CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Poor STella and Mackenzie.

:lol: at Michelle's comments to MJ. Sounds like Melina does like him. He deserves some happiness. :)
Revenge. Will it revive or ressurect his brother? A personal retaliatory action against individual, it will not only perceived harm and injustice to one person but all. Those people who had family to take care and go home to. But those cold-blooded reptile will never care about what's the consequences between those lines after it is crossed. Everyone makes mistakes. The worst and worries are those who doesn't know how to go back and use the opportunity to correct it.

Tragics... Drastics... I hope that one day, when it is time, all these will leave them and give them a happy endless life. They have suffered and went through too much yet they were so strong, strongest family I've ever met.. Though sometimes they were vulnerable, they never complained and they tried their best to perform and give what the others needed, the family needed. They healed other before themselves. What they did to deserve these pains and wounds? They brought happiness and joy to everyone, even us readers.

No little blast is going to stop us from moving forward

*Nods* In this very moment... they realised how important they are to each other. Make most memories between them and in just any second, it will never be the same anymore. According to the quote above, I trust that it is completely 100% true. The remainings will all come out alive.. and mend their broken hearts. I'm not trying to offend anyone but I like it.. I mean if there's no tragedies, and there's immortality, people will never realise what's truly for them, just like 9/11, made so much people realise what's beside them and cherish each and every one.

:) I'll be right back. I wanted to continue 'cause I accidentally read about "NOOOOOOOOO!" Linda, what have you done to Mac? :lol:... *Sighs* But I have to run.
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They will be blessed. All those kids, those who were only a few months or years in this world.. don't even have the chance to know things and know more about Earth yet, and they were all gone. Grown up to be a great and educated human. Educated as in, a good person. Ohhh.. I never thought Mac would be one of the victims in the basement. It won't affect his brains? I'm gladful that most of them came out alive. As for Mac, I hope he'll be alright. Nothing matters as long as he is alive. The family needs him, he can't just leave them without a word. But what can we do.. it is all destined when a person's time has came.

Can I join them too? "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I love this suspension. Though, I'm not sure what will happen to all of them in the coming chapters. I was curious and ready to accept each and every sacrifices and the upshot. I always wonder something about up in the sky. 'Cause in real life, most of the people who have done lots of bad deeds get a happy ending life while the good people always end up poor and sad, DEAD! Those who deserves to be dead doesn't die and those who doesn't deserves to be dead will die easily. Maybe this world were too cruel until it is not a peaceful place anymore. Too much events that hurts. Once again, I'm thankful that MJ and Adam came out alive. It is more than enough. Taken too much life in just one day, one second. Those who have died in the incident, they'll always remain in their hearts as their hero, Michael who have saved their child. I'm surprised by MJ, although he won't forgive his father, he still love him, willing to see his face for the last time. He's a grown up man, he knows what to do and what to decide, taking care of the family as his responsibility when his papa is still unconscious. It is a beginning of all things after what has happened. They'll all be alright and heal right? It is the matter of time. Life is unfair sometimes. All we could do was live our everyday life full of joy and happiness.

Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...*gulps* it's been.. a century since I..I.. read about their love scenes and... it felt like the first time I'm reading them .. Ohhh.. R.I.P for 5 minutes.. Maybe it was the best for them to... now.. Healing each other and before they regret, before everything changes their life. All this horrible events that cause them to be worn out and harmed, ruined their lives. Aww, happy for MJ as well as the family. Hopefully... it's the right one and never will MJ be hurt by some fooler anymore.

Seeing all those pains they were facing, Stella, Mackenzie and the whole family, it hurts, us readers sighing for them.. Besides that, I love how it was written throughout the whole story and plot. The arrangement in a Chronological order were wonderful and well written. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
When Melina met them in the waiting room, he asked her to wait for a few minutes while he said good bye.

Walking into their room, he found his grandmother awake leaning over his grandfather.

"Psst... I'm going to take the kids home. I've arranged it with the Hospital so you can stay."

"Oh honey. I have to come home. There is no way I can leave you with all the kids."

" Yes you can. I already phoned the College and told them what happened. I also told them I'd be cancelling this year. So you don't need to worry. I can stay with the kids. You need to be here."

"Oh MJ... this is so not fair too you."

"None of what happened is fair to any of us. But it happened... and now we all have to sacrifice and help each other heal. I love you, the kids and
I will come visit tomorrow."

Bending down to his grandfathers ear, he whispered... "I love you, and you fight your way back. Don't you ever stop fighting to come home. Ever." Kissing his cheek, he left.

"Alright guys, let's go."

"MJ... can I run and give mom a kiss?" "Of course, hurry up Michelle."

When she got to her fathers room, she froze in her tracks.

"Daddy... oh daddy." Looking at his face all bruised and cut, she ran up to his good side, and cried on his chest.

"Daddy... please wake up daddy."

Stella tried to pull Michelle off her father, but she wouldn't move. Yelling for MJ, they all came running down the hall.

"Help me MJ... I can't get her to let go."

"Michelle... Michelle... look at me Michelle, let go. Come on Michelle."

Whether it was Michelle cries, or her tight embrace, she felt Mac move.

Stopping her cries, she looked up at her dad, and seen a tear run down
his cheek.

"Daddy... daddy... you can hear me. You can hear me daddy."

Still not waking up, no longer moving, none of them were sure what they had seen.

"I'll get his doctor MJ."

Leaving the room, Melina ran to the nurse's station and paged Mac's doctor. When he arrived he seen the patients daughter crying and screaming his name. Knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere through the screams, he asked Melina...

"What happened Melina?"

"It seems Mr.Taylor responded to his daughters pleas. He not only tried to move his arm, but he's crying too."

Pulling Melina aside, he said... "Melina, you've worked with me long enough to know that coma patients often move."

"I know dad... but this was different." "Melina... don't call me that at work."

"Sorry doctor. But he moved. Besides that I'm off duty now." "Oh... I didn't realize, sorry."

Walking up to the bed, he leaned over Mac and shinned his light into his eyes. Seeing no response, he wasn't sure what the family had seen.

"Okay Mrs.Taylor. We're going to take him down and do a CT Scan. Then we'll take it from there. But to be honest with you, from what I can see nothing has changed."

While Mac was having his scan, MJ, the kids, and Melina decided to wait.

"I didn't know Dr.Carver was your father?"

"Yeah... I try not to let that dad part slip to often."

"Why not?"

"I find Professors, tend to compare me to my father. Or expect more from me, then what they would from other students."

"That kind of sucks. I'm sorry Melina."

"You get use to it MJ."

Looking at the kids Melina noticed Tyler staring at her.

"Hi there. I'm Melina. What's your name?"

Tyler ran over to his brother and snuggled under his neck.

"Aww... he shy MJ?"

"No... tramatized. He hasn't spoken since we were rescued."

"Poor little guy. Well... if anyone can help him, you can MJ."

"Excuse me Mrs.Taylor, may I speak with you for a moment?"

"Anything you have to say about my husband, can be said in front of my family."

"Okay... our scan showed that your husbands brain has increased swelling. So what we've done is placed an Intracranial pressure monitor in his skull. This allows us to measure the swelling, and drain any excess fluid. Now... I'm not saying he didn't hear your daughter, chances are he did. As his brain waves are still functioning at two to three cycles per second."

"What exactly does that mean?"

"Well... basically he's in what we call a deep dreamless sleep. You see, brainwaves are measured on a scale. Beta being the highest of fifteen to forty cycles a second, when we are fully active.

After that we have Alpha, which means the waves are at nine to fourteen cycles per second, usually after we complete a task, and sit down .

Followed by Theta, these waves are between five to eight cycles per second, putting us in a daydream state. Then we have your husbands.

He's at the Beta stage. Which is one state before brain dead. I know that sounds cold, and I'm sorry. There is just no way to put it nicely."

"Umm... so he can still wake, right? This isn't all bad news, is it?"

"He could, yes. Like I said anything is possible if we can keep the swelling under control. Hopefully draining the fluid will help. But you must all remember, that I'm not sure what disabilities he will have, till he comes out of this."

"That's fine. We don't care about the disabilities. All we want is our husband, father, and grandfather back home with us."

Nodding that he understood, he kissed his daughter on the head and left.


"Stella, please."

"Stella... I know it's hard not to worry, and I know it's very painful to see your husband suffer so much. But trust me when I say he is in the best possible hands with my father. I swear to you, you couldn't ask for a better Neurosurgeon. He's put his whole life into becoming what he is today. You see... he watched my grandmother die of severe head injuries.

He was there when she had a grand mal seizure, fell, and hit the cement sidewalk on their way home from the store. It was then he swore to devote his life to this profession."

"Thank you... MJ, you go ahead home, if anything changes I'll call you. Michelle... you going to be okay sweetheart?"

"I think so mom. I wish I could stay."

"I know love. But it's better for you to be at home. I love you, and you help MJ with your cousins." Kissing her daughter good bye, they left with Melina.
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"Live like you won't live tomorrow, learn like you will live forever". I'm always proud of the Taylors, Delkos and others.. Being happy for them, 'cause they are Invincible! And they still are.. Never will the family be beaten by anything that will makes them weak and down. One down as the others will defend, by the end, they won a great victory. There are many things which are inexplicable though.

"I find Professors, tend to compare me to my father. Or expect more from me, then what they would from other students."
Totally agrees with this. :) I don't know why but people inclined to compare others with someone who is better than them. We are who we are. Seriously, as long as we did our best, nothing matters. I think people care too much about pride. I could picture Mac in the coma.. Worn-out horribly and helplessly, trying to fight for his life so hard.. *Sighs* He have to wake up! Turn to do research :lol: *Nods* Brain waves with a frequency of hertz... Hmm, the subject of his brain is mentally active. I hope he wakes soon, maybe some signs.. giving the family hope.. ;) :bolian:
When Stella went back into the room, she pulled out the People Magazine she had bought, and read through her tears.

"Listen to this Mac...

CSI:NY fans can expect Mac Taylor to carry on his detective duties until 2011. His portrayer Gary Sinise has just struck a new deal with CBS/Paramount which extends his contract with the crime-solving series for a couple more seasons. In line with the negotiation, the 52-year-old actor will also be getting a raise.

Holy crap... he makes $5 million a year, 200,000 per episode. I'm telling you honey, some actors have all the luck."

Looking up at her husband, she took his hand and said...

"I know you can hear me Mac. So I'm just going to keep reading, till you tell me to shut up. Okay... let's see, what else? Oh... here is something. Gregory House was voted second sexiest TV doctor ever, behind Dr. Doug Ross from ER. Hmm... as sexy as he is, he doesn't compare to you Mac."

Laughing at herself, she put down the magazine, and noticed what looked like a smile. "Are you smiling at me you devil? You just never get tired of knowing how handsome you are after all these years, do you?"

Watching his expression again, she seen his lips try and turn up into a smile. Climbing in beside her husband she whispered... "I don't care what any doctor says Mac. I know you are coming home. I can feel you reaching out to me, and our family. So you just take all the time you need to heal, we'll be here when your body is ready."

Kissing his tender lips she started to reminisce about the years they had shared together. Leaving all the pain of today's event behind for now. For she knew Mac needed positivity, not reminders of the pain and loss they suffered.


At the Delko's the girls were afraid to sleep.

"Mom... can we sleep with you and dad tonight?"

Mackenzie could care less. All she knew was that they had lost three innocent members of their family, and love from each other was what they all needed now.

"Of course you can. How about we get you all bathed first?"

"Okay mom. We can do that. We'll take little Eric with us, we don't mind bathing him too."

"Thanks sweethearts."

Once the girls were upstairs Mackenzie cried again. Coming out of the den, Eric wrapped his arms around her, and carried her to the couch.

"It's too quiet Eric. I miss the noise, the fighting and arguing over silly things. Their giggling at night, us telling them to go too sleep. You calling them... them... your six pack. It's just so unfair, I want our babies back."

"I know Mack... please try and calm down or you're going to be sick again," he cried.

Laying her head on his shoulder, he carried her upstairs to their bedroom.

Placing her on the bed, he undressed her, wrapped her in her robe, and carried her to the bathroom. Turning on the shower he stripped his own clothes and got in with her. Both of them allowing the spray to wash away their painful tears.

When they were done, he helped her dress and carried her back to their bed.

"Daddy... can we sleep with you now?"

"Of course girls. Come here."

Walking over to their dad, Sara passed him little Eric while they climbed in snuggling up against their parents. Hearing their mom cry, Sara, Shannon and Sharon tried to comfort her. Stroking her hair with their hands, kissing her tear stained cheeks, whispering their love, over and over, until her tears slowly dried as she fell into sleep.

Turning to face her dad, Sara wrapped her arm around him and little Eric.

"Daddy... she whispered.

"Yeah Peanut?"

"I think you need to give mommy another baby. I think it will help mommy, even if only a little."

Pulling his daughter in closer, he kissed her head. "I love you Peanut."

"I love you too daddy."
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