CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Fallen Angel with Gary Sinise.. he's one amazing guy
Fallen Angel is a wonderful love story. :adore: But.. I haven't seen them yet! Don't know where to look for it. I wished I could order it somewhere. *Sighs* Very true! :) Maddy and Adam had a great morning. It's good that Adam is finally relaxing and getting more comfortable around Maddy. And they had a lovely conversation. First.. they get to know more about each other, their interests and more. :thumbsup:Hmm.. Are they developing in-to a new level of their relationship. As in closer friends? Although they just met, it's like they known each other for years. Hmm, Maddy going to Mackenzie's place? It's really great that they talk to each other more. I guess Mackenzie also needs someone to help her taking care of Eric. Is Leanne okay? I'm glad that it's only a few stitches.. I can see that George is using a way that really tortures. He's making a "slow move", giving warnings first. One by one, he take his next move and he's going to proceed very soon. :( They need to find the evidence to charge him. Their family member's life are at stake. Hopefully.. :)
Fallen Angel is on Wed on Hallmark Channel at 10 pm cst. I watched it the other day and loved it. Gary is amazing as alway in it!
I know.. But my country's hallmark channel is probably out of date. I don't know. I did check. For your country there's one more on 14th Dec 1p.m. :)
After the nurse left the room Leanne came around to waking up.

"Owww....what happened?"

"You crashed with a crashcart."

Leanne hissed as she laughed.

"Sorry...I know it's not funny. But...how??"

"According to Candice...you turned the corner and the cart came out of nowhere knocking you down. Then your head banged against the table. Are you having any headaches?"

"No...I'm fine...how many stitches?"

"Four. You are going to need to be watched for the next twenty-four hours."

Leanne thought back...wondering if it could have been George. Never did she think he would be this dangerous. Obviously she didn't know him as well as she thought.

Out in the hall she could hear Stella's voice.

"Excuse me...I'm looking for my grandaughter...Leanne. Is she here?"

"Of course. In the room to your left."

"Thank you."

Running into the room Stella wrapped her in her arms. Cuddling her like she was her child.

"Are you okay?? You scared me half to death when I got the call. What happened Leanne?"

"I'm not sure Stella...I was called to the ER. So I walked down the hall with Candice when a crashcart came out of nowhere and smacked into me."

"Aww...you poor lamb. Let's get you home."

Leanne teared up...never had she felt such love.

"It's okay Leanne. Come on love. One step at a time."

Once Stella had her home she put her on MJ's waterbed.

"I'm going to get you a glass of water, and you can take two of your pain killers."

"Stella....I don't want them. I'd rather have two asprine."

"Okay...I'll be right back."

When Stella left the room Leanne sobbed. She was terrified now. What she thought was a simple display of anger. Had now turned into a dangerous game of Cat and Mouse.


Mac, Eric and MJ came up empty. They could not get one print, one sample of DNA...nothing....to prove that George had done that to MJ's car.

"I'm sorry MJ. We tried. All we can do is wait to see if anything else happens. I've put out two Officers on you and Leanne. Hopefully that will help us catch him doing something illegal."


"What is it Gillard?"

"I just recieved a call from Harrows. Apparently when he got to the Hospital Leanne wasn't there. Upon questioning the Nurse...she said that Leanne had a accident and was sent home."

MJ took off out of the Garage of Miami-Dade.

"MJ....wait up. MJ..."

Running up the ramp he turned and faced his grandfather.

"What is it??"

"I need to drive. I have the keys."

"Hurry please then. I need to make sure she's okay."
It's probably a good idea that Leanne take the tylenol/asprin instead of pain pills cause she'll probably be more alert that way.

Good chapter. :)
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my grandaughter...Leanne
"My grandaughter"..:adore: The whole Taylors and Delkos already treated her as one of their family members. Her problems would be their problems and no matter what, they will face it together. :thumbsup: Yeah, one step at a time. Behind success, there's lots of pain and difficulties. I'm sure whoever that done this will get what he deserves. I thought George loved Leanne and he ONLY wants MJ to be disappeared in her life? He wouldn't hurt Leanne if he loves Leanne right? Hmm.. Could be an accident only? Still changing my theory.. When a person's mental is already abnormal, he would do everything to get what he wants, to satisfy his needs and his heart. I'm glad that Mac volunteered to drive home, I'm afraid MJ would have sped home to check on Leanne. And the psycho is still somewhere out there spying him everyday. It's very dangerous.

two asprine
Linda, she can't have two asprine unless she split me into two. :adore: Hmm, she's starting feel terrified. I really hope she gets better soon as the family will be there for her. :)
*giggle* lol at the Gary refs. I did think he was hot in Impostor but they shouldn't have made him blow up. I'd take the Gary-droid off their hands lolol

Hope Leanne is okay.
When they pulled up to the driveway MJ ran into the house.


"Shh....calm down MJ....she's fine. She's sleeping."

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure...she said she was called to the ER...so she walked down with the other Nurse Candice and as they rounded the corner...a crashcart came out of nowhere..knocking her out. They gave her four stitches."

"George...I garantee it was George. Damn it...this has to stop..he's going to kill someone yet."

Heading into his room Stella looked at Mac and asked...

"George...what does George have to do with this?"

"Come sit down love. I guess I should have told you sooner. But Leanne didn't want to worry the famiy."

Opening his door the first thing MJ seen was Leanne's bandaged head. Sitting down by her side...he caressed her cheek.

"I'm sorry Leanne...sorry I couldn't be there to protect you."

"Mmm..MJ...oww...my head. I have such a headache again."

"Where's your meds Leanne? Did they give you any?"

"Some Oxy....but I don't want it. Just a couple more Tylenol."

Reaching for the Tylenol and water MJ passed her two tablets.

"What happened Leanne?"

"I'm honestly not sure MJ. I think it was George. But I have no proof. The only thing I remember is banging my head into the table. Everything after that was black."

"Damn him Leanne...what is wrong with him? I can understand his jealousy towards me...but why try and hurt you?"

"I don't know...I guess he figures if he can't have me...then either can you. Or he figures with you out of the way...he'll get me back. Either way...one of us have to go for his psychotic idea to work."

Pulling back the sheets...MJ climbed in beside her and snuggled her into him.

"Leanne....you do know you're safe here right? You know that we will do everything to keep you safe, warm, and loved?"

"Oh MJ....of course I do. I've never felt so cherished...so loved by anyone. You and your family have brought me so much happiness...that I had long forgotten."

"Good...and it's not my family...it's our family. Understand?"

Kissing her softly, he wrapped her tighter while caressing her back into sleep.

"What are you telling me Mac? These kids are in danger? Just how crazy is this guy?"

"I'm not sure love. Eric and I checked into his background. He doesn't even have one violation...nothing...he's clean."

"God...this is great. We have Christmas coming up. We have family coming...and now we have to deal with some animal who wants to hurt my grandbabies? What if he decides to attack the family as a whole. What if he's a lose Cannon...just waiting to blow?"

"Come here love...stop upsetting yourself. I don't want you to worry about this. We will catch him. Just trust in Eric and the team."

How could she trust anybody...when it was obvious to her that this guy was the most dangerous type of criminal...boarderline psychotic.
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Opening his door the first thing Gary seen was Leanne's bandaged head

Lindaaaaaaaa.. It should be MJ right? :)

MJ tried he best to protect Leanne already. He's sooo sweet. Sometimes, it's just unpredictable. Lots of things happens and changes too fast. You might even lost it in just one second. A "psycho" WILL and Dares do everything. I don't think he has any human feelings in him anymore. It's just like a bull who head straight forward without thinking twice. *Sighs*. The most important, I hope the family will always be safe and doesn't get harm by any psycho like George. Hopefully, Eric and the team will track him down before George lays a hand on the family. You're welcome, Linda. Christmas is coming.. :D
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When Maddy arrived at her sisters place. She noticed how beautiful it was.

"Hey Maddy...come in. Eric...don't touch....no, no."

Running to grab her son before he pulled the cloth from the table, he screamed.

"I'm sorry Maddy. Come sit. I'm going to put this little monkey to bed."

Walking up the stairs to his room. Mackenzie changed him, gave him his bear, and left the room.

"Sleep tight Eric...Angels to keep you safe."

Back downstairs Maddy was touring the house.

"wow...this is quite beautiful...you must love it here."

"We do. This place belonged to Eric's sister. After she died. She left it to him. So....coffee, tea...or Adam?" She winked.

"Funny sis. Don't even go there. He's just a sweet guy. Very shy, and very sweet."

"Oh come now sis...who are you playing with here? You know I can tell what you're thinking. I can see it all over your face."

"You're crazy Mac...and I'll take coffee please."

"Fine...I'll get your coffee. Then you tell me all about Adam."

Racing towards the kitchen like they did when they were young. Mackenzie just knew her sister was already heading towards love.


George was sitting at the Mall having lunch when Eric and Danny walked up to him.

"Excuse me are you George Flemming?"

"I am...why?"

"We have a restraining order for you. You are to stay 500 feet away from MJ Taylor and Leanne Warner."

George almost choked on his food as Eric slapped his back hard enough to give him warning.

"Don't you know George...you have to chew before you swallow."

Walking away from him, George looked at them both with pure evil.

Natalia was waiting for Danny to pick her up. They had her first Ultrasound this afternoon at the hospital. Looking at the time she knew she was going to be late. Calling a cab she headed over there alone.

Watching as she left the house. Two of the boys from Lindsay's school waited for her to come home. They had heard through rumors that Lindsay was free with her lips. Willing to kiss any boys who asked.

As they seen her turning the key in the lock they jumped up behind her and pushed her into the house.

"What the hell?? Devon...Randy?? What are you two doing here?"

"We came to see you Claire...we heard from some of the girls at school that you will kiss any boys who ask."

"What??" Who told you that?"

"Doesn't matter...we want a kiss. Devon can go first...then me."

Lindsay was scared...could her moms words have been right. That boys would take her aggresiveness the wrong way. Seeing the lustful look in their eyes...she knew she was in trouble. Question now was....who the hell was going to help her.
I cant wait for this story to hit its peek and im interested to see whats causes his madness, if it is george. Its goning to be one mad xmas in that house!

Edit: you posted while I was typing :lol: I loved the sister moment and cant wait until they talk....but im worried about Lindsay
"So....coffee, tea...or Adam?" She winked.


George almost choked on his food as Eric slapped his back hard enough to give him warning.

"Don't you know George...you have to chew before you swallow."


Great chapters. Loved the sister moment. And Stella freaking out over the George thing and Mac calming her down.
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