CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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I can't wait to read the last part 'cause butterflies starts *Sighs*.. when I unwittingly catch a glimpse of the words something like.. Pleeeaaaaasee Mac, *perspiring* but I'm being entertained by these captivating chapters at the moment. Unable to halt my smile to know that they're sharing the same great moments together, spending time with each other side by side. I wanted to read this so badly when I have time but once I started I know that I will never put an end to it. Sometimes, most of the time, I'm contented.. by how the characters turned out, it points into different directions, how it was tilted or twisted, you gave us a point there, made it very clear with those explanations or elaborations. A feeling of mild astonishing strikes me with the aftermath you wrote. It was persisting as I loved how you give a detailed full account of their actions in words, I could have encountered it myself, experiencing it in your story with what they had gone through, it was wonderful!

Totally impressed by how this was written, truth always hurts but lies are worse. I wonder if Stella is going to tell Mac about it or was there really a future between Andrew and Stella? :) I'm curious though as I'm shocked by how they feel about each other. Something that I thought will never change just gone in just a blink. Everything is REALLY possible. :( I've got to stay strong and optimistic!

Don who has always been determined with everything he is doing. He's a great guy, being strong for all those around him, knowing that he couldn't do anything but to move on as there's Jessica by his side giving him strength and love to carry on. Then there's his child, in addition to Tristan, three boys who is as tough as their father, falls in love and willing to do their best to pursue what's in the future, grasping all of it fully before taking the next step. :)

Mainly, I'm proud of Mac. ;) My intentions and love towards Mac and Stella's character in your story is inexplicable. I'm shedding my tears due to what they had said to each other, it stings. I couldn't explain how much I loved it. Even though they had some arguments and heated exchange of conflicting views from time to time, it makes no difference, as an alternative, it makes it more INTENSE and Asprine will turns into a red hot turtle cake! One thing which makes the difference was when they don't love each other anymore :(, it's been generations, yet I could still feel the sparks, sprinkling, glimmering strongly in their little world or even with the family sometimes. Mac who has undergone too much agony, being able to weather all torments without attempting to give up. Sometimes, he can be really obstinate but I really enjoyed it when each others temper and rage raise higher then they would ignore one another, both giving in after a while when they cannot withstand anymore. Standing by holding tight, whispering in the ears that it's going to be in one piece 'cause they're going to fight and defend this together, whatever the circumstances are, to hell with it!

"Nnow who's mmaking who hot?"
You! The following ones from Mac really heat up my state of mind, and draws back the wide smile on my face that just fades away in no time. I... I'm already dreaming about it with Mac and Eric's conversation before I read the part I mentioned. Here comes my soundless laugh again added with I'm flushed! Asprine's heart rate isn't normal anymore. ...Fireworks... Ohhh... *Blush* Ecstasy!! *Faints* My room is spinning too! :lol: I want to... I'm already breathless and speechless, mind only filled with Mac and Stella + Eric and Mackenzie = Infinity:bolian:! :thumbsup:!

Gray and Lindsay were babysitting together. Adam and Maddy decided to go out for the evening. So Lindsay asked her mom if it would be alright to bring Kat, to visit Adam Jr.

"Mom... can I take Kat to Gray's with me? His parents are going out tonight, and I thought it might be fun for Kat, to play with li'l Adam."

"I don't see why not. Just don't leave them unattended while you and Gray decide to play house," she laughed.

"Moooooooooom... come on. Gray and I aren't that bad. Are we?"

"Sometimes honey. But that's okay. I kidd."

"I know mom. But at times I wish Gray would ask me to get engaged to him. I know I love him, and he loves me, but to have it become a unity would be beautiful."

"Give yourself time love. You are only seventeen. Enjoy your life. When the time is right for Gray, he'll ask you."

Carrying Kat to the car, Lindsay strapped her in, as her sister said... "car, car."

"Yes Kat. We are going for a ride in a car."

Clapping her hands, her sister continued to giggle. Pulling out of the driveway, Lindsay almost backed into her father.

"Daddy... what are you doing?"

"Just checking your reflexes. There's daddy's girl. Where are ya going my little KitKat?"

"I'm taking her with me to Gray's, to see little Adam."

"You kids behave, no playing house." he snickered.

"You know daddy. You and mom have been married to long. You're both so evil."

Laughing, Danny gave his girls a kiss, and headed into the house to attack his beautiful wife, now they were alone.

Meanwhile over at Don's, Shannon, Sara, Jenson and Jake, were deciding what to do for the night.

"Come on guys, it's getting late. We need to think of something?"

"I don't know. We've seen all the movies, we're to young for the bars. I mean what is left in Miami at night?" asked Jenson.

"I have an idea. Let's go to Tristan's. Sharon said he has a hot tub. They were spending the evening together there."

"You have got to be joking sis. Sharon will kill us. Besides that... Tristan is to mature for us. He's almost ninteen, I don't think he'd like us crashing their little party."

"Why don't we just go hang at the beach. I heard one of the kids say they were having a party down there tonight. Everyone and anyone was welcome to go."

"Trust me Jenson. Those parties always end up in raids. The last thing your dad needs to see, is you and your brother being dragged in for disorderly conduct. Why don't we just rent a good Rrated movie, and snuggle down in your room."

Jake laughed... "oh I can see it now. We are all snuggled on the floor, watching some Rrated naughty movie, and mom and grandpa walk in. Could you imagine. We'd be getting scolded for weeks."

"That may be true, said Shannon. But... I happen to know my father, and your grandfather are working a case. The chances of them coming home at all, are slim to none. Besides that... didn't you say your mom worked till midnight? That gives us, six hours to have some naughty fun."

"And just how do you suppose, we get our hands on an Rrated movie Shannon? We're not old enough."

"I happen to know Robin is working the video store tonight, Sara. She owes me, if anyone can get us a movie, she can."

The boys laughed. They had never seen an Rrated movie. Only heard about them. But the girls seemed to have seen them.

"So have you girls ever seen an Rrated movie? Cause I've heard from friends, that they are really nasty."

"No way. They're not that bad. Some of our friends have seen them too. They say they are great learning tools."

The boys could feel excitement setting in. Laughing like loons, they agreed.

"Okay... you and Sara stay here. Jenson and I will go get the movie and be back."

Still laughing, they really had no idea, what they were about to see. Or the education they were about to get.
Sixteen and seventeen watch R rated, I'm taken aback with what they're going to learn too. You've started to teach this education :D :D? Teens in the present climate are mostly exposed to this kind of the world with all the technologies particularly internet in addition to their urge of wanting to know, learn and try. As long as they did not make an effort to misused it in a wrong way or take advantage by maltreating one, it's not a crime to watch. More safe to watch it with parents and guardians :lol:. I have faith in them and hoped that they're matured and fully-developed enough to know when will be the right time to draw a line, be aware of the consequences and what they're doing. :) Both Lindsay and Grayson had and has always been a great brother and sister. Even if it's to bring their little sister and little brother with them, they still spend sometime together for themselves, it didn't matter what they did, just feeling each other close or snuggle into a warm and comfortable position, never did they try to neglect the little ones. :thumbsup:
hey Natty, what's with the no peanut butter icon? lol (yes I know about the recalls)

It's really hard to tell with movies these days. Some R rated ones aren't so bad really. Some PG13 ones can be worse lol
When Shannon and Jenson got back with the movie, Jake and Sara were eating.

"Hey... we just realized why you left us here, and you two went."


"So that Jenson and I couldn't fool around, while you and Jake were getting the movie. So that's why you took my boyfriend Shannon."

"You are so smart sis, that's right. We got the movie too."

"Which one?"

Well... we had our choice of three, that they no longer rent out. So we went with Friction Burns in Midnight Fires. It sounded fun, and hot."

Sara's cheeks went bright red.

"Are you blushing, Sara?"

"No... I'm not blushing, Jenson."

Sitting down beside her, he kissed her.

"That's okay sis, I'm sure we will all be blushing in a few minutes."

Placing the movie in the DVD player. They laid back in each others arms, as they watched the cartoon come on the screen.

"What the... hey... I know that character, that's Scrooge McDuck, and those are his nephews, laughed Jake. Great Rrated movie Shannon. That's some friend you have."

Shannon slapped Jake. Getting up to turn it off, Jake stopped her.

"Forget it Shan... I love this. Leave it. Jenson hit the lights."

Once the room was in darkness, except for the glow from the TV, Jenson pulled Sara closer, and kissed her neck. Not feeling comfortable, she asked him to stop.

"Please Jenson, I'm not ready for this."

Leaning back, he pulled Sara into his chest. "It's okay Sara, we'll just have a laugh with the ducks. There's no hurry."

"Thank you for understanding."

"Always, Sara."

Sara wrapped herself closer to Jenson. All she knew in her heart, was that she couldn't disappoint her dad.


Sharon and Tristan were spending the evening at his place. His mother and father had gone away for the week-end. After calling home, Eric and Mackenize agreed, as long as he had her home by one.

Parking her car in his driveway, she grabbed up her bikini and towel, and headed inside wth him. She could hardly wait to get into his hot tub. It was huge, and had a built in pool right next to it.

Heading into the bathroom to change. Tristan set up some crackers, cheese, strawberries, pineapple, and mixed a blender full of smoothies. Taking it all out back, he placed it by the hot tub.

Hearing the patio door slide, he looked up and inhaled deep. By God, she was a goddess. Her bikini was zebra stripped, and left nothing to the imagination. Feeling himself respond to her beauty, he held his hand out to her, as she slipped in beside him.

Leaning towards her ear he whispered... "Is it too hot for you, Sharon?"

"No... it's beautiful."

Smiling into her eyes, he softly kissed her. Moving herself closer to him, she straddled his lap. Deeper they went, as the kiss set new desires, new needs and wants for the two of them. Feeling him losen her bra strings, she felt the fingetrtip caress, dance along her now bare flesh.


Hearing her plea, he leaned her back, and tenderly brought her body to new heights. God the pleasure was so raw, so new, that she felt her body tense, as the sensations over took her. She had heard of the wonderful experiences of play from many of her girlfriends. But never did she think, it would be this beautiful, this passionate.

Tristan knew she had experienced her first passionate storm. For he had felt her body pull back like a bow.

"Shh... it's okay Sharon. Don't cry."

"I'm sorry. It was so beautiful. I've never felt such warmth, such sensations. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. Just wait till we are married. Then I can teach you all the wonderful ways to make love. I love you Sharon. Forever."

"I love you too, Tristan. But what if I don't want to wait? What if I want to feel you love me, right now?"

Looking into her beautiful deep blue eyes, he whispered...

"I'd have to say no, and hope you understand. Cause when we take that step Sharon, it will be when our life begins together, as one, forever."

"What's it like Tristan. Making love. Is it like I felt a few minutes ago?"

The last thing Tristan wanted to do, was compare Sharon to any of the mistakes he had dated. She deserved better then that. Trying his best, he worked his way around it.

"Sweetheart. Maybe this is something for you to discuss with your mom. I really don't want to have to compare you to another woman. For none of them matter. You are the only one who does. all I will say, is there is some pain, but after that, it gets better."

"I understand Tristan. I'm sorry I asked you. It's just you made me feel so beautiful, like my soul had disappeared for a few minutes."

"That's your passion Sharon. You are a very passionate young woman. That's one of the many reasons I fell in love with you."

Laying her head against his chest, she smiled as he redid her strings, then wrapping his arms around her, they allowed the waves from the hot tub to carry them away.
I liked this update, it showed the differences in the girls :)

hey Natty, what's with the no peanut butter icon? lol (yes I know about the recalls)

No nothing to do with recalls just a little joke and fun between me and a few other board members :)
To my readers, I love your reviews, and thank you for them.

But if you could do me a favour? I've mentioned this before. If you have a question to ask another member that doesn't pertain to the story. Could you please, PM them with it. This way it helps me be able to read just the review.

Thanks so much,
Not very long. Marie's boys are very aggresive:) more on that in future chappies:lol:

After their late lunch, MJ dropped Melina's father off at work. Pulling into the underground parking, they seen Melina's car coverd in spray paint.

"What the hell, my caaaaaaar."

Getting out of MJ's car, her father ran over and checked the inside.

"Everything has been stolen, Melina. I think you should call the Police."

"I can do better then that. I"m calling my Uncle Don, he's a detective with Miami-Dade."

When Don arrived on scene, he had two other Officers with him.

"What's going on, MJ?"

"Melina's car. Twice now it's been vandalized. She reported it the first time, but there was nothing they could do. She reported it again yesterday for a second time, and now we drop her father off, and her car is back, destroyed with her CD player, and other items missing."

Looking at Melina, he said...

"Is there anyone you know, would do this to you? Maybe someone you annoyed, or an angry patient?"

"No. I've never annoyed anyone to the point of this. Besides, no one knows I park here."

"Who parks beside you?"

"Just David. He's our on call Physio therapist, and I'm sure he wouldn't do it."

"I don't mean to upset you. It just seems funny to me, why it's always your car, and no one elses. Which leads me to think, this is personal."

"I honestly don't know, Don. I have no enemies."

"Try talking to David, uncle. He must have seen something. I mean he parks right beside her. Besides that... why didn't he call her when he got in this morning about her car? That seems odd, don't you think?"

"Okay, I'll go have a talk with him. Are you working tonight, Melina?"

"No. MJ and I are planning our little ceremony. We're getting married next week on the beach. We don't trust enclosed spaces."

Don knew she was talking about the explosion. Who could blame them. He wouldn't want to be married inside either.

"Alright, I'll see you two later. I'm going to have a talk with David."

After giving her father a kiss, good bye. They headed over to the Photographers.


Don had finally found David, and sat him down.

"What can I, do for you, detective?"

Don knew he was being a smart ass. But that was okay, for he could see the spray paint on his shoes.

"Can you tell me where you were tonight?"

"Sure, I was here. All afternoon. My shift finishes at midnight. Why? Would you like to go out?" he winked.

"Listen smart ass. In about five seconds, we're going to take this downtown."

"Oww... that's hot baby. Can you slap the cuff's on me too?"

Don could tell he was on something. Either that or he was high from the spray paint fumes. Making him wonder, if he did it in a non ventilated area.

"Did you, or did you not, spray paint Melina's car tonight?"

"Me? No way. That spray paint I got on my shoes when I walked in it. God, I seen her car though, what a mess. Who would do that?"

"I didn't mention your shoes, you did. So let's stop playing games, and try again.

"Of course Mr.Columbo. No... I do not know who painted her car. Can go now? I'm feeling kind of sick."

"That's because you are high on paint fumes. Caused by working in an enclosed space. Turn and face the wall."

Getting up, he tried to take a swing at Don, but missed and fell over the table. Seeing the action from the nurses sation, they laughed. Their only thought being... "it was about time, David got his."

Cuffing him from behind, Don asked the pretty red headed nurse to call Andrew.

"What is it Don?"

"Can you check Mr.Aerosol, and make sure he is able to leave the Hospital. Last thing I need his him crashing in holding."

"Of course, bring him in here. Gwen, can I get your assistance please?"

Walking into the room, the red headed nurse, smiled at Don again. As he watched her, he noticed she had beautiful legs, tiny hour glass shape, bright green eyes, and copper hair. Looking up, she smiled at him again. As he lowered his head, she realized he was hurting. Deep down in his soul, he had lost something recently, something of great importance.
Moving her eyes back to David. She continued to help Andrew get him ready for transport to Miami-Dade.

"Okay Don, he's good to go. He's going to be fine."

"Thanks. I'll see you later Andrew. Please let Melina know we won't be able to hold him for long. As he hasn't done anything serious. But give her a heads up, that she needs to be more cautious around him. Not that he'll try anything that stupid. But just in case. I know she's with child. So every inch of prevention helps."

"I'll do that. Thanks again Don."

"You're welcome. Let's go David. You have the right to remain silent..."

As Don continued reading him his rights, David was still trying to grasp the reality that Melina was pregnant with that son of a bitch's baby.
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