CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Thank you, Linda. :) Yeah, that's my only explaination for that. I once saw a Western Couple kissed in some shopping mall and I was flabbergasted by them. They did it right in front of the cashier. Aiyoyo.. We're not bold enough to do that. And all of us here, we don't get used to those huggings and kissings even though it's just a friendly hug or kiss on a cheek. :lol: Not even in family. I do kiss my niece and nephew when they're young but if they grows older.. :lol: One more thing, we will all go EEEEEEEE.. if we saw something like that. In my country, "I LOVE YOU" this three words to family is hardly to be heard. Even my own family, I do tell my mom and hug her everyday but she says, "Don't make my hair stand!" and she acted like hurling. :lol: We used other way to express our love to someone we love but I don't think it's enough. As we support each other, moral supports and more.

We have people hiding behind garbage to kiss. And teens and kids here are very curious about kissing. But it turned into something more. :lol: We also have people having dates on midnight near some park and kissing. Unfortunately, they got caught by some camera.
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When the girls and Tristan arrived at school. They were greeted by David's brother and his friends.

"Well...it didn't take you long Tristan to move in my brothers girl." "Let it go Ken, don't start something you can't finish." "You think I can't finish it? We shall see smart ass, and as for you Sharon, you should now belong to me. So let's make this easy." "I don't think so Ken. I'll never be yours."

Walking away Tristan noticed the evil expression on Ken's face. "I want you to listen to me Sharon. You are not to go anywhere today without me or your sisters, understand?" "What... why?" "I just have a really bad feeling something is going to happen." "Listen Tristan... I'm not going to spend the rest of my days hiding in shadows."

"I know that Sharon. I do. But please... just for today." "Fine... but only today. Then when I get home after school I'm talking to my dad." Giving Tristan a kiss, she headed to class. While Tristan headed to the nearest phone.

"Miami-Dade Police Department, how may I direct your call?" "I need to speak with Lt.Delko." "One moment please." As Tristan waited, he wished they'd hurry. "Delko." "Eric it's Tristan, I think Sharon and I may be headed for trouble." "Slow down Tristan. Start from the begining."

"I don't have enough time. I think David's brother Ken may be planning something on Sharon and I." "What makes you think that?" "His words... they were along the lines of... Sharon should belong to him, and that he can finish what he starts."

"Okay Tristan, stay with Sharon. Make sure someone is with her at all times. There isn't much I can do at this moment, until he does something or makes a direct threat. Though I'll have Don put a couple Officers on him." "Thanks Eric... I just don't want to lose her." "Don't worry, she's my daughter, nothings going to happen to her, as long as I'm breathing."

Hanging up the phone Eric headed down to see Don.


After her parents left. Mackenzie took out her pill and swallowed it down. Then picking up her sleeping son, she cuddled with him on the couch. As the day slipped away, the girls came bellowing into the house.

"Mom...we're home. What's for dinner?" Walking into the den they seen there mom sleeping, and li'l Eric pulling apart one of their plants, while Peanut was shaking a piece in his mouth.. "Peanut... stop that. Let's go... outside you." Putting the dogs outside, Sara shook her mom awake.

"Mom...come on mom. Wake up." "Hmm... oh... hi sweetheart. Is school over already?" "Yeah... it's three thirtly mom, how long have you been sleeping?" "I don't know, since this afternoon. Oh god... where's your brother?"

"He's fine mom. We have him in the kitchen drinking juice. Are you sure your okay?" "I'm fine Sara, don't worry. Oh and before I forget. Your cousin is in the Hospital. She had her appendix taken out this morning." "So that's why she wasn't at school. Can we go see her tonight?" "Of course we can."

Getting up, Mackenzie headed to the kitchen to make supper.

The Hangout

It didn't take Tristan long to move in on Sharon. Leaving me to think he may have been the one to open his mouth." "I don't know about that Ken... I think it had alot to do with Sharon screaming wolf. Remember

David told us how easy she was. That's why he kept her around."
"Yeah...but how do we know that's true? Maybe we should get them both.

We'll give Tristan a good beating, and Sharon...well her... we will just see how innocent she's not." "Umm... are you sure about this Ken... I don't want to end up dead like your brother. I plan on being a doctor. Maybe we should just let it rest."

"Let it rest? Forget it. Why should Tristan get Sharon. She belonged to my brother, so now she should be mine. Oh... I have a bullet for that Adam guy too. Oh... one more thing. Anyone tries to back out... I'll know. I have people watching us right now. So I'll know your every move. So we meet here tomorrow morning before school."

Leaving the hangout, the four boys looked around, trying to see if they were really being watched. While Ken went in search of Adam.

The next few chapters after this is going to be very angst filled. There will be a twist and a turn of events that will turn one of our couples to lay blame on the other.

Will it all work out in the end. I guess we will have to wait and read.
heeheeeheee.. David's brother? :wtf: I almost forgot who David is.. People say, you won't remember sad events much but only will remember the happy ones. Like family, Like family. It means, once a Criminal, always a criminal. That's my new theory. :lol: I love this. ANGST.. I'll be evil for awhile. Bad guy won't have a happy ending right? Hohohoo! Well, I'm sure they will sort it out together. As long as they'll all safe and in a well condition. I'm staying quite optimistic here as they had a very strong bond inside them.

one of our couples to lay blame on the other.

Sounds very interesting. Wonders who would it be? Will it turn into something much more serious that before? :) It would not be Mac/Stella right? *crosses fingers*
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There will be a twist and a turn of events that will turn one of our couples to lay blame on the other.

Do you mean that one half of a couple will be mad at their partner or that it'll be one couple mad at another couple?
"Umm... I'm telling you Larry I have a bad feeling about this. I think Ken is as crazy as his brother." "I know he is, but what can we do?" "Well... there is four of us, and only one of him. What if we go to the Police, we can always protect each other from who ever is watching." "Yeah... if anyone is watching."

Still trying to decide what to do, they bumped into Eric, Danny, and Don. Flashing their badge they said... "Let's go boys, my car now." "What? What did we do?" hoping their trick would work Don said... "Conspiracy to commit murder." "Whoa... hold on man. We aren't conspiring anything."

"We were informed that Ken and four other boys matching your discription, were planning an assault on Sharon Delko, and Tristan Rogers." "Oh no... no way man. We were just coming to talk to you. It's all Ken that has planned it, he said he even has a bullet for some guy named Adam."

Looking at Don, who looked at Eric he said... "Adam Ross?" "I think so... he said it was the guy who killed his brother." "When is this supposed to happen?" "I'm not sure, we only talked about Tristan and Sharon. That's supposed to happen tomorrow." "What does he plan on doing?"

"He plans on beating the hell out of Tristan, and taking Sharon away for himself. We were suppose to help, but we weren't going too, honest. He also warned us that he had people watching us, and he would know if we told." "I seriously doubt he has anyone watching you. For this isn't gang related, and from what we checked, David was never in any gangs."

"So you think we're safe?" "I'm almost positive. But... if I find out any of you had anything to do with this, you'll all be charged with attempted murder." "We do... and again we swear, we weren't going to hurt them."

After the kids left Eric put some Officers on them just to be safe. Then they went to see Adam.

Meanwhile Adam was on the beach with Maddy and Gregory. "Adam... can we go in the water?" "Sure we can. It's a beautiful day Greg, let's go." Heading down to the water, Ken watched, took aim and fired.

"Noooooooo....oh my God... call 911 someone, hurry." While Adam used his phone, he tried to stop Gregory from bleeding. "Listen to me Maddy. I need you to put pressure on his stomach. Maddy... listen." Finally snapping out of it, Maddy applied pressure to her sons wound.

"He's going to die. Oh God Adam... I can't lose my little boy." Just as the Ambulance pulled up so did Eric, Danny and Don. Running down to the beach they seen little Gregory's lifeless body. "What the hell happened Adam?" "I'm not sure Eric... someone fired." Looking around Eric told the Officers to search the area, while the EMT's continued working on Gregory.

While Maddy watched with Adam holding her, she could see it was too late. Her little boy had died. "I'm sorry... call the time Harvey." Hearing Maddy's screams, she reached for her son, and held him tightly against her.

"Eric... we need to take him." "Nooo... you are not touching my son." Sitting down beside Maddy, Eric had Sheldon beside him. "Maddy... listen to me. Let Sheldon take him, he'll take good care of him. I promise Maddy." Still not listening, she continued rocking him. "What do you want to do Eric?"

"Call mom and dad. They'll have to help her." While Don called Mac and Stella, Eric continued to try and have Maddy release Gregory. "Eric... who would do this?" "I'm not sure Adam... I think the bullet was meant for you." "For me? But who? Why?" "We think it may have been David's brother Ken. We found out from a group a boys that he had planned revenge on you."

"What? You're just telling me this now?" "We just found out Adam, we were coming to warn you." Adam looked at Maddy, he realized she hadn't zoned in to what Eric had said. Leaving him to wonder when she did, if she would blame him for her sons death.

"Maddy... Maddybee. Oh God... what happened Eric?" While Stella talked to her son, Mac sat with his daughter. Trying to reach for his grandson, she held him all the tighter. "Maddybee... listen to me sweetheart. Maddy... look at daddy please." Looking up at her dad she continued to rock her son in her arms.

"Maddy... I need you to give me Gregory. Can you do that sweetheart? Can I have Gregory. I'd like to hold him." Still not releasing her son, Mac had no choice. Wrapping his arms around his grandson, he pulled him from Maddy's arms. "Take him Sheldon. Eric... go with him and get that bullet."

"Mac... she doesn't even realize you've taken him. She's still rocking." "I know love. Adam pick her up please." As Adam picked her up she screamed. "Don't touch me... don't ever touch me again. This is all your fault Adam. You did this. You killed my son." Turning she slapped his face, as Stella wrapped her in her arms.

"Shh... come on sweetheart. Shh..." Walking away with her daughter, Mac turned to a teary Adam. "Are you okay Adam? You know she doesn't mean it. She's just not thinking straight right now." "I know Mac. But she's right. It is my fault. I was the one who killed David forcing his brother to take revenge."

Walking down the beach, Adam wasn't sure where he was headed. All he knew was that because of him, a child he loved was dead.

When Grayson got the call he rushed home. "Mom... mom... where is everyone?" "We're in here son." "Mom... please say it isn't true. Please tell me my brother isn't dead." Running to his mothers side, he cried in her arms. "How mom? How did it happen?"

"It was Adam's fault." "Maddy... stop that right now. It wasn't Adam's fault." "What's she talking about nana?" "It seems Daivd's brother wanted revenge on Adam. While they were down on the beach, Ken fired at Adam, but he missed and hit Gregory, killing him."

Mac could see the anger on his grandsons face. Making him thankful that Eric and Danny already had him under arrest. "Where is he now mom?

Where is that bastard now?" "Gray... stop this. He's in jail. Your uncle's already arrested him." "God damn it, that's not enough. He deserves to die, just like my brother."

Looking at his mother, Gray could tell she was right out of it. Problem now was, he needed to convince her it wasn't Adam's fault.
Omg! I didnt expect that, you shocked me with that one! As much as i didnt like reading it I loved it! I love how you write angst :D I hope Grayson can help convince Maddy it was Adams' fault though :)
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I had a feeling someone was gonna get caught in the crossfire, but I didn't expect it to be little Gregory. That's so sad. As bad as I feel for Maddy, I feel even worse for poor Adam. It wasn't his fault and he's being blamed for it. He's blaming himself for it too. Hopefully Gray can make his mom see that it wasn't Adam's fault. Adam wasn't trying to kill David, his only thought was protecting Sharon.
:rolleyes: A young boy, killed innocently by some psycho with genetics inside the family. Gregory, he have yet to get the chance to spend his whole future in front of him yet it ended in a Creep's Hand. But, I'm not saying I don't like it. Indeed I love it alot. I understood there's an end to everything. Happiness, or Felicity, I believe they exist, what was not to be found is inside them. Everyone has to die.. The matter of time. You did a great job! :thumbsup: Expanding our minds further with the angsty on the line. I'm glad that they caught him, put him away for good but what's the point now is, they have to sort it out together. What's hidden inside them, all those hatred and revenge.. I thought that's what cause people having all those killing each other nowadays. Would it be happier for Grayson if her mom saw him went to jail 'cause of some silly revenge? She has already lose one of her child. Or does she wants to lose another?:)
more more! Yeah she needs to get the picture that it's not Adam's fault just because he got in the way.
Looking at his mother, Gray could tell she was right out of it. Problem now was, he needed to convince her it wasn't Adam's fault.

"It's all Adam's fault. He took my baby. He did it, it's all his fault."

Getting up Gray grabbed his hysterical mother and slapped her face. Something he never thought he'd have to do.

"Stop it mom. Stop it right now. This isn't Adam's fault. He didn't tell that bastard to take revenge on him. He didn't mean to kill David, it was an accident. David rolled onto that knife, Adam wasn't the one who stuck it into his chest. His only concern was saving your niece. You need to stop blaming Adam, he loved Gregory mom, and me. He would never have wanted this. If not for him saving Sharon, she'd be dead right now instead. You need to stop this."

"But he caused it all. Him and his God damn heroics." "No mom... he didn't. Ken did, it was a tragic turn of events gone wrong. None of this should have happened. You were all targets. I'm sure Ken didn't even know how to aim. His only thought was to kill Adam, unfortunetly he missed. Adam can't be blamed for that. Please mom... don't allow yourself to hate Adam. He loves you, he's hurting as bad as you are right now. Especially with you blaming him."

Mac and Stella were beyond impressed. As sad as they were, here was their grandson acting very mature and wise. Taking the time to help his mother understand that Adam was not to blame. Holding back his own hurt and pain to try and heal his mom. Such unselfishness in one so young, was very rare.

Looking at her son, she caressed his cheek whispering..."I'm tired son," and walked away.

"Papa... she's to out of it right now for me to help her. Where is Adam?" "I'm not sure son. He was very upset when we left him. You need to know that he's blaming himself too." "Take care of mom. I'm going to find him and bring him home."

Heading out the door, Mac and Stella continued to try and help Maddy understand, it wasn't Adam's fault.

At the Hospital Eric stopped by to give his family and Michelle the news.

"Hey daddy... what are you doing here?" "Hi Eric." "Hi Michelle, how are you feeling?" "Better, are you okay? You look sad." "Umm... I have some news to share with you." "What is it Eric?" "Yeah daddy... what is it?" "There was trouble on the beach. Adam, Maddy and Gregory were swimming. Ken decided to get revenge on Adam."

"Oh my God... Adam isn't dead is he daddy?" "No Sharon... but... your cousin is. The bullet hit Gregory killing him instantly. "Oh Eric... how's my sister? How's Maddy?" "Not good Mack. She's blaming Adam." "Adam... why daddy? It wasn't Adam's fault." "I know that Sharon, but your Aunt isn't thinking straight."

"So what are we going to do daddy. Should I talk to Auntie?" "I think at this time, it's best to leave it to her son." "Is this my fault too daddy? I mean it was me that started it all." "No it wasn't Sharon... don't you dare blame yourself. It was a tragic turn of events that went wrong from the very begining."

Snuggling his daughter in his arms, she whispered... but if Adam hadn't of saved me that day, then Gregory wouldn't be dead right now. So you see Daddy... it is my fault. I should have been the one to die."

"Stop that Sharon... just stop that right now. You didn't ask to be stalked by David's sick mind. You didn't ask to be followed, or hunted like an animal. This was an event that was wrong from the very begining. A turn of events that had needless consequences. You need to understand, there is no win win situation in acts of violence like this. There is only pain, and heartache for those involved."

"But..." "No... no buts Sharon. If that was the case then I'm to blame too. For I was the one who set up the operation for New Years Eve. I was the one who allowed David to continue walking the streets. This is what I need you to understand. This whole series of events was wrong. None of it should have happened, but it did. All we can do now is accept it and move on."

"Okay daddy. I'll try, I promise. But what about our Adam? Who's going to help him accept it daddy? Who's going to tell him it wasn't his fault?" "Grayson sweetheart. He's his only hope now, unfortunately he's going to have too be the one to heal his family."

While they all continued to hold each other, they prayed together that Grayson would be smart and wise enough to bring Adam home.
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