CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

"Good morning, you two. How goes it?" laughed Jake.

Shannon sniffed the air, smelling the burnt eggs, made her gag. Running to the washroom she vomited. God... she hated morning sickness. Obviously someone forgot to tell her the first three months sucked. Either that, or she should have listened better to her mothers gripes when she carried.

Cooling off her face with water. She walked back out and collapsed on the couch. Hearing her sister come down the stairs, she thought it was her grandmother. Out of all the girls, Sara came out the mirror image to her.

Shannon still couldn't believe how they had changed in their looks, as they got older. Not only did their hair color change, but their facial features and body shapes too. Oh you could still tell they were sisters. But no one would ever concider them triplets anymore.

"God Sara, I could have swore you were grandma. You are the spitting image of her."

Devon gave her a quizzical look.

"On the wall to your left Devon. That is my grandmother and grandfather the day they married."

Devon stared in aww... it was like looking into a mirror. Sara had indeed inherited the Bonasera side, for her looks.

"Whoa... that is completely stunning. It's like you are her twin, Sara."

"I know. All the way down to the toes. My papa says that all the time. That my grandmother will forever live on, through me. Just like grandfather, will live on through MJ."

Feeling her stomach churn again, she jumped off the couch and took off, back into the washroom.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to check on her."

When Sara left the room, Jake said...

"You're one lucky dog. You are the only one of us, that know what our wives are going to look like when they age."

"Yeah... to bad they weren't identical tripp's. Then we could have had a triple bonus." laughed Jake.

In the bathroom, Sara asked...

"Shannon... are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine Sara. I just never realized how bad morning sickness could be. I can honestly say, mom is one strong cookie to want to keep having babies. Cause it's not easy."

Sara really didn't want to scare her sister. But if she thought morning sickness was the worse of it. Just wait till she tried giving birth.

"Here, let me help you up."

Walking her back to the couch, she laid her down.

"So what are you and Shannon up too today, Jake?"

"Not alot. We have a doctors appointment at eleven. Then most likely by that time, Shannon will be hungry again. So I'll have to take her out to eat."

"Okay, give us a call when you're done, and we will plan something for tonight."

"Sure. Shannon... come on sweetheart."

Getting up off the couch, she kissed her sister goodbye, as they left out the door.
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Mackenzie and Eric... *Shooks head* :lol: I do not know what to say about this two kid anymore. First, they jump in bed when they have nothing to do. Second, they won't stop producing :lol:. They are the main manufacturer or producer of the family. But there's both advantage and disadvantage to this though. Helping the family to increase in size and the more merrier the better, cheerful and lively as it is filled with the the voice of the kids shouting out loud. It is a no problem to have more kids if a parent is able to cope up with their own life and being capable to raise a child, in financial for example educations and the most important and essential is nonfinancial, cannot be bought by money of course, which is LOVE for a child as they needed supports and encouragement from their parents or family. It's hard to clap with one hand, 'cause it is difficult to succeed without support.

Hmm... 3 months of morning sickness is worthwhile. I don't really know about all these pregnancy stage but it is spectacular and wonderful I think. As a woman, how we could have our own child growing inside us with our loved ones, how we could feel our child's movements as they kicks and how we go through each and every phase, seeing how they had grown up with our own eyes to be someone outstanding, having qualities in common with or some of their appearance resembles their parents. As a mother, raising them up with our own hands where we showed love and care with equilibrium for our child, as they brought happiness and joy for one another. As days pass by, we learn something new and get more experience from what we have learned. :)
After this chappie...Serenity Wedding


When Don dropped Jessica off, he noticed Mack was tired.

"This pregnancy getting to you, Mack? You seem really tired."

"A little. Oh... before I forget. MJ and Melina had their babies yesterday. Twin girls they named... Jillianne, and Joyanne. Both weighed 7lbs."

"I know. The guys called from the station. One of the detectives has a son that works as an EMS. He informed his father about the guy who saved his babies life. In fact... it's all over the Hospital, Gwen said everyone is talking about it. Seems MJ, kept himself very level headed, and thought of nothing but those babies."

"He did, and they are gorgeous. Even dad, mom, and Michelle awed them. All the way from Serenity."

"So you talked to them? How are they all doing?"

"They are great. Mom and dad are getting married again. On the beaches of Serenity. They make it sound so beautiful. God I'd love to be there. Though they are recording it, so that's a bonus."

"It sounds like heaven. Anyway... I should get going. I'll see you friday, kitten."

Snuggling her Donnie tight, she kissed his cheek before he left.

"Mommy... what are we doing today?"

"I don't know sweetheart. Mommy's not feeling to well. Can you find something quiet to do for now."

"Okay mommy. I'll go see if Eric wants to play Wii."

While Jessica went in search of her brother. Mack layed back down. She wasn't sure why she felt so tired and worn out with this pregnancy. But she needed to find out and soon. Picking up the phone, she called her OBGYN.


MJ, the boys and Melina were getting ready to take their new babies home. Carefully sitting the girls in their carseats. Josh and Jordan sat between each sister, to protect them on the ride home.

When they arrived, Josh and Jordon helped their mother into the house, while MJ grabbed the twins. Taking them upstairs, they placed them in their cradles.

"Are you sure they will be okay by themselves, dad? Maybe Josh and I should stay with them."

"You can if you like. But we have a monitor. So if they cry, we will know."

"I know that dad. But it might be best to stay with them."

Smiling at how protective the boys were being. MJ said...

"That's fine then. You boys have fun. I'll have mom bring you up some lunch."

Walking back downstairs, MJ seen Melina smiling.

"What's so funny, love?"

"Our boys. I have a feeling, they are going to be very over protective."

"That's a good thing, love."

Sitting down beside his wife, he wrapped her into his arms.

"How are you really feeling, sweetheart? I'm really concerned with that fainting spell you had."

"I'm sure it was nothing, MJ. Most likely due to the tight pain I had with the girls. It came on so quick. I didn't even have time to think before I passed out."

Stroking his wife's hair. MJ still felt the Melina's labor did not cause her fainting spell. Leaving him knowing that he was going to have too, keep a good eye on her over the next few weeks.
I wonder if Melina and Mackenzie is all right... Four Js :lol:! That's a great one though! Like what MJ had said, it is good to have brothers who are overprotective towards their little siblings. 'Cause some people do not even have the chance to feel protected, kept safe from harms and injuries that cause pain in this world. As an alternative, some of them were abused by their own brother. Well, there's pros and cons for being excessively protected. I'm sure they will look out for their sisters when they are grows up. It is remarkable and I really loved this as to how the family's connection and relationship with one another were that strong and firm. They have the ability or capacity to be as tolerant and broad-minded. They might have misunderstood each other from time to time like how we have had seen in the previous generations but they still come to the terms of realization and perceive the intended meaning. :)
Sorry guys, I'll have the wedding chapter up sometime tomorrow.

Eric and Danny met up with Don and Sheldon at the crime scene.

"What have you got, Don?"

"Pulling back the sheet, they were sickened.

"Tough to look at, isn't it. It's going to take a miracle to ID her. Her face, skin from her fingertips, and feet, all sanded off. Her teeth... fully pulled out by the roots, one by one with what could be plyers."

"Christ... cover her back up. TOD Sheldon?"

"Six to seven hours ago. I can tell you Eric. She was violently tortured. This is an act of a very sick criminal."

"Let's just hope to hell, he's not a serial. Go with the body Sheldon, let me know what you find. Danny... you and I will search the area. Don... if you check with that warehouse, and see if they have a camera that faces the back of the parking lot."

"I'm on it. See you in a bit."


When Mack arrived at the doctor, she was taken down for bloodwork first, followed by an ultrasound. Then heading back to the office, she was taken right into a room. Sitting in the comfy chair, she fell asleep waiting for the doctor.

"Mackenzie... Mackenzie... wake up honey."

Opening her eyes she seen the doctor and her husband standing over her.

"Eric... What are you doing here?"

"I'm here... because I found out from Don you weren't well. I'd like an explanation as to why you didn't tell me."

"Sorry Eric. I didn't want to worry you. I'm sure it's nothing. Right Dr.Sheevers?"

"I'm afraid it's not Mackenzie. You are anaemic, Your red cell count was 5.5g. Far under the normal relm of what it should be. Which leads me to your ultrasound. Your husband and you, are having a set of two this time. It's to early to tell the sex. But if you look, you can see the two little peanuts."

"Aww... look at them. They are so fragile."

"Okay Mackenzie, it's very important we get you back on the right track. So what I need you to do, is make sure you start eating a varied diet. this consists of beef, wholemeal bread and cereals, eggs, spinach and dried fruit. Also to help absorb the maximum amount of iron from the diet, it will help to also eat a diet rich in vitamin C. Raw vegetables, potatoes, lemon, lime and oranges are all good sources of vitamin C. Also...foods rich in folic acid, which include beans, muesli, broccoli, beef, Brussels sprouts and asparagus."

Mackenzie was trying not to gag. Half the stuff she mentioned, she wouldn't dare touch.

"I'll also be starting you on 400 micrograms of folic acid. Hopefully by your next visit, you will be feeling better. Any problems before that, call me right away."

"I will, thank you for everything."

"You're welcome. Pick up your script on your way out."

"Come on Mrs.Delko, let's get you home."

Helping his lovely wife up, they headed out the door for home.

"Eric... are you happy we are having twins?"

"I am Mack. More then happy. Though please... no more trying to hide things from me. You have no idea how worried I was."

Kissing her sweetly on the mouth, they headed home.
:eek: That lunatic is really suffering from -mania. He is not only heartless and brainless in the head 'cause he has his brain functioning in the wrong place. Sometimes, I really wonder how this people can get influenced by all this extremely wild and violent acts. Imagine oneself who is put in the position of another and understanding them. Think of themselves being the victim, the unlucky ones getting tortured all the way till their last scream were heard. :eek:
face, skin from her fingertips, and feet, all sanded off. Her teeth... fully pulled out by the roots, one by one with what could be plyers
I really loved it 'cause I could visualize and form a mental image of how you can wrote all these brutal and vicious deeds of the criminals in each and every new case and well described even though it's just a short sentence but it gave the readers lots of explicit details.
Awww, twins! I still remember one of the character said before, "the Taylors doesn't know how to just make one baby" It comes in two or more.. :lol: