CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Running towards her...he swooped her up and carried her upstairs... as the kids laughed. Pushing open the bedroom door he tossed her on the bed.

"Ouff...Maac"...she laughed.

"Sorry love...I got a little carried away by your beauty."

"Flatterer....now let me go. I need to finish up those dishes."

"Mmm...no...the kids can do them. I have no intention of letting you go."

Grabbing the silk ribbons he gently binded her hands above the post. As they watched each others sensual stares they could feel their bodies begin to dance.

Lowering himself down to the end of the bed, he kissed her pretty toes while gliding his tongue along her foot...her calf. Stopping at her knee. All the while watching the shivers flesh her skin.

Unclipping her pants he slid them down and off her miles of bronzed leg. So lost now as he danced his way up to her warm lips.

"I can feel you shivering in my arms love...I can feel your pulse against my hand as it touches your heart."

Stella was trying to form a thought...she was trying to regain at least a little sense of what her husband was doing to her soul...but yet...the only one thought remained. Her husbands caress...stroke....whispered kiss...never cooled.

The Hospital Parking Area...

"I don't like this Leanne. Something just doesn't feel right."

"Everything is fine MJ....try not to worry. I'll be home as soon as I can."

"I know that....but I can't shake this feeling. I think you should call and cancel. Please...for me."

"I'll make you a deal. I'll call and see how Kimmy is feeling now. If she's a little better I'll tell her I can't make it. But...if she's still sick then I have to go. Deal?"

"That's fair."

"Good evening Miami-Dade Memorial Hospital....how may I direct your call?"

"Yes...the Physio Unit please."

"One moment please."

"Physio floor 203...Chrissie speaking.

"Hey Chrissie...it's Lea...is Kimmy there?"

"No...she left two hours ago. Why?"

"Hmm...she called ne at home. Asked me to come in for her. Something about two patients. She wasn't feeling well."

"I don't know Lea...but I do know she has no patients now. Her last patient was at six."

"Hmm...okay...thanks Chrissie. Take care."

"You to Lea...night."

"Well...what's the verdict?"

"Strange...it seems Kimmy left at six. She has no patients tonight."

"Huh...but it's six thirty now. What time did she call at?"

"I think it was five forty five. This is weird. Maybe I should call her at home?"

Pulling out of the lot...MJ and Leanne headed back to the house.

On the beach Adam and Maddy sat near the middle. Taking out the warm blanket he had brought Maddy smiled.

"Kind of warm for a blanket...don't you think Adam?"

"Yeah...but in case you get tired of sitting on the chair. You now have a blanket to sit on."

"Aww...that's so sweet. Thank you for that Adam."

"You're welcome. Hmm...so if you don't mind me asking....do your boys like car racing?"

"Hmm...I'm not sure. I know they love video games."

"That's cool. Umm...they're having the Indy come in next week. I thought it might be nice to take your boys. You can let me know later though. There's no hurry."

Smiling Maddy moved her chair closer to Adam as the movie started.
Her husbands caress...stroke....whispered kiss...never cooled.
Lindaaaaaaaaa.. You'll.. have.. me.. all *blush* and stares on the ceiling whole night day dreaming about Mac/Stella. That was amazing. *Faints* They always have the Mac/Stella effect on each other. :adore: *Gulps*. It's lovely.. I'm glad that Leanne never did go in and called first before she does any move to go into the hospital. Would George be very disappointed or was he going to use another person to get to Leanne again? Hmm, the whole physio unit is currently in danger as George is still inside there. He might be waiting in some sort of an anger position that will probably make him lose control. Aw, Adam is sooo sweet. And he's speech is soo perfect when he's around Maddy. Hmm.. Hmm.. I think Grayson and Gregory would love Adam. :) The movie is starting... Wonder if there would be any close encounter.. *Dreams tonight*
back at the Hospital...

"Chrissie can you run to the closet and grab the mop. I've spilled some juice on the floor."

"Sure Leslie...I'll be right back."

Opening the closet door she screamed when Kimmy fell out.

"Auuuuuuuuuuuuuugh....Leslie...call the Police. Kimmy's dead."

When Eric, Danny, and Flack arrived they began questioning all the Nurses on the floor.

"Listen Chrissie....I need you to calm down. Did you see anyone suspicious on your floor earlier?"

"I don't know.....I don't remember. God this is awful...I just want to go home."

"I know that. But please....think...was there anyone?"

"Ummm...I think one guy. I don't remember what he looked like. He came up here asking questions about Leanne. We told him she wasn't working so he left."

"Are you sure he left the Hospital?"

"I don't know....we were busy with our last patients of the day. Then Leanne called. Something about working for Kimmy....but I told her Kimmy already left."

"Leanne?? He asked specifically for her?"

"Yes...he said it was important he speak with her."

"Okay....you said Leanne called here. What time was that?"

"I don't know....about six twenty maybe."

"Thank you....you can go."

When Leanne and Michael got back home they sat down and turned on the news. As they watched they seen all the Police cruisers surrounding the Hospital.

"What the hell is going on?"

"I'm not sure...quiet..listen."

"Tonight at about six pm a young girl was found with her neck snapped in a utility closet at Miami-Dade Hospital. The victim who Nurses refer to as Kimmy...were very saddened and confused as to who would want to hurt her. According to the Police a detailed investigation is on its way. As the story unfolds we will keep you informed. I'm Janet Stone...goodnight."

"MJ....we were just there. Who..."

"Shh...it's okay Leanne. I think we should give Eric a call. He needs to know about the call you recieved tonight from Kimmy."

Hearing the sobs coming from downstairs Mac and Stella walked into the den.

"MJ...what's going on son?"

"Someone was murdered tonight at the Hospital. A friend of Leanne's. I need to talk with Uncle Eric...it may have to with Kimmy's death."

"What are you talking about son?"

"Leanne recieved a call from Kimmy tonight. She asked Leanne if she could come in and look after two of her patients for her...due to her being ill. But something about it didn't sound right to me. So when we pulled into the Hospital parking lot I had Leanne call up to see if there was any way she could cancel.

She talked to one of the other Nurses named Chrissie...Chrissie told Leanne that Kimmy had already left, and that she had no patients that needed tending too. So we came back home. Then we just heard on the news that she was dead. Someone snapped her neck."

"So you're thinking it was George?"

"I don't know that. I just know that it seems coincidental."

"Okay....call Eric. We'll stay with Leanne."
As they were into the middle of the movie Maddy felt her legs getting sore from sitting in that hard chair.

"Umm...err..are you ready for the blanket Maddy...you look uncomfortable."

*Laughing.* "Yeah...I think I am."

Spreading out the blanket...Adam sat down first. Then taking Maddy's hand he helped her sit.

"Err...you okay Maddy? Is this better?"

"Not really....she laughed. For my butt it is...but not for my back."


Maddy could tell he didn't want to suggest something. So she suggested it for him.

"I have an idea...how about I sit between your legs. Then I lean against you."

Adam's face turned color. "Err....hmm..okay."

Maddy was trying so hard to make Adam feel relaxed. Sitting in between his legs, she leaned back against him with her head resting on his shoulder.

"This so much better. Can you see the screen okay?"


As the movie continued to play Maddy snuggled closer to Adam's heat. The Miami air was giving off a small chill tonight. One Maddy could feel through her thin shirt.

Finally taking the hint...Adam wrapped his arms around her warmly.

"Mmm...thanks Adam...now I'm nice and warm."

After the movie everyone started leaving the beach.

"Are you ready Maddy?"

"Can we just sit for a while...I love listening to sounds of the water splashing against the beach."

Bringing her hands out from under her, she linked them with Adams and rested her head on them.


"Oh...hold on Maddy....that's my pager."

Looking at the message Adam knew it was time to go.

"We have to go Maddy....I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Adam....I'm use to it."

Adam felt bad. He knew what she went through with her husband. When he had her at the door he leaned in and kissed her cheek. Only he didn't get her cheek...he got her lips which Maddy moved into position.

Falling into the kiss Adam cautiously opened his mouth and softly touched her tongue.

"Hey kids....Adam...how was the movie?"

Jumping into the air...Adam shly answered....

"Umm..good. I gotta go. Umm...err...I'll call you Maddy."

"Night Adam."


Getting into his car Adam pulled out of the driveway.

"Thanks alot daddy. Do you have any idea how long it took me just to get him to hold my hand?"

"Ummm...all night?"

"Oh daddy....wipe that pathetic grin off your face. I'm going to bed."

"I love you Maddybee."

"Hmmm...me too daddy."

After Maddy stormed upstairs Stella gave Mac hell.
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Adam and Maddy are just so cute together. Shame on Mac for ruining their goodnight kiss. :lol:

Poor Kimmy. I'm glad MJ got a funny feeling about the situation though. It's those Taylor instincts. :)
"Mac....why must you always tease the kids."

"Aww..come on love. They secretly love it. Why without me they'd have no one to keep them on their toes."

"You are so bad. One of these days...those kids are going to get you back. It's coming."

Grabbing his wife, he pulled her into his arms...."Mmm...no love...never happen. My kiddies love me to much."

"Uhuh...let me go please. I have things to do."

"No...I'm not letting you go love. I love you...you're my world, my warmth, my love."

"Oh stop the poetics Mac. You've been bad and you know it."

Smirking sinisterly he dipped her as he touched their lips in heated passion.

"Stella. ..let me vous aime à jamais."

Stella's eyes went dark. They glazed over with love and confusion as she wondered where the hell Mac learned that.


George was hanging out at home when Eric and Danny showed up at his door.

"What the hell do you want now?"

"Where were you tonight George around six?"

"I was here watching my nephews for my sister while she worked. would you like to come in. They're right here."

Looking over Danny recognized them from this morning.

"Weren't you two at my place earlier this morning?"

Shit...they had forgotten about that.

"Yes sir we were. We are friends of Lindsay's."

"That's right. Was your Uncle here all evening?"

"Yes sir. We've been with him the whole time."

Eric was begining to wonder. There was something about these two boys that didn't add up. They seemed rather cool to him. Most fifteen year olds would be nervous being questioned. Whether they had done anything wrong or not.

"Okay....thank you...let's go Danny."

"What the hell was that about Eric? I wasn't finished with him yet."

"There is something suspicious with those two boys. I'm going to put a couple Detectives on them too. Just to cover all angles."

Heading back to Miami-Dade Eric just couldn't shake the feeling something was going to happen very soon.

When Adam finished up at the lab. He checked the time. Seeing it was eleven pm he wondered if Maddy would still be up. Taking out her cell phone number he called her.


"Hi Maddy. It's Adam...what are you up too?"

"Not alot. Just reading. How's your work going?"

"Umm..I'm actually finished. I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out for dessert."

"I'd love too Adam. I'll see you soon."

"Ummm...okay...hmm...see ya soon, bye."

Grabbing her coat she ran down the stairs where she found her mom and dad wrapped in a kiss.

"Payback time daddy."

Grabbing one of the big heavy books she dropped it. Causing her dad to jump high in the air, as he thought it was a gunshot. Laughing insanely Mac turned and seen his daughter.

"You little demon Maddybee...run.."

Chasing his daughter around the living room he finally caught her in his arms.

"Now that wasn't nice..was it Maddybee? I think you warrant a free whisker burn from your old dad."

"No daddy....daddy no....I have to out with Adam again. Pleeeeeeeeeeease daddy," she laughed with tears in her eyes.

With her children and Michelle watching Stella couldn't help but laugh. For all the kids new their papa's whiskers burns hurt like the devil.
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Post #140
Hmm.. I was wondering where is George hiding. He must have gone away when Kimmy was found dead by Chrissie or is he still inside. The hospital has been surrounded by police, and he's wearing the Doctor's clothes, he could have had the chance to get out. When Chrissie said Leanne did called for Kimmy, the first thing I thought was Leanne is going to be one of the suspect. Because she called not long after she's gone. I'm glad that MJ is going to call Eric and tell him what happened. Is there more innocent bloods to be spilled in the future? Hmm.. Hopefully they found something on the victim, Kimmy that will lead them to George.

Post #142
Ohhh.. :adore: They look like a couple. That's soooo cute and adorable! *Faints*. Both Maddy and Adam had unconditionally fall in love with each other. Their love which is pure and beautiful that will forever stays in their heart and mind. I can see that Maddy really loves Adam alot but Adam shows not much signs that he does love Maddy too. Except their FIRST KISS and FIRST DATE was interupted by Mac and the team. Next time, they have to find a better place, as Mac love to tease and he's probably a spoiler. :lol: It's lovely.
Stella gave Mac hell
Gave Mac hell? *Grins* What's coming.. :devil:

Post #145
"Mon Ceri...amour moi tout le temps."
I don't know what is that.. But, Let me try and translate.. :lol: Is it.. "My "don't know"... love me all the time"? I don't know. :lol: Probably incorrect. Mac is always soooo sweet. And both of them, add together, is sooo perfect together and that makes.. Asprine *melts*. Hmm, Both the nephew helped him so much. Little did they know George is a psycho and he's only using them. He might switch all his guilt to his two little nephew. Hmm.. There are things in life that can destroy a person. Namely, anger, pride and unforgiveness. George is kind of similar to this. His anger all over him. He doesn't know how to let go. There's alot of girl out there who he deserves to be with. Why hurt yourself by going over a girl that already has someone she loves? *Sighs* I always loves the Taylors and Delkos. They appreciate this most valuable things in life.. Love, Family and Kindness. And they never lose hope, peace and honesty. They confess when they have problems. They tried to make the world and family in peace and joy with higher hopes day by day. :thumbsup: Hmm.. Looking forward to their dessert date. :adore:
I don't know what is that.. But, Let me try and translate.. :lol: Is it.. "My "don't know"... love me all the time"? I don't know. :lol:
*giggle...snort..giggle*:guffaw::lol:I fixed it:lol::guffaw:


When Maddy heard the knock at the door Mac wouldn't let her go.

"Let her new man in Stel. I think we need to give Adam some ground rules."

"Daaaaaaaaddy....don't...mom...don't..come get daddy off me."

Laughing evily at his daughter Stella pulled Mac by his ear.


Letting go of his daughter she ran to the door.

"Hi Adam...you ready?"

"Sure...umm...is everything okay? I hear Mac."

"Oh he's fine Adam...mom's with him."

Shutting the door behind her they left.

"Are they gone Gray??"

"They are nana. You can let papa go now."

Releasing Mac's ear Stella tried to get up, but Mac pulled her down on top of him.

"Eww...exit stage right...let's get outta here."

As all the kids left the room....MJ and Leanne came through the door.

"Oh God....not again papa. Don't you two ever get tired? We're going to bed...night."

"Night kids...sleep well."

Over at the Messer's Danny was starving. Heading to the fridge he grabbed potatoe salad, cold left over chicken, and a big chuck of chocolate cake. sitting down to eat it Lindsay walked in.

"Eww...not again dad. You're going to be fat as a house. Mom....dad's eating again."

Waddling into the kitchen Nat laughed. Here was Danny tearing apart the chicken.

"Aww...come on Danny...stop. You've already gained three pounds."

"No worries Nat...I can work it off. I'm just hungry is all. It has nothing to with the baby."

"Oh goodness...I can't watch you Danny. Let's go get up."

"What!!! Where we going?"

"To bed. I'm going to give you something better then food."

Pulling him up out of the chair. Lindsay sat down and ate the cake.


Looking out the window Lindsay seen Grayson.

"Gray?? What are you doing here?"

"I missed you. I wanted to see you."

Opening the back patio door she let him in. Putting the cake plate in the sink, they walked into the den forgetting to lock the back door.


Adam and Maddy had arrived at the little outdoor Cafe. Sitting down they ordered two coffees, and a huge slice of pineapple cheesecake. Picking up the fork Maddy put a forkful into her mouth. Closing her eyes in ecstacy.

"Mmm...oh God Adam...try this...it's heavenly."

Placing the fork to his mouth he took the chunk of cheesecake.

"Wow...that is awesome."

"You know what would make it even better Adam?"


"You moving your chair beside mine so we can share it."


Sliding is chair beside hers, she took another forkful and placed it to his lips. Teasing him with it, she smudged it on him.

"Opps...here...let me get that."

Leaning in Maddy tenderly suckled his lips. Leaving Adam with all kind of passionate thoughts. Falling into the kiss...he pulled Maddy in closer as he took them deeper into it. So out of control now that neither could think, or form a coherant thought.

Slowly breaking their kiss. Adam stroked her cheek as her eyes slowly opened.

"So beautiful Maddy. Did you know that...you're so beautiful."

Smiling widely she whispered...."thank you Adam...thanks for your wonderful company, yummy dessert, and sweet kiss."

Blushing he took Maddy's hand as they headed back to her home.
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