are in love with Stella, and not trying to replace mom. For Stella stands to lose her husband."

"I know that love. Think I haven't thought about that. I remember the first day I seen Stella, I thought.. there was your mom before her death. Bright, beautiful, loving and nurtring. I thought there would never be another, capable of making me feel complete. For years I vowed never to love again. Not one woman could make me feel that passion, till I met Stella. My heart also stands to be broken again. All I can hope, is that I'm what she needs and wants in her life now."

"Then all I can say daddy, is try your best to keep her close. But also remember... if she decides to stay with her husband, then you must promise me you'll move on."

Caressing his daughters face, he whispered...

"I promise, sweetheart."

"Good... cause there is going to be alot of pain. No matter what happens, someone is going to be forever hurt."

Leaving her father to his thoughts, she headed home.
Good talk between Melina and her dad. There's no question that someone's gonna be hurt with whatever Stella decides. At least they all have their family to support them either way. :)