CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Melly, it's at the very end of the last chapter.
that would be full of family, fun, angst, happiness, and love.

Lea and MJ were unpacking up when his dad walked in.

"Hey kids...sorry about the apartment falling through?" "Yeah, sure dad...how's Anya?" "She's good son. Getting better with each day."

"So umm..." "What dad?" "I was just wondering what you two are going to do now?" "Grandpa said we could stay with him for as long as we want. But Lea and I have started searching again. Though it's not easy dad, places are expensive." "I know that son. Which is why Anya and I would like to help you kids out."

"No thanks dad...this is something Lea and I want to do on our own." "Michael...why are you still so cold towards Anya?" "I'll leave you two alone." Walking from the room Lea headed to the kitchen. "Hey Lea...where's MJ?" "He's having it out with his dad," she smiled.

"Ouch...that can't be good, though they should have tried to heal their wounds long ago. I'm afraid MJ isn't the one with the problem. Michael is, he just hasn't recognized it. But MJ has, he noticed it a while ago. If anything, he'll be the one making his dad admit it."

"Do you think MJ left it to long?" "To be honest Lea...I don't know?

Michael Jr. is very strong willed, he's also very black and white. Very rarely does he see problems shaded. He faces everything head on. For the last few years, his father has allowed himself to believe that the problem was MJ, when deep down it's Michael who hasn't accepted Anya's illness and hurtful words."

"Then I guess we are in for a battle over the next few minutes?" Walking over Stella took Lea into her arms. "Don't worry Lea...they will both come out winners. Taylor love is very strong, it takes alot to break it." Sitting down, they waited for Michael and Michael to argue it out.

"Thanks dad...you made Lea leave... just why do you think we have a problem? God dad...we don't." "We do son. You've been nothing but cold, distant, and angry inside. For the last few years. even after Anya apologized, that still wasn't enough for you. Oh you pretended it was, but we all knew it wasn't."

"Bull crap dad. I had my arm around her at Christmas, I kissed her, and talked to her. How can you say I haven't forgiven her?" "You haven't son." "Listen dad...this is over, I'm done talking."

Trying to leave the room, Michael grabbed his sons arm.

"Let go dad. I don't want to go here with you. I'm no longer your little boy, I'm a man, now...let go, before I do something I'll later regret." Still not releasing his son he said... God dad don't you see it? You're the one with the problem, you're the one who hasn't gotten over it, not me." "No son. I'm not. You are and I'll never let go. Not until you admit we still have a problem."

"Dad...there is no problem. Listen to yourself. Notice the difference. The problem is yours, not mine. You are the one that hasn't forgiven Anya, you are the one that has been hiding the pain, while you spent the hurt trying to help us heal, you forgot to heal yourself, not me. Everytime you come here, it's always I have the problem. Stop covering dad...admit it's you, before it eats you up inside."

Walking into the kitchen Mac heard the arguement. "What's going on Stella? What's he doing to that boy now?" "Stay out of it Mac. It's Michael's son, let them work it out." "Work what out Stella? Tell me?" Stella knew if she told Mac they were arguing over Anya again, he'd break it up.

"Fine Stel...I'll find out myself." Turning to leave Stella grabbed Mac's arm.

"Anya Mac...they are arguing over Anya." "What? Why can't he let it go. What the hell is wrong with our son that he can't let it rest?" "Mac...just stop. It's time you stay out of it. Let them finally get to the root of your sons anger, and work through it as father and son."

"What? My son's anger?" "Yes Mac...MJ figured it out long ago. I'm surprised we haven't. MJ forgave Anya long ago, but our son, he hasn't. He's still holding her hurtful words in his heart. It's been his problem, not MJ's, he just hasn't realized it yet. He's got it embedded in his mind, that it's MJ that still hates her for the words. So just let them work it out."

"So you're telling me that Michael, has been hiding his own pain from Anya's words to MJ?" "Yes...ever since that day. Illness or no illness, Michael has never come to terms with her hurtful words, for his only concerns were his wife and son." "Then maybe MJ will need some help." "No Mac...stay out of it. Only MJ can help his dad now."

Looking towards the room, Mac prayed for MJ and Michael. For he knew this was going to be one tough road for his son.

"Before what eats me up son? I'm not the one with the hate, you are." Busting himself from his dads arms, they ended up in a wrestling match on the floor. While Michael grabbed at his son to hold him down, MJ flipped him, wrapped his arms around his waist, and held him against him.
While Michael continued to struggle and fight, MJ knew it wouldn't be long before his dad released his pain. "Let go of me son...now MJ." "Never dad...not till you admit it."

"Noooooooooo...God damn it... how could she say that about you? How could she wish you dead? God I hate her for her words. I hate her son, no mother should ever say those things to their child. I don't care how sick they are...I can never forgive her, you are right son. Never can I forgive her."

"Yes...yes you can dad, and I'm going to help you. I'm going to give you and Anya my words to survive. Then together as a family we are going to heal this wound shut." Allowing his dad to cry out his pain, MJ just rocked him as close as he could to his heart.

Out in the kitchen Mac had Stella and Lea in his arms. Trying to block out Michael Sr.'s screams, Lea couldn't take it anymore and ran outside. "Go too her Mac...I'll be alright." "You sure sweetheart?" "I'm positive. I'm going to call Anya."

When Mac got outside he found Lea rocking in the chair.

"Lea...sweetheart, come here please." Getting up she allowed Mac to wrap her in his arms. "You're shivering.." as he rubbed her shoulders, and arms. "I'm scared Mac...God... I've never heard them yell like that. Then all that banging, they had to have broken something."

"Trust me Lea...yes they were wrestling, yes they were arguing. But hurting each other? That would never happen, not even by accident." "I don't understand Mac...how could Michael not have noticed he was the one that was so angry and hurt?" "It's not that he didn't realize it Lea...it's that he didn't want to admit it. He wanted to keep it hidden. But pain like that doesn't go away. It just builds over time, then you break."

Back inside Michael had finally stopped screaming.

"How could she son? How could she say all those hurtful things to you. To my child who had been through hell." "Dad...it's not that she meant to say them. And yes they were hurtful, yes they made me angry, and saddened that she had wanted me to stop suffering. But I also understand she wasn't really seeing me. She was seeing all those victims come flooding back into her mind.

All that violence, and pain she had witnessed. It took a long time for me to finally admit that dad. But I did. I also faught my way home that day. For I was terrified that you would listen to her words, and let me go. God dad...that's what made me hate her. Not that she said the words, but that you were going to do it. That she had that kind of power over you, that's what scared the hell out of me, causing me to hate her. I could hear it in your voice dad. The saddness, the pain that you also thought I was in. You just don't remember dad."

Thinking back Michael still couldn't remember all the events of that day. The only thing he could remember was Anya telling him to let his son go.

"I really don't remember son, I"m sorry." "It's okay dad. But you have to let the hate for Anya go now. You have to talk with her, and work it out as a couple. I can't save your marriage dad, only you can. And if you keep going down this hateful road, you will find yourself and my siblings alone."

"But how son? How do I tell her how I feel. How do you tell someone that you love, you now hate them?" "You don't hate her dad, you don't. I can see the love you both still share. You also just said love... not loved.

Which means you still love her. Just be honest with her, just let her know how you feel about what she said. Let her know that you've been having trouble forgiving her, explain to her the pain you've kept hidden. She'll understand dad. We need to heal this wound shut now. It's been open for too long."

Hearing the knock on the door MJ answered it. "Hi Anya...come on in, I think you and dad need to talk." Kissing Anya on the cheek, MJ left the room.
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Aww.. That was awesome! Father and son fight. So much angst. Hmm, I never thought that those words will leave him those painful sadness which made him kept all his emotional turmoil inside him for that long. It must be really pain. But I'm glad that MJ made his father spilled it out. If he keeps it any longer, he'll turn himself into psychiatric. And they had a great conversation. I could picture that, wrestling all over to confront one to admit what they are feeling inside. I suppose they have to go through a hell before happy ending.

I'll be doing two updates a day. One in the morning, and one at night.
Hopefully I get to review on time. :)
When MJ headed into the kitchen he seen his grandfather with Lea in his arms. Walking out, he approached them.

"Lea...are you okay honey? I'm really sorry if we scared you." Looking up from Mac's shoulder, she kissed his cheek. "Thank you for holding me." "No
thanks needed love, you're family. Soon to be my granddaughter." Kissing her head, he passed her to his grandson.

"How is he MJ?" "He'll be fine now papa. Anya's with him, they'll work it out." "And you son...how are you?" "I"ll survive...everything is going to be better now." Wrapping Lea in his arms, they walked down to the beach.

Meanwhile...Lindsay had her sister down at the beach with Gray, Tristan and her cousins. "Hey Sharon...are you ready for all the questions at school on monday?" "Ready as I'll ever be Linds. I mean how bad can it be?" Lindsay really wasn't sure, either were Sara or Shannon. Even Tristan looked unsure.

Wrapping his arms around Sharon, he leaned in and whispered..."I'll protect you Sharon. Don't worry, I won't leave your side." Leaning up Sharon kissed him. "I know you will Tristan...thank you." "Well guys...I think I should get Kat home, she's just about ready for her nap."

"Aww...do you have to go already?" "Yeah...I told mom I'd have her home by twelve." Helping her up, Gray placed Kat in her buggy. Then taking Lindsay's hand they headed back to her home. "Looks like it's just us now. What do you guys want to do tonight?" "Hmm...we could rent some movies. Mom and dad are going out tonight. All we have to do is get our younger sisters and Eric into bed, and BOOM...we are all alone."

"Sounds good Sharon. What do you think Aaron, would you like to come over tonight?" "Sure...I'm up for it, how about you Nick?" "Yup...I'll bring the munchies." "Then Trist and I will grab the movies. So we will see you girls at eight." Getting up they all headed their seperate ways.

"Umm...Sharon. How are we going to get daddy to say yes. You know he doesn't allow boys over when he's not home." "That's easy...we are not going to tell him." "Oh no...forget it Sharon. Either we ask, or I call Aaron and Nick and cancel." "Okay...fine...we'll ask daddy."

Walking into the house, they seen their mom washing dishes.

"Mom...where's daddy?" "He's still at work, why sweetie?" "I have to ask him something." "Can you ask me?" "I guess, but you'll just say...you have to ask your dad." "Maybe...maybe not. What is it Sharon?" "We were wondering if it would be alright to have Tristan, Aaron and Nick over to watch movies, while you and daddy are out tonight."

"Wow...that's a tough one. Hmm...I guess. But the lights stay on, and no fooling around. And if...if we find out any of you got out of hand, I'll never trust you again, understand?" "We do mom...but what about daddy?" "Don't worry about your dad, I'll handle him." "Thanks mom...thanks so much."

Running upstairs with the girls, Mackenzie hoped she could get Eric to say yes.

Two hours later...

"Mack...I'm home. Where is everyone?" "Hi daddy, how was your day?" "It was good Peanut, where's your mom and sisters. For that matter where is little Eric?" "Eric is sleeping, mom and my sisters are in the den." Walking into the den, Eric knew right away that something was up.

"Alright...what's going on? And don't say nothing." "Eric...our daughters are having their freinds over while we are out tonight. They're going to watch movies." "That sounds cool. Which friends?" Sighing deep, Mack said..."Tristan, Aaron and Nick." Silence...nothing but silence filled the room.

"Oh this isn't good mom"...whispered Sharon. "Shh...just give your dad a minute." "I guess it would be alright. But no monkey buisness, if I find out anything went on, you will all be grounded, and never have our trust again, understood?" "Yes daddy. Thank you...we promise." Hugging their dad with excitement, they couldn't wait till tonight.

Just as Eric and Mack were leaving out the door the boys showed up. "Hi Eric...hi Mackenzie...have fun tonight." "We will...but you boys won't, am I right?" "Yes sir Lt.Delko. We understand loud and clear." "Good...the girls are insde, bye." Shutting the door to their car Mackenzie asked...

"What do you think Eric? Think we made the right decision?" "I think so. The girls are mature enough now to understand." "Hmm...what are you up too Eric? Don't say nothing, I know that look." "I set the video camera in the den." Laughing Mackenzie whispered..."aww...that's their daddy. I knew you wouldn't let me down."

Reaching her hand, Eric kissed it, then her sweet lips.

"Mm...Eric...stop...or the only place we'll be going tonight is back to bed." Winking he said..."now that wouldn't be so bad, would it?" "Just drive Eric," she laughed. "God Mack...I"m trying, but you won't let me."

Giving her husband the yeah right look, they were finally on their way.
Hehe, thanks for the reviews:)

Back in the house the girls were desperately trying to get li'l Eric settled. "Come on Eric...it's sleepy time, lay down."

"Aaahhhhhhh...noooooooo..dada...I want dada." "Well daddy's gone out, so I have to put you to bed." "Nooooooooooo...daaaaaaaada." "That's it, I give up Sharon, you handle him."

"Me...why me? You're the one that said you could get him to sleep." "Yeah...well I was wrong. So help me." "Maybe if we put him in with Serina, Sasha, and Selina, he'll go to sleep." "Oh yeah right. Forget it Sharon, they'll freak. We are just going to have too bring him downstairs till he gets tired."

Carrying Eric downstairs, he wandered his way over to Tristan. "Hi...uppy." "Well hey there little guy, come here." Picking him up on his lap, Eric curled under his neck. "Wow...my brother has never done that with any stranger. You're amazing Tristan." "Thanks Sharon...it helps when you have two
younger siblings at home."

Watching as Tristan quietly hummed, Eric was out like a light. "Where did you want me to put him Sharon?" "Aww...come with me upstairs." Placing Eric into his bed, Sharon covered him up. "Thanks so much Tristan."

Turning to face Sharon, he whispered..."you're welcome. Then wrapping her in his arms, he kissed her in fevered passion. Passion that was so foreign to Sharon.

She could feel sensations that she wasn't ready for. Breaking the kiss, she said in deep breaths..."we better get downstairs." Walking back into the den Sara noticed her sisters blush on her cheeks. "Sharon...everything okay?" "Hmm...yeah. It will be in a minute."

"What? why sis?" "I know dad..." walking over Sharon moved the books to one side, and sure enough there it was, the video camera. "Psst...guys look." As they all seen the camera they laughed. "Oh my God...daddy." "Yeah daddy....so much for trust." "I have an idea." "What is it Tristan?" "Let's make a video for them to watch."

"Umm...are you kiddin?" "Not that kind of video Aaron. Get your mind out of the gutter. A payback video. Sharon...get one of your dads shirts, and change into something your mom would wear. We are going to be your mom and dad. The rest of you are our daughters." "Forget it Trist....no way am I dressing as a girl." "Oh relax. You don't have to dress as a girl, just talk like one."

Once they had everything in place, they acted out a scene from tonight. Then when they were finished, they sat down to their evening.
Once the movie started and the lights were off, everyone snuggled up.

"Are you okay Sharon...you're shivering." "I'm fine Tristan...it's just your kiss kind of shocked me. I've never been kissed like that." "I'm sorry Sharon. I didn't know... I mean I didn't think...." "It's okay Tristan...now you do. I"m...ahh..hmm...Oh God how embarrassing..."

"Don't be embarrassed Sharon. I know what you are trying to say, it just makes me appreciate you all the more. Just next time don't be afraid to tell me, if something I do makes you uncomfortable." "I promise." Feeling more secure, Sharon nestled her head on his shoulder. While thinking what life in the future with Tristan would be like.

Meanwhile Maddy and Adam finally had an evening to themselves. with Gray over at Lindsay's and Gregory with her mom and dad, her and Adam were free to enjoy time at his place.

"Maddy...what did you want for dinner?" "Hmm...what do you have?" "Umm...everything." "Okay...how about cheeseburgs?" "Are you sure? I don't mind making something else." Adam...cheeseburg's are fine. I'll even make a toss salad." "Alright...let's get started then.

While Maddy tossed the salad, Adam sliced the onions. "Aww...Adam...are you crying over me? Aww...that's so sweet. I love a man that cries. It...just...drives...me...insane." Attacking Adam, she pulled him towards the table. Backing herself into it, she pulled him down on top of her.

God she was wild, as she passionately kissed him. So out of control, Adam just couldn't get her to slow down. Always she was so dominant, he loved it. She always made him feel so desirable. "Mmm...oh yeah Adam...come on take control. Damn it just for once, take the lead."

Oh yeah...she asked for it. Picking her up Adam flipped her over his shoulder and ran upstairs with her. Tossing her on the bed, they began tearing at each other. So wild, so out of control with their passion.

"Oh God...dinner. Running downstairs with no clothes, Maddy tried not to laugh. Throwing on his robe, she followed still laughing. When she neared the kitchen Adam was leaned over the stove. That did it...Maddy had to say it. "Umm...Adam...between fits of laughter...I didn't...know...we had a full...moon tonight."

Collapsing on the floor in laughter, she said... "I think we....need...to get you some...serious body tan." With the fire out, Adam could now deal with a giggling Maddy. Picking her up he carried her to the couch, sat down, put her over his knee and spanked her butt.

"Oww..okay...okay...I'm sorry," she continued to giggle. Lifting her onto his lap, she looked into his eyes. As they felt the aura change in the room, all the teasing had disappeared leaving behind sighs of passion and desires. Wrapping his fingers in Maddy's long curls he pulled her towards him, and slid off the robe.

Admiring her form, he caressed, stroked, kissed, taking them both back into their desired world of need, want and love.
Im glad those kids found that tape, cant wait for Eric to play it :lol:...Loved the ending with Adam, verryyy good, im glad he took control :devil:
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