CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Back above ground, they had rushed Mac to the Hospital leaving Stella and the kids behind to wait for MJ and Adam.

"Eric... where's Adam and MJ?"

"I guess they're still down there."

As they watched they seen the remaining structure fall.

"Oh my God... MJ."

Trying to run back, Eric held his mother in law around the waist.

"Noooooooo... God... haven't you taken enough of my family."

Michelle cried as she held her mom, along with Caroline and Tyler who were now screaming.

While Gray tried to keep his mom from falling apart, as MJ and Adam were the last two to be pulled up.

While the rescuers waited for the smoke to clear, they checked on the survivors that had been brought into the first aid station.

"Why aren't you looking for my grandson and son in law. Why?

"You need to calm down maam, we can't do anything till the smoke and flying debris clears, we also have two of our men in there with them."

"I don't give a hell about the debris or your men, I want what is left of my family." She cried.

" Shh...Please mom... you need to calm down. Why don't you take the kids to the Hospital and see Mac?"

"I'm not moving from this spot till I see MJ... so leave me alone."

Letting her go, he walked over and checked on Mack and his four remaining children.

"How you doing Mack?"

"I want my babies back Eric. I want my babies."

"Shh... I know baby, I know."

Squeezing his family tightly against him, he wondered how the hell any of them were going to deal with the aftermath of this tragic event.

At the Hospital they were working on Mac. Carefully picking out the debris and small pieces that had lodged in hs gash.

"Start an I.V antibiotic drip please, and 50cc's of demerol. Someone grab me a suture kit, quickly."

Watching from outside Sheldon wanted nothing more then to get in there and look after Mac himself. But he also knew with the way he was trembling, he'd do him more harm than good.

Back at the site, Stella's tears continued to flow. Not only had she lost her son, and her three grandbabies. But maybe even her husband, and grandson. Trying to understand she couldn't figure why they had had nothing but bad aura over the last couple years. So many family members, lost needlessly through violence.

As she lowered her head to pray, she heard the faint sound of ... "where's my family." Then she heard Michelle...

"MJ... oh MJ you're alive."

Seeing her grandson with a gash over his left eye, she snuggled him tightly.

"Ouff." Not letting up on their hold, she asked..."Adam, MJ, how's Adam?"

"He's fine, he got pulled up a minute before I did. My eye took the worst of it. We need to head over to the Hospital, I need some stitches."

Looking over at his brother and sister, he noticed how quiet they were.

"Hey guys, how you feeling?"

"Okay MJ... but we miss daddy. Can we go home now?"

"We need to go check on papa first, okay?"

Nodding okay, they headed out.

"Maddy... get some rest, I'm heading over with the kids to see how your dad is doing."

"Hold it mom. We are all in this together. So wait for us."

After thanking the Fire Dept, and Army, they headed over to the Hospital. When they arrived, they took MJ in right away, and gave him four stitches over his eye. Coming out of the surgical room, he heard Sheldon talking to one of Firemen.

"We had the bodies sent to Miami-Dade Dr.Hawkes. The three children are almost unrecognizable. I'm sure you've already seen the two adults."

"I have. Thank you for everything you've done."

"Don't thank us Dr.Hawkes. Thank yourself. You went beyond what we would have. Calling in the Army was a Godsend."

After Sheldon was alone, MJ walked up to him.

"I want to see my dad."

"MJ... that's not a good idea."

"I said... I want to see my dad."

"Okay... let your grandmother know where you are going."

When they arrived at Miami-Dade, he took MJ downstairs.

"Are you sure you're ready for this MJ?"

"Yes... now let me see him."

Pulling back the sheet, MJ tried not to cringe. The sight before him was sickening. He could only be thankful, he didn't feel any pain. Bending down to his fathers ear he whispered....

"I promise to take care of Caroline and Tyler for you. And even though I can never forgive you, I will always love you"

Covering him back up, he left without turning back.

"Thanks Sheldon. Is Eric coming by to see my cousins?"

"No MJ... he's already seen them. He came back with them, while we were at the hospital."

Nodding that he understood. Sheldon drove them back to check on Mac.
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When they arrived back at the Hospital, MJ seen his family still waiting. Looking at his brother and sister, he noticed they were still very upset. Walking over he placed his brother on his lap, and wrapped his arm around his sister.

"It's going to be okay Caroline. You know this, right?"

"I guess MJ. I just don't understand why daddy had to push us down those stairs?"

"He did it to save you and your brother. If he hadn't of pushed you, you would have died with him."

"I guess. I just miss him MJ. What's it like living with nana, and papa?"

"It's fun. You'll like it. Plus you have Michelle with you. So you won't be alone. I promise you Caroline, nothing will change. It will just be like a sleepover that lasts till you're grown and on your own."

"Can we bring all our stuff with us?" "I'm sure you can. All your important stuff. The beds will stay. For nana and papa have lots of those in their spare rooms."

"What about our home MJ? What's going to happen with that?"

"We'll put it up for sale. When someone buys it, all the money will be put into a special account for you and Tyler. Till you're older."

"Excuse me... I'm nurse Heather. I have some pillows, blankets, and snacks for the little ones. They must be awful hungry and tired."

"Thank you, that's very nice of you."

"You're welcome. You must be Mrs.Taylor."

"I am. Do I know you?"

"No... I heard the nurses at the station talking about the explosion, Lea was one of my friends. We were all upset by the news."

"Oh... I'm sorry. It was very tragic all around."

"I know Mrs.Taylor. I'll leave you and your family in peace."

Placing the kids on the pillows and blankets. They ate their sandwiches and desserts. Then laid down and fell into restless sleep.

"Maddy... you need to go home and rest. Let Adam take you and Gray home."

"What about dad, mom?"

"I'll call you when we hear anything, okay."

Getting up Maddy and Adam kissed her good bye.

"You going to be okay sis?"

"I'll be fine Maddy. Take care of yourself, Adam and Gray."

After they left, Mackenize, Eric, Stella, and MJ, sat patiently waiting for news on Mac.

"Mackenzie... come here sweetheart."

Looking at her mom with tears, she walked over and laid her head in her lap.

"Take care of her for me mom. I'll be back as soon as I can. I need to get too the station and speak with IAB."

"Okay Eric... we'll call you when we hear anything?"

"Thanks... I love you Mack."

Whispering... "I know." Eric left.

"Excuse me Mrs.Taylor? I'm Dr.Wilson. I'd like to talk to you about your husband."

"Oh sure. How is he?"

"I'm afraid my news isn't good. Your husband has suffered a tramatic brain injury. We've cleaned and removed as much as the debirs as we could. But due to lapsed time in getting him here, the infection has already set into his brain. Right now we are concerned with the swelling that has surrounded his brain. He also has small skull fragments that we couldn't remove. He is stablized, but still has not come too."

"Umm... how severe could it be, if he wakes."

"To be honest. We really won't know till he wakes. But with brain injury like your husbands, we are looking at nerve damage, cognitive disabilities, language difficulties, personality changes, sensory problems, and sometimes seizures, depending if those skull fragments give him problems."

Stella tried not to cry. "Will he wake?"

"Not to give you or your family false hope. I honestly don't know. Right now we are more concerned with the swelling around his brain. I'm very sorry that my news couldn't be more positive."

"Can we see him?"

"Sure, but two at a time. And not for too long."

"Mom... you and Mackenzie go first."

"You sure MJ?"

"I'm positive Mack."

Walking down the hall Mackenzie tried to hold back tears, as she asked her mom...

"When did he start calling you mom?"

"Around the same time he called your father, dad. It's okay with us Mackenzie. He needs this more then ever now. They all do, especially little Tyler."

"Oh I'm fine with mom. In fact, I'm surprised he didn't do it sooner.
Afterall, you and dad looked after him all those years. It's only normal. Besides after what my brother did, I'm kind of ashamed of him myself. God rest his soul though."

Nearing the ICU, they squeezed each others hands as they walked into the room.
Back at Miami-Dade, Eric walked in to mayham.

"What the hell is going on Don?"

"It seems Tavis and Kendrick's didn't wait for a union lawyer, and now IAB is drilling them."

Walking into the room, Eric said... "Stop. There will be no more questions till my men are given a union rep. Tavis, Kendrick's back to work."

"They waved their right to one Lt.Delko."

"I don't care what they waved. They are Rookies. Therefore you will wait for a union rep. Now get the hell out of my lab."

"You know Lt.Delko. You are more like Horatio Caine everday."

"I take that as a compliment, now get out."

"We'll be back."

Watching as they left, Don asked... "How's Mac?"

"We don't know yet. When I left the Hospital, he was still in surgery. Why don't you go home and get cleaned up. I'm sure Jess needs you."

"What about you Eric? You can't be doing all that well. I'm surprised you're even here."

Looking Don in the eyes, he said... "this how I deal with my loss, now go home."

Nodding that he understood, he left Eric to his thoughts.


Danny was trying desperately to hold back his tears. But God... he found it unfair, that the Taylor's lost so much, and everyone else came out alive. It was just so unjust.

"Danny... you going to be okay?"

Looking at his wife with tears, he whispered.... "No... I don't think I'll ever be okay. It's just not right that the Taylor's have lost so much."

Reaching for his daughter, he held her close to his heart. "Hey my little kitty Kat, how's daddy's girl doing after all that excitement?" Yawning and making little suckling sounds, she curled her little fist over her daddy's heart and fell back into sleep.

"Daddy... would it be okay if I went over to see Gray? I really need him right now."

"Sure Linds. That's fine. Drive careful."

"I will daddy, bye."

"Think she'll be okay?"

"I think so Nat. I'm more concerned for Michael's children. Especially Caroline and Tyler. Mac and Stella have a very long road of healing. As does Eric and Mack."

"I know... and all we can do. Is be there for them all."

When Lindsay arrived at Gray's, Adam answered the door.

"Hi Adam... is Gray doing okay?"

"Not really Lindsay, come on in. He's in his room."

Walking into his room, Lindsay found him laying down. Removing her shoes, she climbed in beside him. Wrapping her arm around him, he turned, and kissed her with all the passion and life inside him. So deep, so warm, as Lindsay felt her body respond to his heated caress.

Breaking the kiss, he slid his tongue across her neck, stopping at her ear, to whisper... "I love you Lindsay. Let me love you."

All Lindsay knew in that moment was that they had almost lost each other. Not wanting to feel that emptiness anymore, she removed her shirt, allowing Gray to caress and kiss her in spots that she never thought he would.

So lost now, as she felt his fingertips unclip her jeans, pulling them down her ankles, then all she could do was feel each and every stroke he was giving her.

"Graaay..."she purred out. God she didn't understand the ache that was causing her body to build for her very first encounter. Caresses and strokes she had only heard about, from her friends at school.

Gray knew she was more then ready, he could feel her body respond and build with each stroke that he gave her. Climbing back up upon her, he looked into her beautiful eyes.

"Lindsay... are you sure? If you're not, please let me know now."

"I'm sure Gray. I'm very sure. I love you, and I need to feel our love."

Looking her in the eyes, he whispered...."I love you too, at the same time he pushed forward, causing her to softly cry out from the pain. I'm sorry Linds. I'm so sorry. I promise it will be better now, I love you."

As Gray continued to move, Lindsay felt her pain replaced with an aura of sensations, and as she felt her soul tighten, so did Gray. Allowing them both to know that they were ready for their souls to meet.

Lowering his head to hers, looking straight into her passion filled eyes. They both floated together, as the beauty of their first time, took them beyond anything they ever imagined.
Back at the Hospital...

Mackenzie and her mom were looking over their dad and husband with tears.

"Mom... he's so gray. His face... he's so bruised."

Bending down Mackenzie kissed his cheek. "Daddy... it's your little angel. I'm right here beside you daddy. I know you can here me daddy. I want you to come home. I want you to come back to us. We all need you daddy. Especially Michelle, MJ, Caroline and Tyler. You can't leave mom to raise them alone. Please daddy, fight to come home."

Taking his hand, she softly caressed it. Then giving him one more kiss she whispered... "I love you daddy. Love you so much." Leaving the room in tears, she ran back down the hall and collapsed.

"Mackenzie... what happened? Are you okay?"

"Oh MJ... he looks nothing like daddy. He's so gray, and his face is all bruised and swollen. He's not going to make it MJ. He's not."

"Shh... come now Auntie... he's going to make it. I promise you, he'll make it." Picking up his aunt he carried her to the waiting room, and laid her beside her children. "Just sleep Mack, I'll call Eric, okay?"

While MJ called Eric. Stella continued to whisper her love to her husband.

"Mac... I know you're fighting your way back. I also know it's not going to be easy. But you need to keep moving forward. We all need you. No one more then me. You can't leave me alone Mac. I don't want to live without you. Please... just keep fighting your way home."

Kissing his warm lips. She knew she would have to leave him. What choice did she have. Her daughter and grandchildren needed sleep. Walking back out, she passed out.

"Nurse... get me a doctor, hurry."

As the doctor came running, he asked MJ to bring her into the lounge.

Laying her on the couch, he checked her blood pressure, and heart rate.

"Nurse... if you could take a tube of blood from Mrs.Taylor, and have it sent to the lab."

"Of course doctor."

"She's going to be okay, isn't she?"

"I think she will be. It's most likely exhastion, fatigue."

"Shit... sorry. Umm... when we were in trapped. She stopped breathing twice. For no reason. We just figured it was lack of oxygen. Could that have anything to do with this?"

"I don't think it does. By chance could she be pregnant?"

"I doubt that. After they had Michelle the doctor told them they couldn't have anymore. He said it was to dangerous. She suffers from incompetent cerivx. Her pregnancy with her daughter was spent in bed."

"Okay... but by chance could she be?"

"I'm honestly not sure. I don't go around asking my grandparents if they use contraceptives."

"Look... I underdstand what your family has been through. I'm really sorry about that. But I'm just trying to find out what could be causing these symptoms."

MJ took a deep breath. He didn't mean to yell at the doctor. "I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you more."

"Excuse me Dr.Moore?" "Yes nurse?" "The blood work came back normal. It was also negative for pregnancy." "Thank you nurse."

"So is this a good sign?"

"It is. She's most likely worn down. Is there anyone that can take her home?"

"Are you crazy? She's not going to leave my grandfathers side. I'm sure your orderly could set up a bed in my grandfathers room. Otherwise, she'll just sleep on the floor."

"This is highly unusual in the ICU."

"I don't care what is unusual. We are paying for the Hospital stay, the private room, and any other care he needs. Therefore it shouldn't make any difference, what we ask."

Once they had Stella settled beside her husband. MJ left the room to see if Eric had shown up yet.

"Eric... did everything go okay?"

"Not really. Where's mom?"

"They have her in with dad. She collapsed."

"Christ... any news on him yet?"

"Yeah... it's not good. He has swelling in and around his brain. He aslo has skull fragments that they can't remove. If and when he wakes. He could have multiple problems."

"Mm... Eric." "Right here Mack. Let's get the kids ready and take them home." "Oh God... I'm going to be sick." Running to the washroom she left them behind.

"Did you want us to take Michelle, Caroline and Tyler with us?"

"No...I'll take them. Thanks for asking though."

After they left, MJ woke the girls and Tyler.

"Come on guys. I'll take you home now."

"MJ... where is mommy?" "She's staying with dad for the night. Come on... it will be okay."

Stopping at the nurses station on the way out, MJ seen Amanda at the desk.

"Oh...MJ. I'm so sorry to hear about your family. Especially your dad and Lea."

The last thing Michael wanted to hear about, was Lea. Amanda realized it too late.

"Shoot... I'm sorry again MJ. The nuses and I talked about how wrong it was of Lea to do that to you. How wrong we all were."

MJ just wished she'd shut the hell up. As he was about to tell her, Melina walked by and heard Amanda ranting. God she had hated that group of nurses, so two faced. All they ever did, was talk about Lea had caught herself a good one with Michael, and how it was normal to fall for the son, when she couldn't have the father. Bullshit. It was beyond cruel as far as she was concerned..

"Amanda... get back to work now."

"Whatever Melina."

"Hi MJ... did you need help with something?"

"Umm... yeah. Could you please call me if anything changes with my grandfather? Also, if my grandmother wakes, tell her I took the kids home."

"Of course. Listen MJ... I'm done here in an hour. If you'd like to wait, I can help you with the kids."

MJ had known Melina since high school. Now they shared the same College. He always found it funny why they never dated, but back then... they were both shy. Though it was always fun pulling on her hair teasingly. And she always looked at him with aww. Which he found kind of sweet."

"Umm... are you sure? I wouldn't want you to take away from your day."

"You wouldn't be, and I'm off tonight. So we can even pick up pizza. Just give me an hour and we'll go."

Sitting back down Michelle looked at MJ and smiled.

"What kiddo?"

"She likes you. She likes you alot. She's also very pretty, don't you think?"

"Yeah... but no one is as pretty as my Michelle."

Smiling, they waited for Melina to finish her shift.
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