CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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At the Taylor's MJ, Caroline and Michelle pulled out the blankets and pillows. Placing them on the floor in the den, they laid Tyler down and covered him up.

"MJ... it's okay for all of us to sleep down here, right?"

"Of course Michelle. We all need one another tonight, and the den is not only the warmest place. But the place that holds most of our family memories."

While Michelle and Caroline snuggled down for the night beside Tyler, MJ talked to Melina about what happened.

"MJ? If it's not to painful. What happened today?"

"I'm not sure of the full story. None of us are. All we know is we were in the middle of Maddy and Adam's wedding when Mackenzie noticed C-4 blocks under the pews. As we ran to the exits we found them all locked. That is when my grandfather rushed us all into the basement.

Problem was... not all of us made it. Michael and Lea were killed instantly. Leaving them just enough time to push Caroline and Tyler down the stairs. My aunt and uncle lost three of their seven children. Not to mention the 72 guests. All I do know is it was heartbreaking to watch my uncle try to revive his little girls."

Melina watched as the tears slipped down MJ's cheeks. Reaching for his hand, she gave him the support he needed.

"Anyways... after a long while we heard Sheldon yell down, asking us how many were alive. That's when my grandfather got up and yelled back, causing the next layer of debris to fall on him. God Melina... my last thought was he was dead. No way could he have survived. Seeing the giant gash on his head, I knew I only had a matter of minutes to compress it, and stop the bleeding. Which I did, but somehow I feel it was my fault for where he is now. I was the one that wrapped his head, leaving all that dirt and debris in there."

"MJ, I want you to listen to me carefully. If anything you saved your grandfathers life. Without your quick thinking, he would have died."

"He still might."

"Stop it MJ. I want you to stop thinking like that. I've known your family long enough to know that you are all fighters. Not one of you give up, or give in. It's like you all have this inner spirit that can be cracked, but never broken.

You all seal, that crack one way or another, through your strength, wisdom and understanding. That kind of love, nurturing, and value, most of us only wish we had in our lives. So don't you ever blame yourself, or start feeling sorry for yourself. Cause I will not let you."

Smiling through his tears, he continued.

"Once we were all out I asked Sheldon to take me to see my father at the morgue. It was terrible to see my father so unrecognizable, but at the same time, I couldn't forgive him. I told him I would take care of my brother and sister, and that I loved him. But I can never forgive him."

This was the part Melina was waiting for. She knew this must had haunted MJ since it happened.

"You know MJ. You shouldn't feel sad, angry, or upset for feeling so cold towards your father. There are some things us children need, and that is trust and unconditional love. There should have been no choice for your father.

He should have been honest with you from the very begining. He should have let you know that he was falling for Lea. But most of all... it should have never come to you two ending your father, son relationship. Right there is where he should have drawn the line. Your dad should have been mature enough to let Lea know that you were more important, and a relationship with him was impossible."

Seeing MJ's tears fall broke Melina's heart. Moving in closer, she wrapped her arms around MJ, allowing him to soak her shirt.

"I swear to you MJ... that it will get better. Together we will help you heal. I'll be with you every step of the way. Don't ever forget that, promise me MJ. Promise me you will always talk to me when you need too."

Leaning off her shoulder he looked into her eyes and said... "I will. I promise Melina."

Melina tried not to melt. She had always loved MJ since forever. But she wasn't about to tell him that. For she didn't want MJ to use that as a vice to heal. She wanted MJ to discover on his own that she was in love with him.

If there was anything she had learned... it was you never confess your feelings to someone who is under extreme hurt or pain. For the last thing they need, was someone to help them forget their pain, especially when they should be dealing with it, head on, to heal.

"Good... now on that note, I'm going to call my dad to pick me up. If you like I can stop by tomorrow morning at the Hospital and check on your dad."

MJ gave her a quizzical look. "How did you...."

"I heard you at the Hospital MJ. I think it's wonderful that you have such special grandparents that love you so unconditionally, that they would allow you to call them mom and dad."

"Yeah...come on. I'll show you where the phone is."

After Melina called her dad, she grabbed her coat.

"Hey Melina..."

"Yeah MJ?"

"Would you like to come over tomorrow night after your shift. Maybe we could watch a movie with the kids?"

"I'd like that MJ, sounds like fun. I'll bring some snacks. Oh... here's my dad. Night."

Running down the stairs, she waved from the car as they pulled out.
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Gregory House was voted second sexiest TV doctor ever, behind Dr. Doug Ross from ER. Hmm... as sexy as he is, he doesn't compare to you Mac."
*Giggles* I just falled off my chair.. I'm glad that Stella be there for Mac when he is unconscious and hurt badly inside. She always do and will always do.. when he needed someone to hold, to cry and a shoulder to lean on encouraging and supporting him in everything he do, fighting for his life. It's going to take time for everyone to be healed, poor Mackenzie... her babies were carried by her for nine months, which is not a short period.. Waking up to say good morning and starts a day while it ends with a good night at the end of the day, she didn't lose all of it, she still have Eric, Eric Jr, Sara, Shannon and Sharon helping her to clean up the wounds inside her. :)

Michael is still MJ's father no matter what happens. *Grins* I love this Melina girl... She's very thoughtful and sweet. I can't help but to smile throughout the conversation. How she helped MJ to understand everything that has happened on him, telling him that she will be here for him. Hmm, I'm looking forward to how their relationship will expand and grow into something more. :)
Closing the door, MJ cleaned up the living room and snuggled down beside his brother. Carefully stroking his hair, MJ knew he had a long road ahead of him. A road which would begin with getting his brother to speak again. He knew therapists were out of the question. Especially with what he had been through with Susan.

Lowering his head towards his brothers, he whispered... "I love you Tyler. Just know that I love you." Falling into sleep, MJ's last thoughts were, how he was going to keep it all together.

The next day...

Stella woke to the nurse checking her husbands vitals.

"Morning... is there any change yet?"

"No Mrs.Taylor. He's still the same. His doctor informed me, that they were taking him for another scan this morning. It seems some of the swelling has gone down, since he's had the tube in to drain the fluid."

"Well... that's a good sign then. Isn't it?"

"It can be. I'll be back later to check on him."

After the nurse left, Melina walked in.

"Morning Stella. How's Mac this morning?"

"I'm not sure, they said there was no change. Just that some of the swelling went down, and they were sending him for a scan."

"Then that is good news. That means he's healing. You know Stella... why don't you go get something to eat, and I'll stay with your husband."

"I couldn't do that Melina, you must have duties of your own."

"They can wait Stella. Go and eat, Mac and I will be fine."

Once Stella left the room, Melina walked up to the bed, and talked to Mac.

"Hello Mac. My name is Melina. I grew up with MJ back in public school. He used to pull my hair all the time, which I secretly loved, but made him think I hated it."

Looking at Mac, she could see him smirk.

"Then as we got older, I would admire him from far away. We had a different group of friends. He was more athletic, and popular. I was more the geek hidden inside a swan. Though he never got tired of pulling my hair, as he still does it, too this day."

Watching Mac, she seen him smirk again.

"You love hearing stories about your grandchildren, don't you? I spent the evening with MJ and the kids last night. We got to talking quite a bit. I'm sure you already know this, but... MJ is really hurting. He's very frightened of losing you, of you leaving them all behind to heal on their own. He's also hurting very badly with what his father and Lea did to him. I could feel his pain soak through my shirt, from his tears. I know it's not my place to say Mac... but you need to come home soon. Not only for MJ, your wife, or the children. But for yourself. Cause the longer you stay in this state, the more serious your disabilities will become."

Bending down she kissed his cheek.

"Melina... what are you doing in here?"

"Oh... hey dad. I was staying with Mac while his wife has something to eat."

"Okay... I'm going to take him down for his scan. Can you let Mrs.Taylor know?"

"Sure daddy. I can do that. Good luck Mac."

When Mac was gone, Melina changed his sheets, and straightened his room. Oh she knew she was beyond bed making, but waiting for a nursing assistant this time of the morning was next to impossible.

"Hey Stella... did you have a good breakfast?"

"I did, thanks. Did they take my husband down for his scan?"

"Mhm... your husband has a very sinister grin. It's so different from MJ's, though just as deadly."

Laughing she said... "yeah... all the Taylor men were blessed with that dream worthy charm."

Stella though to herself... out of the girls that MJ had brought home. Melina was the first one to notice that their grins were different. Everyone would always say they were exactly the same, yet they weren't. Each of them had their own, leaving Stella to think, Melina may actually be looking at her grandson, and not an image of her husband or her son.

"How long have you known MJ, Melina?"

"Since public school. We played together in the same sandbox, when he lived across the street from me. He always pulled my hair."

"Oh my... you're Lina? MJ would always come over and talk about a girl named Lina, who had long brown hair that he liked to pull, cause she would let him. I could remember laughing at him about it. That's all he ever talked about, was your hair."

"That's MJ... he still pulls it to this day. Even though we're in College now."

"Aww... he's a sweetheart, my grandson. Though he's been through a tough year, and it looks like we are all headed for another one."

Stella teard up again. Rushing over, Melina wrapped her in his arms.

"It's okay Stella... just let it out. There is no one here right now, that you have to be strong for. Just let it go."

Let go she did, as she finally allowed someone to tell her... it would be okay.
Keeps smirking, that was sweet of him.. Times passes by very fast. The next time I read them, he shall smile and laugh out loud just like the same old Mac Taylor who does jokes/tease alot and a big great Family guy who brought happiness and joy to the family and makes everyone felt safe together in his arms. ;) As for Melina, she just confessed her feelings to Mac the Matchmaker :lol:. He must be planning some evil plans in his unconsciousness now, somewhere peace, where he fights for his own life. All the Taylors are tough, too tough that all the horrible events were meant to be happened on them and never did they fall apart when it comes to this. They built a strong wall together. :adore:
So when will he actually wake up? You're not telling me lol. Is it because you don't want it to be too TV-ish where it's dramatic and all at once, because RL is a lot slower?
Mel, ;) it's not about RL or TV-ish... it's about the content inside the chapters. Trust me, he'll wake up soon alright? He can wake up anytime, it's just the time hasn't come yet. You can't say DING! and wake up like some magic stories. Besides, what's the advantage when you know all the plots behind everything..? Let it comes naturally to you. *hugs* ya tight. :)
I guess I get too focused on one part of the story sometimes. I do know it usually doesn't happen all at once like in some fiction.
So when will he actually wake up? You're not telling me lol. Is it because you don't want it to be too TV-ish where it's dramatic and all at once, because RL is a lot slower?
Sorry Melly. I'm trying to get it as close as I can to reality. But at the same time, show how the other characters are dealing with this event.
Plus: you know I'm not going to tell you when he wakes up. That ruins the story. :p

Thanks for explaining Asprine.:)

Back at the house, MJ had the kids dressed and ready to see their father and grandfather.

"MJ... do you think daddy is awake yet?"

"I'm not sure Michelle. I guess we'll know soon."

Looking down at his brother, he wished he'd say something.

"You ready to go Tyler?"

Just staring at his brother, he picked him up and carried him to the car.

"MJ... why won't our brother talk?"

"He's still traumatized from the blast."

"Well isn't he ever going to talk again?"

"I'm sure he will Caroline. He just needs time."

When they pulled into the Hospital, they noticed Melina at the desk.

"Morning Melina. As MJ pulled on her hair"

"Hey there MJ. Hi you guys, you here to see your dad and papa?"

"We are. How did his scan go Melina?"

"I'm not sure, he's not back yet. I"m getting kind of worried myself. On that note... I have to get to my duties. I'll see you all tonight."

"Sure... bye Melina. Let's go guys."

Arriving at the room, Michelle ran into her moms arms.

"I missed you mom, how's daddy?"

"Don't know yet love. He's not back."

"Do you think something is wrong?"

"No... if there was, they would have told us by now."

"Umm... not to bring this up. But have you and Eric discussed the memorial."

"We did I spoke with your Uncle last night. We all decided it would be best to have them cremated. Once this is done, Eric and Mack, will keep the urns at their place till you grandfather is released. Then we will have a small gathering as we lay them side by side in their plots."

X-Ray Dept.

So what do you think doctor?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure. Some of the swelling has gone down, and he's not showing any signs of infection . I guess my biggest concern is those skull fragments. If they move in the future, he could stroke."

"What do you suggest then?"

"I think now he's stable, we should schedule him for surgery, I'd like to try and remove those fragments."

"What about the tube? Should we leave that in?"

"I think it would be best. Especially if we are going in again. I'm going to go and speak with Mrs.Taylor."

"Do you think she will let you?"

"Once they understand the problems that can surface. I'm sure they will. You have to remember Bob... he was critical when they brought him in. Leaving us able to do very little for him, except get him stabilized. But now he's stable, we can go in and hopefully remove them. What I'd like to do before we send him back up is another EEG. I'm very interested in seeing how his brainwaves are functioning now. According to the family, he's been showing signs of improvement."

When they were finished the EEG, and discussing the results, they took him back to his room.

"The doctor will be in to see you shortly Mrs.Taylor."

"Thank you."

As Michelle ran to the bed, she leaned over her dad and kissed his lips.

"Hi daddy... it's Michelle. Are you ready to come home yet? We miss you."

Watching her dad, she saw no change or expressions.

"It's okay daddy. You take your time. Just know that we love you, okay."

Taking his hand, she held it and that's when she felt the squeeze. A very soft, gentle squeeze.

"Daddy... daddy... you can hear me. You can hear me daddy, can't you?

Mom... he's squeezing my hand."

Walking over to the bed, Stella watched as Mac squeezed his daughters fingers.

"Good morning Stella, I have news on your husbands scan."

"Umm... that's great. He's squeezing his daughters fingers."

As the doctor watched, he took out his light, and shinned it into Mac's eyes. Watching as the pupils dilated.

"Mac... Mac Talyor. Can you hear me? Squeeze my finger if you can hear me."

Feeling the squeeze, the doctor watched as his grip tightened.

"Is this good news. Does this mean he's waking up?"

"It's a good sign, yes. He's responsive, and that's something we haven't seen. This explains his EEG results. He seems to be functioning at the Theta line now. His waves are between seven and four hertz. Also known as the dream sleep. He knows what's going on around him, but subconsciously he can't wake. What I would like to talk you about, is those skull fragments. I'd like to remove them now he's stable. "

"But he's not even awake yet. We just got him to be responsive. Can't that set him back?"

"It could... but if we leave them to long, I'll never be able to get to them, for the tissue will grow over, and that can cause all kinds of problems, including strokes."

"But you told me you weren't able to remove them earlier."

"I know that Mrs.Taylor. But I also couldn't see anything while his brain was swollen.I had to guess. I can honestly tell you now, they can be removed."

"I think you should ask my husband. If he can hear us, it should be him you ask."

Nodding he understood, he bent down to Mac.

"Mac... I would like to talk to you about your condition. Now that you are stable, we'd like to remove the skull fragments that we couldn't get to earlier. It's very important that they are removed, else they could create problems. I need your okay Mac. May we do the surgery?"

Watching as his fingers squeezed his hand, Stella cried.

"Mommy... don't cry. Daddy will be okay."

"Please Mrs.Taylor. I promise you. I'll take every possible care with him."

"Okay... I can't fight you both. Schedule it."

As the doctor left, Stella grabbed Mac's hand and whispered... "don't you dare leave me Mac. You hear me? Don't you dare leave me."

Feeling his strong squeeze, she kissed his warm lips, over and over, as her teardrops fell.
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Wow Loved it! I like how Michelle was helping her mum and not worrying herself- cant wait for the next MJ and Melina part ;)
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