CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Aw.. :rolleyes: Asprine is really bad in those language. And I don't know what that means again. :lol: You changed it to what?:guffaw:

*Imagines Stella pulls Mac's ear* That really cracked me up. I'm glad that Stella has some ways.. *Grins* Lindaaaa...

MJ and Anya came through the door.
MJ and Leanne right?

3 POUNDS! That's really terrifying. Danny.. Danny.. This chapter makes me soooo hungry. Lots of cakes! Ohhh.. The patio door.. George must be up to something as the door is very wide opened. Hopefully he's not out there somewhere spying on Lindsay and the family. He probably is going to use this opportunity to get to Lindsay. I'm afraid that he would capture Grayson too. Aww.. Both Maddy and Adam.. They need no words to communicate. They knows that they love each other. :adore:
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Aw.. :rolleyes: Asprine is really bad in those language. And I don't know what that means again. :lol: You changed it to what?:guffaw:
Stella love me forever

MJ and Leanne right?
Is tired...can't focus.:p

never heard of that one. That sounds interesting. I've had strawberry, blueberry, cherry, raspberry, but never pineapple. :lol: :D
It's awesome...very sweet. My mom makes it. Just make your basic cheesecake filling...add in crushed pineapple:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Thank you for that! Take some rest. :)
You're getting me more and more hungry. :lol: I'll have cake as my breakfast tomorrow. I love crushed pineapples!
Thank you for that! Take some rest.
Is welcome...:):)


While Lindsay and Grayson sat on the couch kissing, they didn't hear the patio door slide across.

"Lindsay...we need to slow down..."

Grayson wasn't very experianced with girls.

"Why Gray?? We're just kissing...don't you like it?"

"Umm...yeah...but ..."

Pulling Grayson down to kiss her again, he felt the blow to the back of his head.

"Gray....Gray...are you okay? Grayson."

As she seen the blood drip onto her face she tried to scream but George covered her mouth.

"One word...one sound...I'll kill your whole family. Understand?"

Nodding yes..he dragged her up and carried her from the house. Leaving Grayson unconscious on the floor.

Upstairs Danny was hungry again. Knowing his wife was now seduced from his loving...he headed back downstairs for the rest of that chocolate cake. Noticing the light coming from the den he checked it out.

"Grayson??? Grayson..."

Reaching for his phone he called 911...then Mac.


"Mac...it's Danny...Grayson is on his way to the Hospital. I think Lindsay's been kidnapped. I need to find her..you get Maddy."

"Danny...calm down. Start from the begining."

"I came downstairs to get a snack. I noticed the light was on in the den. I found Grayson knocked out...and no sign of Lindsay."

'Okay...did you call Eric??"

"Yeah...he's on his way with the team. God Mac...my Lindsay. I need to find her. She's my only baby."

"I know Danny. Calm down. I'll be right there."

"Mac...what's going on?"

"Go see if Maddy is home yet. She needs to get to the Hospital. Grayson's been rushed there. Someone knocked him out and kidnapped Lindsay."

"Oh God....find her Mac."

"We will love. Don't worry."

When George arrived at the storage locker, he locked Lindsay inside.

"Let me out....why are you doing this....pleeeeeeeeease...." she cried.

Flipping up his phone he called the Taylor's home.


"Yes...I'm sorry to disturb you at this late hour. May I please speak with Leanne Warner It's Miami-Dade Hospital."

"Just a mintue. Leanne....phone for you?"

"Thanks Stella. Hello."

"Heeeello Leeeeeea.....miss me? Now don't say a word....don't hang up. Just listen to the cries of little Lindsay. Now don't you go telling anyone it's me or I'll slice her wide open. Not one word Lea. I'll call you back soon and we'll make a trade. Lindsay for you."

Leanne could hear soft crying, then she heard the click.

"What the hell did you do George....you better not hurt her? George...George...he hung up Stella."

Stella was listening beside Leanne. Walking into the other room she grabbed her cell and called Mac just as Maddy and Adam walked in.

"Maddy.....thank God. You need to get the Hospital...Grayson's been rushed there. George knocked him out and kidnapped Lindsay."

"Oh my God...okay...okay...umm.."

"Calm down Maddy. I'll take you."

"Thanks Adam...thanks."

back at Danny's Mac heard his phone ring.


"Mac...we know who has Lindsay..George. He's on the phone with Leanne now."

"Does he say where she is?"

"No....he didn't say much of anything. just that he has Lindsay and he'll call back with instructions for a trade."

"What kind of trade?"

"He wants Leanne...."

Nothing but silence could be heard...
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I'm always *wide eyes* by Lindsay. She's fifteen, Both Grayson and Lindsay seldom talk about their interest and more. Linda, do they really know about each other? Or was it just puppy love? What she does was "She loves Kissing". :lol: :eek: Grayson.. Will he be okay? He's bleeding from his head. George must have used his bull strength. I'm glad that Danny came out and saw Grayson. He might have lost too much blood from the blow. Ohhh.. Leanne should not send herself off to George. It's very dangerous. Relieved that she told Stella and Stella told Mac about it. Sometimes, for the loved ones, you don't mind sacrificing yourself, doesn't think twice anymore. But it's not a good idea. There's tons of solutions for problems. We just need the time to sort them. :) Hopefully they'll find him soon and save Lindsay before she's harm by George. That psycho has to be thrown in prison. Christmas is coming.. :eek:
I'm always *wide eyes* by Lindsay. She's fifteen, Both Grayson and Lindsay seldom talk about their interest and more. Linda, do they really know about each other? Or was it just puppy love? What she does was "She loves Kissing". :lol: :eek:
Lindsay is more wild then other girls. She's more for showing her feelings then expressing them into words. I don't want to give to much away. But after this experience we will see a new side to Lindsay. A more good girl side.;)

As for the rest....this story line is almost at its end. I'm just dragging things out till Christmas:)
Aw.. Learns from mistake and turns into a new leaf? :thumbsup: That's going to be an interesting storyline! As I've never read Lindsay as the "good girl" side. :) Thank you, Linda. :)
Sounds like its going to get interesting, I hope MJ will try and do something. I wonder if adam will turn shy again at the hostpital...
Poor Gray and Linds. I hope they come up with a plan and that Leanne doesn't go out by herself to face this psycho. Good suspense though. :)
When they arrived at the Hospital Maddy was taken right into her sons room.

"How is he...Grasyson...Grayson...wake up son."

"He's going to be fine. Six stitches to the back of the head and a mild concusion . Any idea what he was hit with?"

"I'm sorry...no...I don't know anything. I just found out. Can I take him home?"

"In a few hours. We'd like to keep here for observation."

"Mmm...mom...oww...where's Lindsay?"

"Shhh...just rest son. Try and rest."

"I can't mom. Where is she?"

Watching as he fell back into sleep Adam held her in his arms.

"He's going to be fine maddy. he's strong."

Leaning back against Adam's shoulder,she hoped he was right.


Lindsay was still crying when George came back in.

"I'm going to untie for two minutes. I want you to remove your clothes. All of them except for your bra and panties."

Lindsay was terrified. She didn't want to remove her clothes.

"I said now!!! Don't make me angry."

"Please....you promised you wouldn't hurt me."

"Take off your clothes now."

Not wanting to make him angry, Lindsay unclipped her pants and slid them down her legs. Then her shirt, tossing it to the ground.

"Good. Now get over here. Now..."

Walking over to his side he pulled her hands behind her and tied them. Then placing a gag in her mouth. He tossed her back into the corner shivering.

"Now you'll have second thoughts of running away."

He could see her shivering. Not allowing himself to feel sorry for her. He walked back outside away from her.

Taylor Home...

"Why won't he call back?"

"Shh...come on Leanne this isn't your fault. Stop blamming yourself."

"I should have never made him angry."

Stella was in the kitchen with Natalia trying to keep her calm. Leaving the boys to deal with the next call from George.


Okay Leanne....when you pick up the phone..keep him talking as long as you can. Understand?"

Nodding her head yes...she picked it up.


"Lea...tell them to turn off the trace now. Do it Leanne or I make little Lindsay scream."

"Okay....just don't hurt her."

Hearing the conversation Mac told Eric's guys to turn it off.

"Okay...it's off. Now what?"

"Now get Mac away from the phone far away....and don't get stupid."

"Alright....it's just you and me now."

"Good...I want you to come to this address...alone. If you defy me...or bring anyone with you....this is a warning of what Lindsay will get."

Taking the knife he sliced her leg. Hearing her screams caused Danny to freak out.

"I'll kill you man. When I find you....I'll kill you."

Holding Danny tightly in his arms, he tackled him to the ground to get him to calm down.

"What's the address Leanne? Let me see."

"I can't MJ...please understand. I can't put Lindsay in that kind of danger. I'm sorry."

As she got up to leave MJ held her.

"Please Lea...please don't do this alone. Please....I love you so much Lea."

"I know MJ....I love you too, always."

Releasing herself roughly from his hands she ran out the door while Mac was still wrestling with Danny.

"Papa..stop....Papa...Leanne took off by herself. Stop....she's gone."

"Where'd she go son?"

"I don't know....we have to find her now, let's go.... Please."

Not waiting for his grandfather or Uncle to stop their wrestling MJ grabbed his Uncles gun and ran out after Leanne.

She wrote on the paper there Mac....hold on. Shit...my gun...MJ has my gun Mac."

Scratching it with a pencil Mac could see an address.

"I got it Danny...let's go."

Taking off out the door with MJ they prayed they got to Leanne before it was to late.
Poor Lindsay.

Aww at Adam comforting Maddy.

Good thinking of scratching the pad.

I hope MJ knows how to use that gun.
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