CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Don continued to wait for news on his wife. All he knew was that he couldn't lose her. Not now. Not when she was his life, his other half. Knowing he needed to call Marie, he walked towards the phones.

Placing the proper amount of money into the payphone, he called their daughter.


"Marie... it's daddy baby, how you doing?"

"Hi daddy. I'm great. How are you and mom doing?"

"Not good, baby. Your mom was hit by a four by four this morning. She's in the Hospital Marie."

"Oh God daddy. How is she?"

"She's critical Marie. They have her in surgery. She has internal bleeding, and a large laceration to her face."

"Okay daddy. I'm going to pack up the kids, and we'll get the first flight out."

"I'll see you when you all get here. I love you, baby."

"I love you too, daddy. Stay strong."

Hanging up the phone, Marie booked the first flight home.


The Talyor's had just heard the news from Adam. As they all sat around. They prayed for Jess to pull through. They all new she was strong, but extra prayers couldn't hurt.

"Marie and the kids are on their way home, dad. I just talked with Don, there is still no news on Jess."

"Ttthanks Mmmaddybee."

"Listen Mac. Why don't I head back to the Hospital. I'll see what I can find out for you. I'll give you a call when I know something."

Nodding his thanks to Andrew. He kissed his daughter and left.

"You'll be back for supper with us. Won't you Andrew?"

"I will, Stella. Thanks again for inviting me."

"Of course. You're family now. You are stuck with all us Taylor's."

Laughing, Andrew walked out the door.

Back at the Delko's the girls were decorating the house for their sweet 16 tomorrow night. Problem was, Eric kept getting into everything, including the balloons.

"Mom... Eric won't leave the balloons alone. He keeps popping them. Mooooooooooom."

"Stop bellowing, Sharon. I can hear you. He's only excited, give him some to play with, and he'll leave you alone."

"We already did. He keeps popping them. Can't we ship him off to nana and papa for the night?"

"Sharon Lynn... that's enough of that."

"Sorry mom. It's just hard to get things done. He's always in the way."

"That's one of the joys of being four Sharon. You were the same way growing up. Always in the way of your father and I. Did you ever hear us say... let's ship you off?"

"I don't know mom. I was four. How should I remember that far back. I'm older now. I don't remember the baby years."

"Toddler years, Sharon." Walking into the living room, Mack picked up her son, when the pain hit. Dropping him by accident, he cried.

"Mom... are you okay? Sara, check Eric."

"He's fine Sharon. Just shaken up. Mom... are you in labor?"

"Yes... call an Ambulance."

"What about daddy? Shouldn't we call him?"

"No. He's busy trying to capture Aunt Jess's, hit and run driver."

When the Ambulance arrived. They loaded Mackenzie onto a stretcher.

"I'll go with her Sara. You can meet us there with lil Eric and Shannon."

Once they had left. Sara called her dad.


"Daddy, it's Sara. Mom has been rushed to the hospital, she's in labor."

"She's what? Are you sure?"

"Positive daddy. Sharon went with her. I'm just getting Eric ready. Then we'll be going by bus."

"No. Stay there, I'll come get you. I'll be there in five."

Once they all arrived at the Hospital, Mack was in full labor. Hearing her screams, Eric entered the room, and took over for his daughter.

"Eric...huff, huff. Where's mom and dad?"

"They are on their way Mack. Just concentrate on our baby. Breathe in and out. That's it love, nothing exists right now except for you, the baby, and I."

"Okay Mackenzie, I see the crown, I need you to bare down and push."

As she pushed, she could feel herself stretch.

"Just how big is she? God it hurts."

" I know Mack... just breathe baby. Come on... huff, huff, that's it, keep going."

Back out in the waiting room. The family was waiting patiently for news on their new addition. While Don continued waiting for news on his wife.

"She's crashing doctor. She's crashing."

"Get me 50cc of epi, hurry, and the paddles."

"That's it Mack... push baby, push... keep pushing."

While the surgeon shocked Jess's heart, Eric continued to tell Mack to push. And as the baby slid out, the surgeon called the time.

"3:45 pm, I'll inform the husband."

"It's a girl. You have a beautiful baby girl. Please write down the time of birth, nurse. 3:45pm."

Coming out of the maternity ward, and the O.R. Eric said... A girl. We have a beautiful baby girl."

"Excuse me... Det.Flack. I'm sorry to inform you, your wife didn't make it."

Jumping with excitement, the Talyor's and Delko's embraced.
Collapsing in a chair, Don was crying in pain.

While Sheldon walked up to give Mac and Stella the news. Adam headed down to give Don and Sheldon the news on the new addtion. At the same moment, same time, they said...

"Eric and Mack had a baby girl."

"Jess didn't make it, she died in surgery."

The Maternity Ward now became deathly quiet. As did Adam, as he sat beside Don and held him while he cried.
Aww, that's so sad about Jess, but I'm glad Mack and Eric's daughter was healthy. I like how you kept going back and forth between the two and then having them coincide with both news coming out at once.
One word. ABSOLUTE! First of all, you ensured the stability in this as you wrote in a way of alternatives. It was demanding but possessed a strong quality at the same time where there's death and birth. :thumbsup: Having the ability to draw the readers to wanting more of it. As for Don, I'm certain the doctor had tried his best to save Jessica but a car which purposely crashed right into her was unforeseeable. Everything happens for a reason as it's important to seek out, that's how we learn. Losing someone he loves so much is dreadful but love is worthwhile despite the pain involved in separation. Letting him know that Jessica has gone to somewhere tranquil, no one can hurt her anymore. He have to carry on regardless of the difficulties. I hope he heals soon as there's the family/team helping him throughout all of these, he is not alone that he still have his daughter. I'm amazed 'cause they're all grown up. Another baby girl for Eric and Mackenzie... ;)
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When Marie and the kids showed up. They knew the news wasn't good. One look at her father, told it all.

"Oh daddy. Mom's gone isn't she?"

Hearing her fathers giant sobs, she wrapped him in her arms.

"It's going to be okay dad. I'm going to take care of you. I promise dad, the boys and I will stay with you, forever."

Gripping his daughter tighter, along with his two grandchildren, he continued to cry.

Meanwhile upstairs in the Maternity Ward. As sad as the Taylor's, and Delko's were. They still needed a name for their daughter.

"Mack... we really need to give our daughter a name."

"I know Eric. I already have one. Jessica Jane Delko."

"Aww... that's beautiful sweetheart. I think your Uncle Don will like that."

A few minutes later, Don, his daughter and grandchildren walked in.

Smiling through her tears, Mackenzie said... "Uncle Don, come meet your new Goddaughter, Jessica Jane Delko."

Picking her up in his arms, he held her close. Knowing in this little angel, that was born the same time his wife died. Would become his reason for living each day, without his Jess.


After cleaning the scene. They realized they had Jess's murderer. Loading the body into the Hauling vehicle, Danny got the call.

"Hey Danny, it's Eric. I need to let you know, that Jess died ten minutes ago. Let your family know.

"I will Eric. Thanks for the information."

Hanging up the phone, Danny headed to the Hummer, to inform the family that Jess had died.

One week later...

Everything was slowly returning to normal for the Taylor's, Delko's, Flack, Messer's and Ross's. A peace had been restored, and Jess had been laid to rest near Mac's son, and granddaughters. Marie decided to head back to New York, and sell her home. She figured it would be best to move to Miami with her boys, and be with her dad . Jenson who was now seventeen, and Jake who two weeks away from sixteen, were very excited about Miami life. But more excited to get near Sara and Shannon again.

Mackenzie and Eric were realizing how much work it was again, with the midnight feedings, and needs of their little Jessica. Don would stop by everyday to see her,and take her for outings. Most times bringing her back fully spoiled with new clothes and toys.

MJ, and Melina were learning to cope with her stress of carrying, as they searched for their new home. MJ, knew it was going to be a difficult nine months, but he also knew it would be worth it in the end. For he loved Melina, and could hardly wait for their child to be born.

Mac was improving everyday, but still hadn't succeeded to walk on his own yet. Though his speech had certainly improved. His angered stress,was enough to fill the house with his curses, causing stress on Stella and the children, to the point of wanting to give up. But as Melina told them... "when these episodes happen, it's best to leave Mac on his own. This way he can work through it alone."

So now we come to Sharon, Shannon and Sara's sweet sixteen party, along with MJ, and Melina's wedding. Two fun events, that will give us a break from some of the angst, and hurt that the Generations have been forced to face.

So sit back, grab a snack, and lets continue...
I'm thrilled and delighted by the family. They would do everything in any way just to give comfort or support to cheer someone up to become less miserable. The kin and line connections between them were very firm and tough as it was barely able to be separated once they were united. As they would inform everyone from time to time of the condition of some certain situations. They would whoosh! search high and low, take a 24 hours flight, no matter how far they are, no matter how busy they are, in a blink as they gathered altogether in one room, being by each other's side, close even if it's just to keep quiet, 'cause they knew, they always knew. You never left out anyone in this story! :thumbsup: You wrote each and every of them in the storylines even if they only had a line of word. As much as I wanted them to have this happy events, I have to say that I really loved the angst in this 'cause they had a strong feeling of general anxiety or dread which made them realize they have to learn to value their relationship more than value being right. The Close-Knits! :) I'm not bold enough to eat something when I read your stories. The only thing I need was a tank of water. ;)
yeah me either :)

Speaking of water, put Mac in it. It could help. Besides, wet Mac, what more could we want? hehehe

I thought he did take a couple of steps, or was I confused?
He did take steps. But in order to balance yourself, you have to be standing straight. Right now his back muscles and spine, need to be worked through exercise, to help him straighten up. We don't Mac all hunched over now, do we:lol:


Back at home, Mackenzie was settled in bed with Jessica, when Don walked in.

"Look Jess... here's your godfather to see you."

Sitting on the bed beside Mack, he took her into his arms, and held her close.

"How you feeling Uncle Don?"

"Still a little sad. But knowing that Marie will be back today with Jenson and Jake, I'll be okay."

Reaching out to her uncle, she caressed his arm.

"You will be uncle, cause Jessica will always be here for you."

Listening at the door, Shannon overheard about Jenson and Jake coming to live in Miami. Running down the stairs, she gripped Sara's arm.

"Oww... let up Shannon, that's skin."

"Sorry... guess who's coming to live in Miami. Guess.. guess??"

"I don't know. The way you're acting it could be the Queen."

"No. Jenson and Jake. I overheard uncle telling mom, that Marie was arriving back today with the boys."

"Oh.. oh... you better not be kidding?"

"I'm not. But hell... what about what's their names. We have dates with them."

"Shoot... I forgot about that. So what are we going to do?"

"Um... let them come anyway. You never know, they may find someone else to dance with." said Shannon.

"Oh I can't wait. Do you think they'll remember us?"

"Of course. How could any guy forget us. We're Delko girls."

Sara laughed. Her sister may be sneaky, but she was brilliant. Or so Sara thought.

When Don came down the stairs, Sara asked...

"Uncle Don, can we go with you to pick up Marie and the boys?"

"Why would you want to come? There isn't much to do. I'm just going to help them get settled in my home."

"I know. But maybe we can help."

Don raised an eyebrow. Just what were two of the three famous Delko girls up too?

"I'll tell you what. You be honest with me, and I'll let you come."

The girls thought about. They really didn't want their uncle to know that they liked Jenson and Jake.

"Never mind. It's okay. You go ahead. We'll just finish up here. But you can do us a favour. You can ask them to come to our party tomorrow night."

"I'll let them know. Whether they come or not is up to them. See ya, girls."

Heading out the door, Don laughed. He knew exactly what those girls were up too. Then again, who could blame them. They were Flack's afterall.

Flack's were what all the girls wanted. Thinking back to how Jess use to tease him, he teared up again. "Christ it's hard to move on, when you lose your only love."

Slamming the door to his Hummer, he left for the Airport. When he arrived the first thing he noticed was his grandsons. They were not only tall, but well built like tanks.

"Hey grandfather, how you feeling?"

Embracing his grandsons in his arms, he held back tears, as he said... a little better.

So are you happy to be here in Miami for good?"

"Yeah. It's really cool. We hated leaving at Christmas. So how is everyone else doing?"

Don knew what his grandsons were asking. So he decided to tease them a little.

"Not alot. Mackenzie and Eric had a baby girl named Jessica, after your grandmother. MJ, is getting married to his new fiance, Melina. She's also pregnant with their first child. Your Uncle Mac is doing better. Danny and Nat gave birth to another girl they named Kat."

"Hm... what about the Delko girls? How are they coping after losing their sisters?"

"They're doing good, now. It was hard on everyone for a while. But we are all trying to move on. They're getting married next week, to three tripp males they met."

Don seriously tried not to smile. But his grandsons faces just fell about thirty feet below the floor.

"Seriously, grandfather?"

"No. Sara and Shannon are still single. They actually asked about you. They are having their sweet 16 this friday. They want you two to go."

"Cool... we've really missed them. They are very beautiful. I can see myself...."

"Don't even say it Jenson. The last thing I want to hear is you saying I do."

Laughing at their mom, they headed to their grandfathers home.
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