CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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i like the squeeze :) I wonder how long it does take someone to wake from that state and why it's such a slow process. I know a little but not as much as I'd like. I know it's like when the computer freezes up and has to restart (hence the shutdown/coma) and that brain cells don't heal like other cells...I wonder is it a matter of forming new neural pathways and/or repairing the old ones?)lol it doesn't ruin it, I like spoilers.
Hope this heps Melly:)

Generally, after traumatic brain injury (TBI), the deepest level of true coma lasts from two to four weeks. If the person does not wake from the coma, they enter a semi comatose state, called vigil coma or vegetative state that include sleep/wake cycles.

With late stage dementia altered consciousness can last until death, with varying, often surprising, periods of greater lucidity.

In metabolic comas near death people may be in and out again of altered consciousness many times for hours, days, or weeks at a stretch.

Coma Communication: A comatose person has the best chance of regaining normal consciousness when coma work is received as quickly as possible. With those suffering traumatic brain injury, brain swelling has to subside before coma work begins, because any excitement may increase brain swelling and endanger the patient.

You can find out more here.
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I checked out the cremate machine/Cremator when my Uncle past away. The staff showed me how it was processed.. The fire were burning wildly and maybe even bursting inside, it was like a nightmare when a part of the coffin was seen and it was bright orange-red as it burns. The burning heat can be felt outside. I wondered how the body was incinerated into ashes in a short period of time and if I were the one inside.. :lol:

Poor little Tyler, being a child, have to go through all these painful incidents and trying so hard to understand them as he perceives or maybe even comprehend better when he grows up. To grasp all the torments in this world. :thumbsup: I'm glad that Mac is healing and responding rapidly, hopefully there's no shrinkage after the surgery. He's someone who never lose hope. And I loved how the family stand by beside him giving him moral supports and strengths to wake up as they will wait for him regardless of how long it takes. :) I used to watch movies and TV Shows where the patients were in Coma for years and more than a decade. I learned something new today. Thank you for the information about Comas.. :)
Over at the Delko's they were getting ready to head over to the Hospital. They had heard that dads surgery was scheduled for eleven this morning.

"Daddy... why are they doing more surgery on papa? How is he supposed to come home? They won't even let him wake up first." Cried Sara.

"I want you to listen to me Peanut. Come sit on my knee. Shannon, Sharon, you come listen too, please. When I spoke with nana this morning. she informed me that papa was still in a deep sleep, but was able to respond when talked too."

"But I don't understand daddy. How can he respond if he's not awake?"

"It's very simple Sharon. Think of yourself in a dream. One of those magical dreams where you are a Princess. The kind of dream you have when you sleep."

"Oh... like the ones you wake us up from when it's time for school?" Laughed Shannon.

"That's right. You hear me call you, and you wake. It's the same with papa. He can hear us, but his brain hasn't healed enough yet to wake up. Instead he'll squeeze our fingers, or smile. But he can hear everything you say, even though his eyes are always closed."

"Then why give him more surgery?"

"Well... they need to remove the little pieces of skull fragments from his brain. This way when he does wake, and is able to come home. They won't give him problems in the future."

"Thanks daddy. Now we understand better."

"Good. Now get your coats, while I go find mom."

As Eric headed upstairs, he heard Mackenzie vomiting over the toilet.

"Mack... are you still sick?"

"I think so Eric. God... I'm dizzy too, I want my babies. Just give me my babies back, please,God."

"Sweetheart, I'm really begining to think your illness isn't caused from losing our girls. I think you may be pregnant. How long were you off your birth control before you told me?"

"I don't know Eric, and I don't care. I want my God damn babies back. Just give them to me please."

Picking his wife up in his arms, he held her tight.

"Mackenzie... you have to stop this. You can't keep doing this to yourself. Our babies are gone. Crying, or getting angry about it, isn't going to bring them back. We have to move forward for Eric Jr and our other three girls."

"I don't want to Eric. I don't want to say good bye to them."

"I know baby. God I know. But we have no choice. I wish we did, but we don't. We need to heal now. Please don't leave me to heal the girls and Eric on my own. I need your strength Mack. I love you. I love you so much."

"I love you too Eric. It's just so hard, and so quiet all the time. I need that noise to fill our home again."

Taking her chin between his fingers, he whispered...

"We will Mack. I promise you, we will fill our home again with children. But first we need to find out if you are already pregnant, before you take anymore birth control."

"Daddy... can we leave now? I'd like to give papa a kiss before his surgery."

"Sure we can Peanut, let's go."

Taking his wife, and daughters by their hands. They headed to the Hospital.

Meanwhile at the Ross's, Maddy was getting dressed when Adam walked in.

"Hi sweetheart. How you feeling?"

"Fat Adam. Very fat."

Wrapping his arms around her, he caressed his child that was nestled inside.

"God Maddy... I can't wait for our child to be born. I still have a hard
believing I'm going to be a dad again."


"Yeah... Gray is my son too."

Smiling at Adam she whispered... "do you have any idea how much I love you?"

"I do Maddy. As much as I love you, and more."

"Mom... what time is grandpa's surgery?"

"Eleven honey. We need to get going. According to mom, he can hear us now. I'd like to talk to him before he goes under."

"He's going to come out of this okay, right mom?"

"We hope so Grayson. That's another reason mom wants us all there. She plans on doing a family prayer for him."

"Okay mom. Are you feeling alright this morning?"

"I'm fine honey. Don't worry."

Walking up to his mom, he touched her tummy, bent his head and said...

"Hey in there little one. I'm looking so forward to meeting you soon."

*Kick*. "Whoa... did you feel that mom? He kicked me."

Tearing up Maddy touched her sons head and said... "I did Gray. Isn't it amazing?"

Nodding at his mom, as they headed out the door, Gray thought it was the most amazing feeling in the world.
With everyone now in Mac's room. Stella had the family stand around the bed, and as each of them placed their hands on their father/grandfather, Stella began the prayer.

"Dear Lord, Please watch over my husband, and the children and grandchildrens papa. Give him the strength he'll need to stay positive during his surgery. Please make sure you help guide him, comfort him, and shine your heavenly light over him till all is done, and he is back with us who love him most. We ask this in your name Lord. Amen."

"Amen," said the family in unison.

One by one the Taylor's talked to Mac...

"Dad... it's Mack. I love you daddy, and I know you've been through so much over the years, but we need you to come back home soon after this surgery is done. We all miss you, you are our strength, our laughter, but most of all our rocks. It's your positivety that keeps us wanting to move forward. So you come home daddy, and I promise I will be right here when you come out of surgery. I love you daddy."

Kissing his cheek, Maddy went next.

"Hey dad. It's Maddy. I have someone here who wants to say hello to his papa. Taking his hand, Maddy placed it on her tummy. You feel that dad? That's your new grandbaby saying hello and he can't wait to meet you. So you can show him all the wonderful reasons it's great to be a Taylor. Maddy could feel the baby kicking up a storm. "You hear that dad? We need you to teach our children, that Taylor's are unbreakable, and made from strong roots. So you hurry home dad, I'll be here too when you wake. I love you."

Kissing her dad, Michelle went next. As she leaned down, she noticed him crying.

"Mommy... he's crying."

"That's okay love. give daddy your love."

"Daddy... I love you, and I know that you feel you've lost so much. But you haven't daddy. We are all still here for you. But you need to come home to us. There is still so much I need you for daddy. I need you to drill my boyfriends, and tell me I can't stay out past eleven, or how to succeed through my most difficult challanges. So you come out of this stronger then ever daddy, okay? I love you so much daddy."

Laying her head on his chest, while she held his hand, she felt his thumb caress her fingers. Just enough to let her know that he loved her too.

Kissing his cheek MJ went next.

"Hi papa. I know we've had a pretty tough year, and even though it looks like we are headed another one, we need to remember that we are Taylor's. That we are strong enough to survive whatever life tests us with. You taught me that, remember? Always you would tell me while I slept in my coma... "MJ, you need to be strong son, a Talyor doesn't give up. Ever. We are the strongest line, full of love, understanding, and family strength. So now I'm giving those words back to you. Now it's your turn to come home to us, to prove to us that Taylor words, are the strongest words for survival."

Leaning down to kiss him, MJ whispered... "I love you. I love you so much."

"Eric... would you like to go next?"

Walking up towards the bed Eric bent down and whispered... "I need you to listen too me dad. You can't leave me alone with Mom and Mack. They'll torture me to death. They'll video tape me being stupid. I mean how's that going to look without my partner there with me, looking stupid too? So don't even think of leaving dad. Cause I'll come hunt you down. I love you."

When Eric got up, the family noticed dad was grinning.

"What did you say to him Eric?"

"Nothing Mack, I just told him to hurry home."

"Mhm... still scheming new ideas for when he's better, aren't you?"

Kissing his wife smartly on the mouth. He said nothing more.

"Excuse me, Mrs.Taylor? We are ready to take him."

Quickly giving him more kisses, the family left the room to give them a moment alone.

"Mac... I want you to remember that I'm right there with you holdng your hand. Giving you all my strength to help you through this. And when you come back up, I'll be laying right beside you, waiting, expecting you to reach over and hold me tight in your arms again. To give me your kisses, and caresses that I've been missing so much. But most of all... your whispered words of love."

Kissing his lips passionately. Holding hers to his without release. Feeling his fingers as they squeezed hers, letting her know that he felt her kiss, her love, all the way into his soul.

"Mrs Taylor?"

"I know... I'm sorry. Okay Mac, I love you."

Watching as they wheeled his bed down the hall, the family held onto each other tightly. Knowing that in next few hours, fate would decide their husband/father/grandfathers right to life or death.
"You're not finish if you lose, you're finished if you quit" I love how they took each and every step in a suitable speed, to heal, to understand things better. Although the horrible events were loaded within them, sometimes defeated them, they never complain much and accepted everything that has happened though it needs time. They faced them bravely instead of avoiding reality and being strong for each other throughout the incidents when one is needed. It's going to great when both of their babies came to this world. Well, as long as it is healthy and strong just like their papa. :)

Those words from their child and grandchild, it helps alot in encouraging and giving strength for him to wake up. Letting him know that, they can hardly go on with their lives if he's not here, they needed him to give them support in their lives in whatever they are doing. These events, were preventing them from being together in the same room as one family, sharing the same wonderful moments with great ethusiasm. And the members were getting lesser and lesser but at the same time, getting CLOSER :thumbsup:! I hope that the surgery goes well. I missed Mac and Stella.. *blush*
This is just like pure torture waiting, but I understand that it takes time! Anyways, I love it and great job!!!!!!
Thank you so much for the reviews.:)

As the family waited, they became more concerned. What seemed like hours, was really only minutes.

"Mom? You need to sit down. Here... we got you a coffee."

"Thanks Maddy. Where did Eric and Mackenzie go?"

"To see a doctor about Mackenzie's illness."

"I didn't know she was ill. How long?"

"For a while now. It started after they lost the girls. But Eric says it still hasn't stopped. He thinks she's pregnant."

"Hmm... would explain alot. I know she was off the birth control for a while. They could very well have concieved."

"Well then. If that's the case mom. Then maybe things are starting to look just a tiny bit better."


Danny was carrying an extra case load today. He had told Eric he would hold down the lab, while he was at the Hospital for Mac's surgery. Trying to focus, he couldn't. His only thoughts were on Mac and the family. Closing up the folder, he placed it in the desk, and headed out. He knew he cold no longer sit. He needed to see how the Taylor's were holding up.

Running into Don on the way out, he told him where he'd be if he needed him.

"Forget it Danno. I've been thinking about them too. I just talked with Jess and she's on her way over there. So let's go, I'll drive."

When they arrived at the Hospital, Jess, Natalia, Lindsay and Kat were already there.

"Any word yet Stel?"

"Nothing yet Danny. It's only been two hours. Though it feels like more."

"I know Stel. Try not to worry. He's going to be fine."

Nodding that she understood, Melina walked in.

"Hello Taylor's. How are you all holding up?"

"Hey Melina. Alright... we just wish we'd hear something."

"You will soon. Trust me I know how these work. If they were having complications, someone would be out here telling you. Which tells me everything is going fine."

"Oh Melina... you are such an angel."

"Aww... I wouldn't go that far Stella. So is this more of your family?"

"Mhm. This is my youngest daughter Maddy. Her husband Adam, and their son Gray. My oldest girl Mackenzie is here too, but she's being looked at right now by her OBGYN."

"Oh ... is she expecting?"

"That's what we're waiting to hear. On this side we have Don, Jess,

Danny, Natalia, and their children Lindsay and Kat."

"Wow... it's wonderful to meet you all."

"Melina... are you still coming over tonight?"

"I am Michelle, why?"

"Cause I was wondering if you could bring Cinderella Story with Hilary Duff?"

"Of course I can. How about you Caroline. Is there any movie you would like to see?"

"No... but thanks for asking."

Walking back over to her brother, she sat down and placed her arm around him.

"I take it he's still not talking yet, MJ?"

Pulling on Melina's hair, Stella tried not to laugh. It was almost like a habit.

"No... I really wish he'd say something."

"He will. Anyway, I'll see you tonight. Bye guys."

"Bye Melina."

Once she was gone, Danny whistled. He wanted to see just how serious MJ was about her.

"Danny!" said Nat as she slapped him.

"Oww... come on Nat. She's a pretty little thing, MJ. You going to ask her out?"

"No... she's a good friend. I grew up with her for years. You don't date your best friend.

"Why not? Your nana did. Now they are happily married. Have been since the dinasaurs were discovered."

That earned Danny, two more slaps. One from his wife, and one from Stella.

"I don't know Uncle Danny. I've never looked at her that way before."

"What? You're kiddin, right? Why the hell do you think, you've spent your childhood years pulling on the poor girls hair?"

Stella laughed. Danny was straight forward and direct. Causing her grandson to look ill. Where if it had been Mac. He'd be cupid. Putting the two of them together with his magical charms, and sneaky ways.

"Stop Danny, you're confusing him."

Embracing her grandson, she kissed his cheek.

"I like her MJ. I think you should go out with her, said Michelle. This way... you don't have to worry about daddy playing matchmaker. Cause you know he will."

Ruffling Michelle's hair, Eric and Mackenzie came back in.

"Sweetheart? Well... are you and Eric?"

"We are mom. We are...." she cried.

"Ooooh... don't cry love. You should be happy. This is good news."

"I can't be happy mom. How can I be happy, when I'm still hurting for my babies?"

Taking her daughter into her arms, she stroked her hair while she cried.
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