CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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When Maddy arrived at her mom and dads, she seen her dad walking by himself, holding the bar.

"Hey daddy. Are you suppose to be doing that?"

"Shh... qqquiet Mmmaddybbbe, dddon't tttell."

Maddy laughed.

"Sit down dad. You can hold your grandson."

Giving his daughter a kiss for not telling. He took Adam into his arms.

"Where's mom, dad?"

Pointing to the kitchen, Maddy headed in, and found Melina stuffing her face with cookies.

"Are you hungry Melina? Mom said you were sick this morning."

"I was. Though I feel great now. Can you grab me the milk please."

Passing Melina the milk, Maddy started putting two and two together.

"Melina... by any possible chance, could you be pregnant?"

Almost choking on her cookie, Maddy slapped her back.

"Are you okay? Melina... answer me."

"Oh my God. I"m the doctor, why didn't I think of that. Oh God... that one night. Oh no... we were so hot, we forgot. Oh... oh crap. Not now. I'm a first year med student. All those dreams I had for a future, gone. This can't be happening. God... how could I be so stupid."

"Just calm down, Melina. I could be wrong."

"Wrong? No. I don't think so. Listen Maddy, I have to go. Um... see ya."

As she rushed out of the kitchen she smacked right into Stella.

"Ouff. Melina... what's the matter? Why are you crying?"

"I have to go Stella. Please, I need to go."

"Hey... you're not going anywhere. Not until you calm down, and talk to me. Now what is the matter?"

Not hearing MJ come in the back door, he overheard...

"I'm pregnant Stella. I'm pregnant with MJ's baby."

MJ stood in shock. God this was something they hadn't planned on. They were always careful. Always. Till that one night, that night they got carried away. Walking in, he took Melina into his arms.

"Melina... are you sure? There can be no mistake?"

"No MJ. There's no mistake. I should have known, but I guess I wasn't thinking. I need to go."

"Go... why? I think we need to talk about what we are going to do. That's more important then you walking out."

Melina knew MJ was right. But she didn't want to talk right now. She had decisions to make. She didn't even know if she was ready to be a mom. Reading her mind, MJ realized what she was thinking.

"Yes you are Melina. You are ready to be a mom. You'll make a wonderful mother. Don't ever doubt yourself. I can see it in your eyes."

"I don't think I'm ready, MJ. I haven't even graduated my first year of med school. This is all to soon. I'm not ready to be a mom."

"What are you saying, Melina? I thought you loved me. How can you not be ready? You'd make a wonderful mom."

Looking into MJ's eyes, as she blurred to see through her tears, she whispered... "I don't know MJ, I just don't know."

Hearing the yelling, Mac wheeled himself out.

"Don't know what Melina? Please... just tell me the truth."

"I'm scared, okay. Scared that I won't be a good mother. Scared that I'll do something to hurt our child, while I carry it in my tiny form. Scared of not being able to deliver it healthy. God MJ, I'm so tiny. So many things can go wrong."

"Aww... baby. No... that won't happen. We won't let it. Melina... I love you, and I know together we can have a beautiful, healthy child."

"What did you say, MJ?"

"I said I love you, and we can have a healthy child."

Mac teared up. A child? Melina was pregnant with his grandsons baby. Another Taylor, to carry on the name. Could it be true.

Watching and waiting with great patients, Stella walked over, and wrapped her arm around him, as she whispered...

"I know Mac. It will be okay, don't cry..."

"Please Melina. I'm scared too. In fact I'm terrified. But I know our love is strong enough to make anything work. Just trust in us. Trust in our future, you'll see. We can make a life full of happiness for us, and our future children."

Looking around the room, MJ could see his family waiting patiently for her answer.

"Mom, dad, can we please be alone?"

"Of course son. We'll be in the den."

Leaving them to talk. They all hoped Melina would make the right decision, for her and MJ's future.
Shannon does not need a hero who saves the whole world, it's enough for a hero to save his own loved ones for the rest of their lives, a hero who really do love her and would do anything just for her. Both Shannon and Sara is delicate but keeping firm hold of things, tenacious at the same time, just like their papa ;).

I can't help but knowing that Mac's trying his best to recuperate faster really makes me happy for the family. He's very dedicated and commited in everything he does. Yet every calamity seems to fall on his family, leaving them falling apart. Dying is never a problem but separating with the one you loved and care for, after being with him/her spending and making the most of beautiful moment was the hardest and unpalatable fact to face. He is never a person who is egocentric and self-obsessed like Beth who had some failed attempts to harm the family, but he's seeking or concentrating on everyones advantage, pleasure, or well-being with regards for others. He saved the world first before himself. :thumbsup:

Never try never know huh? :lol: I'm sure she'll make a great mom with the assistance from the family, there are so many experienced and great mom there. :) I loved how you balanced the story with the characters inside this story. There's sure to be some advantage and disadvantage or both side, bad and good. And you even wrote some small scenes they face in their daily life, it's very specified! :thumbsup: Looking forward to their sweet 16. :)
Talk to me Melina. Please tell me what scares you so much. I know it just can't be the fact that you won't be able to carry."

"I made a promise to my mother, just before she died. That I would not make the same mistakes she made. She was going to be a surgeon, just like my father. They met in Med school. It was love at first site. For months they tried to deny it, but after one night of beautiful passion, I was conceived, leaving all her plans for being a surgeon on the back burner."

"But I don't understand, Melina. She still could have stayed in Medical school, why didn't she?"

"She was tiny like me, MJ. She had alot of problems as I grew within her.
The hardest being, toxemia, she had it very bad. Then she had to be C sectioned, two months before my due date. Anything that could have gone wrong, did go wrong."

"I understand that Melina. But that doesn't mean it's going to happen with you."

"I know that, MJ. But I also made her a promise before she died in the accident. I promised her I wouldn't make the mistakes she made with her life. Don't you see MJ, I was a mistake, just like our child was..."

"No... don't you dare say it, Melina. As he shook her gently. Calming down, he continued...Our child was not a mistake. Our child was made from our passionate love. Not from some damn mistake. Notice the difference. And I don't think any mother would concidered her child a mistake. You most likely misunderstood her words. I know damn well your dad loves you unconditionally."

Mac and Stella were seriously trying not to listen. But they couldn't help it. Feeling their tears build. Knowing they were about to become great grandparents for the first time. To hear Melina say, that their child was a mistake. How could any child be a mistake.

"Relax mom and dad. I know what you are both thinking. But MJ, and Melina will do the right thing. You need to trust in that. She's very scared, upset and confused. Once she has time to think everything through, she'll accept their child."

Melina started crying. She couldn't help the way she felt. She was terrified all the way to her soul. Wrapping her in his arms, he held her as she cried.

"I'm sorry MJ. I'm really sorry, I'm just so scared of carrying."

"I know that Melina. But the Medical resources we have today, are amazing. You should know that. Please... let's go through this together. If it becomes to dangerous for you, or our child, then we will make that decision, together. Together as husband and wife."

Melina stared at MJ in shock. Did he just say, married?"

"MJ... I can't ask you to marry me. We are both not ready for that."

Taking Melina's chin in his fingers, he got down on his knees, looked into her eyes, and said...

"Melina... will you marry me. Will you be my wife, forever?"

Listening from the den, Stella ran to her safe, and took out the ring, MJ, had bought Lea. Rushing out the door, she handed it to him. As the family watched with tears, MJ, said again...

"Melina... will you marry me? Will you be my wife? Forever?"

With tears slipping down her cheek, she choked out... "Yes MJ, yes I will marry you. Forever."

Slipping the ring on her finger, it was a perfect fit. Leaning in, he kissed her. As they heard the knock on the door. breaking the kiss, MJ answered it, while Stella held her new granddaughter to be in her arms.

"Hi MJ. I came to check on your grandfather." Looking over at his daughter, he could see she had been crying.

"Melina... are you okay, love?"

Running into her fathers arms, she cried out... "I'm sorry daddy. I'm sorry if I disappointed you. But I'm pregnant. I'm so sorry daddy, please don't be angry."

Holding his daughter close, he looked at MJ.

"MJ, do you love my daughter?"

"I do sir. I love her with all the passion inside me. Just like I'll love our child, unconditionally, forever in my heart and soul."

"How do you feel about this Melina? Are you happy with being married to MJ?"

"Yes daddy. I know... I will be. But I'm scared. Scared to have this baby. Scared, I'll go through what mom went through."

"I want you to listen to me. What your mom went through back then, was different then the techniques and methods used today. Medical science has come a very long way. So the last thing you need to worry about is not carrying to term. Understand? Another question, MJ. Where are you two going to live?"

"I have money my father left me. I can get us a home. With plenty left over, to start our life together in comfort."

Looking over at Mac, and Stella he said... "how do you two feel about this?"

Mac smiled wide, as did Stella. There only thought was, they were about to become great grandparents for the first time. "We are very, very, happy. We love Melina. We also know our grandson will take very good care of her, and their child."

"Well then. In that case. MJ... you may have my daughter in marriage."

"Thank you sir. I"m honored you approved."

Laughing they all sat down to drinks, as they toasted the mother and father to be.
And I don't think any mother would considered her child a mistake.
I'm happy that they're finally going to get married and Mac/Stella is going to be a great grandparents for the first time, I'm filled with ethusiasm as they are. I really loved the line above. Some people that wanted to have child so badly failed to conceive one yet some completely lacking in consideration never appreciate what they have, God had given them someone to love, to care for. Impressed by the lessons learned in this story as I totally agreed with what MJ had convinced Melina about their child, together they hold on to each other and face the consequences coming through along the pathway. The family is very supportive and providing encouragement in all the things they do which they did it right and completed it with success. It was tremendous! In a way, as one family, they knew what's needed to be talk about with one another before letting the others know, making things clear between them as they find an answer to the question. :bolian:
Thanks for the wonderful reviews.:)


Back at the Messer's, Lindsay was sitting with Kat on the floor. Taking the creams, she opened one and placed a little onto her hand. As Kat reached for some, she held it back.

"Hold on Kat. I need to make sure it's okay. You have to wait a few minutes. Play with our own for now. Okay?"

While Lindsay waited for any signs of allergic reaction to show. She felt the slight burning. Taking a cloth, she removed the cream, and noticed the inflamation on her hand.

"Great... so much for that." Taking mild soap, she cleansed her skin, and walked back out.

"Sorry KitKat, looks like the cream is yukkies."

Tossing it into the garbage, she sat back down with her sister, and played with their own products.

Over at the Flack's, Beth was watching the house. She knew with the amount of Methymol she put in that cream, Mrs.Flack would be into convulsions, or even death. Seeing the door open, she noticed Mrs.Flack looked fine.

"Bloody hell... I should have known she wouldn't use them. Now what?" she mumbled to herself.

Looking left to right, she noticed the street was quiet. Watching as she walked down the sidewalk, Beth sped her four by four into reverse, smacking right into Jess, sending her flying into her garage. Seeing the blood pouring from her face, she hoped she had done well enough to kill her.

"Damn it Beth, that wasn't in the plans. Good way to draw attention to yourself. Think the neighbours didn't see? Damn you are stupid." she said to herself.

Taking off down the street, she turned the corner, looking back she didn't see the huge transport truck come dead center in front of her car. Sending her flying through the air, and landing upside down.


Don was sitting at his desk, when he got the call.


"Don... it's Officer Minch. We need to inform you, that your wife is on her way to the Hospital. She was involved in a hit and run. She's critical."

Hanging up the phone, Don took off. When he arrived, he found his wife in the Trauma unit.

"Excuse me. I'm Det.Don Flack, can you give me any information on my wife?"

"The doctor's have stablized her for now. She has severe internal injuries, along with a large laceration on her face."

"Can I see her?"

"Not right now. They are preping her for surgery."

Turning around, Don seen Danny, Sheldon and Eric coming down the hall.

"How is she Don?"

"Not good. They're preping her for surgery. She has internal injuries, and a large laceration on her face. How the hell did this happen? Right in front of our home, who would do that?"

"We're not sure yet, Don. We have several of your neighbours, saying they seen a black four by four, with a female driver. they described her with long blonde hair, dressed in black, but none of them seen her face."

Sheldon stood there thinking back to lunch. Didn't that woman that was with Don, have a black pantsuit, and black four by four?"

"What are you thinking, Sheldon?"

"Who was that lady you were with at lunch, again?"

"I don't know. She was some woman that followed me home the other day. She thought I was someone else. Then she ran into me again, at the Cafe. Why?"

"By any possible chance, could she have an obsession with you? I mean... I seen her at lunch when we arrived. There was something then, that bothered me about her. Something that wasn't right."

Don sighed. "We just can't go accusing people without proof."

"Come on Don. She drives a black four by four, she was wearing a black jumpsuit. How much more proof do you need?"

"I think we should go with Sheldon's hunch. Danny and I will bring her in for questioning. Sheldon... you stay with Don. I'll place some Officers in and around her room, just to be safe."

Just as they got ready to leave, Sheldon got a call. Hanging up the phone he looked at Don and said... "it seems your mystery woman is laying with her head cut clean off, in the middle of Miami Beach Rd."

Leaving the Hospital with Danny. Sheldon said... "how does that expression go? What comes around, goes around. If this is her, then at least Jess got justice, and Don has peace of mind."
There's a Chinese saying that says, "God has eyes". :) It means, Finally, He punished the right person 'cause people like that seems to run free in the street doing all the bad deeds without getting inflicted a penalty on as retribution for an offence, it took a long period for the forensic to find enough evidence to nail them, as they intend to spill more pure bloods. Well, I'm glad that this ends for now, even if it was for awhile, it takes time and step by step for Don to help his wife, Jessica better to recover and put all the pieces back into a complete puzzle, hopefully she will be alright. Another event that leaves the family tormented. I'm at a loss for words 'cause the team is so caring for each other, concerned with what's occuring around and tried their best to improve a situation. I loved it! :thumbsup:
^ I agree with Natty. Linds is a smart girl.

Glad that woman will be no more trouble. Hope Jess will pull through.
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