CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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ohh i love the boys!! Davis is really scary, hope he doesn`t kill anyone. And i dont know why but i am dying for a big fight between Mac and Stella with a sweet and hot reconciliation!!! haha
Catu, I'll see what I can do. Under the PG-13 meter, of course.:)

The following morning, Don woke up with his little angel beside him. he thought it wold be best to keep her right beside him. Turning on his side, he seen she was wake and alert. Leaning down he kissed her head, as she scrunched her little nose.

"Morning Jessica, did you have a good sleep?"

Looking up at Don through her big huge green-blue eyes, he grabbed a diaper and changed her bum. After dressing her, he carried her downstairs, and heated her bottle. Sitting down with her in the rocker, he whispered...

"I'm going to miss you little angel. I loved spending time with you. You always fill Uncle Donnie's heart with joy. Maybe we can talk to mommy, and see if we can make this a weekly event, would you like that?"

Watching her Uncle Don as if hanging onto every word, she gripped his finger, around her little hand. When she had finished her bottle, Don lifted her over his shoulder, and burped her.

Taking her little bib, he wiped her little lips, and rocked her in his arms for a few more minutes. Knowing it was time for work. He packed up her things, and strapped her into the carseat, as they headed over to the Taylor's.

When they arrived, Mac was patiently waiting in the den. He wanted nothing more then to get up and walk to the door, but that wasn't going to happen yet. Hearing the door, he looked towards the entrance and seen Don standing there with Jessica.

"Hey Mac, how you doing?"

"Good Don. How was she for you?"

"Perfect. She's such an angel."

Giving her one last kiss, he passed her to her grandfather.

"Ddo you have ttime for coffee?"

"No. I have get into work. Let Mack know to give me a call this afternoon, please."

"Of cccourse. Is everything okay, Ddon?"

Mac always read him like a book. Always. "I'll be alright. It's just hard to give back this little angel."

"I ccan see thththat. Ddid you ththink of asking her ffor more ttime with Jjessica?"

"I was thinking about it. But I know how important it is, for Jessica to bond with her parents during the first year."

"Even ststill Ddon. If you asked Mmack and Eric, I'm ssure they wwould. "

"Morning Don, did you hear about your grandsons and our granddaughters? Sharon accepted a promise from Tristan. When she turns twenty, they're getting married. Sara and Shannon, are also in love with Jenson and Jake. They were pretty personal last night too."

"My Jenson and Jake?"

"Mhm... seems they gave the girls heart shaped necklaces with a little keyhole."

"With a keyhole? Where's the key?"

"Around your grandsons necks." she laughed.

"Oh great, Marie will like that. So you'll ask Mack to call me?"

"I will. You take care Don. Don't be a stranger. Come for dinner soon."

"I will Stella, I promise."

Bending down to give Jessica one last kiss, he left out the door with an empty heart.
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Okay Catu, here is your fight. Melly your walking scene will be soon.:) This fight was hard for me. I never had Mac and Stella fight like this. Wow... enjoy this new side to Mac and Stella's pain.:lol:

Once Don was gone, Mac wheeled himself into the den with his granddaughter.

"Here Mac, I should take her. Just in case she slips."

"I ccan do it Sstella, we're ffine. Ddon't worry."

"I do worry Mac, if you get another spasm, you could drop her by accident."

"I'm not ththat stupid Sstella. God... whwhat is it with you lately. Always you ththink I'm such an invaled. Jjust give it a break, okay?"

Jessica started crying.

"Look what you've done Mac, you've upset her. Why do you feel this constant need to bellow?"

"Bbellow? I wwasn't bbellowing. Jesus Cchrist Sstella, why are you always pputting me in a rotten mmood. Sometimes you jjust ppiss me off."

"Look Mac, just give me Jessica, you have her all upset."

"Nno. She's my granddaughter ttoo. I'll calm her ddown, jjust leave us, Stella."

"I'm not leaving you with her. You can't even look after yourself. How can you look after her?"

Stella stood shocked. She couldn't believe what she had said. Where the hell did that come from. She could see the pain, the hurt, across her husbands face. God was this how she really felt? Did she really feel he was useless, and unstable?

Giving his wife the most pained, and angered look. He passed her his granddaughter.

"You know Sstella, of all the ththings you could have ssaid, or felt. I never ththought it wwould be ththat. I'm ssorry if I'm not enough mman for you anymore. Mmaybe you shshould ddivorce me and ththen you can ffind yourself a rreal man. I mmean, God knows you have yyour pick of ththem. Hell... you ccould have Fflack for that mmatter. He's ssingle now, mmaybe the ttwo of you ccan even have more chchildren. God knows I'm nnot mman enough to give you anymore. Oor I really like Andrew. Hell... he'd be pperfect for you ttoo. Jjust send mme a note whwhen you've made your choice."

Picking up a vase, he threw it at the wall, causing Jessica to scream all the more. Wheeling himself from the room, he headed into his exercise room, and locked the door.

"Mac... come on Mac. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. Please, Mac. Let's talk about it."

"Ggo to hell Sstella, I gave you yyour freedom, go ccease it."

Hearing nothing but silence in the room. Stella was even more worried. Not knowing what to say, she stayed silent. Then she heard the crash of things being thrown throughout the room.

"Hey, we're home. Where is everyone? What the hell is that?"

First thing MJ noticed were his grandmothers tears, and Jessica screaming. Second thing, was the sound of things being thrown in the exercise room.

"Stella... are you okay? What's the matter?"

"Oh Melina. I said something very horrible to Mac. I didn't mean too. I don't even know where it came from. I was only worried he'd drop the baby."

MJ gave his grandmother a quizical look.

"What did you say to him?"

"I told him... how can he look after a baby, when he can't even look after himself."

"What? Why would you say that to him? That's the worse thing you can say to anyone. He must think you no longer have faith in him, or in his abilities. God... I can't believe you'd say that. He's been through hell. We all have. But no one more then him. He was making amazing progress, you may have just set him back months."

"I know MJ, I"m sorry. I really don't know where it came from."

"That's the easy part, Stella. It came from your own fears. Fears that you still have locked within you. Fears that have nothing to do with what happened. But fears that are caused by you thinking your husband is no longer the man he was. I'm thinking you may need to talk to someone outside the family. You obviously have deeper pain, then what you have let on, or talked about with Mac. This happens alot to couples after a serious event. "

"Papa... papa, open this door. Open it right now."

"Ggo to hell..." as he heard the crash when he threw the weight against the door. Causing MJ, to jump back. "All of yyou gget the hell out of my llife."

"This isn't good. He's going to hurt himself. How the hell are we going to get in there? What if he goes into a fit. he has no medication in there."

"Calm down, MJ. It's going to be alright. Who is Mac closest too, outside the members of this house?"

"Eric. He shares a unique special bond with Eric. The two of them use to be inseperable. always they would get into some kind of trouble together. I'd go with Eric."

"Okay, call him MJ. Ask him to come over here."

Leaving the room, MJ called Eric, while Melina called her father.
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When Eric pulled into the driveway with Mack. Andrew arrived at the same time.

"Andrew, do you have any idea what's going on?"

"Not alot Mackenzie. Just that your mom and dad had an arguement, and he's locked himself in his exercise room."

When they entered the house, they could hear the crashes coming from the exercise room.

"Holy shit. What the hell happened, mom?" asked Eric.

"I said some very hurtful things to your father. Really bad things. I told him... how can he look after Jessica, if he can't even look after himself."

"Mooooooom... why would you say that to daddy? I trust him with Jessica."

"I know you do Mack. As do I. I was worried he might have a spasm, and drop her."
"That's what his medication is for mom. This isn't making sense. You know his meds stop him from attacks. You've never said things like that to daddy. Ever. I just can't believe you would say that to daddy. That was rude and cruel. Nothing like making him think he's useless. God, mom."

"Stop yelling at her Mack. You're not helping the situation any. Never do I see you here trying to help with dad."

"You listen to me, MJ. Just because I can't be here. Doesn't mean I don't care."

"Well maybe if you were here once in a while. Nana could have a break."

"What the hell are you here for? You can give her a break too."

"You spoiled brat. I am with papa. At least twice a week, which is more then I can say for you."

"Well if you're doing twice a week. What does mom have to complain about. What's she tired from, why would she say those things to dad. She's obviously not tired, not if you're carrying some of the load."

"You know what Mackenzie, go to hell. We all agreed we'd help with dad when he got out. Yet you are the only one that has never come by. Why is that?"

"I have a family too MJ. Plus a new baby."

"That's a lame excuse. Or maybe you are just scared to be here. Maybe you don't like to see papa struggle."

"Oh would you all stop. I feel so awful. I'm a horrible wife."

"You all need to stop this now, before your whole family falls apart. There is obviously alot of pain here. Pain none of you have dealt with. So all of you take five." yelled Melina.

Passing Jessica to her mother, Stella ran into the den and shut the door.

"I'll go check on her. Eric you try and get your father to open the door."

"I will Andrew. Thanks."

When Andrew neared the door, he could hear Stella's heart breaking cries. Slowly opening the door, he walked in, placed his hand on her shoulder. Feeling the warmth of comfort, she embraced Andrew into her arms. As his wrapped around hers, he tried to stay focused. But God... she was so amazingly beautiful, her scent was driving him crazy. It had been so long, since he held any woman in his arms.

Bringing up his hand, he caressed it across her hair. Then leaning down to her ear he whispered... "It's going to be okay, Stella. I'm sure Mac knows you didn't mean to hurt him. You are both under alot of stress. Have been for months."

"I know. But never would I have said anything like that. I don't understand where it came from. I use to be so strong, capable of handling everything. But lately I just find myself not wanting to be the strong one. Not wanting to carry this weight. Most times now, I just want to go somewhere and scream, somewhere where no one will hear me. All I know is I love him Andrew. But he's changed. He's not like the Mac I married."

"He's still the same Mac, Stella. It's just he has suffered very serious injury to his brain. You need to understand, he may never get back to where he was. But he's still your husband. He's still the same man you married. If there is one thing I've seen between you two. It's that you share the same outlooks, and values. Given time, Mac will forgive you for your words. You have to have faith in that."

"Do I Andrew? I honestly don't think Mac will ever fully forgive me for those words. How can he, when I can't even forgive myself. Think that doubt won't always be there, every time he goes to love me? Think he won't wonder...hmm, what is my wife really thinking? He will Andrew. That seed has been planted. It will remain forever, deep in the recess of his mind."

Leaning herself away from him. He reached her hand.

"Stella sometimes in life we do, or say stupid things. Things we think, we can never be forgiven for. But we can. We move past these events, and learn from them. Do you understand, Stella. You have to move past those hurtful words. Mac will forgive you with time."

"Even if you are right, how can I ever forgive myself?"

"One day at a time, Stella. The most important thing right now, is to get your husband back to knowing he is a man. That this event that happened, changed nothing with his life. That it was just words. Words that hurt, yes. But not words that damaged physically, just mentally."

"Do you think he'll slide back? What if he decides to give up? What if he no longer cares, or wants to fight to get back what he lost?"

"If I've learned anything from Mac. It's that he will fight to the end. Giving up isn't in the Taylor dictionary. Your husband is strong, very strong. He'll over come this.

As they left the room, Andrew knew they had a huge healing battle ahead of them.
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Wow! Loved this! It was really well written and I love how it seemed to be Mac and Stella as a pair that kept the family together but since they let out there emotions its all gone hetic.... But being outsiders Melina and her father seem to be the voice of reasoning in there at the moment :)
ohh yes!! love it perfectly wrote!! Andrew is very sweet but i am scares what would happen if he falls for Stella????
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