CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Back at Tristan's, he was waiting for Sharon to change so he could take her home.

"Come on my love, move your buns, it's 12:30, I have a half an hour to get you home."

Opening the bathroom door, Sharon walked out and into Tristan's arms.

"I don't want to go home. This has been so amazing Tristan. I love spending time with you."

"Then we will have to do it again, tomorrow night, it's friday, and we have the whole week-end. Just you, me, and the hot tub."

Raising her face to his, he seen her tears.

"Hey... hey now. What are these about?"

"They're nothing. We better go, I love you."

"Listen sweetheart. I love you too. But I don't want you to be upset. I'll call you as soon as I get up in the morning. Okay?"

Tristan knew how she felt. For he was feeling it too. It was like an emptiness within the soul. Like a piece of yourself was missing.


Sara and Shannon arrived at the same time as Tristan and Sharon.

"Hey sis's, how was your night with Jenson and Jake?"

"It was alright, we'll tell you all about it later. Hi Tristan, did you two have more fun then we did?"

"Ohoh... that can't be good. I think there is a story to be told here. So I'm going to leave you three to it. Night Sharon, I love you."

"I love you too, Tristan. Drive careful and call me when you're home."

"I will." Passionately taking her in arms, he kissed her. A soft sweet kiss.

Heading back to his car, he waved as he pulled out.

When the girls were on the porch, Sharon giggled.

"Okay, spill it Shannon. What happened?"

"You know Sandra from school? The one that owes us that favour?"

"Yeah... what about her?"

"Well... we went to rent an Rrated movie tonight from her. Cause she owed us, and do you know what she did? She gave us Scrooge McDuck instead. Do you believe it? We could have been watching a naughty movie. Instead we end with him, and the boys liked it, they made us leave it on."

Sharon laughed. "Aww... but you guys had fun anyway, right?"

"Yeah, we did. How bout you? Did you soak in your hot tub, and get down and naughty with Tristan?"

"Tsk, tsk, you know I'm not sharing that info with you two. Even if you are my sisters who I love so much."

Laughing, they all headed into the house.

"It's about time young ladies. You are five minutes late."

"Daddy... come on. be nice, we love you."

Tackling him with kisses, he quickly forgave them.

"Fine, up to bed. Night my three pack. Love you's."

"Night dad, we love you too."

Heading to their room, Sharon stopped by to see her mom.

"Mom... are you busy?"

"No sweetheart. What is it?"

"Um... I was wondering if we could about what it feels like to make love?"

Looking in her daughters eyes, she could see something had changed.

"Of course Sharon, I told you when you felt ready to come to me, right?"

"I know mom. I'm ready, but Tristan's not."

Her mom laughed. Never had she heard of young man, or man, turn down sex.

"Are you serious love? He didn't want too?"

"No. He didn't. In fact when I asked him what it felt like to make love. He said, he didn't want to ruin it for me. So I was to ask you. All he said was..."it hurts a little at first. But after it feels better." Is that true?"

Mackenzie had to remember to give Tristan props, next time she seen him. What a sweetheart.

"I'll tell you what. You go get ready for bed, and I'll be right in to talk to you, okay?"

"Sure mom. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart." When Sharon left the room, Mack quickly ran downstairs, to tell Eric all about their wonderful Tristan.

When she ran into the den, she whispered with excitement.

"Eric... Eric... guess what? Hurry Eric, guess."

"Would you calm down Mack. You're like a school girl with a secret."

"Quit being such a poop, and listen to me."

"Poop? What is that matter with you, Mack? You are really hyper."

"Tristan, Tristan is the matter."

"Tristan gets you excited? Hell... what am I, chopped liver?"

"Nooooo... quit being such a goof, and listen. Sharon is ready to take the next step in her and Trist's relationship. But when...."

"I don't really want to hear this, Mack. I'm not happy with where this is going."

"You will be. So breathe you big bad bear. Tristan told our daughter, he wasn't ready."

Eric looked shocked. A guy, a male, the animal of the spieces saying. no? No way, he didn't buy it.

"Don't look at me like that Eric. Sharon wants to talk about making love, Tristan told her she should talk to me about it, said he didn't want to ruin it for her."

"I'm still not buying it. All boys and men want to sleep around. It's our nature."

Eric hadn't realized the way he had phrased it, till he seen his wife's face.

"Oh really... so tell my Mr.Studly. Just how many babes do you bag, while on call?"

"I didn't mean it like that, Mack. Come on, you know what I mean."

"No Eric... no, I don't."

Storming from the room, she headed up to see her daughter. While Eric sighed and said...

"One of these Delko. You will learn when to shut the hell up, and say nothing."
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When Don had David booked and in holding. He knew it wouldn't be long before his lawer got him off. If he had just done a little more then vandalize, they could have kept him. But they had no proof he stole the car stereo, so they had to let that charge go.

After sighing off on the paperwork, Don was headed home to his knew apartment, when he seen the red headed nurse from the Hospital.

"Excuse me... Det.Flack?"

"Can I help you with something?"

"I hope so. I'm usually not this forward. But something about you, spoke of sadness. I was wondering if you would like to go for a coffee?"

The only thing Don wanted to do was sleep. He had to pick up his little kitten in the morning, for the week-end.

"I'm going to have to pass. Thank you though. Can I drop you somewhere?"

"Sure, home would be great."

As Don pulled up in front of her place, he noticed it was his building.

"This is where you live?"

"Mhm... I"ve been here ten years now. It's a wonderful place. Why?"

"Cause I just moved here yesterday. My daughter came back with her boys from New York. So I gave her my home, and moved here."

"So you're the detective every girl here is talking about. The new bachelor who recently lost his wife."

Don could see the sadness in her eyes. Knowing that she didn't say she was sorry, helped alot. Those were words he could never understand from people. Why say you are sorry? It's not as if it happened to you, or was happening to you.

" I am, yes. Anyway... it's getting late. I'll see you around. I'm going to park my car, night."

Heading upstairs by herself. She had a feeling she'd be seeing alot of Det.Flack. Something, she was looking forward too.

The Beach

Instead of going home after dropping off the girls. Jenson and Jake decided to check out the party at the beach. Walking down they seen Bonnie and Tilia from school.

"Hey you guys... you made it. I thought you were out with the Virgin sisters tonight?"

"We were, but we decided to check out the party after dropping them off. That's okay, isn't it?"

"Of course. If your wives don't mind."

"They're not our wives. Even if they do mind, no worries. We know how to handle them. You can be our stress release babes. How's that. Would you like that?" asked Jenson, as he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her neck.

How could any girl not like it. These boys were blessed with rich blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. Which matched perfectly with their tanned bodies. Why you'd think they were born in Miami.

"Mm... where do you get your gorgeous looks? We've seen your grandfather, and your mom, but none of you look alike."

"My mother was adopted by the Flack's. They took her in when she was young. It's a very long story. We get our dark skin from our father, he was of puerto rican descent."

"So that is where that little accent comes from. Just every once and while, you can hear a hint of it."

"Enough talking... did you want to dance? Or take a walk with us?"

"I think my friend and I would like us to walk, and find a nice secluded place to get to know each other better."

"I'm going home Jenson. I happen to love Shannon, and don't feel right about this. I'll see ya."

"Looks like I have you two ladies, all to myself."

Walking away hand in hand, Devon and Chuck seen them.

"Do you believe that. How can he say he loves Sara, and then do that. You should have told her how much you were in love with her, at the party. Maybe she would have given you a chance."

"Maybe Chuck. But maybe not. Sometimes it's best not to get involved. As much as I want to let Sara know. I won't. This is something she needs to find out on her own. All I can do is help her get through it."

"Yeah... but Devon. We could stop it before she gets hurt."

"Or it could work the complete opposite. Sara won't believe me, and become angry thinking I'm just jealous. Trust me, just leave it alone. I'm going home, I'll see you tomorrow Chuck."

Leaving the beach, Devon felt really bad for what Sara was about to feel. But as he learned the hard way. It's best not to interfere. Especially when you are in love with the girl yourself. And Devon... Devon had always loved Sara.
I was cracking up at Mack and Eric in the last chapter. Eric put his foot in his mouth again. :lol:

This chapter was good. Bad, Jenson. Poor Sara. Devon's making the right decision though.
i loved the big fight between Mac and Stella, where it ended up with Mac pinning her to the wall:D
Really sad that Don lost his wife... and Poor Sara..
yeah me too.

Why is it best not to tell? I'd think they'd want her to know the truth. It's one thing I've never understood in general but I'll stick to story context in the review.
His main concern was Sara would just think he was jealous of her relationship with Jenson. Also... it's not easy to tell someone you love them, especially if you don't know how they feel back. Also if you remember back to the chapter with the park. She had told Devon that no one could ever compare to her father. So alot of is fear of rejection.:)

Welcome Gio, happy to have ya here:):cool:

Back at the Delko's, Sara and Shannon were getting ready to take Peanut and Danger for their walk. They offered to take Sharon's, but she said no. She'd do it later.

"Daddy, is it okay for us to walk them before bed?"

"You know it's almost 1:30 in the morning. You should both be in bed."

"I know daddy. But Sharon is busy talking to mom, so can we?"

"Just to the end of the first lifeguard station, and back. Understand?"

"Of course, daddy. Don't worry. We have our protection."

Heading out the patio door, they walked them along the beach. When they neared the lifeguard station, they heard giggling, and sighing. Thinking they had stumbled upon a tourist couple making out, Shannon felt concern to tell them to be careful. Especially with the night security that walked the beach. For they could get into trouble.

"Excuse me... you may want to be careful. If the...."

Silence could be heard as Shannon, and Sara realized Jenson was wrapped in between two girls. Looking at Jenson with tears, Sara tore off her necklace and threw it at him.

"You stay away from me. I hate you."

Running up the beach to home, Peanut followed her, making sure she got home safe. When she neared the patio, she seen her dad waiting for them. Running up the stairs, she wrapped herself right around him.

"Peanut? What's the matter, baby? Is it Shannon?"

Not being able to understand her through her tears. Eric knew he would have to wait.

"Jenson... you son of bitch. Just what the hell are you doing? How dare you use my sister that way. Telling her you love her, then cheating on her. You're a complete bastard."

Slapping his face, Shannon walked up the beach towards home. Her only thought now being, her sister. Seeing Shannon walking up the beach with Danger, Eric knew everything was okay with his girls.

"Shannon... what happened to your sister? I can't understand her?"

"That bastard Jenson, was screwing two girls on the beach. So I hauled off and slapped him. Jerk."

"Shannon, your mouth, please."

"Sorry dad. I'm going to head up too bed. Sara if you need me, I'll be waiting."

Stroking her sisters hair, she walked inside with the dogs.

"Peanut... I need you to calm down. Come on, over here and sit in my arms."

Walking with her dad to the chair, she sat down and tucked her head under his neck. While Eric waited, he heard in the barest of whispers...

"Why do I keep getting hurt by boys, daddy? What am I doing wrong?"

"You're not doing anything wrong, Peanut. Don't you ever think it's you. Why don't we start with what happened early, while you were at Jenson's with Jake."

"Not alot, dad. We were watching movies and cuddling. Normal stuff. Then Jenson tried to kiss my neck, and I told him to stop. He did, and said he even understood when I told him I wasn't ready for that step."

Eric was smiling inside. He was so proud of his little Peanut. Always his sweetest angel.

"Sometimes Peanut. Boy's tell you things they know you want to hear. This is how they get you to trust in them, hoping that through their understanding, you'll eventually learn to trust them more and more. Then as time goes on, they hope you become more lenient with them. Allow them to take your relationship to a deeper level."

"But he said he understood daddy. I just don't understand why boys need to have more then one girl, or always feel this need to make love."

"I want you to listen to me carefully Peanut. What boys do, is not called making love. Making love, is when you and your partner are in a deep, meaningful relationship. The type of relationship where no other exists. No other except for you, and the one you love. The one you have chosen to spend your life with, forever. Anything else is called sex Peanut. As hard as that is to understand. It means exactly that. No love, no comfort, no warmth, or passion. Just two people out for a good time."

"I understand daddy. I just want to find a man like you daddy. I want to have what you and Mom have, or Sharon and Tristan. I just want someone to love me enough, to wait till I'm ready."

"Aww... I know you do, Peanut. I promise you, you will. Maybe not today, or tomorrow. But in the future, he'll just jump out at you. Someone you least expect, or thought you could never love. Like a friend, or buddy you hang out with. Other times, it's just someone you imagined to spend your whole life with, grow old with."

"Someone like you, daddy. He has to be just like you. I love you daddy. I love you so much, and there will never be another hero like you daddy. Ever."

Eric teared up. Never did imagine he would have found such love from his wife, or his beautiful girls. So much happiness, love and joy they brought him everyday. Even his little Eric, with his mischievious attitude and sneakiness, brought his world endless happiness and love.

Bringing himself back from his thoughts, he heard his Peanut whisper... "I love you, daddy."

Kissing her head, he allowed her to fall asleep wrapped in his arms. When he was sure she was out, he carried her upstairs, tucked her in, and left her room.
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I'm amazed by all these storylines of the characters love life. It's like a love cycle between them. Some were really attached and connected closely and some were loosen up like a broken string trying to mend and patch up the wounds that has been cut wide open, changed and altered. There's others where their intense feeling of deep affection will never and ever vanish or fade, it didn't matter someone came in between them or ups and downs that's pushing/forcing them beyond the edge. Tristan is a great guy, have always been. We've not known much about him before. You've slowly revealed and uncover each piece of him and the genuine side of him that all of us admired. I hope that this is the right guy for Sharon. She has been through too much yet it was all too unknown for her. Then, there's Tristan who came by... "her knight in his shining armor", keeping her warm and safe in his arms.

Looking at the opposite side of a matter, Jenson might have thought women are to be handled and deal with? I feel like jumping on Jenson and punch him until he wakes up. *Kidding* People's thoughts in this moment in time swindles our state of mind. I'm glad that Sara did not give him everything. I'm proud of Eric's peanut 'cause she knew when to fix an arbitrary boundary between things that tend to intermingle as she decided what was acceptable and what was not. She has a bright future in front of her. Even if it's not the right one now, there's always a desirable and correct one where she'll find the IDEAL and perfection. Someone who really loves her and knows how to appreciate each and every moment they're spending. She deserves someone much more better than Jenson. :)

As for Don, certain things cannot be changed, helped or improved. Struggle and objection are pointless. He did not shut himself off or stay in his shell. He was capable of doing lots of things but there's something in him that keeps him from moving on, a big hole of emptiness. Gwen, the red headed nurse, what a coincidental! I'm looking forward to their evolutions of each day. I don't understand either why people want to say sorry when someone close to you passed away. But I said them myself 'cause I don't know what else to say. I hope someday, David will be charged guilty and put him away for good. I'm worried for Melina 'cause not only she's in danger. There's two life involved there, now David is getting more and more obsessed and preyed on. I loved it! With their nicknames and I cannot help but roll on floor laughing because of Eric and Mackenzie. :lol:
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