CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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As they neared closer to Claire she heard the door opening. Looking behind them they seen it open.

"One word Lindsay...and we'll come back and kill you. Understand?"

Nodding her head yes. Her dad walked in.

"Hey Linds...where's your mom? And who is this?"

"Oh....I think mom left already for her appointment. These are two boys from my school, they needed some notes."

"Well hurry up. You know boy's aren't allowed in the house."

"I know dad. Here you go guys...see you tomorrow."

"Yeah...sure Linds...bye."

Once they left Lindsay broke.

"Linds...what is it?"

"It's nothing daddy. I"m just having a bad day. I have homework to do. You should go pick up mom. I'll lock the door behind you."

"Alright..you're sure you're okay?"

"Yes Daddy. Just go get mom."

Leaving again he couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with his little girl.

When he got to the Hospital he found Nat waiting.

"Hey babe...sorry I'm late...Eric and I were on a case."

"That's okay. At least you're here."

Kissing her hand he whispered...

"I wouldn't miss it."

"Natalia....if you and your husband would come with me."

Following the Nurse into the room she left Nat a gown to slip on.

"The radiologist will be in shortly."

"Thanks. So...what do you think hon? Boy or girl?"

"Don't matter Nat...as long as it's healthy."

"Good afternoon. You must be Natalia. Are we ready to get started."

"We are..."

Holding Danny's hand they watched as the their baby came into view.

"Okay....here we are...there is the head....then if you look carefully you can see the heart beating. Oh...it's nice and strong. Now going lower we see...hmm...did you want to know?"

Nat looked at Danny...while Danny looked at Nat...."we do.."

"Alright congrat's you have a beautiful healthy boy."

"A boy.....you sure now??? You're not gonna change your mind right?"

The Radiologist laughed.

"No Mr.Messer....I'm not going to change my mind. You can dressed now Natalia. I'll have your pictures wating for you at the front desk."

"Thank you. Bye. Are you happy Danny?"

With tears streaming down his face he said....

"How could I not be Nat...how could I not."

When they got home they called Lindsay down.

"What is it daddy?"

"Come see a picture of your brother."

Looking at the pictures she awwed....he looks like a peanut."

Nat laughed....yeah....but he'll grow love. He'll grow."
Aww poor Lindsay opens up to someone maybe it'll be MJ or even Jimmy Jr. [thats the one right?!] *too many names :lol:*
Aww poor Lindsay opens up to someone maybe it'll be MJ or even Jimmy Jr. [thats the one right?!] *too many names :lol:*

No, Grayson (Maddy's son) is the one Lindsay likes. :) Jimmy Jr is in the other story (Claire's son). :)

Aww, Danny's gonna get a little boy this time.
George was pissed. Heading back to his apartment he found his two nephews waiting for him.

"Hey Uncle George...what's up?"

"What the hell do you two want? I told you two never to come back."

"Aww...come on Uncle George...we know you didn't mean it. Besides...we need to know if we can borrow of that thick rope you have."

"What the hell are you two up to now?"

"Umm..nothing. We just need it."

"I'm not giving you two anything. At least until you tell me what it's for."

"Fine...we need it to tie up a girl we want to play with. Now can we have the rope or not?"

"Depends...what girl? And how old?"

"Her name is Lindsay Messer...and she's fifteen...almost sixteen."

"Did you say Messer? As in Detective Danny Messer?"

"Shit...how'd you know that?"

"Doesn't matter. I'll tell you what. You let me help...and all three of us will have some fun with her."

"Hmm...you're not going to be greedy with her...are you? You will share...right?"

"Listen....I don't want to her to rape her. I just want to torture a little. Just a little payback for something her father did."

"But we want too. Can we still have her?"

"Yes...you can do what you want with her that way. I only want to send a little warning to Det.Messer."

"Fine...we have a deal."

Back at the Delko's Eric arrived at home and found Eric Jr playing in the girls waterbase paint.

"Selina....Serina....Sasha....get down here now.."

"What is it daddy?"

"Look at your brother. Take a good look."

As the girls seen their paint all over the floor, and Eric's face they laughed. They couldn't help it. Poor little Eric looked like that Warrior guy from Braveheart.

"You find this funny? Do you?"

"No daddy. We're sorry. We will clean it. Then we'll bath Eric for you."

"Good....now where is your mom?"

"She's in the kitchen making dinner."

Walking into the kitchen he seen his lovely wife talking on the phone. Hanging up on whoever she was talking too, he took her hand and brought her into the living room.

"While you were on the phone...gabbing to whoever. This is what your son got into too."

Mackenzie couldn't help but laugh.

"What!!! I'm sorry Eric...he looks like Mel Gibson from Braveheart."

"This isn't funny. Can't you watch one toddler."

"Hmm...let me see. First there is laundry everyday. Then the dishes...then the floors...then the rooms...then the meals...then the ironing..then dinner....Gee...no Eric....I guess my schedule is full."

Walking away from him he grabbed her hand. Then looking into her eyes he whispered....

"I'm sorry....I didn't mean to snap."

"I know Eric...I'm sorry too."
Post #118
could her moms words have been right.
It's not only could have been right, she's exactly right. People say.."The sea water will dry, the rock will break". She's taking a risk. The next thing she knew, she won't be the same Lindsay anymore. I think the girls in the school wanted her to be in trouble 'cause they are jealous of something? Hmm.. Teenagers.. *Shooks head* Hopefully her mom or anyone came home in time. Wait.. It might be a danger too! Her mom is pregnant.. Aw, Eric Jr is always cute! I always love to read about their childhood. I'm looking forward to their Talk on Adam and Maddy. As Maddy is already on the line of Falling In Love and moving on. I'm happy about Adam being a part of the family. I mean, he's going to appear in the storyline more.. :) Eric and Danny went to give George a warning? Ohhhh, That's going to raise his anger. He probably is going take his anger on all the family members. :rolleyes:

Post #121
Phew! Danny saved his daughter from those perverts. Will they come back for more? Since they haven't get what they wanted yet.. I'm worried for her. This time, Lindsay is safe, the next time, she won't be that lucky anymore. She has to stay away from them and not to go somewhere alone. :thumbsup: I'm glad that Danny came to his wife Radiology session even though he's late. It's a BOY! Another boy addition to the family. :lol: I'm happy for the both of them. Like Danny said, As long as it is healthy and strong. That cracked me up when Danny ask the Doctor would she change her mind.. That's going to be great as Lindsay has another brother and Maddy's new individual is going to have someone to play with. :)

Post #125
*Grins* Sometimes, I wonder if someone who is stronger than us, the one who has the authority to fight for justice does have any eye. It might be too late when they get to catch the psycho, and they are still lack of evidence. He would have lay a hand on Lindsay. AND! I think.. The whole family of the Flemmings is adnormal. Now.. they have a strong guy there. Maybe Eric and the team should set a trap for George and his two nephews? Or they're thinking that George will be aware by the word they say? "500 feet away from the family"? A psycho is uncontrollable, he probably thought that you're singing songs to him. Eric Jr the little monkey. :lol: I love how intelligent the kids are and how Eric know that he's wrong by snapping his wife. Like I said, not only people who work outside is busy. Even as a mom can be very great. For me, they are the greatest person in the world. They carry a child in them for 9 months. 9 months is not that easy! Sometimes, their own child or husband never did know how difficult it was. Some would be obstinate by blaming their wife at home for not taking care of the child. And they will use the reason, "I WORK OUTSIDE, RAISE THE FAMILY!" What is that? Every parents has the responsibility to take care of the child. Not only the wife. They have to do laundry's and all those house chores which is tons of them in ONE DAY.. *Sighs* Glad that Eric understood his wife. :)
Back at the Taylor's the phone rang..


"Hey Michelle...is your Aunt Maddy there?"

"Sure...hold on Adam."

Placing down the phone she yelled....

"Auntie Maddy it's Adam..."

As everyone looked up at her....she blushed.

"Whaaaaaaaaat....it's nothing."

Walking to the phone everyone listened from around the corner.

"Hey Adam...how are you?"

"I'm great Maddy....ummm..I was wondering if you would maybe like to go out tonight."


"Well...ummm...I was thinking the beach. They are having this outside movie playing tonight...it might be fun."

"Sounds great. I would like that. What time?"

"I'll pick you up at eight."

"I'll be ready. See you then...bye?"

Hanging up the phone she found her family staring at her.

"Oh for goodness sakes. It's just a movie."

Walking upstairs Mac smiled at his lovely wife as he sang....

"It's going to be the most wonderful Christmas of the year..."

"Oh please daddy....don't make me hurl."

"You know what Michelle?"

"What daddy?"

"We've been needing a new ornament for our tree. Perhaps you would like me to hang you from it."

Laughing Michelle walked away, but as she neared the den her father swept her up in his arms and hung her from the back of the door.

"Daaaaaaad....get me down....daaaaaddy...."

Leaving her hanging on the hook everyone laughed.

"Come here squirt."

Lifting his cousin down she kissed him.

"Thank you MJ. I love you."

"I love you too squirt."

Over at the Delko's Eric helped Mackenzie with the dishes. Putting away the last plate he picked her up and sat her on the counter.

"Eriiiiiiiiiic.....what are you up too?"

"I'm up to apologizing again if you'll be quiet for five minutes."

"I'm listening."

"I know I don't often say I love you enough. I know when I get home I'm always cranky from a tiring day. I also know that if it weren't for you taking such good care of us...we would all be lost."

Pulling her closer he kissed her deeply...passionately...and sweetly on the lips.

Once George's nephews left him he laughed. He knew there was no way in hell he was going to help them. Oh...he'd let them lure her...but once they had her he'd leave them behind somewhere. For he had other plans for Danny's daughter.

Pushing those thoughts aside...he worked on tonights plan of getting Leanne out of the Taylor home and back into his arms. Restraining order or no restraining order.
:devil: They're going for their first date on the beach. It's not really the unofficially first one, as they have always jogs together. :adore: The beginning of the chapter really cracked me up. Picturing all of them pile up at the corner staring at Maddy with Adam on the phone. :lol: Hmm, wonder what movie they will be watching and what will be revealed there.. or will it be like what Maddy said.. *Grins*
"Oh for goodness sakes. It's just a movie."
Mac have been very naughty.. Poor Michelle became one of the ornaments. I'm glad that MJ helped her, if not she would sleep there the whole night. :lol:
"I know I don't often say I love you enough
Seriously, he doesn't have to say.. although sometimes he have to. Mackenzie knows it by his love and passion that he gives. All his cares and love for the family shows it. Ohhh.. George is up for something. He has his own plan :eek: What is he going to do with Lindsay and Leanne? Is he going to use Lindsay to get to Leanne? He's getting more and more insane. I think he's even having hallucination already. They have to get him soon.
Adam asked her out! Jumps up and down squealing. :lol:

:lol: at Mac and Michelle.

Uh-oh... what does George have planned.
When Adam picked up Maddy she knew damn well they were going to tease him. So when she seen him pull up, she ran out and got into his car.

"You ready Adam?"

"Whoa....you look...umm...hot..." he blushed.

Looking him up and then down she smiled deep and whispered...

"You don't look so bad yourself."

Pulling out of the driveway Mac stomped his foot.

"Sneaking little bee. You see that Stel...she took off before I had a chance to rib Adam."

"Smart girl. That's my Maddybee."

"Aww..you would say that love. Now who am I supposed to tease?"

Giving her that wicked look she said....

"Oohhhh noooo....forget it Taylor. Get that idea out of your head right now."

As the kids watched they laughed. They knew their fathers/grandfathers look. It was that look that said....right now.

Running towards her...he swooped her up and carried her upstairs... as the kids laughed.

"Oh my....is your papa always that.....umm...hmm..excitable?"

"Only where my nana is concerned. The two of them are worse then teenagers."

*Phone Rings*

"Taylor house of nuts."

"Excuse me???"

"Oh...I'm sorry. How may I help you?"

"I'm looking for Leanne. Is she there?"

"Sure...just a minute. Leanne it's the hospital for you."

"Thanks Michelle. Hello."

"Leanne....it's Kimmy. I'm not feeling very well. I have two Physio patients to see, but I just can't do it. Could you possibly cover for me. Please?"

"Sure...are you sure you're okay though? You sound aggitated?"

"I'm fine Leanne. Just not feeling well."

"Alright...I'm on my way."

"What is it Leanne?"

"Kimmy...she's sick and needs to go home. So I have to take over her two patients. I shouldn't be long."

"I'll drive you. Let me grab the keys."

At the Hospital...

"Good job...although you know I have no choice but to get rid of you. I'm sorry but I can't tke any chances that you'll tell."

"I swear to you...I won't. Please...just don't hurt me."

Pulling her in close he pretended to embrace her. Then all that could be heard was the crack...as her head fell forward.

"Mmm...that felt great. Now...to get my girl back."

Putting on the doctors coat and glasses....he headed out into the Hospital to wait for Leanne.
The two of them are worse then teenagers."
*Blush* Soooo true.. Help.. I can't stop smiling about it. What happened after that? :adore: *Laugh out loud* House of nuts, couldn't agree more. As they brought happiness, joy and safety to everyone that came to them. :) They're great! :thumbsup: Ohhhh.. An innocent girl got killed by George. She's just a doctor who treats patient, heal the world and her life just ended in a psycho's hand. *Sighs* He's really heartless already. It's understandable. A psycho doesn't show mercy. A creep! He's really good in planning but does he good in carrying it out successfully? Hmm, I hope that MJ went inside the clinic with Leanne. Hopefully both of them will be safe and Eric/team will find more evidence to charge him guilty soon. :eek: What's ahead is really terrifying as what George do to get what he wants.
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