CSI:NY/Miami -Generations #4 - Us kids are now in charge


"Don't let go of me, Peter. Or I'll fall. Do you know how often I dreamed of you coming here. I should have known you'd come. I still remember your phone call... dream of me Michelle, and it may become reality."

"I'll never let you go Michelle. I love you."

"I love you too, she cried.

Lifting her up in his arms, he ran with her into the Serenity water.

Swinging her around in his arms, then setting her feet to the cool water, as he passionately kissed her anew. Leaving her heated body to shiver in his arms.

"My Michelle... my beautiful, passionate, Michelle." he whispered as his hands slid down, slipping her out of her wrap, admiring her gorgeous form as it glistened in the moonlight. So beautiful as each and every ripple of her flesh raised itself for his touch.

Raising her glistening body into his arms, he laid her back as she floated with her hair shimmering in the water. Taking his mouth, Peter rained little butterfly kisses across her, leaving her to cry out his name...


He could feel her come undone in his arms. He could feel her soul leave her and whisper itself into his mouth as he kissed her. Taking her to the shore, he laid her down as the waves splashed around her. Rolling with her, over and over, till they finally stopped with her nestled on top in his arms.

"So beautiful Michelle. I'm so happy I decided to come here and steal you from your fathers arms."

Michelle teared up. Never had she felt so charished and loved. Never had any man cared enough to make her feel like she was needed in this world, besides her father. Feeling her heart open again, she whispered through her tears...

"Love me Peter. I want to feel you love me..."

That was all Peter needed to hear. Rolling her under him, he leaned down and whispered...

"Kiss me Michelle, let us merge our souls. Let us soar together on this night of passion."

Opening to accept his whispered kiss, their fingers linked and locked.

Looking into each others eyes, as they moved in their lovers dance across the sea. Showing the angels, that their new found love was forever written, to align the world around them.

A short time later, Peter wrapped Michelle up in her wrap and carried her to their room. Opening the door, Michelle awed at the beauty of it. It was mastered with a huge canopy bed that had sea blue drapes and little seashell chocolates on the pillows.

The hot tub was shaped as a coral shell with beaded sea blue curtains, to block out the world. But the most heart stopping pleasure with the room, was the view. It looked out over Serenity for miles. You could see every piece of God's beauty, aliging the painting he had made.

Watching Michelle's expressions, Peter could tell she loved the beauty of surroundings more then the room itself. Giving him insight to her soul. That she wasn't about the money, gifts or wants. She was all about the beauty, the passion, the love of two souls making the world a better place.

Peter knew he would have to remember to thank her parents for raising such a beautiful, passionate daughter. For teaching her, that love and joy were more important then extravagance.

"Do you like it Michelle?"

"I do... God's painting is so beautiful."

Peter laughed. He had meant the room. But that was okay, if Michelle prefered the scenery. That was perfectly alright with him.
The following morning, Stella and Michelle headed to yoga class. Setting up their mats, Michelle asked...

"Mom... did you and daddy talk last night? Is everything perfect again?"

Caressing her daughters beautiful face, she whispered...

"Yes sweetheart. We talked with our souls last night. No words were needed."

"Oh mom. I told daddy my dream would come true. I told him you would come under the orange moon."

"So you had a premonition? That's wonderful. It shows that you are healing inside love. You are finding your inner spirit again. That makes me so happy. Have you enjoyed spending your time with dad?"

"I have mom. It was like going back in time. At night along the beach, he would tell me stories about my childhood. It was so amazing mom. Everything that I thought I had lost during my addiction to drugs, was never lost at all. Daddy told me that. He said that my spirit just forgot how to return home, where it was always loved."

Wrapping her daughter in her arms, she kissed her hair.

"I guess we both needed to find our way home Michelle. Now that we have, neither of us will ever, let it go, again."


Mac and Peter went in search of new wedding bands. Trouble was, the island didn't carry them. Continuing to walk along the path, they noticed a vendor selling beautiful his and hers, seashell rings.

They were delicately beaded with little pearls, all except for the center, the center held a very tiny blue shell. so fine, so delicate, that if you squeezed it even gently, it would snap. Looking at it Mac knew these were the perfect rings. For it was just like their love, delicate and fragile.

"What do you think Peter?"

"I think they are gorgeous. I may grab a set for Michelle and I, when we get married. Now all we need to do is find a minister or priest."

"Listen Peter... why don't you and Michelle get married with us?"

"I'm going to have too pass, Mac. When I marry your daughter. It's going to be in a huge chapel."

"Um... I don't think that's a good idea Peter. Since the blast a few years ago, none of us will get married in a church, ever. We all do it in open areas now."

Peter had forgotten about that. It was at Maddy and Adam's wedding, the explosion took place.

"I know you want to give her something large, and beautiful. But Michelle is a very simple young lady. Large weddings, mean nothing to her."

"Hm... we'll plan something when we get home. Maybe in a years time, we will all return to Serenity, and have the wedding here."

After paying for the rings, the lady pointed to the far right corner of Serenity. Walking the path, Mac and Peter seen the little church. Entering, they noticed a peace and tranquility to the little chapel.

"Good afternoon, may I help you?"

"Yes. My wife and I looking to be married again. But we would prefer to be married on the beach. Would you perform a small ceremony for us? It would just be myself, my wife, daughter and son in law to be."

"I could do that. When would you like it to take place?"

"Friday evening, under the moon. Say around eight in the evening?"

"I shall be there. Before you leave, would you like your bands blessed?"

"Please. That would be wonderful, thank you."

Waiting while the priest said a blessing over them, then made the sign of the cross. He passed them back to Mac.

"I shall see you on friday."

Walking back towards Serenity, they seen the girls.

"It's about time. We could get old waiting for you two."

Kissing his wife smartly on the mouth, he took her by hand.

"Let's go have lunch, and you can both tell Michelle and I, about my grandsons wedding."
Im glad that Michelle got on the right track again:)
and Im really glad that Mac and Stella made up again:) Im looking forward when they are going to get married again:)
Meanwhile back at home in Miami, Eric was having trouble with dad and moms dogs. They refused to listen to him.

"Come on guys, what's the matter with you both? I know you're missing your parents, but they will be home in four days. Honest."

Laying their heads back down on the bed. Eric wasn't sure what else he could do. They wouldn't even eat. Giving in... Eric fried up two steaks and placed them in front of the dogs. He could care less about the price. As long as he got them too eat.

"How are they doing now, Eric? Are they eating?"

"No. Those are like ten dollar steaks, and they aren't even touching them. I think I should call mom in Serenity."

"You will do no such thing Eric. They just got back together. I'll call their original masters."

When Beauty and Hero's masters arrived. They perked up. Watching as they ate, they then took them out for their walks. Bringing them back in, the dogs laid by their feet.

"Is there a reason they get like this Thomas?"

"Yeah... They are missing their owners. Did Mac and Stella say, when they would be back?"

"Sunday. I'm not sure how I'll get them to cope till then."

"It might be a good idea to take them home. Maybe you or your wife can stay at Mac and Stella's. That way... the dogs are in familuar surroundings."

Eric had an idea. Picking up the phone, he called the girls.


"Hi baby, how are you?"

"I'm good daddy. Did you need something?"

"I did Sara. Could you and Devon stay at nana and papa's till they get home? The dogs are having a hard time adapting here. I'd really appreciate it, baby."

"Sure dad. We can do that. We'll meet you at nana's. See you soon."

"Who was that, Sara?"

"It was daddy, Shannon. He wants Devon and I to watch Beauty and Hero at nana's place, till sunday."

"Aww... nice. The whole house to yourself. Damn that's so unfair. I knew I should have answered the phone."

"You just behave, and take good care of my neice or nephew. I'll see you and Jake sunday."

Kissing her sister goodbye. Sara left with Devon.


Gray and Lindsay were setting up his baby furniture. They had bought crib sheet sets, sleepers, stocked up on diapers and wipes. They had almost everything now, thanks to Peter and Michelle's gift.

"Linds... when is your baby shower again?"

"I think in two weeks. Your mom said grandpa and grandma needed to rest, once they got home. So..."

"Our mom, Linds."

"Sorry, our mom said in two weeks. Do you think our grandpa, was happy to see grandma?"

"I can almost guarantee he was. Love like that can be felt oceans apart. I just hope when we've been married all those years, that we can feel each other from miles away."

Walking up to her husband. Lindsay took his face within her fingers.

"We will Gray. We will feel that magic. For our love is the real thing. It doesn't get anymore real then what we share each day."

Passionately kissing him, he picked her up and carried her to their room. Where he loved her till the sun went down along the shores of Miami.
Back in Serenity, Mac and Stella were walking along the beach. Sitting on some rocks, he nestled her between his legs.

"Are you happy I came here, Mac?"

Lowering his head to her ear, he whispered...

"I am love. This is where you are always meant to be. Safe and secure in my arms."

"I was going to send you a letter with Peter, but at the last minute... I couldn't help but change my mind."

"I'm happy you did, love. Do you still have the letter?"

"Mhm... right here in my pocket."

"May I read it?"

Passing Mac the letter, Stella turned in his arms, as she laid her head on his knees.

"My dearest Mac,

I know we left on bitter terms of anger and hurt. Hurt from the pain of my mistake. I understand that now. I only hope you can forgive what I have done to our love. I know there is no excuse as to why, for it would only be words that could hurt you more. I guess I was frightened. Frightened by your anger, your rage, each and every time the pain overtook you.

It was the feeling that you were shutting us all out, as a family. You were pushing each and every one of us away, Mac. Leaving us unsure of how to help you, when you wouldn't open your memories of that day. Instead you replaced them with mine. You were living my memories of that day Mac, not yours. You became angry, bitter, and withdrawn all the time. It took me talking openly about my life with an outsider to realize that. I was replacing Andrew's warmth, and comfort, with things I had been missing from you, Mac.

Falling into the arms of another was easier then facing the truth. The truth that neither one of us have accepted, of the loss, or devistation we suffered that day. As time went on, it became easier to hide myself from the reality of what happened. By taking myself back to the past we once had, allowed the pain to disappear.

For nothing in that time could hurt us. Our love was always bright and happy there. We always had amazing family times, and did crazy things that made our family nights unique. We built a world there that became untouchable to those who didn't belong. Leaving us to always feel safe and secure in our world that we shared.

I only wish I had known, you knew about Andrew and I, instead of allowing us to become closer. I often wish you had spoken up and honestly told me that it did bother you. If you had, we may never have had this anger between us build. Maybe one day you can explain to me why you allowed Andrew and I to share a bond. A bond that we once shared. Why you would allow him to come in and take your place. That is what I can't seem to figure out Mac. Why? Why did you allow it?"

Either way it still should not have happened. Deep down I know I should have been stronger, stronger to face your wrath from your disabilities. Stronger to talk about the blast that tore our beautiful world apart that day. Stronger to allow all those painful memories and deaths, not to haunt us. Haunt us to the point of hiding it far away. Leaving us to carry so much frustration, and angered pain. To take it out on each other. Me by hiding in Andrew's arms, and you by allowing it to pass as nothing more, then friendship.

It took you leaving, and Peter to finally help me come to terms, with why I thought myself in love with Andrew. You see Mac, it was never love. It was me escaping the future, the future that had left us torn. We both lost ourselves that day. We both kept it all locked behind the door of fear, fear to face the fact that everything we lost that day, was a reality.

I can promise you from this moment on that we will open these locked doors. Open them, and help each other face the horror that has mislead us down the path of shadows and devistation. Till we find our way back to the future, the future that we both thought was long lost in our minds.

For this is what our love is Mac. It's an unconditional legacy that has been weaved from the strongest threads. Threads of each memory, each dream, each hope and moment we shared as husband and wife.
So hurry home my love. Home to our future. A future that will be mended one memory at a time. With our passion, strength and love.

Love forever and always,
your Stella.

Placing down the letter, Stella watched as tears formed in her husbands eyes.

"I guess it's my turn now, love. My turn to tell you why..."