CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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I'm glad that Stella released her stress instead of hiding all her emotions inside her heart without sharing them. It is understandable. She had seen too much events that separates the family far away apart, hurts in and out of her life. On the other hand, she has always been a strong mother, grandmother and also a great wife. She did all that she could to keep the family from falling. Her undefined responsibility, all she had done for this family, were uncountable yet all this occurrence were pressing her down but I know someday, the Taylors shall beat this horrible tragics. It's wonderful when they tried their best to spent the most moment with the one they loves and cares for. :adore: I hope that Mac heals soon, though I know it wouldn't be that fast. I love how each and every storyline was well written out step by step instead of jumping to the conclusions. :thumbsup:It helps us readers alot to understand and comprehend better. Apart from that, we learned alot of new things and information throughout this. :bolian:
oh ok thanks for 'splaining. The blindness was kinda from trauma, I figured it was from him cracking his head when he went flying. But yeah he'll have less permenant stuff in mine than yours. I just hope I portray it right.

Hey if he can't walk or something, she can always do some nice things with him in the tub *giggle* :devil: I volunteer to give him a sponge bath too * g*
When they brought Mac back to the room, Stella was sipping a coffee Don had bought her.

"Mrs.Taylor...Dr.Robbin's will be in to see you shortly."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Your husband will sleep for a while. As we sedated him for the earscope exam."

Leaving the room, the nurse felt really bad. For she knew, what Stella was about to be up against.

Getting up, Stella leaned over Mac and caressed his hair.

"I love you Mac. I'm so happy you're back." Bending down she kissed his lips Once again, just holding them to his.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Taylor. May we talk, please."

"Sure... what did you find. And please, don't leave anything out."

"As you know, your husband suffered damage to his left cerebral hemisphere, temporal lobe, and cerebellum. The worse being his left and temporal. For this is where the object struck his head. His cerebellum was most likely damaged when he fell back against the rubble. Now the cerebellum controls his balance and cordination. The temporal and left cerebral, controls his thoughts, reasoning, behaviour and memory."

"I know all this, can we move on please?"

"Stella..." said Don.

"I'm sorry doctor. I didn't mean to snap at you."

"I understand. Your husbands hearing test went very well. Once we cleared the ears of the fluid, he was able to hear at about a 75% level. We've also started him on Antibiotics, to reduce any fluid that we may have left behind, that could cause infection. Once all the fluid disappears, his hearing should fully return."

"But he can hear us now, right?"

"He can. You will be able to talk to him, and he'll be able to nod, or make garbled sounds." As for the Glasgow scale test...It rated better, then what we thought he would.

For eye response he rated a four, which is great. For verbal response, he rated a two, which means he can only make incomprehensible sounds. this tells us he is suffering from what's called dysarthria. Basically it means, the patient can think of the appropriate language, but cannot easily speak the words, because they are unable to use the muscles needed to form the words, and produce the sounds. Making them slow, slurred, and garbled.

As for his motor response, we've given him a 2-3 for now. He is showing medium muscle response on the right side. He can grip things, but only for a few seconds, then he releases. He has very poor response on the left. Now... this could be due to his broken arm and shoulder. Once the physical therapist attempts to get him out of bed, we will know more. For the complete test, he's been rated at level 9-10, on the Glasgow scale. Which is moderate to severe. We've also asked him continuiously, if he knew why he was here, if he knew, what happened, or where he was before he woke.

He shook his head no, to all these questions. Which tells us he is suffering from Retrograde amnesia. This refers to difficulties in recalling, or recognizing past events and experiences. Most patients with retrograde amnesia, have trouble remembering what led up to their trauma before being admitted."

"But he will eventually remember, won't he?"

"Most times Mrs.Taylor, the memory of the event, never returns. That's not to say it couldn't happen. It would just be unusual if it did."

Don was watching Stella. He could see how exhausted, and lost she was.

"Excuse me doctor. Isn't there any information packets, or books, Stella could read? This way she has time to adjust, and understand her husbands disabilities."

"We do... I'll have the nurse bring them in. But understanding the disabilities will take time, for as I said, each one needs to be assessed, by a therapist. Mrs.Taylor, what I can honestly tell you, is that you and your family have a very long road ahead of you all. It's going to be very trying, frustrating and emotional, to everyone. Especially your husband.

You need to realize, that most TBI patients, can't accept, or tolerate others doing things for them. They also become frustrated quickly, because they can't remember things, simple things. Or perform simple tasks. There is going to be alot of anger, and agitation from Mac, which is going to cause stress and pain within your family.

Each of Mac's therapists, will explain, help and guide you, and your family into understanding. In the meantime... Mac will remain with us for at least another month, avoiding complications. He will have round the clock care, until each therapist, can fully assess every function, and start a treatment, that is right for him and his disabilities"

"How many therapist will he have?"

"Your husband will have three. Speech, Physical, and Occupational. Each therapist, serves a different purpose. Once they have assessed, and started your husband on a scheduled routine, he will be able to go home. Once he's home, it's your choice whether you'd like in home therapy, or Outpatient. In home therapy is more costly, but easier for most families, instead of traveling back and forth.

I also have the speech therapist coming in this afternoon. He's going to assess whether your husband can swallow properly. If he can, we will start him on a liquid diet. If it turns out he is unable too, then we will have to insert a feeding tube for a short time, till he is capable of swallowing without complication. I know this is alot to take in Mrs.Taylor. Would you like to ask me any questions?"

"Um... When the therapist comes in, should I take notes?"

"You can. But each therapist will give you the information you need, and they will work out a detailed schedule once you take your husband home. It will have specific times, when certain things need to be done, with your husbands rehabilitation."

Once the doctor left the room Stella looked towards Don.

"I guess this is going to be nothing like MJ's therapy, is it ?"

"I honestly don't think so Stella. I've seen a few shows on Discovery channel that show the rehabilition of patients after head trauma, and it's not easy. They get so frustrated, cause they can't remember simple things. You and Mac are going to need alot of help. But there is one thing you will have. All of us to help you and Mac through this."

"I know Don. But we all know Mac. Accepting help from anyone isn't going to be easy. He's very proud, and strong. Leaving me to wonder how many therapists we may go through, before we find one that's willing to stay."

Taking Stella's chin in his hand, he raised her face to his, looked into her eyes and said...

"We will Stella. We will all get through this, as family. There is no one that understands Mac better then you, Danny and myself. We know how to handle him, we'll make it work Stella."

Laying her head against Don's chest, she just didn't feel that confident, as she whispered...

"How am I going to tell him he lost his son, and three grandbabies?"
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It will be the best way to treat Mac in a mild and gentle way if he were cognitive and having emotional symptoms in mood changes. He'll come to understand them as time passes by, the family will help him going through this traumatic brain injury, all these therapist session, he's not alone and he will never be with Stella and the family being by his side keeping him safe in her arms.. ;) Everything seems to be unpredictable. Nevertheless, we still have to live our everyday life from the beginning to the end happily. Only God knows what might happen in the next second.. I wonder from where all the memories was left inside his brain. Definitely it's over a great distance for all of them but with the family's determined and unyielding attitude, they will overcome this obstacles together. :bolian:
Back at the Taylor home, Tyler was the first to wake. Turning on the tv for cartoons, he seen the building blow up. Screaming at the top of his lungs, while hiding under the table, he woke everyone up. Jumping out of MJ's arms, Melina held Caroline and Michelle, while MJ tried to coax his brother out from under the table.

"Tyler... it's okay. I promise you Tyler, nothing is going to hurt you. Please come out."

"Daddy...I want daddy. Daaaaaaaaaaaddy." he scremed.

They could all see the fear in his eyes. Watching as he looked left to right, up and down, waiting for something to fall on his brother.

"Please Tyler... please come to MJ. I'll wrap you up tight in my arms, and not let you go. Please Tyler."

Cautiously reaching for his brothers hand, he helped him out from under the table, and snuggled him in his arms.

"Shh... it's okay Tyler. It's okay, I have you. You're safe."

"Daddy... daddy's gone away. I want daddy, MJ."

"I know you do Tyler. But I can't bring daddy back for you. He's up in heaven with mommy. I know what happened to us was scary. But I'm going to help you through it, Tyler. I promise we will get through it."

Still rocking his brother, he heard the phone ring. Picking him up in his arms, he sat him beside his sister and Michelle on the couch.


"MJ... it's Don. I'm calling to let you know your grandfather is awake..."

"Are you serious? Oh this is great news. When? How is he..."

"First of all, you need to calm down. Second your grandmother needs you to prepare the kids."

"I don't understand. Prepare them for what?"

"For one your grandfather can't verbally communicate. He's not capable of speech, just garbled words. He also woke up not being able to hear. But after draining some fluid from his ears, he has 75% of his hearing back. He also has Retrograde amnes...."

"I know what that is Don. What else?"

"Your grandmother would prefer it, if you or the kids didn't mention the tragic event."

"Okay. Thanks for calling. Let her know we'll be there soon."

Hanging up the phone he looked at the kids.

"Dad and papa is awake."

"He's awake? Daddy is awake? Oh... can we go see him?"

"We can, but you can't mention the event that took place. Dad has a form of amnesia. He remembers who everyone is, and things that happened before the event. But during the event, he has no memory of it happing at all."

"So are you saying daddy doesn't know Michael, Sasha, Selina and Serina are gone?"

"He doesn't Michelle. He has no idea at all. His memory of the event has been lost."

"I don't know if I can do this MJ. I don't want to see daddy like this."
Seeing Michelle's stress, Melina sat down beside her.

"I want you to listen to me Michelle. I've seen alot of TBI patients who have been worse then your father. I've seen some who have been in severe levels during a Glasgow test, with no hope of regaining the uses they had before. But they've proven my father wrong. It all depends on the love, the support, and the understanding of family, that helps the patient fully heal. Once I get to the Hospital, I'll talk with my dad, and find out everything about your dads case. Then, I'll even join your family, in helping to get your father back to some point, of where he was before."

"Honest Melina?"

"Honest Michelle. Together we will help your dad heal."

"Okay. But you're not going to fall in love with him, are you?"

Melina smiled, as she teared up. "No Michelle, I promise you, I only have eyes for MJ."


Mackenzie had just gotten the news. Trying to battle her morning sickness, Eric made her slow down.

"Mack... slow down. I won't have you stressing yourself out."

gently grabbing her by the arms, he turned her and said...

"I said calm down Mackenzie. It isn't at all good for you to be under so much stress. Your dad isn't going anywhere. Just take your time."

Leaning her head on her husbands shoulder, she breathed deep.

"I"m sorry. I just want to finally be able to see my fathers smile. I can imagine how happy he'll be when he finds out he's expecting."

"I"m sure he'll be happy. There's one thing you need to know. Mom doesn't want any of us mentioning about the event. It seems dad lost some of his memory. He can't remember what led up, to him being in the Hospital."

"Are you telling me he doesn't know, my brother and our three children are dead?"

"Yes. He remembers nothing from that day. Not even that Adam and Maddy are married."

"God... this is awful. Mom must be so upset, we need to get there Eric, please."

Heading to the car, Eric reached for his wife's hand, and caressed her skin.

"It's going to be fine Mack. Just remember not to stress yourself."

Kissing her head as they got into the car, he drove to the Hospital.
When everyone arrived at the Hospital, they found Don in dads room.

"Don... where's dad?"

"They took him down for his swallowing test. Your mom is with him."

"Hm... just how bad is he Don?"

"I"m not sure Mack. So far we've only had Mac's doctors opinion. His physio therapist is due in tomorrow. We'll know more then. When they took him down, they had to lift him from the bed, into a wheelchair. That's doesn't mean anything is wrong with his legs, or his spine though. It's just precaution till they find out more from the therapist."

"Okay... is Maddy and Adam here yet?"

"Not yet, though when I spoke with Maddy, she was having a little trouble getting out of bed."

Mack smiled. She could hardly wait to feel that way again. "How about Nat and Danny?"

"Danny's on a case, he's going to get here with the family as soon as he can."

Just try and relax Mack, your dad shouldn't be too much longer.

X-Ray Dept.

Downstairs in X-Ray, Mac was getting aquainted with his speech therapist.

"Good morning Mac. My name is Dr.Ken Drake. But you can call me Ken, okay? Right now what we are going to do is see how well you can swallow. We will give you different types of liquid. Some thick, which is like barium, and some thinner, as you swallow it will show up on the screen beside you.

I'm just going to transfer you into a lower, narrower wheelchair and position your throat next to the x-ray machine. As you can see, it's hooked up to a video camera, so we can see on a TV monitor exactly what was happening."

As Stella watched, the therapist started off with a teaspoon portion of thick barium substance. Watching the screen Stella seen it slide down Mac's throat. She was amazed with how clear and precise the picture was.

"Very good Mac, so far so good. Now we are going to try a thinner liquid. This is more milkshake style."

Placing the teaspoon to Mac's mouth, he swallowed again, watching as the liquid pooled down his throat.

"Great... you are doing very well Mac. This is the last one, it's very thin, almost like milk. I'll give it too you in a cup, but only take a small sip, okay?"

Nodding he understood, the therapist directed the cup to Mac's mouth. Taking a small sip, he swallowed it down.

"Perfect Mac. You did great. Looks like we are going to have eating in no time. Are you feeling any discomfort or pain, from sitting so long?"

"Shaking his head no. Ken smiled.

"Good. I'll have the orderly take you back to your room, and I'll be in shortly to start with your speech."

Ken could see Mac's eyes water. He could tell he was frustrated and confused. Moving in closer to his eye level, he said...

"I know this is very hard for you Mac. I also know it must be very frightening, and confusing for you, and your family. But I promise you this...I'm going to have you speaking again in no time. Just try and be patient, take small steps, okay? I'll see you in a bit."

Once Mac was back at his room, he seen his kids, and grandchildren standing there. Tearing up, they all cried.

"Hi daddy...I love you," cried Michelle, as she ran and wrapped her arms around him, kissing his cheek. Releasing herself from his arms, she watched as they went to lift Mac back into bed. Pushing the orderly's hand away, Mac mumbled out, as he shook his head no.

"Mr.Taylor... we need to get you back in bed. Please allow me to assist you."

Pushing him away again, Mac shook his head in frustration.

Just as the orderly was about to try a third time, Ken walked in and seen Mac pushing the orderly away with his good arm, while his family watched with tears. Knowing Mac was a proud man, he said...

"Larry...it's okay. I'll do it. You can go."

bending down to Mac's level he said...

"Mac... it's very important we get you back into bed. The reason we need to do this, is because you haven't been assessed yet by the physio therapist. We don't want you to relapse by doing to much, to quickly. If you could all wait in the hall for a moment, I'll get him settled for you."

As everyone left, MJ stayed.

"I can help you? He is very solid."

"Is this okay with you Mac?"

Nodding yes, MJ lifted his grandfather into his arms, and placed him in the center of the bed. Covering him up, he leaned down and whispered...

"I love you dad, I'm glad you're back."

Reaching for his grandsons hand, he gripped it and wouldn't let go.

Watching, Ken could see something had agitated Mac.

"What's wrong with him, why is he looking at me like that?"

"I'm not sure, something you said upset him."

Thinking back MJ realized he had called him papa, instead of dad. But how could that be? MJ was told his grandfather had lost part of his memory.

"I love you dad, I love you."

Looking into his grandfathers eyes, he could see his tears. Feeling the release of his hand, he moved it.

"Um... I'm confused. I thought they said he lost part of his memories?"

"That's right, he has, why is something wrong?"

"Well... it's a very long story. One I don't want to get into. Can we talk over here? About a month before the accident at the Church, my grandfather become more of a father to me. He gave me permission to call him dad. Yet... they said all his memories were wiped away from before the event."

"Most times MJ, the amnesia is centered around the accident. So he hasn't lost all his memories. He could have lost just the ones... within two weeks to a week before the event. No one really knows how much memory is lost. We figure it out as we go along, by asking him questions about his past."

"That's very intersting. It's also going to be very hard, when we tell him that his only son is dead, and his three little grandgirls too," he whispered.

"It will be MJ, but you have a family that will help him through it. The most important part of healing, is the love and understanding of others. Looking down, they found Mac sound asleep.

"I'll get the rest of your family. Looks like our first speech session, will have to wait till later this afternoon."

After the speech therapist left, the family discussed the best way, and time, to let Mac know, about his son and granddaughters.
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