CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge

Catu/Asprine..There is a chappie before this #239

After I woke from my coma. I noticed the closeness between you and Andrew. I could tell you had been talking to him about your fears, family, and pain. To me that was okay. For everyone needs someone to talk too. But I never once thought you crossed that line of friendship, till the day I seen you both at the beach holding hands and kissing.

At first I was angry. So angry, that I wanted to come down to where you were and choke Andrew, for taking you from my life. But instead, I took my anger home and thought about it. Thought long and hard, that it was right to allow you companionship with another man. For he could give you, what I no longer could.

For two years I accepted that. Accepted it as being, a normal part of your healing process. An outsider to help you cope. To help you understand, that my angered tempers were rational, but in no way directed towards you.

It took our daughters drug addiction/breakdown, to help me realize I was heading down the same path. Allowing your love, and needs for your spirit, to be free. That was the biggest mistake on my part. Letting you go that day I seen you with Andrew at the beach. Letting you both think it was right, to have comfort and love from each other.

That was why I left with Michelle. My love for you, was so strong, so deeply embedded in my soul. That I would rather see you happy in the arms of another man, then to make you feel trapped in the circle of anger and rage, I forced you to live with, everyday.

But you are right, love...

From this moment on, we must go back to that tragic night. Together we must face it, one step at time with each others love and understanding. It's as you said Stella, we must mend the quilt of our history. Together, as husband and wife, we will mend the Taylor roots from that day. That day they broke away. "

Lowering them both to the sand, he rested her head under his arm. Passionately looking into her misted eyes.

Then as he passionately kissed her, as he sensually took them back into their desired flames...

"Hey guys... wanna play doubles at tennis?"

Watching her father give her that famous Taylor look, Michelle innocently said...

"Ooops... sorry. We'll just leave you two kids alone. See ya."

"Not so fast young lady. I believe you mentioned a tennis match? Your father and I may be in our older years. But we can still whip you youngin's." she laughed.

"Uhuh," said Mac.

Pulling Stella up, he kissed her as they walked hand and hand over to courts.
Catu..There is a two chappie's before this #239/#242


Melina was washing a load of laundry when the pain hit her. Doubling over, she realized she was in labor. Being home alone, she tried to get upstairs to the phone. But before she got to the third step, she fell back and passed out.

A few minutes later, MJ and the boys came through the door.

"Melina... we're home. Melina?"

Not getting an answer, MJ seen the door open. Walking down the stairs, he seen his wife passed out, and their two baby girls. One on the cold floor, and the other half in and half out of Melina's birth canal. Neither were not moving.

"Call 911 Josh, hurry. Now!!!"

Running down the stairs, MJ checked for a pulse. finding one on his wife. He checked their girls. Neither was breathing. Clearing the mucus from their nasal passages and mouths, he started breathing life into them one at time. Back and forth, with little chest compressions. being careful not to pull their cords.

Hearing the sirens, followed by two EMT's. They assessed the twin girls. Placing air masks on them, they started to breathe, followed by loud screams.

"Do you have any idea how long they went without breathing?"

"I'm not sure. We came home, and found my wife laying here with our two daughters not breathing. So I cleaned the mucus and started CPR. They are going to be okay, aren't they?"

"We will know more once they are at the Hospital."

When the second Ambulance arrived they loaded Melina onto the stretcher. MJ was very worried, as she hadn't waken yet. Following with the boys in their mini van, they prayed that their mom and their sisters would be alright.

Arriving at the Emergency Entrance of the Hospital. The Neo doctors, placed the twin girls in little incubators, wheeling them up to the Neo-Natal Unit.

"MJ... what happened?"

"I'm not sure dad. The boys and I went out. When we got back, I found Melina on the floor passed out. The girls weren't breathing, one was out on the floor, and the other was still half way in Melina's birth canal. I revived them both, but I'm not sure how long they were out."

"It couldn't have been that long MJ, if you were able to revive them. Maybe five or six minutes at most. Let's just hope they will be fine. I'm going to take Melina to x-ray. I have a feeling if she was passed out on the floor, she may have fallen down the stairs."

"Whoa dad. You were amazing. You saved our sisters all by yourself. Wait till papa and nana hear. Can we go see how our babies are doing?"

Walking into the Hospital, MJ took the boys to check on their little miracles. Arriving in the Neo-Unit, they were taken down to see them. As they neared the little beds, MJ cried. Both were beautifully healthy. Sleeping so peacfully like nothing took place.

"May we hold them?"

"Of course you can. As soon as Melina is brought up to her room. They will be taken down to her. They both weighed 7lbs each. Very healthy, with no ill affects from their adventure."

Passing them to daddy. He lowered them for the boys to see.

"Aww... they're so tiny dad. We need to give them names."

"Your mom and I had them picked out last night. Jillianne and Joyanne. Do you like them?"

"Cool... they are perfect dad. Welcome to our family Jillianne and Joyanne."

Kissing their little cheeks, they scrunched up their face.

"Excuse me, Mr.Tayor? Your wife is awake."

Placing the babies back in their beds. They headed down to see their mom
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Sorry for the delay!! I been studing like crazy!!
Loved Stella letter and Mac´s explanation!!
And what happend to Melina she delivered the babies while passed out??
And what happend to Melina she delivered the babies while passed out??
basically they delivered themselves. When she went into labor, before falling it was so quick, that the second twin, pushed out the first one. Leaving the second one unable to fully release itself. Leaving her partially in Melina's canal.
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Sorry! People invades till lost track of time. Minutes become hours. :eek:

I'm happy for MJ and Melina. Finally and whoa! That was a close call. More girls in addition to the family. :lol:

*Flushed* Their love scenes... :adore: I feel like shouting all those butterflies out of me as I can't help but smile continuously. All the scenery that was written beautifully in all the storyline, it is as real in my imagination. Some of the places, where they took their walk on the beach or even stares up in the sky which gives a person the sensation of peace and calm or even free from disturbance. Just the audible sound of the nature. The family's inner beauty is vital though. Absolutely essential, indispensable to the continuance in life. Each of them were brought up good and well-behaved by their parents similar to the love of a cow licking her calf, it shows the warm feelings for a child. They may have made some mistakes but like Michelle, she learned from her mistakes as she has found her way back home to where her heart and mind belongs to. It's like, "I had rather make a mistake and know I tried than have to know that I had spent my life doing nothing". Some of it might be a step that holds the balance but it is never too late.

I always loved how you describe all the characters love life in words. There's always something new... something rare between them where all their love is so strong and forceful but not two of them are the same. It is not only rare but it brings and tells us lots of histories and chemistries behind all the words. For example, the word fragile and delicate. Both words that leads to how soft it was where only the both of them understood each other as they could tell by the look in their eyes. Impressive! Peter and Mac's conversation struck something in my mind. It's not a small detail but they played their major role too. It is proved as we could see how the family wished for nothing more but joy, love, happiness, safe and secure in their loved ones' arms everyday. Something simple. All these, always destroyed by the incidents that occurs like it never rains but pours heavily. It may be a simple thing they want but it carries tons of meaningful and worthwhile memories for them, where there's all those moments they spent together, leave it to be happy or others. As long as they're not separated. "Together". < I love this word so much as it is widely used in this. Always... There's no I, only We. :)

The more I read this, I have had derived a great love in the words and sentences you wrote each and every day. Some made me nod my head in agreement while some made my tears forms 'cause it's so true that most people did not even realize in reality, it might have already extinct. At here, the past few chapters you brought up in the recent times is surprisingly amazing. The letter that Stella wrote from a thousand mountains and seas away from Mac. The letter's content was intensely and extremely wonderful! I could feel her sometimes when I read this chapter of her letter. It's like I could imagine her writing this letter with all her love which is so pure and profound that pours in it, leaving no doubts for a reader to be affected by it too. :thumbsup:
:adore: hehe. Thanks for all the reviews

When they got to their mothers room. The boys ran into her arms.

"Moooooooooommy.. you're okay. The babies are good. The nurse is bringing them now." said Josh with excitment.

"Sweetheart... can you tell me what happened?"

"I'm really not sure. I remember going into labor. Then the next thing I noticed, I woke up here. Dad said I banged my head, but it's just bruising. I'm honestly not sure why, or if I blacked out. I can't remember."

"Well... at least you are okay. That's all I care about. I love you sweetheart."

"I love you too, my hero."

"Ahhh... who told you? Your dad?"

"No... one of the nurses here. She was telling everyone who would listen. How you saved your daughters."

Watching as the nurse brought in her twins, she placed one in each of Donna's arms.

"Here you go mommy. Little Jillianne is in the little light pink blanket. While little Joyanne is in the dark pink. We've also done the same with their little bracletes. So I wouldn't remove them right away. Else you will become confussed as to who is who. For they are identical in every way."

Leaving the family to get aquainted, the nurse left the room.

"Oh my... they are so precious. Aww... hello Jillianne, hello Joyanne. I'm your mommy. Welcome to your new family."

Opening their little eyes, they looked at their mommy for the briefest of moments, before yawning and falling back into sleep.

"Hey, hey, hey... we heard there were two new Taylor babies born. We need a picture with our phone. We have mom,dad and Michelle on the line. All the way from Serenity."

Clicking the picture, Mac, Stella, Michelle and Peter awwed.

"Oh honey. They are gorgeous. Look at them, so dainty. So how you feeling honey?" said Stella through the phone.

"I'm good. How are you and grandfather liking Serenity?"

"It's beautiful sweetheart. So do we have names for our two new, Taylor's?"

"We do... the one on your left of the phone, is Jillianne. The one on the right, is Joyanne."

"Good job love, said Mac. So tell us son. How does it feel to be a hero?"

"MJ grinned widely. It feels great. But I can honestly say... I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to revive them."

"Don't worry about that son. You did, and that is what's important. So we're not going to tie up Mack's phone too long. But to let you all know, your grandmother and I are getting married here at Serenity before we come home."

"Ohhhhhhh.. are you serious daddy?" said Mack with excitment.

"We are sweetheart. But don't worry we will be recording it. This way we can share with you all, when we get home."

"Sounds wonderful mom. We will let you all go then. We love you all, and see you when we get home."

Hanging up the phone, Mack said...

"Give me one of those babes, MJ. Hurry, I need to see the little angels for myself."

Melina laughed. Mack was more excited, then her and MJ were.

"Mm... babies always smell so wonderful. Oh... I hope I have more then two or three this time. One is never enough."

Everyone laughed. With their only thoughts being... "Poor Eric."

Don was having trouble getting his kitten ready to go home.

"Come on kitten, we need to get you home."

"I don't wanna go Donnie. Why can't I stay longer?"

"It's a school week again. You'll be back on the week end."

"It's still not fair. You can take me to school. Can't you?"

"No kitten. I have to go into work. I'm a detective, remember?"

"I know that, silly. But you could still keep me, right?"

Don laughed. If anything, his kitten sure was persistant. Watching as she came out of her room. Don picked her up and snuggled her.

"Trust me kitten. The week will go fast. Now let's go."


Sara woke up and started the coffee, while Devon took Hero and Beauty for their walks. Laughing to herself, Sara had to admit this was fun. It was like being married, but without the vows. It also allowed Sara and Devon to see how well they would adapt with each other, once married.

Starting the bacon and eggs, Sara left upstairs to change. Forgetting all about the egss in the fry pan. Coming in the back door, Devon smelled something burning, as did the dogs. Barking at the kitchen, Devon ran in and turned off the burner.

Looking around for Sara, he couldn't find her.

"Damn woman is trying to burn down her grandparents house. Not even here a day and she has destruction on her mind." he whispered to himself.

Hearing her come down the stairs, he realized she had showered.

"Damn it Sara, what the hell are you thinking? You could have burned down your grandparents house. You don't leave eggs frying on their own.

Damn... you're crazy woman."

"What did you call me? So I made a mistake, I didn't know, okay. I thought I turned them off. That certainly doesn't make me crazy."

"Whatever Sara. I'm going out."

Sara was pissed. Just who the hell did he think he was. Picking up the eggs inside the pan, she tossed them at Devon's head.

"You forgot your damn breakfast." she hissed.

"Sara.. God damn you."

Storming back to the kitchen, he shook her by the arms, landing her on the table. Admiring that look on her face, turned Devon on. She was damn sexy when she was angry.

Her wet hair was all over place, her body pink from her shower, her robe that revealed her creamy skin. Pulling her up towards him, he kissed her with frustration. Deepening the kiss, Devon knew their vows to wait, were about to change.

Picking her up in his arms, he carried her upstairs.

"Always you push me Sara. Push me to love you."

Devon could see everything now. Her robe had fully opened. God she was not only sexy, but beautiful too. Her body glistened with just a hint of waterdrops from her hair. Lowering his head to hers, he whispered...

"Can I love you Sara? Will you let me love you?"

Sara was lost in the raw passion of her lovers arms. She could feel each and every heated breath, upon her skin. Trying get her mind to focus was impossible, for his strength, his heat was burning all her thoughts within.

Looking deeply into his eyes, feeling herself ready to say, yes. They were disturbed by the knock on the door.

"God damn it, not now..." he moaned out.

Climbing from the bed, he walked down and answered the door.