CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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This woman, I'm completely speechless with all these excitements and amazement of what she would do just to satisfy and fulfill her needs and obsession towards unhealthy fixation of one person. Hopefully nothing happens to Jessica. In any situation, however well planned, something can always go wrong. :)

Another point on Colin was if one does not discipline a child, he will never learn obedience and good manners. But it was really difficult to judge, a single parent, does the best to provide warmth and protection for his child yet his child ignores everything that has been happening around. I'm gratified by Colin's father. Suprised by all his acts, knowing that he can never always be by his child's side to support him in everything he does, bad or good. It's all he can do, the rest needs to be done by his child as everyone has a role to play and a responsibility to carry out. Cliffhangers with great suspensions. :thumbsup:
thankies for the reivews...patients Melly:p


Sharon was sitting on the bed, when Tristan came back with their breakfast.

"Morning sweetie, you hungry?"

"Mhm... starving. Did they tell you when I can be released?"

"Yeah. As soon as the doctor comes in to see you, then you can go."

Sitting down beside her, Tristan fed her a strawberry, followed by a bite of pancake.

"Mm... you're spoiling me. I feel so charished."

"Good. You should be. Here, try the sausage, it's really good."

Tasting the sausage, Sharon had to admit Hospital food certainly had improved.

"Wait a minute... this isn't Hospital food. I know that famous sausage taste anywhere. These are from the Original Pancake House. Oh god... my mouth is having a orgasm."

Tristan laughed. He could see Sharon's eyes glaze over in heavenly delight, from the tender, seasoned sausage, and fruity pancakes. Taking another bite the doctor came in.

"Mm...mm... I smell the Original Pancake House. Someone is being spoiled this morning."

"Morning Andrew. Can I go home now?"

"You sure can. Your scan came back normal. You have no swelling around the brain. So yes Sharon, you may go home. Before you do, you have to answer me something."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Are all you children, who are related to the Taylor's... hate Hospital's?"

"Why... yes we do. Funny, isn't it?"

"It is, come to think of it. Anyway young lady, you take care, and come see me in four weeks."

"I will. Bye Andrew."

Finishing up her breakfast, Tristan helped her change into her street clothes, and shoes. Then taking her by the hand. They headed home.


At the Taylor house, Mac was in amazing spirits. He was not only ripped to go, but he was doing nothing but smiling. Even Melina had a hard time controlling him.

"Mac... you need to calm down. I need you to hold the rail. What did you do? OD on Stella this morning?"

Grinning wickedly, he winked.

Melina would usually be more humorous with Mac. But she wasn't feeling well this morning. Walking across the bar, Mac took four steps. Then gripping tighter onto the rail, he took four more, before turning, and sitting back down.

"That's great Mac. I'm so proud of you."

Sitting down on the couch, Melina put her head between her legs. While Mac, yelled for Stella.

Running into the room, MJ seen Melina doubled over.

"Melina... what's the matter honey?" Are you sick?"

"Just a little dizzy. I"ll be fine. Stella... Mac took a total of eight steps, turned and sat back down. I'm not sure what happened between you two last night. But I hope it keeps up. This is an amazing accomplishment."

"I think you should lay down Melina. You look awful pale."

"Thanks Stella, I think I will."

Helping her to his room, MJ layed her in his bed. Feeling the waves, she threw up everywhere.

"Oh God Melina. Maybe we should get you to the Hospital."

"I'm fine MJ. Most likely the flu. I"m a doctor remember? I'd know if it was something serious. Just grab me a pail, and some water. I'll be fine."

Grabbing what she asked for, he also brought her a thermometer. Taking her temp it read... 98.6.

"You don't have a fever, Melina. That's a good sign."
Once he had Melina settled, he kissed her sweetly, and left the room.

"How's she feeling now, MJ?"

"She said she's okay. She has no fever, but she threw up as soon as she felt the waves of the waterbed. But I'm not really sure."

"Well... let's wait till lunch. You can check on her then. Hopefully she'll be feeling better. I'm sure it's just from too much cake last night. According to Michelle, she ate quite a bit of it."

"She did, with lots of whipcream. I hope you're right mom. Cause I'm getting really worried."

Walking back into the den, they noticed Mac trying to get up on the walker.

"Mac Taylor... don't you dare. Sit that tight butt down."

Smiling sinisterly, he sat back down.

"Dddam...aalmost hhad yyou Ssstella."

"Dream on, my handsome devil. I knew exactly what you were up too. You'll be patient and take one accomplishment at a time."

Walking over to her husband. She sat herself down on his knees. Wrapping her arms around him, she leaned in and passionately kissed him. Losing herself deeper within each and every kiss, MJ backed out of room with a smile on his face, as he said...

"This is the way it was meant to be."
Once Jess had a few minutes to sit down, she took the samples, and catalog. Opening the sample, she smelled it.

"Hm... very, very, minty." she whispered to herself. Hearing the knock on the door, she answered it.

"Hey Messer, what brings you here?"

"I came to see Donnie. Or did he leave already?"

"He left an hour ago. You should have called him on his cell. Though now that you're here. Does Lindsay use facial creams?"

"Oh yeah, all the time, why?"

"A lady dropped by some samples and a catalog. Would Lindsay like them?"

"I'm sure she would. Now that Katerina is to an age where they can play.
She always watches and copies Lindsay. You should have seen it, the one day. She took Lindsay's cold cream, and started eating it. Good thing it was non-toxic."

Checking the labels on the samples, Jess noticed they were also labeled, non-toxic.

"Well then, here you go. These are all non-toxic too. Just make sure Lindsay, let's me know how she likes them."

Taking the samples and catalog, Danny headed to Miami-Dade.


Sharon was finally home. Walking in the door, the first one to greet her was her dog Danger.

"Hi Danger. How's mommy's baby, yeah... how's my boy?"

Rolling on the floor, Sharon scratched his tummy, as he kicked his leg.

"Hi sweetheart, you're home. I missed you. How you feeling?"

"Not bad mom, a little headache, but I have some medication for them."

"Well then, let's get you up too bed. How you doing Tristan?"

"Good thanks. It's wonderful to be home. I really missed Miami. But not as much as I missed my lady."

"Aww... that's very sweet."

"Mom... where are Sara and Shannon?"

"They took Eric to the park. He was getting a little hyper being inside. So they took him to work off some of his energy. Anyway, I'll leave you two alone. Did you want anything?"

"No mom. I"m fine. Though it's good to be home."

Leaving the room, Mackenize watched as Danger jumped up on the bed, and flopped down on Sharon's legs.


She was watching again, she was waiting for Don to make an appearance. As she waited, she could feel her craving begin again. Knowing Don, was going to have to wait, she headed out to find another victim.

At the park, Sara and Shannon had Eric on the swings when Devon and Chuck walked over.

"Hey Sara, how's it going?"

"Good Devon, what are you doing here on the week-end. Don't you visit your dad?"

"Yeah. He was sick all week. So he had to cancel."

"I'm sorry. Who's your friend?"

"This is Chuck. He's a good friend of mine. So I hear you are having a sweet 16 next week?"

"Yeah... we are. It's going to be a blast. If my sister and I ever find our dates."

"Sara... quiet."

"Oh stop Shannon. We've known Devon for years. At least it's someone to go with. Right?"

Looking at Chuck, Shannon could see herself dancing with him. He was fairly tall, brown hair, green eyes, and a hot smile.

"Okay... did you guys want to come as our dates?"

"Sure... I'm all for it. As long as I get you Sara."

"You can be my date for the night, that's it. Deal?"

"Deal." Devon didn't care, he always liked Sara. Problem was, Sara didn't like him that way. What was she had said... "I need a man who is a hero, like my father."

Devon remembered laughing for hours, at that one. But he was also patient. He could take this one step at a time, and if it meant starting out as her date, just for one night, he'd do it.

"What about you Chuck? Are you willing to go with my sister?"

"Sure. She's very beautiful."

Devon punched him. You nuthead, of course she's beautiful. They're tripp's."

Sara and Shannon laughed, as she thought to herself...

"Okay... he's kinda cute for a geek..."

After exchanging phone numbers, they grabbed their brother Eric and headed home.
During lunch, Danny decided to drop the samples off at home. Besides, it gave him a few minutes to spend time with his little Kat. Opening the door, Kat crawled her way over to her daddy.

"There's my KitKat, how's daddy's girl doing?"

Scrunching her shoulders, she giggled. While she rested her head on her daddy's shoulder.

"Hey dad. You're home early. What's that?"

"These are samples of creams from your Aunt Jess. She said to let her know, if ya like em."

"Cool. I'll try them later. So you want some lunch?"

"Nah... I have to get back. I'll see you tonight. When your mom gets back, tell her I love her."

"I will dad. Stay safe."

"I will baby. See you tonight."

Giving his daughters kisses, he left.

"Let's go have some lunch Kat. Then we can try on these new creams. Would you like that?"

Clapping her hands, and giggling, she couldn't wait.


She had followed Don to lunch. Sitting across from him, she ordered the same thing he did from the menu. Then she looked over at him, and waved. Not wanting to be rude, Don waved back. Bad mistake that. As she walked over and sat herself down.

"Hi again. Don...right?"

"Yeah. Are still following me?"

Beth laughed. "Of course not, we just seem to keep running into each other. We even order the same food. How funny is that?"

As Don was about to answer, Hawkes and Adam walked in.

"Hey Don. Did you order for us?"

"I did. Have a seat. This is Beth. She mistook me for someone yesterday. It seems we keep running into each other, all the time now."

Hawkes was suspicious. Something about her seemed off. Picking up on his vibe, she got up and said...

"It was nice running into you again Don. Take care. I'll leave you, too your friends."

Leaving the cafe, she was pissed. Why the hell, did they keep getting interrrupted? Turning the corner, she seen a young man sitting alone. Walking over, she sat down.

"Hi there. I'm new here. Do you know any happening spots?"

"I do gorgeous. Allow me to escort you."

Taking her by the hand, they left to hit the nearest dance club. Smiling evily, she knew this was going to be a quick kill. For she was to vented with anger, to make it clean and slow.


Maddy had AJ all ready to go see nana and papa. Heading out to the car, she strapped him in, then herself. Pulling out of the driveway, she noticed the two kids fighting in the street. Stopping the car before she hit one of them, the guy took off. Rolling down the window she asked if he was okay.

"Hey... do you need any help?"

"Seeing the boy holding his stomach, she noticed he was bleeding. Picking up her cell, she called for an Ambulance and Police. When they arrived, they assesed the situation and loaded the boy onto the stretcher.

"Can you tell me what happened here, maam?"

"I'm not sure. I pulled out of my driveway, and seen the two kids fighting.
Next thing I know, one took off. The other one made his way to me, and that's when I noticed he was bleeding."

"Did you see the attacker, maam?"

"No. I only seen the back of him. He had on blue jeans, and a white t-shirt. Beyond that, nothing."

"Okay, thank you. You can go."

Pulling away from the scene, she headed over to see her parents.
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