CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Mac was having one of his off days. He woke up with a rage, that not only peeved off Stella, but Melina too. Not being able to dress, started his temper. His fingers just wouldn't cooperate. They were stiff, and sore. Frustration was setting in, big time. His wrath... his wife, cause she was right beside him.

"Here Mac, let me help you."

"No... I don't need your help. Don't touch me. Always you want to help, Stella. I can do it myself. Just worry about your own self. Get out, and leave me to dress. I'm not an invailed or your Ken doll."

"Okay, you know what? Go to hell Mac. Take your self righteous attitude and stuff it where the sun don't shine."

Walking downstairs Melina, MJ and the kids had heard the arguement.

"Are you okay, Stella?"

"It's nothing. Mac's just having one of his moods, I'm fine."

"You can't be fine Stella, you're very angry."

"I'll be alright, I need to start breakfast."

Walking into the kitchen, she didn't look back.

Hearing Mac cursing as he came down in his chair, Melina could see the frustration on his face. Knowing this was going to be one of those sessions, she sighed deep. "Wish me luck, honey."

"You'll be alright, Melina. I'll be close by."

Heading into the den, they started their session.

"Alright Mac, I need you to grab the bars, and just stand straight. Try not to walk this time, just stand. We need to get your form right, else you will always lean forward. You need to have proper balance."

He was getting right pissed off, that Melina wouldn't let him walk with the bars. He had walked them several times. So what if he was leaning forward. What the hell did it matter as long as he was walking. Seeing his frustration, she said...

"Please Mac. You need to calm down. You need to remember that balance is just as important as taking steps. If we don't get you to stand straight soon. We can't move on without the bars. Balance is important. Do you ever see a toddler leaning over while they walk? No, right? So let's try again."

"Nno... no more baby sssteps, either you hhelp, or you gget the hell out. Nooooooooow!!"

"Sit down Mac. I'm not going to let you bully me. So sit down and relax, you don't want to make me angry, not right now. Just calm down, you have your wife pissed at you, not to mention you're scaring your grandchildren. Sit down and be a man, instead of acting like a spoiled child."

Falling back in the chair, Mac gripped his head, as the stabbing pain overtook him. Reaching for his pills, Melina gave him two, instead of one and a half. Less then a half hour later, he was calming down.

Looking towards Melina, who was still sitting in front of him, he whispered...

"I'm ssorry if I hurt you, I didn't mmean too. It's jjjust at times I get so pissed off with mmmyself. Especially wwhen those I love try to help. I dddon't want it. Why ccan't you just let me mmmove ahead, wwhy are you always tttrying to hold me back?"

"I'm not trying to hold you back Mac. In order to walk a straight line, you have to have balance. With the way your body bends over, walking straight isn't possible. Those bars are the only thing holding you up. If you tried to walk without them, you would fall forward. We need to build your back muscles again, and your spine. You've been idle for months. You just can't expect to get up and walk away. It doesn't work that way."

"Wwell it should. I should be up ppplaying with my granchildren. Tttaking them places, having fuuun with them. I should be able to chchchase my wife around the house, love her in ppplaces like I use too. Bbbut now I can't do any of that. All bbbecause I can't God damn walk. Life is unfair, has bbbeen unfair to me, and my fffamily. It just makes me hate ttthe world around me sssometimes. I want to live again Mmmelina. I want to go bbback to yesterday," he cried.

Melina was in tears with him. How could she not be, when she understood. This was the first time Mac had actually been open and honest with his pain, to her. Leaving Melina to know, that he was taking a huge step into healing his inner wounds.

"Look at me Mac. I promise you that you will get back to all your yesterday. But it's going to take time. If you spent less time fighting my instruction, and put more of that anger into doing, you'd succeed alot faster. You need to learn to channel your pain, your anger into our exercises."

Sighing deep, he knew Melina was right. But it was always easier to hear it, then to do it.

"Now let's try again, Mac. Up on the bars, straighten your back."

Pulling himself up, he stood straight, for all of a few seconds. So much pain, he felt as the muscles stretched. Leaning back over, he sat back down.

"That was good Mac. Now let's get you up on the little bed, so I can massage your back muscles."

Helping him up on the bed, he laid on his stomach, and closed his eyes. Motioning her finger to Stella, she came in and watched what Melina was doing. After a few minutes of watching, she left Stella to take over.

Massaging her husbands back, he noticed the difference right away. Opening his eyes, he seen his wife.

"I'm sssorry ffor yeeling at you ttthis mmorning, llove. I shshshouldn't have tttaken it out on you. I lllove you."

Leaning down, she kissed his heated lips, and embraced him.

"I know you are Mac. So am I for telling you where to shove it? she laughed. I love you too. No matter how much of an angry bear you become."

"Mhm... you know hhow mmmuch ttthat would hurrt rrriiiight?" he grinned.

Continuing to work his muscles, he closed his eyes again, enjoying the quiet moment of his wife's beautiful therapy.
Hello Sweet 16

It was the night of the girls sweet 16. Mackenzie had left the house to drop Eric off at her mom and dads for the night.

"Mommy, how come Jessica gets to stay with Uncle Don, and I don't?

"Well Eric, nana and papa wanted your company for the night. Just like Uncle Don needs Jessica's."

"But I will miss my sister, lots."

"I know honey. But you'll see her in the morning. Bright and early. Cause Uncle Don is dropping her off at papa's, before he goes to work."

Pulling into her parents driveway, her mother was waiting for her.

"Hey mom, how's daddy since yesterday?"

"He's better. It comes and go's love. Though he's excited to see lil Eric. But a little disappointed that Don gets Jessica."

"Aww... dad will have her all to himself in the morning. Don's dropping her off here, before work. So that should cheer up dad."

Giving her mom and son a kiss, she left for Don's. When she arrived Don was waiting at the door with excitment.

"There's my little angel." Taking her into his arms, he kissed her little head.

"Here's her diaper bag. I made you enough bottles for her, with a few extra for mom and dad in the morning. She should be good for a while. I fed her before I left. You two have fun. Is Marie still coming to help?"

"She is, she just had to run out for a bit. She said she'll be there around seven."

"Okay, kisses from my baby, and uncle."

Getting back in her car, she waved, as they disappeared into the house. Heading back home she grabbed a few extra things the girls night need for their guests. When she pulled into the driveway, she seen guests already arriving.

Opening the door, she seen two very tall boys, who looked like Flack. Looking again to make sure she wasn't seeing things. She noticed it was Jenson and Jake.

"Oh my... look at you two. All grown up and handsome, just like your grandfather."

Hi Mackenzie. How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing great. So are you happy being back in Miami for good?"

"We are. We really missed the warmth, and the beach."

Laughing Mackenzie said... "is that all you missed?"

Blushing the boys walked into the house. Nearing the den, they could hear the music, then they seen Sara and Shannon. God they looked hot. They were dressed in skin tight black dresses that showed their backs, their hair was curled and tied back with a large clip. So beautiful they were.

Turning towards the door, Sara and Shannon seen them. Trying to remember how to breathe wasn't possible. They were so damn sexy, tall, and built with dark rich looks. Slowly making their way over, they stood in front of each other. Each feeling nervous, shy and unsure.

"Hi Sara, how have you been?"

Looking at Jenson, she said in the barest of whisper... "missing you."

That was all he needed to hear. Taking her in his arms, he softly, tenderly kissed her. Both of them feeling it, all the way to their toes. Breaking the kiss, He heard Sara whisper...

"Don't let go of me, else I'll fall."

"Never Sara, I'll never let you go, now I have you back in my life again."

Looking over at Shannon and Jake, Sara smiled.

"You two may want to come up for air soon. Especially if mom and dad walk in."

Breaking their kiss, Shannon giggled. "Come on Jake, let's dance."

Watching from the door, Eric had a feeling he was going to be losing his three pack in the very near future.

"What are you looking at honey?"

"Our girls. They're all grown up, and in love."

"Hm... you know what this means, don't you?"

"What Mack?"

"We will just have to turn on the baby machine, and make sure you deposit more then one this time." she winked.

Wrapping his arms around her, he couldn't help but agree. Any excuse to keep his beautiful wife in bed, was alright with him.


Don was having an amazing time with Jessica. He had her in the rocking chair, humming to her, while she slept. Looking up at Jess's picture, he whispered...

"What do you think of your name sake Jess? She's beautiful, isn't she. So tiny and dainty. I miss you Jess. I miss you so much."

Snuggling Jessica up closer to his heart, she grunted, as she moved her arm towards her mouth, suckling on her little fist.

"Are you hungry love? Let's go heat your bottle mommy left."

Carrying her to the kitchen, he heated the bottle, sat back down, placed Jessica as close as he could get her to his chest, then placed the bottle to her mouth. As she began suckling, she kneaded her fingers open and closed against him. Leaning down, he kissed her little hand.

"I love you Jessica. Your uncle Donnie loves you."

Opening her eyes for few seconds, she stared into his eyes, and as they softly closed again, he kissed her. Once he was finished with her feeding, he burped her, changed her, and placed her in the cradle that belonged to his daughter. He was happy he and Jess had decided to keep it for their grandchildren. For it sure came in handy, and Jessica fit just perfectly in it.

Covering her up, he sat down beside her, turned on the tv, and watched her sleep.
At the Hospital, Melina was finishing up her shift, when she ran into David.

"Melina... hey Melina? How have you been?"

"I've been good David. What do you want?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to say hello."

"Whatever David. Look, I'm done my shift, I'm tired and just want to go home. I'll see you."

Walking out to the underground parking, she noticed her car was missing.

"You have got to be kidding me. What the hell is going on around here?"
Calling MJ, she hoped he'd pick up.


"Stella... it's Melina. Is MJ around?"

"No love. He stepped out to go to the store for his grandfather. What did you need?"

"Can you let him know I'm going to be late. I have to report my car stolen."

"Someone stole your car?"

"Yeah. I came off my shift, and it wasn't here."

"By chance could it have got moved?"

"I don't think so, Stella. Anyway, I'll let you go. Please let MJ know."

"I will honey. Get home soon."

Hanging up the phone, Melina walked back inside.

"You back already? I thought you finished your shift?"

"Listen David. Have you seen anyone near my car tonight?"

"No. Then again, I haven't been watching. Why?"

"It's missing. Someone either stole it, and or had it removed."

"Shoot... that's too bad Melina. How about I give you a drive to the Police Station?"

Melina didn't want to go anywhere with him. But what could she do. She wasn't about to walk that time of night. Plus getting a cab in Miami on a friday night, was impossible. Sighing deep, she knew she had no choice.

"Alright, let's go. But right to the Station, nothing funny."

"Of course not. Just let me grab my jacket."

Smiling all the way to his locker, he couldn't wait. To have Melina alone, is something he had been waiting for. Coming back up off the elevator, he seen MJ.

"Shit... what the hell does the guy have, radar?"

"Hey David. I don't need that ride now. MJ, got my message. Thanks though."

"Sure, anytime. See ya."

Heading out the door, David was literly getting pissed. Feeling his anger build, he was ready to play hardball, even if it meant one of them got hurt.


The girls party was going great. Everyone was having fun dancing, talking, and enjoying the food. That was until Travis spiked the punch with booze. As time went by, the guests starting acting rude, and ignorant.

Watching from the door, Eric knew right away something wasn't right.
Turning on the light, he walked over to the punch, and sniffed. That did it. The smell was enough to knock anyone over, never mind drinking it.

"Party's over. Everyone sit down. Mack, start calling parents. Most of these kids are intoxicated. I want to know right now, who spiked the punch?"

No one was saying anything. Most of them to drunk to focus. Then he seen the kid laughing at the back.

"What's your name?"

"Travis sir. I didn't do it. Kyle did it. He brought it with him. I told him not to sir, but he didn't listen."

Eric could see Kyle almost in tears. Letting him know right away, he didn't do it.

"Where's the bottle?"

"Here you go sir. It was in Kyle's coat."

Taking it up to Eric he grabbed his kit. "I'm going to print this bottle, then I'm going to print you, and Kyle. Who's prints do you think I'll find on it?"

Tyler started sweating. He knew damn well it would be his prints.

"Fine. I did it. It was me. I was only trying to liven things up. I mean come on. We are all almost sixteen or seventeen. so what's wrong with a little drink."

"You gave alcohol to minors, that's a criminal offence. Punishable by law."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. I was just trying to have a little fun."

Once the parents started showing up, Eric sent them home. All except for Tyler. He was kept in Eric's office till his father showed up.

Outside in the other room, Mackenzie had apologized to the last parent. Shutting the door, she seen her girls sitting with their boyfriends.

"We're sorry mom. We never thought Tyler would do something like that."

"It's not your fault honey. Did you have a good birthday, anyway?"

"Yeah. It was fun, and we got mostly gift cards."

"Oh... shoot, said Jenson. I forgot, here's your gift Sara."

Pulling the little box from his pocket he passed it to her.

"I have one for you too, Shannon."

Opening them together, the girls seen the gold necklaces with a heart and key hole.

"It's beautiful Jenson. But where's the key?"

Unbuttoning his shirt, Sara seen the key on his neck.

"Each key fits into it's own heart. No two hearts are alike. Each one is unique. Just like you and your sister Sara."

"Aww... they are very beautiful, thank you."

Leaning over Sara passionately kissed Jenson. Not caring who was watching.

"I have something for you too, Sharon. I already talked it over with your dad. I explained why and how I felt about you. About how much I love you, have always loved you. I also told him I want to build a life and future with you. He told me when you turn twenty, I can have your hand in marriage, if you'll have me."

Pulling the tiny box from his pocket, he opened it. Inside was a beautiful ring, with a dainty heart shaped diamond.

"I know it's small, but that's because it's a promise ring. I hope you will accept it, as a symbol of my love for you, and what is to come in the future."

Sharon was in tears. She loved Tristan so much. Never did she think he would give her a ring. With her tears falling from her face, she whispered...

"Yes Tristan. Yes I will accept."

Sliding the ring onto her finger, he leaned forward and softly touched her lips. Feeling her soul soar, they took it deeper, as Mack and Eric watched from the door.

"Looks like you were right honey. We are losing our little girls."

Turning his wife in his arms, he walked her upstairs to bed, leaving their daughters on their own. With their only thought being... to make love all night long. So they could continue the Delko line, that was slowly disappearing.
Didn't expect someone to be dumb enough to spike the punch knowing the parents were home. :lol: Good thing Eric's observant. :) Good chapter. Love the girls' gifts from their guys. :D

Melina/Dave/MJ- Okay that guy is seriously getting creepy. I wonder what he'd do if he knew she was preggers. Knowing him and his superficial self, he'd probably not want anything to do with her then knowing she'll be gaining weight soon. :lol:
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