CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

Sorry for the delay, I don't know when the next update will be. I'll try for tomorrow, but no guarantee.

Serenity Wedding

Michelle was in the room with her mom. Helping her change into the beautiful peach color kimono dress she cried.

"Michelle? Sweetheart... what's the matter?"

"It's nothing mom. It's just you're so beautiful. I'm so happy for you and daddy. You've both shown us children over and over just how strong your love is. I often wonder if you and dad have any idea how much we all look up too you both."

Caressing her daughters cheek, she whispered...

"We do love. Trust us Michelle. Your father and I know."

Wiping at her tears, Michelle had her mom sit in the chair to do her hair. Pinning it all on top of her head, she placed litle delicate flowers.

"There we go mom. Have a look."

Getting up, Stella looked into the mirror. She couldn't believe what her daughter had done. Her hair was all up in a bun, with little tendral curls falling softly down the sides. The peach colored flowers, set off the hint of gray, in her hair. Making the complete look, stunning, daring, and beautiful.

Meanwhile on the beach near the rocks. Mac waited with impatients.

"Mac... you need to calm down. You'd think this was your first time. Just breathe." laughed Peter.

"You try being me. Whether it's the first time, or the second or third. You will always be nervous. For no matter how perfect a couple you are. There is always that doubt that she's to beautiful, comforting or understanding for you. Leaving you to feel unworthy at times."

"I highly doubt that Mac. If anything Stella is most likely feeling that way. I'm sure she still feels unsettled with the pain she caused you. But I know the two of you will work through it. You both have too many years behind you, not too."

As Mac was about to say something else, he seen his beautiful wife making her way down the beach. Words couldn't describe how Mac felt at that moment. His wife was breathtakingly beautiful. She looked like a goddess come down from the heavens, to bless his life.

Nearing her side, he could see her tears glistening in the sun as she walked. Reaching out his shaking hand, he took hers into his.

"You're shaking as bad as I am Mac. I love you."

"I love you too, Mrs.Taylor."

Facing the Minister, Stella smiled. Holding up the video camera, Peter began taping.

"Dear Lord,
Mac Taylor and Stella Bonasera Taylor. Come to you this day, to ask you for your blessing of their second union into marriage. They ask that you help continue to guide them, nurture them, and protect them in your love. We ask this in your name our Lord, Amen.

"Amen." they all repeated.

"Mac if you like, you may start your vow."

Facing his wife, he took her hands and wrapped them within his.

"My beautiful Stella,

Never in my life did I think I would learn to live again. You have given me the best years of my life. With your love, and your understanding you guided me from my painful dark memories into the light. Something I never thought I would be capable of feeling again. Now that we stand before God, and the angels. I know we are able to survive each storm, each mile of hurt, with each others love. But most of all, we are treasured in the joy, warmth, and comfort of our children and grandchildren. After all these years Stella Bonasera Taylor, it was your beautiful spirit, passionate soul, that brought you home to my heart. Never lost along the way, for the path of our spirits were never closed. They were just trapped within a stormy cloud for a while. A cloud that has since disappeared, from our undying passion and love. So on this day my beautiful wife, I will promise to love, honor, and continue to charish you in sickness, health, pain and despire, till death do us part."

Stella was in tears. Her heart felt so loved, so cherished with her husbands words.


I stand before you for a second time in our life. Our life that we have built on strength, understanding, and love. I honestly thought we would never be here before God and his beautiful painting exchanging our vows for a second time. I feel so undeserving of your lo...trying to catch her breath, while hold back her tears. She continued. Love. I know that I've hurt you, damaged your heart, your spirit. All parts of you, you entrusted to me all those years ago, to honor, respect and comfort them. For that I now ask for forgiveness from God and his angels, for the pain and suffering I've done to your passionate soul. I promise you this day Mac, that I will spend each moment, of each day healing the wounds I've caused to you, and our family. Promise to continue to love, cherish, guide and comfort you in my love. Together as two, I know we will spend our future days keeping each others worlds, desires, dreams, alive. All this I promise you, promise you till death do we part.

Taking out the rings, Stella looked at them. So delicate, so fragile as the little shell almost glowed against the sun. Passing one to his wife, they held their left hands out, and as they placed the rings near their fingers, the sun disappeared. Swearing under his breath, Peter nor Michelle could believe what they were seeing. If they had not been filming it, they would have swore they were all dreaming.

Watching the two white turtle doves come down, one landing on each of their left hands. In the shape of a heart, as Mac and Stella slid their rings onto their fingers. Leaving Mac, Stella and the Minister stunned by this beautiful gift the angels were giving them. Leaning in Mac kissed Stella, at the same time as the doves kissed, then flying away, the sky became bright and the sun reproduced its heat, like it never disappeared.

No one moved. No one dared to speak. For something this spiritual, this real, to happen was not only truly God's blessing, but enchanting as well.
Facing the Minister again, they noticed his aww, matched theirs. Then they heard him say...

"By the power invested in me, God, and this truly blessed land. I now pronounce you, husband and wife, again. You may kiss your bride."

Turning to face his wife he caressed her cheek. Then softly, tenderly pulling her in, he kissed her with all the passion, love, tenderness, and warmth inside him. Breaking their kiss, Michelle and Peter smiled.

"Mom... did you see that? Please tell me you seen that?" she cried.

"We did love."

Walking from the beach, hand and hand. They headed back to their rooms. Knowing that on this day, their marriage had truly been blessed.
Once Eric had her home, he helped her into bed. Then heading into the kitchen, he made her a lunch with slices of roast beef, raw vegtables, along with a side dish of fresh fruit, including sliced oranges.

Taking they tray to her room, he placed it in front of her, with one of her pills.

"I'm not hungry, Eric. I'll just take the pill."

"No Mack. You have to eat with it. Now don't force me to feed you."

"Mm... promise?" she smirked.

"Come on Mack. I don't want to fight. I just want to get you better. I love you, and you need to care for those babies or ours. We also don't need mom and dad coming back from vacation, finding out you are in the Hospital."

Picking up a piece of the roast beef, Eric fed it to her. Followed by some fresh vegetable. Once she had eaten most of the lunch. Eric gave her her pill.

"Now can I have my dessert?"

Kissing her sweetly on the mouth, he picked up the strawberry and fed it to Mack. As she bit down, Eric kissed her with fevered passion, as the scent of strawberries filled their room. Laying her down, Eric caressed his fingertips across her. Caressing each sensitive spot with gentleness, and care.

"Please Eric... I need to feel you."

Leaning himself down, he softly, tenderly kissed her. Kissed her as his lips barely touched, whispering his deepest love to her, until she passed out in his arms. Carefully releasing himself from her drained soul, he got up covering her with her blanket. Knowing that she would now sleep for her health, and their children.


Lindsay was learning to juggle her pregnancy with being a wife. Between the bouts of morning sickness, she tried her best to clean the flat. Once she had that done, she started dinner for her and Grayson. Feeling the real effects of marriage she was having regrets.

Hearing the knock at the door, she answered it.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you feeling?"

"Tired, fed up, sorry I got myself into this mess. I honestly thought I could do it, mom. But I can't."

Nat had a feeling her daughter would feel that way. It was fun, and great when they played house. But once it became a reality, her daughter fell apart.

"Come here sweetheart."

Walking over, her mother laid her head in her lap, then while stroking her hair she said...

"I know it seems hard right now, Linds. But it will get easier. You need to remember that your body is going through all kinds of hormonal changes. These changes are going to leave you feeling depressed, tired, and like everything going crazy. But once you pass the first trimester, everything will change. You will become more vibrant, happy, and even more energetic. How does Gray feel, with your mood swings?"

"He doesn't know. I keep it hidden from him. He has enough stress with work. He works so hard, that I try to keep everything neutral and happy for him."

"Aww... as wonderful as that is, love. He needs to know how you are feeling. I'm almost positive if he did, he'd help out even though he didn't have too. He loves you Linds. You need to have faith in that. Else your marriage will fall apart."

Nodding that she understood. She allowed her mother to lull her with her voice.
This is available on ff.net in full chapter.

Serenity... Our last Night.

Stella was looking out over Serenity in her silken nightgown. Knowing that tomorrow they would be leaving Serenity behind. Feeling the soft caress of her husbands fingertips, she turned with a smile.


As her head rested against his left shoulder, he brought his hand to her thigh. Then with passion and finesse, he slid her gown up, allowing his fingers to dance erotically up her thigh. Hearing her sighs were leaving him with firery needs to love her.

Allowing himself a minute to cool his raging thoughts, he whispered his warm breath in her ear...

"Stella... I so badly want to love you. But with this being our last night in Serenity, I want to love you with passion, seduction, until you are flamming in my arms."

Stella could feel her skin heat, as her husbands words melted deep within her soul. Turning in his arms she whispered...

"I don't need passion Mac, I don't need sensual strokes, caresses or words. All I need is to feel your soul soar with mine once more. I already have the flamming desire burning my spirit with yours, now all that is missing, is your love."

Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her to their bed. Standing her beside him, he sensually slid his hand up over her, removing her gown. Watching as it pooled onto her feet. As she admired his body, she danced her fingers across his muscled chest.

Watching as his eyes slid closed in ecstacy, and as they opened again, Mac watched as she sat on the bed, raining little kisses across his chest.

Raising himself from the floor, he positioned himself above her. Looking up at him, he seen her passion matched his, as her eyes had turned an emerald green, melting into his own. Pulling her up into his arms, he said...

"Take me Stella. I want you to take me . Allow yourself the pleausre of this night. Our last together in this beautiful piece of heaven, known as Serenity."

Meanwhile in the next room. Michelle was desperately trying to keep her nausea from taking over her last night in Serenity. Hearing the wretching gags, Peter walked into the washroom.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?"

"No... I can't stop feeling the need to vomit. But nothing comes up. I'm so nauseated."

Feeling her head, he found her cool to the touch.

"Was it something you ate, love?"

"No. I had the same thing we all had. It started this morning. Then by lunch I was fine. But now... now it's starting again."

Peter thought back. Thought back to the week before Michelle left for serenity. It was now going into their fourth week. His only thought that crossed his mind, was that she was pregnant.

"Michelle, sweetheart. By a slight chance, could we be with child?"

Michelle looked at him with tears.

"I don't know, Peter. I mean... do we want to be? What if we are, and neither of us our ready?"

Helping her up, he embraced her in his arms, as he whispered...

"Michelle, I know we have just started sharing our life together. But it's like kissmet. Almost like we were two hurting souls, who found each other in the midst of all this insanity. I can honestly tell you, that you will be the only woman I will ever love till the day we both leave this world. I love you Michelle, and a child this early is not going to hurt our relationship in any way. If anything it will make us stronger. All it means is we move up our wedding date."

"I love you too, Peter. But I'm scared. What if I'm not ready to be a mother?"

"Don't you ever worry about that, Michelle. You come from a beautiful, warm, nurturing family. No matter what age, you will make a wonderful mother to our child. All you have to do is trust in yourself Michelle. I'll be right there with you, every step of the way, together."

Peter could feel her body shivering. Lifting her into his arms, he carried her outside to their private patio that over looked Serenity. Spreading out a blanket, he layed her down. Admiring the tears that formed on her beautiful green eyes, as he seductively traced his fingers over her.

So much sensual passion she felt as her flesh shivered for more of his touch. Peter loved her like this, he loved her so lost in his touch, as he bent his head and left a trail of butterfly kisses. Watching in fevered passion, as her hands raised abover her head, as her fingertips gripped into the pillow, as her head lulled side to side in pleasure.

Then looking into her eyes, he whispered...

"I love you Michelle, forever in every moment we breathe, it will be you I live for, you I love for, you I would die for."

With his words burning into her heart, they embraced, like a lovers hug, that didn't want to say goodbye.

Not wanting to release her from his love, he flipped them over. Carefully with care he layed her head upon his chest, while caressing her beautiful hair. Listening to her sighs, her purrs, as their tears continued to fall from their eyes. Such passionate love from two lost, torn souls. Souls that had been destined for forever on that terrible night Michelle was almost lost in her pain. Now with a lifetime of healing, hope and dreams. Peter and Michelle knew they would have what every couple longed for. True and passionate love.

"I love you, Peter."

"I love you too, Michelle. Sleep now love. Sleep for yourself, and for our child."

Wrapping herself closer to his heart. Michelle fell into sleep with Peter still stroking her hair, while he thought about their life as first time parents. A life that would be full of firsts for both of them.