CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Aww at Tristian with little Eric.

:lol: at his plan for the video. Can't wait till Eric sees that.

Full moon! haha! I love Adam and Maddy. :lol: at him spanking her.
When Eric and Mackenzie walked in the door at one in the morning. The house was in darkness. Leaving Mackenzie to check on the kids, he headed into the den to watch the video.

"They're all sleeping Eric. Should we watch the video?" "Yeah...I guess we should." Turning on the TV they seen the kids dressed as them, then they heard it.

"Sharon, Shannon, Sara...I don't want no fooling around tonight when we are out. You keep those lights on. And don't disappoint us, or we will never trust you again."

Mackenzie was trying not to laugh. But Tristan had Eric's voice down pat.

Then when she heard Sharon...it was a whole different story.

"Don't you worry about your dad. I can handle him. I'll get him to say yes to having the boys over. But you all have to behave and no monkey buisiness." "Ohhh...this is so not funny. Just how did they know you planted the video camera Eric?"

"How should I know Mack? I hid it behind the books." "Which books?" "Those ones on the shelf." "Well no wonder they found it. That's where I hide it when I film you." "I'm sorry...what did you say?" Laughing she tried to back out of the room.

"Where you going Mack? Come here, I want to talk to you." "Umm...I need to go start coffee." "It's one in the morning...I don't want coffee." Mackenzie was getting nervous. She had seen that look several times on her husbands face. he wanted her, had wanted her since they left the house.

Trying to back up, she flipped onto the couch trapping herself. "Eric....she said in a heated whisper...stop...looking...at...me...like that." "Like what Mack?" "Like you want to eat me whole?" Stalking towards her she could feel her body begin to respond, and God Eric could not only see it, but he could hear it. Her deep pants, and sighs, as he came closer to her side.

"Look at you babe...look at that fire burning in your eyes, telling me without words to touch you. Maybe I should make your body crave my touch. Maybe I should tease, caress, stroke, bring you to the edge, but not over until you are begging for me take you over the relm of my seductive love." Pulling her up onto his lap, he kept her there where he knew it would drive her crazy.

"Damn you Eric...pleeeeeease..." Kissing her passionate pleas, he slithered his tongue across her neck causing her to lose any sense of reality she had left. Then when he felt her body tense and tighten, he stopped and held her. "God...damn...it...Eric...I hate you." "No...no you don't babe. You know why? Do you?" Trying to catch her breath, she couldnt think. "Cause without these games we play with each other, we'd both be bored. We'd both be lost. For passion like ours was meant to be played with."

"Eriiiiic...." she cried out in sensual breaths. "In otherwords love...you and I complete each other." With the words said, Eric gave her what she needed. And as he brought her over the edge, not once, not twice, but three times, she realized he was right. They did complete each other. Not only in marriage, but also in spirit.

Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her upstairs where he loved her again, until the morning light shone through the windows.

Looking over at the clock Mackenzie realized it was eight in the morning. "Oh no...the kids..school." Running from the bed she threw on a robe and ran into their rooms. As she looked she found them empty.

Heading downstairs she seen the note.

"Mom and dad, we got ourselves off to school. We thought you two would like the morning off. Enjoy your video, and we will see you tonight. Love your six pack."

"Mack...is everything okay sweetheart?" "Mhmm...looks like our six pack is all grown up. All we have left is our li'l Eric." "Aww...come on Mack...I know it's hard. But they had to grow eventually." "I know Eric...but we are almost out of the pitter patter of little feet in our home." "Geez...it's not as if they're moving out tomorrow Mack. They still live here."

Eric knew what she was hinting at. He had known for the last month. But he was also enjoying the time they now had to spend with each other, now the kids were older, and able to sit for them. Another baby meant feedings, changings, crying all night long.

"Eric...coul...." "Forget it Mack...I've got to get ready for work." Running up the stairs before she could start with the baby and the tears, he knew he had to get himself out of their house fast.

Once he had showered and changed. He kissed his wife and son quickly, then shutting the door behind him, he left. Turning to face li'l Eric she whispered..."Little does daddy know, that I've stopped taking my pills. You know why Eric?" Giggling, he could care less. For he had his mommy's full attention. "I'll tell you why. So we can have a baby brother or sister for you. What do you think of that?"

Looking at his mommy with wide eyes, he cried. "What? What is it Eric?

Don't tell me you don't want me too either. What is this? Conspiracy against motherhood?" Sitting him in his chair, she gave him some animal crackers and milk.
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Michelle was screaming in pain. Running into her room Mac noticed she was holding her right side.

"What is it love?" "Oww... please daddy. It hurts so bad. Help me daddy." "Alright baby, hold on." Picking up the phone he called 911 when her mom walked in. "Michelle...what's the matter sweetheart?" "I don't mom... oh God it hurts so bad." Hearing her screams, Stella touched her lower right side, and she vomited everywhere.

"Mac... it's her appendix... where the hell is that Ambulance?" "They're coming now love. Go let them in." Once they were on their way. Mac followed behind in the car, leaving MJ and Lea to inform the family.

When they pulled into the ER, they took Michelle right down to surgery. A short time later the surgeon came out. "Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs.Taylor?" "Yes... our daughter, how is she. "She's going to be fine. We removed the appendix in time. She's in recovery now. You can visit her shortly."

"Thank you...thatnk you so much." "You're welcome, take care." Heading up to her room Mac grabbed a pink teddy bear from the Hospital gift shop. When they walked in they found her sound asleep. Taking the teddy Mac wrapped it in her arm, and kissed her head.

"Mmm...daddy? Mom?" "yeah sweetie, we're right here. How you feeling now?" "Sore." "I know baby... try not to move to much. would you like anything?" "Some water, and I need to go too the bathroom." Checking under the blanket Stella noticed she had catheter.

"It's okay sweetheart. They have a bag on you." "No... I want to use a toilet mom, please." Pushing the call button the nurse came in. "Well hello love... how are you feeling?" "I need to go to the bathroom." "Oh... that's a wonderful sign. Let's just get that catheter out of you, and then we will walk to the washroom."

"We'll wait outside." While they waited in the hall, the nurse tended to Michelle. "Alright then, you may come back in now." Opening the curtain they seen their daughter partially laying down. "How do you feel now baby?" "Better mom, she gave me more pain medication, and I can have some soup and jello for supper later."

"Mmm...jello blocks. Listen to me sweetheart. When they bring them, we will throw them against the wall." "Mac Taylor... stop that." Stella couldn't help but laugh. For she remembered Mac throwing the cubes and the damn things bounced. "Why daddy?" "Why? You dare ask why? They bounce love. they are like those little rubber balls."

Giggling Michelle couldn't wait.

"Hey, hey, hey...what up Michelle?" "MJ... you came to see me." "Of course I did, why wouldn't I. I love you." Hugging his aunt in his arms, he felt her fever. "Papa... did you know she's fevered?" "Hmm... no, she's fine." "She's hot... just feel her." Leaning over Mac noticed it too.

"Michelle...are you feeling sick?" "No daddy, just a little tired." "Okay...I"m going to get a nurse, don't move," he winked trying to reasure her. When the nurse took her temperature she found it 102 degrees. "I"m just going to take some blood Michelle, okay."

"Why? I feel fine." "I know honey...but we need to be sure you don't have an infection from your appendix." "I don't understand. The doctor told us he removed it in time." "I'm sure he did Mr.Taylor. Please try not to worry. Sometimes infections do run with this type of surgery."

"Now is that because of the waste we carry in our bowels?" "It is Mrs.Taylor. Like I said try not to worry. I'm going to speak to the doctor, we'll get her started on antibiotics." "But what about my jello?" Everyone tried not laugh. Poor Michelle, all she cared about was not getting her rubber jello.

A short time later the nurse came back with a fluid bag. "Alright young lady. Looks like you have a little infection. So we're going to start you on Chlyndamicyn. Now you may feel some nausea, or stomach pain, but it shouldn't be to bothersome." "Okay... can I have my supper now?"
"Of course you can. I'll be right back."

When the nurse returned she had broth, green jello, and juice. "Here you go Michelle. Now if you're hungry later, we have a kitchen where you can help yourself to whatever you like. We even have ice cream." "Thank you."

"You're welcome. If you need anything else let me know."

"Psst...is she gone son?" Checking out the door MJ shook his head yes. Picking up a piece of the jello square, Mac threw it at the wall. Sure enough it bounced. "Oh gosh... that's funny dad, let me try." Taking the jello cube Michelle threw it the wall and it bounced back.

After trying a few spoonfuls of the broth, Michelle fell asleep. "Why don't you go home Mac, I'll stay with her?" "No... I don't mind love, you go home and rest." "Listen you two. How about I stay with Michelle. Lea's on the nightshift later tonight, so I have nothing to do." "You sure son?" "I'm positive papa, you and nana head home."

After they left for home. MJ felt Michelle's head. Seeing that her fever had gone down, he knew he could relax. "MJ... where's mom and dad?" "They went home kiddo, you're stuck with me." "MJ... can you lay down with me?" Climbing in beside her, he wrapped her carefully in his arms.

"Try and sleep Michelle, I'm right here. Let the antibiotics do their job."

Back at the Delko house. Mac and Stella stopped by to see their daughter. Walking in Mac picked up his grandson and tickled him.

"Hi mom... hey dad. How's my sis?" "She's doing alright. Her surgery went well, but she's developed a little infection, they caught it in time." "Good. I'll have to go see her tonight with the kids." "Are you okay honey? You look upset." "Nope... I'll be fine mom. Don't worry." "Mackenzie... look at me."

Looking at her mom, she seen the tears. "What is it sweetheart?" "I want another baby, but Eric doesn't. It's not fair mom. I'm missing the little years." "What? Come on sweetheart. Eric's just turning two, how can you missing those years yet?" "I just am mom. I want another baby. All my girls are growing up to fast, Eric Jr is sleeping through the night. I miss the nurturing, feeding, and bonding.

"Aww... come on Mackenzie... think about honey. You have seven kids. Seven should be more then enough." Mac laughed. "Just what is so funny mister?" "Sorry love. It just reminded me of that TV show... Eight is Enough, remember that show?" "Oh... stop. You're going to make her more upset."

Smiling her dad said..."Listen love... as much as I am for another grandchild, maybe Eric is right. It's just not the right time. Why don't you just enjoy each others company. Do the things you've both missed out on the last several years." "No... why doesn't anyone understand... I want another child."

"Mackenzie... we do understand. But not more then a year ago, you were freaked when you thought you were. Now you're saying you've changed your mind. You're not making sense honey." Stella wondered if Mackenzie had stopped her pills. Her mood swings had changed.

"Mack... are you still taking your birth control?" Looking away from her mom, she wouldn't answer. "Answer me young lady. Are you?" "No... no okay. I went off them a month ago." "Mackenzie Marie Taylor. How could you? You can't do this Eric." "I know mom. I know... but I want another baby."

Taking their daughter in their arms, they held her tight. "I know you do sweetheart. God I know. But you can't do it this way. You can't betray Eric's trust. Just wait a few more years honey, and I'm sure he'll change his mind." Rocking her in their arms, they continued to reassure her, that seven was more then enough.
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Ohh.. I can't stop smiling. :lol: It always comes to this when I read about the kids love life. In my country, we will get sue in Court because of love and affection in public. They have CCTV Camera everywhere. That's what we called "Western". Though, criminals are lots and tons and infinity. Unable to be pawned! Crime and death rates increased everyday. The kids are adorable. I hope that they know what's the best for their own, as in what they have been looking for "the right person", what's right in their eyes, they did it right and never look back or regret. Okay.. I was suppose to be mourning now but Linda's FF made me laugh out loud and I can't stop myself from smiling. But I can't help it! I needed to read this. I've been missing this for days. Came back for more. :lol: I don't know why but everytime I sure will laugh.

Umm.. I haven't been reading that for days. And now.. I really am going to faint soon. Butterflies are fluttering in my tummy. I'll read it at once. *Taking a deep breathe* Lindaaaaaaa.. *Gulps*. I.. have a funeral to attend tomorrow. This helps alot. :adore:. Ohhhh.. I'm surprised by the kids. They knows where to draw the line. :thumbsup: And I know it'll be a long night when Eric and Mackenzie came home. As they found the video.. it'll crack me up on what's the content inside. *Runs to buy inhaler* Kidding.. :lol: Asprine.. can hardly breathe from what she has yet to read. They are all soooo naughty!!! All the families.. I guess, that's one of the point that makes them great and unique. Ahh? Hmm, I have no comment about Mackenzie as long as everyone is happy about it. Besides, I think Eric would love to.. Uhh.. maybe.. Time is needed..

I heard, if appendix was not removed within 48 hours, a person will dies. I'm glad that they saved Michelle on time. Ohh.. 102 degrees! That's serious.. Hmm, poor Michelle. She's young. And needed to had Cleocin, antibiotic that has side effects in it. Though, It's really appreciated that they found it sooner. The bacterias might have infected more of her organs.

I would love to say that I totally agree with Mac and Stella. 7? But I'm really happy for Eric and Mackenzie after all those years. Their kids were grown up to be great person. They know how to think well as one family. What's right and wrong. Contraceptive pills, that she had stopped for one month? What's going to happen in the future? :)
Melly:). Asprine can explain better when she next checks in.:)

Thanks for explaining Asprine.:)
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