CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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before you ask... No Andrew will not be going psycho. I like his character alot. I plan on keeping him around. Though he and Stella will have some tough moments in the future.:p;)

Out in the hall, Eric was still trying to get his father to open the door.

"Come on dad, please let me talk to you. It's just me. I swear no one else will come in."

Waiting to hear any sound, he heard the click of the lock. Opening it, he walked in, and locked it behind him. Taking a look around, the only thought he had was... all that money invested on this equipment, and most of it thrown across the room.

"Hi dad. Getting your exercise this morning, I see. By the looks of it, your arms are awful powerful. Nice dent in the door there. Looks good. You can hang your towel there."

Mac snickered. Only Eric had the ability to look stupider then he did. That's why he loved him. He was always willing to get in trouble with him. No matter the consequences from the wives.

Walking over, he sat down beside him against the wall.

"So how's it going dad? Wanna talk?"

Back in the other room, Andrew was turning the door when Stella stopped him, by reaching for his hand. Turning to face her, she whispered...

"Thank you, Andrew. Thank you for always being here."

Whether it was the moment, or the built up want he had, he lowered his lips to hers and whispered....

"You're welcome Stella." Touching his lips to hers, he felt the world tilt. Never had he felt this since his wife. Breaking the kiss. Andrew turned his head in shame. "I'm sorry Stella. God... I'm so sorry. Never in my life, did I think, I wold find another Laura."

"It's okay Andrew. I think we both know what we felt. But I love Mac to much, to allow anyone to come between us. Another time, another place. I would be beside you. But we must forget this happened and move on."

Andrew knew she was right. But little did they both know. That sometimes down the line, they would both realize, that love and passion, this raw, this new, could never be forgotten.

Back out in the hall now, Andrew asked... "Stella, what was Mac like before his accident."

Stella smiled as she cried.

"He was comical. Him and Eric would get into all kinds of trouble. Trying to pull stunts on us girls, but they'd backfire. Would you like to see some. We have plenty of Home Video's."

"You know what, I think that would be nice. I have a feeling Eric and your husband are going to be a while."

Andrew was doing everything possible, to help Stella keep her mind off the room.

Back in the room, Eric was trying to get his father in law to open up.

"Hey dad. I know your life really sucks right now. But I think we need to talk about what happened with you and mom. Or at least talk about something, else Mack will think I'm a loser, and divorce me."
Snickering he said...

"Yyeah... ththen we can be roommates, ccause I told Sstella to ddivorce me. So we ccan live totogether."

"Come on dad. Why would you say that to mom. You two are the poster children for the perfect relationship. So what happened?"

Giving his son a raised eyebrow, he said... "pposter chchildren?"

"Come on dad, what happened?"

"I was hholding my ggranddaughter, while wheeling mmyself into the dden. Your mmother ppanicked, and ththought I would spspasm and ddrop her. I told her I was ffine, and I ccould do it. Ththen she said..." how ccan you look aafter a bbaby, when you ccan't even look aafter yyourself."

"Oh dad, I"m sorry. I had no idea. Doesn't she know your medication stops your spasms?"

"Of ccorse she ddoes. Ththats why I ththink she has ddeeper regrets. I'm not the mman I used to be. I ccan't even walk anymore. I ccan't chchase her round the house, or love her half the ttime, without my head ffeeling like a ttornado hit it. Its jjust so damn frustrating for us. Mmaybe shes right. I am useless. Mmaybe we need some time apart."

"You don't mean that dad. Mom loves you. Has she not always stood by you? Has she not been the one beside you through all this? How can you think you need a break from each other?"

"Ccause all we do is ffight Eric. Not a morning ggoes bby she isn't ttrying to dress me, ccomb my hair, ppick out my clclothes. I can do that mmyself. God she mmakes me so angry half the time. Sso angry ththat I want to get up out of mmy chchair, ththrow her against a wall, and love her till she ppasses out in my arms. God I ddream it every night. I see mmyself slslamming her against the wall, and ttaking from her, leaving her in endless scscreams of ppassion."

"Whoa... that's hot dad. Cool it a little, you're exciting me. he laughed.
Though I understand that kind of frustration. It's like a burning inside your soul, that can't wait to get out, so you take her like an animal. Cause it's what you crave. Watching her shocked expression, then her panting and quivering in your arms."

Mac groaned and said... "Nnow who's mmaking who hot?"

"That's good dad. Maybe that's what you need to do. Maybe you need to slam her against something, love her in endless pleasure. Show her you are still the man you use to be. Channel all the anger to yourself, and get the hell out of that chair for good. You and I both know you don't need it. Take your life back Mac. Then go out there and get your wife."

Getting up, Eric pulled his father up against him.

"Straighten your back dad. If you want to walk. You have to take a little pain."

Standing up straight, he could feel his back pull. Causing his eyes to close against the ache he was feeling. Then pulling over his bar, Eric placed it between him.

"Now walk those bars dad. Keep that back straight, and walk."

Holding the bar, Mac walked two steps, then two more. Swallowing back the pain, as he made it to the end of bar. Then turning around, he walked back, before collapsing in his chair.

"Now that... was awesome dad. You keep that up, you'll be slamming mom into walls in no time. So... do you think you two are going to be okay?"

Sighing Mac said...

"I have alot of aapologizing to do mmyself, I ssaid ssome pretty hurtful ththings to her. I was wworse then whwhat shshe said to me. I only hope, we can heal ffrom this one. Ffor this was a vvery angry round of ppain, and hurt for both of us."

"Then don't hold back dad. Get out of this room, wheel into that den. Get up out of that chair, and pin her to the wall. Who cares who's watching. Show everyone how much you love her."

"I wwill sson. Rrright nnow."

Wheeling himself out of the room, he headed towards the den.
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Meanwhile...In the den, the family, Andrew and Melina were talking to the Taylor's all together.

"MJ, I'd really like to know how you are feeling through all that's happened. You obviously have some pain hidden."

"I know Andrew. I have alot. Most of it to do with that day. It was hard enough having to face my father, but after that bombing. I had to become the father to my siblings. I had to put my life on hold, to raise them. Plus help with papa. I thought I was handling it, clearly I was wrong. I have alot of frustration towards Mackenzie. Sure she has lost too, sure she has family to take care of and a new baby. But we all have to make sacrifices in a situation like this. We've all lost something. She was the only one, who hasn't stepped in to help, and I'm sorry, but I find that very selfish."

"Mackenzie... how do you feel, about what MJ has said...

"I know he's right. I have been selfish. God how MJ, reminds me so much of my brother. We always fought like this, it's frightening, how much he reminds me of him. Just like my father, it's not because I wanted too. But I was terrified. MJ's right, it scares me to see my father vent and lash out at everyone. It scares me to death, that he's going to hurt someone. I don't like seeing this side to my father. So I have stayed away, and I'm sorry for that mom. Really sorry, she cried. It's just daddy scares me."

Stella teared up. How could none of them have seen, how frightened the other was. How could they have missed it. "It's okay love, I know your father can be very frightening at times. I just wish I had known that's why you were staying away. I wish you had of talked to me."

"I wanted to mom. I really did. But you have so much stress already. I didn't want to add to that. I'm sorry to you too, MJ. I didn't mean what I said. It's just every time we argue, you bring back memories of my brother, your father."

Reaching over MJ took his aunt into his arms. "I know auntie, I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to call you spoiled. I misunderstood your need to stay away. Believe me, if I could change my looks for you, I would. I know how hard it is though. As I'm the one who sees him in my image everyday. It scares me too, that I might be just like him one day."

"That would never happen, MJ. You've been with daddy, more then your father. If anything you'll become like your papa. So don't ever worry about disappointing everyone. Cause it will never happen."

Melina and her father watched as the Taylor's began to mend what was broken inside their souls. Leaning down towards his daughter, he whispered...

"I hope you know how lucky you are, to be marrying into such a loving family?"

"I do daddy. I really do, as will our baby."

Breaking the tension in the room. Stella said...

"Let's watch one of our all time favorite Mac/Eric moments."

Watching the home video's. They were just at the scene where Eric and Mac were trying to get out of the kitchen.

"Oh...this is great love, perfect. Hey Eric, look over here son."

As Eric looked he could have killed Mac. For there mom was filming them, while laughing.

"Come on Mac, give us a hand here, damn it."

"Ohhhhhh...stop that daddy, you's bad," said Sara.

Passing the video camera to Stella, so she could continue filming. Mac walked over and grabbed Eric by the hand while holding the counter. Problem was, Loser decided to back up, pulling on the pizza with danger, knocking into the back of Mac's knees, and down he went right on top of Eric.


"Hahahhaha, ahahahha." Stella and Mackenzie couldn't contain their laughter.

"Oh God, this is going to make an awesome movie night."

"Get the hell off me dad, you're heavy."

"Daddy, stop that swearing, or I's spank you."

"Listen son. I'm going to slide back over to the counter, you follow, and when I pull up, you hold on to my shirt and don't let go."

As Mac slid, Eric followed. Reaching for the counter, Eric pulled on Mac's shirt, he pulled so hard it tore, landing them both back on the ground.
Andrew was in stitches, as was his daughter. They couldn't believe how bonded this family was, to allow each other to pick fun and tape it, was amazing.

"Christ sakes Eric, what the hell kind of wax did you use?"

"Papa, stop that swearing, it's not nice, bad papa."

"How the hell should I know dad, ask the guys that did the damn floors."

"Ummm...your daughter's and granddaughters are getting quite the education in dirty language."

Figuring she had enough footage. Stella finally told the boys how to get up. But not wanting to miss more fun. Mack kept it running.

"Listen guys, slide your way out of the kitchen into the living room hall. Grip the carpet and get up."

As they slithered in a line, the girls couldn't stop hissing.

"Hisssssssss........hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisss sssssssssssss...."

"Look at us mama, we's snakes," laughed Sharon.

Finally nearing the carpet, Eric got up first, followed by Mac, who helped up the tripp's.

"Daddy look at you, you peed your pants," laughed Sara.

"Papa, I sees your belly button, tickles, tickles," laughed Shannon.

Not impressed with the situation, Mac said.....

"Stel, give me that video camera."

Watching from the den door, Mac teared up. Oh the fun they had as family. The laughter, warmth and love, that had all disappeared since the wedding. Knowing more then ever that he needed to push himself. He wheeled towards his wife who was changing the video.

Pulling himself up out of the chair, everyone watched, but said nothing. Then like a flash of lightening, Mac grabbed her and pinned her to the wall. Attacking her mouth in an endless assault of tongue dualing kisses.

"Whoa... Rrated in room. I think it's time for us to go."

"GO GET HER PAPA." yelled MJ.

Closing the den door, Mack said... "what the hell did you say to him? He walked. He pinned her to a wall. How??"

Eric grinned and said... "it's mens stuff. Now let's get our children and head home."

Heading out the door, MJ yelled... "I forgot to tell you auntie. Uncle Don wants you to call him, it's about Jessica."

"Thanks MJ, I'll do that when I get home."

Hearing the crash in the den, followed by Stella's, loud passionate cries, MJ, Melina and her dad, decided to head out for lunch.
Here you go Catu,.;)

Back in the den, Stella purred out his name...

"Pleeeeeeease Maaaaaaaac."

"Nno Sstella, no pplease, I'm ggoing to shshow you I'm sstill the man you mmarried. I'm going to shshow you ,that all that endless ppassion, need, and want ststill exists."

Raising her hands above her head, he crushed himself against her. Assaulting her body and soul, as his hands slid and caressed across her arms, waist, back up to her hair, where he turned her head to the side, and assaulted her neck.

Stella couldn't catch her breath, she could barely breathe. The room was spinning, as Mac took her savagely. Feeling his knees begin to shake, he lowered her to the ground, and continued to assault her.

Feeling each and every inch of her husband, she screamed out as the first sensation took her over the edge of sanity. Then as Mac rolled with her, as her hair shadowed out the light, she cried out for a second time. God it had been so long, since her husband took her with such force, such passionate fire, that her body couldn't stop the quivering.

Holding her closer, Mac knew he had her so sensual drained, that movement from her of any kind was impossible. But still, he wanted to show her he wasn't done. Taking her pliant body, he flipped her under him again, then with slow seductive passion, he loved her again. Not only with his kisses, but with his fingertip caresses as well, until all that was heard throughout the den, was her soft satisfied purrs, and whispers of love.


When Mackenzie and Eric arrived at home, Eric put the kids down for their nap. Then coming back downstairs, he found his wife leaning over the dinning room table. Watching her as her seductive bent and twisted, his only thought returned to his father and his talk.

God he could feel himself tense as his mind wandered across her, leaving his body to ache for her touch. Sneaking up behind her, he slammed her into a wall, biting her neck with greed, as she screamed from the passionate unsuspected storm.

"Eriiiiiiiic..." she moaned out, as his hands danced along her arms, gripping her hands, as he forced them above her head.

"Do you still want to know what your father and I talked about? Do you Mack? Or would you rather feel every sensual word we spoke. Let me know Mack... choice is yours baby." he hissed in a seductive voice.

"Pleeeeeeeease Eriiiiiiiiiic... I can't..."

"Forever you beg, love. Well... let me tell you. Your father wants to take your mother, slam her up against the wall, and caress, stroke, kiss, and burn her in flamming passion. Till she is pliant in his arms. Then when she is, he's going to love her again. What do you think love? Do you want to burn in endless flamming fire?

Eric could feel her body tense, as the first wave hit her like an out of control storm. He could feel her body quiver for more of his erotic words. Knowing she was more then ready, he lifted her to his level, while dancing with her, leaving only one thought focused on her mind...

That her husband surely knew, how to love her right.

A short time later, Eric headed back out, while Mack called Don. Not getting an answer, she left a message as she heard a knock. Answering the door, she seen Don.

"Hi Don, I was just about to call you. Come on in. MJ said you wanted to see me."

"I do Mack."

Mackenzie could tell how lonely Don seemed. Sitting beside him in the den, she took his hand, and looked into his eyes.

"What is it Don. Please talk to me. I know you're missing Jess, but there seems to be more."

"There is Mack. I know how important the first year is for bonding with your child. I also know I have no right to ask. But I was hoping I could spend more time with Jessica."

Mackenzie could see his tears. She could feel his loneliness, as she cried with him.

Taking his hand, she leaned in against him.

"Why didn't you ask sooner, Don. Of course you can. I know how important Jessica is to your life right now. I don't ever want you to be afraid to ask for more time with her. Eric and I always have time to bond with Jessica. Don't you ever worry about that."

"Thank you, Mackenzie."

"You don't ever have to thank me. She loves her Godfather. Think we don't see that. so why don't you come on friday, after work. You can take her for the week-end."

"I'd like that."

"I'm sure Jessica will too."

Almost as if on cue, Jessica woke screaming. Heading up to the nursery, Mack changed her, and carried her down to Don. Watching as he took her into his arms, and rocked her. Seeing the trust in Jessica's eyes, as she looked into him. Knowing in her heart, how much he needed her precious love.

"I'm going to make some coffee. Would you like a cup Don?"

"Please and thank you."

Leaving the room, Mack heard Don whisper.... "So what do you think Kitten, you and I this week-end?"

Hearing the little grunt, Mack smiled as she headed to the kitchen.
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Back at the Taylor's, Stella was still unable to move, every nerve, every quiver in her body was on high alert. She didn't need to be touched, all it took was a cool Miami breeze, to sensitize her silkened skin once more.
Laying beside her, Mac was caressing her beautiful curls, with a more then satisfied smile on his face.

"Stella... sweetheart? I'm sorry for the hurtful things I said to you. I would never, ever think of divorcing you. I would not, could not, tolerate another mans hands on you, or any part of your body. Always we belong to each other Stella. No matter how much we argue, or say hurtful things. Never will we let each other go. I love you so much, love."

Stella tried not to cry. She knew that Andrew had kissed her, a kiss that she had felt to the depth of her soul. So much alike Andrew and Mac were. Both sensitive, caring, strong, loving and understanding. Never did Stella think another man like her husband existed. Just as Andrew had told her... "All this time, I never thought there would be another Laura."

"Stella... did you hear me love? I said I was sorry."

Putting Andrew behind her, in the past. She turned into her husbands arms.

"No one is no more sorry then I am, Mac. I should have never said that to you. You are more man then I could have ever hoped for. I've always loved you Mac. You are my world too. Without you, I know I would never survive. I guess I panicked. It's just Jessica is so tiny, and fragile. Plus you were in one of your mood swings. When those happen, it scares me to death."

Looking his wife in her eyes with pain, he whispered... "do I scare you Stella? Are you afraid I'm going to hurt you?"

Stella could see the pain in her husbands eyes, she could see the need to know.

"At times, yes Mac. There are times the children and I are scared. Especially when you have your headaches. It frightens us, that you are just going to lash out. That's why the children try to avoid staying at home , except at night. They love you so much Mac. That they don't want to put you in that position. So they avoid you."

Mac could feel his heart sadden. Never did he think to realize he was scaring his children, or his wife. Were his tempers that bad, that his kids stayed away?"

"It's okay Mac. I know what you're thinking. But you've done nothing wrong. You're not to blame for the anger, and hurt you feel when the headaches come on. We all just need to work harder, together as a family, to help you overcome your episodes. But you are still the man you were Mac. You haven't changed. You've proven that this afternoon, when you got out of that chair."

Leaning down, Stella kissed him again. Deeping their kiss, the kids came through the door.

"Mom? Dad? Where are you?"

"In the den, kids."

As the kids walked into the den, they seen their parent/grandparent laying under the comforter.

"Oh for goodness sakes, not again. I swear daddy, you and mom should have had a dozen kids by now. Even the energizer bunny, couldn't keep up with the two of you."

Laughing at their daughters expression. Stella said...

"Alright Michelle. Give us five minutes to dress, you kids can start the hamburgers. We'll be right there."

"Sure mom. Oh and dad... you might want to cover up your tush." Turning the kids left the room, giggling.

Stella laughed. Trying to get up, Mac pulled her back down.

"Where you going love? I'm not done with you yet," he winked.

"Oh yes you are, Mr.Sinister. Kids are home."

Trying to get up again, Mac bit her butt cheek.

"Oww... you devil. Come on Mac, let go."

Grabbing her calves and tickling them, she was thrown into fits of laughter. Finally escaping her husbands clutches, she quickly dressed and left the room. Sitting up, Mac pulled himself towards the couch. Then pulling up on the arms, he pulled himself up. Sitting in his chair, he slid up his pants and clipped them. Then wheeling himself out the room, he looked back at the blankets, smiled and said to himself...

"Oh yeah Taylor, you still got it."
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