CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Four hours later...

While everyone was watching the TV in Mac's room. The doctor finally
came in.

"Excuse me, Mrs.Taylor."

"Oh... yes doctor. How's my husband?"

"He came through the surgery fine. We were able to remove all the skull fragments with ease. During the surgery we had no complications. There is no excess swelling within his brain. But we are leaving the tube in till morning. After that, we will be doing another scan. I can honestly tell you Mrs.Tayor. I've seen alot of trauma patients with these types of injuries. Most don't make it. Your husband seems to have a very strong will to live."

"Thank you... will he wake now?"

"I can't honestly answer that, or your questions about his functions, till he wakes and we are able to the Glasgow Test. Which is a fifteen point test, that allows us to test his ability to follow directions. The hope I can give you, is that there is no reason why, he shouldn't be able to wake."

"I understand. Thank you for everything."

"You are welcome Mrs.Taylor. Take care."

As the doctor left the room, they brought Mac in.

Watching as they made him comfortable, silence cold be heard.

"Mommy... why do they have that machine on him?"

"That's to measure his heart rate and beats Sara. It helps the nurses get here quickly if something should go wrong."

"But nothing will, right mommy?"

"No Sara...hopefully nothing will."

"Can we say something to him now mom?"

"You can try. But he may not respond right now. He's been under anesthetic, and it takes a while for it to come out of your system."

"Can we give him a kiss at least?"

"Of course. Your papa would like that."

Once the children had said good bye to their papa, everyone left for home.

"You sure you will be okay mom?"

"I'll be fine Maddy. You go home and rest. I promise I'll call when your father wakes."

"Okay... I love you mom."

"I love you too. Drive careful."

With the room now quiet. Stella pulled down the bed rail, and climbed in beside her husband. Being careful of his still broken arm, she laid her head on his chest, while her fingertips caressed his cheek.

She really didn't mean to cry. But she also couldn't help it. Everything had moved so quickly after the blast, that reality hadn't even set in. But it was now. Trying to close her eyes, Stella could see Eric trying to revive his daughters, Mac pulling him off them before the next set of debris came down. Then seeing Mac. Yelling to Sheldon that most of them were alive, watching in horror as Michelle screamed, when her father was buried.

Though nothing haunted her more, then watching her son say good bye before he died. Something she hadn't shared with anyone yet. Watching as they ran near the stairs, watching as he pushed his children down, before the blast. Watching in front of her eyes, as everything came crashing down on her son. Seeing his hand, slightly move from beneath the rubble, before he died. Almost as if he was saying good bye.

Tears were pouring from her eyes now. Her soul was seperating from the pain in her heart. how was she to handle this alone? Becoming louder, her sobs filled the room. Filled the room with her hurt, her pain., her loss. Wanting to blame God... but knowing in her broken heart it wasn't his fault. All she knew in that moment was her world, her husbands world, her children and their grandchildrens worlds came crashing down.

Walking by, Melina heard the cries as she had just finished her shift, and was heading over to MJ's. Listening as Stella cried her tears onto her husbands chest. Knowing that in that moment, there was nothing she could do, or say to make her stop. She needed this, she needed to let go of the pain that she had held in for so long. Such unselfishness in someone, who cared more about helping her broken family, before allowing herself to fall apart.

Such strength to Melina was foriegn. She had seen families go insanely mad from tragic events. Yet here were the Taylor's, so strong, so willing to accept what had happened to them, instead of falling apart and feeling sorry for themselves. Thinking to herself how many humans could learn a valuable lesson from them. That no matter how tragic an event can be, you can survive and move on.

Bowing her head she whispered to God.... "Please God... let Mac Taylor wake. I never ask you for much, but I'm asking you for this. Please God..."

Running from the Hospital. Melina knew in that moment she needed MJ. Needed him to know and understand that she had secretly loved him all those years. For life was to short to let a moment of it slip by. Starting her car, she wiped at her tears. How had the Taylor's gotten into her heart so quickly? Something she knew, she would never have the answer too, as she continued to drive.
yeah he better lol or we'll send the mob after you :p
:lol: Send a rose.. ;)

I hope that things really starts to get better but not worst. Mackenzie have to be strong, and leaves the past behind while move on with her life, .. If it's not for the family, it has to be for the child inside her and Sharon, Shannon, Sara. I'm happy for her and Eric. As for Melina, maybe MJ hadn't discovered what his feelings for Melina are.. I love how the family care for each other in everything, they confessed everything they thought about, their love life.

They looked after each other, after all these years. 'The sea will dry, the rock will break'. It means nothing last forever. But their love for each other in the family, it lasts.. eternal and it was rare yet so wonderful. I wondered if Mac did hear her cries and he'll confront her about it. :):thumbsup:
When she pulled into the driveway, she tried to dry her tears. Getting out of the car, she knocked on the door.

"Hi Melina, come on in. MJ's, just upstairs with Tyler. He'll be down in a minute."

"Thanks. Here's the movie Michelle, and did you want to take the snacks into the den?"

"Sure... are you okay Melina? You look like you've been crying."

"I'm fine sweetie."

"Hey Melina, how was your shift?" asked MJ, as he pulled on her hair.

"It was alright," she whispered, as her voice cracked.

"Melina? What is it? Michelle, give us a minute, okay?"

Taking the snacks and movie into the den, MJ took his fingers and placed them under her chin.

"Melina... what is it? Please tell me."

"I... I never realized till today, how quickly our lives can be stolen from us. How in one single heartbeat, life can be stolen away. I don't want that to happen to us MJ. I don't want to have to go another day, without you knowing. Knowing how much I've always secretly loved you. All the way back to our childhood. It was always you that held my heart MJ. It was you, that I admired from far away as we got to High School. I don't want to have to hide anymore."

MJ wiped at her tears with his thumb. Out of anything she could have told him, that wasn't one he was expecting to hear.

"Why didn't you ever tell me Melina? Why would you keep it from me, for all these years?"

"Cause I was scared MJ. Scared that you didn't feel the same way.
Scared that you would laugh at me, or think I was teasing you."

"I would never have done that Melina. Ever."

Pulling her into his arms, he rested her head on his chest. God, she was a tiny little thing. She fit just perfectly into his arms. As MJ held her, he wasn't sure where to take her confession. He honestly never thought of her in that way. Though he knew, he now had something to think about.

Releasing herself from his arms, she looked up into his eyes.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you Melina. I never thought of you as more then a friend. It never crossed my mind, that you felt these feelings for me. But now that I know, I"m willing to see where fate leads us. "

Smiling as he continued to wipe her tears, she whispered.... "I'd like that, MJ."

Kissing her head, he wrapped his arm around her, and walked into the den.


Back at the Hospital, Stella's cries had become silent. With no more tears left inside her, she closed her eyes and final fell into sleep. As she slept she dreamed of her husbands caress. God how she could feel his warm fingertips, dance along her skin.

Feeling the shivers of her husbands touch, burn her soul. Then she felt his lips, as he whispered... "Open for me love, let me taste your kiss." Erotically as her body could feel itself build, ready to spill over onto his fingertips.

Deeper she went into her dream, as he entwined their fingers within each other, as he moved himself, sensually within her. So alive his body was, as it danced with hers. Faster now as they both neared, where they had long to once again be. Opening her eyes, Stella could feel her pulse race.

Never had she had such an erotic dream as this. So real, so alive. Still her soul was burning for more. Looking up at her husband. She found him still sound asleep. But God... it felt so real, so real as she could still feel the shivers coming from her soul.

Carefully trying to get herself up from the bed, she felt him grip her hand. Looking down, she seen Mac's thumb caressing her skin. As she turned to face him, she found his eyes open, as they intently stared at her. Telling her without words to sleep again.

Could it be he felt her dream, could it be he wanted to touch her, love her, give her what she needed in her sleep? God knows they were bonded within each others souls for years. Always she was the Yin to his Yang.

Two hearts that needed each others passionate touch, whether consciously, or subconsciously.

"Mac... Mac, can you hear me?"

Watching as his eyes closed again, Stella pushed the call button. When the doctor came in, Stella informed him, about what she had seen. Taking his light, he flashed it into his. Watching as the pupils responded.

"Mac... Mac... can you hear me Mac? I need you to open your eyes, can you do that Mac?"

Nothing, not so much as a response.

"Mac... squeeze my fingers. Can you do that Mac? Squeeze my fingers like you did today."

Feeling the squeeze, as his fingers gripped the doctors, he wasn't sure what to make of it. His only thought was, that maybe Mac was showing signs of cognitive disabilities. Most likely with information processing. He seemed not to understand when the doctor told him to open eyes. Yet he understood to squeeze his fingers, cause it was something he had processed earlier, before the surgery.

"What do you think doctor? Is he finally coming out of his coma state?"

"He's certainly showing signs of improvement. I think for now we'll keep a good eye on him, and see if he shows any new movements. Just try and relax Mrs.Taylor. I'll be back every hour to check on him."

Leaving the room, Mac's doctor headed down to the lounge to consult with another neurologist.
*Pours ice on Asprine's head* Maaaac.. and.. and Stellaaaaa.. *passed out* They're going to invade my dreams tonight. :adore: I'm glad that he is healing very well, responding or maybe even trying to proceed to the next stage of healing with Stella helping him, being here for him throughout this. Yin and Yang is a perfect description for the both of them, the other side of each other. When one is down, the other will felt lost, giving strength to each other, interdependent and interconnected. They transform, holding on to each other. :)

MJ is a grown up guy. He knows what's the right thing to do. Instead of rejecting Melina's feelings towards him, he is willing to take the chance to spend all this moments and life with Melina, give it a try, all was destined before they even know they lost it. :bolian: :)
Thanks for the reviews. Please read carefully, it will help you understand the following chapters. And don't be upset with Stella being angry and upset. It's been a rough road, one that is going to get rougher, as Mac's healing, and needs begin. Thanks.;)


Stella watched as Mac continued to sleep. Something about the doctors concern bothered her. Like he knew more, then what he was saying. Not sure what to do, she paced the room, then sat down. Then paced the room again. Walking back to the bedside, she touched her husbands cheek, and whispered...

"Mac... I know you can hear me. I only wish you could understand me. You seem so far away, but yet, so close at the same time. I'm scared Mac. Really scared. I need to talk to you, I need you to understand this pain I'm feeling. I have no one to share it with Mac. You are my only confidante. I need you to come back."

"Excuse me Mrs.Taylor?"

Turning to face the door, she seen another doctor standing there. "Yes."

"I'm Dr.Robbins. I work with your husbands doctor in Neurology. Would it be alright, if I talk with your husband for a bit."

"Um... sure. I guess that would be okay."

Walking up to the bed, Dr.Robbins checked his pupils first, then he called Mac's name loudly.

"Mac... Mac... I need you to look at me. Look at me Mac, Mac."

Not getting a response, he moved to his ear and yelled... Mac."

Opening his eyes, Mac stared at the doctor. A far away stare.

"Good. Do you know where you are Mac? Do you, know where you are?"

No response. Not so much as even a blink. Closing his eyes again he fell back into sleep. Taking out his pen, he made some notes, then ran the back of the pen, across his foot. Seeing his toes move, he moved the pen up his left arm, getting a response from his fingers, he moved to his neck.

Placing his fingers in between the back of his neck, he lightly squeezed.

Writing down more notes, he snapped his finger near Mac's ear. Nothing, not so much as a response. Tapping on the bar with his hand, Mac felt the vibrations and opened his eyes.

Watching as they closed again, the doctor clapped away from his ear. Nothing, no response, till he moved right beside his ear, and clapped. Sending a wave of air. Sure enough Mac's eyes opended again.

Stella was slowly begining to understand. Mac was finally awake, he was finally alert, but he couldn't hear. It all made sense, why he didn't answer the doctor when he asked him to open his eyes.

But as soon as the doctor touched his fingers, Mac responed by gripping them. Not because he understood what the doctor was asking, but because he felt the touch.

But how could any of this make sense. He heard his doctor ask him about doing the surgery, he heard his family talking to him. Questions she needed answered.

"Excuse me doctor, please tell me something."

"Mrs.Taylor. I really don't want you to panic. Your husband is showing signs, of hearing loss. Now... most times it's only temporary. Most likely caused by massive fluid in the ears. He's had alot of surgery, and draining done.

"You said most likely. What else could cause it?"

"Sometimes a blow to the head, may change the position of the three bones, of the middle ear, resulting in sound not being sent to the inner ear. Or a forceful blow to the head could have damaged the delicate nerves in the cochlea or in the brain. We'll give him a hearing test, and place a tube down his ear canal to see how much fluid, and or damage has been done."

"But he will hear again , right? I mean... he heard before the surgery. He responded to his family, and to me. He even responded to the doctor after surgery, just a few minutes before you got here. He asked my husband to squeeze his hand and he did."

"I understand your frustration, Mrs.Taylor. But how close was the doctor to his ear?"

Stella thought back, then she remembered after the first few times, the doctor had bent his head to Mac's ear, calling him...and that's when she lost her control on the doctor...

"No you don't. Don't you dare say you understand it. Why do you doctors do that? Why do you always tell the families of the patient you understand their pain, their hurt, when you don't. Just get out." she yelled.

The doctor could see how upset she was becoming. "You are right,
Mrs.Taylor. I'm sorry if I upset you. We'll know more after the test."

When the doctor left the room, Stella laid her head on her husbands bed and cried again. She had just about had it, with being strong. She needed to talk about her fears, she needed to feel, she needed comfort, and strength. Something she had ran out of, by taking care of her family.

Softly crying, she felt the stroke across her hair. Looking up with tear filled eyes, she seen her husband with the same. Telling her without words, that he felt her hurt, her anger.

Telling her with his eyes, to come beside him. Climbing up on the bed she tucked her head under his neck, allowing his strong hold from his good arm, to hold her tight, leaving her wondering... just how many more disabilities were waiting, when he was finally able to fully communicate?

Over at the Delko's, Eric had finally gotten the girls to sleep. Checking on his son, he found him laying awake in his bed.

"Hey little monkey, you should be sleeping."

"No tired daddy, uppy please."

Picking him up in his arms, he sat him on his lap, and said...

"Would you like to hear a story?"

Nodding his head yes. Eric began...

"Once upon a time, there was a little monkey named Eric. He had three beautiful sisters, who would endlessly tease him. While one day, the little monkey had had enough of their fun and games. The little monkey, decided it was time for him to have the last laugh. Picking up some bananas, he peeled them, and threw the skins near the door, knowing that soon, his sisters would be home.

Oh what fun it will be, when my sisters three, are sliding across the floor infront of me, he said. Hearing the door, the little monkey sat on the bottom stairs and watched as his first sister slid down the hall floor on her bum. How funny it was to the littest monkey. Laughing as they continued to slide.

Hearing his sisters call his name, he ran up to his bed, and pretended to sleep. Making the sisters think he had nothing to do with it. Turns out the littlest monkey, was not only sneaky, but also very, very, smart. The End."

Looking down at his son sound asleep in his arms, he kissed his head, laid him down, and covered him.

"I love you son, sleep well."

Leaving his room, he turned on his nightlight, and whispered one more goodnight. Heading downstairs to turn out the lights, he seen the box that had come from the mortuary. Unsealing it, he seen the four urns, with their names, and date of their birth/deaths. Lifting them out, Eric held each one close to his heart. Seeing these urns, finally let him know, that this tragic event was a reality that destroyed not only their family, but Mac's as well.

Placing them back in the box, Eric sealed it, placed it in the closet, and headed back up too bed. Entering his room, he found his wife sound asleep. Climbing in beside her, he took her into his arms, and softly kissed her hair. Finally closing his own eyes, he whispered....

"I love you Mack. I love you so much."
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Glad he's awake...hope his ears are okay. Yours is a bit like mine lol except mine affected his eyes instead. I feel bad about being stuck darnit.
Yours is a bit like mine lol except mine affected his eyes instead. I feel bad about being stuck darnit.

Not really. You see Mac's hearing loss wasn't caused from a blast, his was caused by the rubble that put that cracked his skull. Also, he'll have more disabilities then what you're reading now. The hearing won't be a serious problem, as it's only temp. It's the others that are going to test Stella's strength, as time goes on.;)


Stella was sound alseep on Mac, as he continued to caress her hair. Looking towards the door he seen Don standing there. Walking into the room, Mac could see he was saying something but he couldn't hear. Trying to read his lips, was next to impossible as they were moving to fast.

Waking Stella from sleep, she raised her head and told Don to be quiet.

"Don... be quiet, he can't hear you."

"What did you say Stel?"

"He can't hear you. He has hearing loss."

"Hell... I'm sorry Stella, I didn't know. When did he wake?"

"This morning, he's already been looked at by his doctor, and one other neurologist. They are going to be doing tests on him througout the day."

"Does he remember anything about what happened?"

Stella teared up. "I don't know. I don't know what he remembers. He's having alot of trouble understanding simple commands."

Don reached for Stella. He knew she needed comfort. But as he reached, she pulled away.

"I need to call the kids, I'll be back. Please stay with him."

Don was shocked. They had been family for years. Yet Stella was acting cold and distant. Watching as she left the room, he took out his notebook and pen.

"Mac... do you know where you are?"

Lifting up the pad, Mac just stared.

"Do you remember what brought you here?"

Looking at Don, he said nothing.

"Mac... can't you speak?"

"Excuse me, can I help you?"

"Oh... I"m Don Flack. Mac Taylor is family. I came to see how he is doing."

"You are aware the patient just woke up a few hours ago. Making him try and talk is not good. Forcing him to use muscle that aren't ready, can cause him to seizure or stroke. For you are forcing the brain to think."

Stella was listening at the door. She was already pissed. Hearing a nurse yell at Don, wasn't helping her temper any.

"Is there a problem here?"

"Oh... Mrs.Taylor. Yes, I'm trying to inform your friend here that...."

"Hold it right there. He's not a friend, he's family. There's a difference. He also didn't mean any harm. How is he to know what he can, or can't do? I don't even know what I can, or can't do, with my husband."

"I'm sorry Mrs.Taylor. The doctor informed me you may still be agitated."

"Agitated. Try pissed off. I'm getting really tired and fed,up, with people telling me what I am. Just get the hell out."

Don had never seen Stella lose it like that in years. Leaving him to realise, she was under more stress, then what she let on. Looking over at Mac, Don could see his tears. He could tell Mac was blaming himself for his wife's stress.

"Stel... you need to calm down, Mac's crying."

Turning to face her husband, she walked over and caressed his cheek. Looking into his eyes, she slowly said...

"I'm... sorry... Mac."

Watching the two of them, was breaking Don's heart. Mac was trying to say something to Stella, but all that was coming out was garbled words.

Seeing the doctor enter, Don watched as he passed Stella some medication.

"Take this Mrs.Taylor. It will help with the stress."

"What is it?"

"It's just a relaxer. You need to calm down. Upsetting your husband isn't good, you could cause him to stroke, or seizure. Especially if his brain can't fully function yet."

After Stella took the medication, she sat down.

"Mrs.Taylor, we are going to take Mac down now for his hearing test. At the same time, we will do another scan, and the Glasgow test. Do you know what that is, Mrs.Taylor?"

Feeling the medication take effect, she nodded yes.

"You may want to lay her down Mr.Flack, before she falls off the chair."
Lifting Stella in his arms, he placed her on the bed.

"Sleep Stella, you need it."

Watching as her eyes slowly closed, Don left the room to call Danny.
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