CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Hmm, I have no comment about Michael and Leanne. If I were on either MJ or Michael's side, I'll be sure to be on pessimism or always expecting the worst. It'll be interesting when it's time to read the outcome, how they are going to deal with their feelings even they know it's wrong. People say, "you can't help who you fall in love with".. :lol: It must have been really sad and hurting when someone you love and LOVED is loving someone else. First, the world he/she have known is going to end and Hatreds is filling up. It's really unexpected when things happened. People nowadays are never satisfied with what they have.
she could feel the warmth of his breath against her
Since it's already one step ahead, it's either going forward or backwards. When I read about Michael and Leanne, I'm not sure what they are feeling towards each other and not ready to classify yet. But all those hints makes me goes impatient. :D Poor Mac and Michelle, it's true when a house is less than 1 member, it's like you found a big hole which is waiting to be filled. Someone you used to come home to, talk to, share your life with suddenly just moved out or maybe even gone. Fear..." By just picturing the both of them shall crack me up. What news..? The pregnancy? I wonder what their reaction will be, and also Grayson.. :)
"Michelle... talk to me sweetheart. I feel like I'm losing my little girl." "You're not mom. I just miss MJ. He was more like my brother then my cousin. It's not fair mom, Caroline and Tyler never spent any time with him, only we did. They don't even know his likes and dislikes, or how he likes to play Guitar Hero and Rock Band."

"I'm sure they will figure it out together love. Besides that... MJ isn't going to have much time for anything, not with starting his first year of College. I'm sure MJ is missing you too. I know he was awful sad when he left. I could see his tears, as he hugged your dad."

"You know mom... whether you or dad like it or not, he was more your son then grandson. I could see it." Stella knew her daughter was right. How could she not be when they had MJ with them for so many years. Deep down they all knew the bond had changed. Even MJ himself, as he slipped a few times calling Mac, dad.

Trying not to tear up, Stella changed the subject. "Listen... why don't we go downstairs, and see what news Maddy and Adam have to share with us." Reaching for her daughters hand she took it and walked downstairs. Sitting down they waited for Maddy to begin.

"Mom... dad... Michelle... Adam and I are pregnant. We're going to have baby." Stella smiled... she had known that a week ago, as did Mackenzie. As for Mac... he was on his feet shaking Adam's hand while hugging his daughter. "A grandfather again. How wonderful is that. Another member to our ever growing family."

As Maddy hugged her mom and dad, Michelle still couldn't be happy. The only thing she wanted, was MJ to come back home.
The following morning, MJ woke his brother and sister for school.

"Caroline... come on, time to get up." Getting out of bed, she headed to the washroom. "MJ what time is Lea going to be home?" "Around eight or eight thirty. You'll already be at school." "That sucks. I don't see why she should have to work when you are supposed to be looking after her. Aren't you the one that's suppose to support her? I mean daddy always supported Anya."

"Caroline... what's with the attitude? You've been on my back since I came home." "What did you expect MJ... you live with papa and nana, and then expect to come home with happiness and smiles. Don't work that way. I don't even feel close to you anymore. You're more like a cousin then a brother."

MJ wasn't sure what to say about that. How could he, when Caroline was right. They had all drifted apart. "Just get dressed... we're going to be late." Waking up Tyler, he helped him dress, then headed downstairs to check on his dad. Opening the door he found him already up.

"How you feeling this morning dad?" "A little better son. I think I'll get up and do some packing of Anya's stuff today." "That's a good idea. It will help you work out your stiffness. Lea should be home around eight... I'll drop the kids off, then head over to my first day of College."

"That's right son... good luck. I'm proud of you MJ. I know I don't say it often enough, but I am." "I know dad. I'm going to start breakfast." Once breakfast was done, everyone headed out leaving Michael on his own for the next hour.

When Lea arrived back at Michael's she heard the faint sounds of help. Running into Michael's room she found him on the ground, in front of the closet with a pile of clothes over top of him. "Michael... oh God... are you okay?" "I think so... help me up please." Lea tried not to laugh. But she couldn't help it.

"I don't see anything funny Lea." Looking into his deep blue/green eyes, she stopped. God his eyes were so intense, so hypnotic. More hypnotic then MJ's or Mac's. Michael could feel the heat too, he could feel her pulse jumping through her skin. Both knew this was bad, both knew that they needed space. But if that was the case. Then why weren't either one of them moving.

Bringing up his hand, he caressed her soft warm cheek. She wasn't sure why... but she leaned into it. Feeling each and every fingertip stroke he gave her. Leaving her wondering if all along it was Michael she had wanted, Michael she had longed for.

Afterall they looked liked twins, they shared the same build, same eyes, same charming personality. Could it be Leanne had longed for Michael? But knowing in her heart that she could never have him, leaving her to replace that emptiness with MJ instead? Especially after her ordeal with George.

What if she seen MJ as a vice, to escape the pain from what George had done to her. Even at Christmas when MJ placed the ring on her finger, was she not looking at Michael? Looking at him, as he was looking at her. Both seeing tears in each others eyes. But yet... both let it pass, wanting to be wrong, neither wanting to hurt the family or MJ.

So many questions, but yet... no right answer. All they both knew at that moment was their first kiss. Feeling the heat of his breath as it neared her... she closed her eyes and allowed Michael to take her where she longed to always be... in his strong arms.

Feeling her world tilt, she broke the kiss. "God Michael... what are we doing? Why does this feel so right? Why does it feel as if we were meant to be?

"I don't know Leanne... I wish I had the answers we both needed to figure this out. All I can honestly tell you, is that I've always felt this desire, this strong need to bring you closer to my heart. Even being married to Anya, all the way back to that first day in the Hospital after MJ woke. I felt it then. And at Christmas... think I didn't notice the tears in your eyes when MJ placed that ring on your finger."

"I know Michael... I know because I felt you too. It was the sadness behind your eyes. A sadness of wanting something you knew you couldn't have with being married. Which is why I may have fell for MJ after being his therapist. He was you Michael. The more time I spent with him, he was you... the one I could have. God I feel so ashamed. Ashamed for not realizing it sooner."

Wrapping Lea in close, he understood her shame. For he felt it too. He could have done something long before this, but he didn't. He could have at least stopped the engagement, but he didn't do that either. Instead he allowed his son to believe Leanne was right for him.

Now here he was... holding his sons fiance, kissing her, knowing that he was about to blow his sons world wide open. Knowing that very soon his son and family would most likely disown him. But what could they do? They longed for each other... whether they kept it hidden for months, or years, those feelings could never be changed now... they were out in the open.

"What are we going to do Michael? I just feel so horrible. All those nights I said I loved him. Accepting his ring and proposal. When all along it was you that I was saying yes too. God how could I have not realized it? What are we going to do?"

" First and foremost, calm down Lea. Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect. As to what we are going to do? I honestly don't know. I think I need to talk too my dad." "No Michael... we need to talk too your dad."

Kissing her on the head, they headed over to face the wrath of his parents.
Some day, I'll grow as impatient as Mel. ;) L O V E? This four alphabets, for me, it's easy to define physically but not mentally.. Difficult? Complex? Intricate? Convoluted? *Calls the Love Doctor to help Michael and Leanne* I love the great upshot, I'm really happy for both Michael and Leanne. I'm glad that they admit their feelings towards each other and are willing to take the chance to explore. Most of all, they are going to unravel and solve it together to let the other's understand and giving supports to the both of them.. I couldn't agree more on paragraph 15-17. :adore:

As for MJ, I think a spear just plunged through his well-built heart and it has shatters into millions and millions of pieces. I hope that he understands and won't hold any grudges against this. Fiance and own father is in love with each other?.. Unbelievable? But, MJ won't be happy if Leanne is thinking about another guy when they are together as one couple. The Taylors are... "I want to speak, I speak". It means, whatever is on their mind, they will voice it out. It's like what's the point of avoiding reality.. But people say, "The truth hurts". Aww.. I can't wait till Maddy and Adam's baby is coming. Excited to how Grayson is going to react with this, being another great big brother.. Eager to read what's coming soon. Michelle, MJ/Leanne/Michael. :thumbsup:

MJ had finished up his first day early. Looking at hus watch, he knew Michelle had only a half day today, as did Caroline and Tyler. But with them in an afterschool program, he knew he would have time to spend with Michelle. Heading to his car, he heard someone call his name.

"Michael... hey Michael... wait up." "Oh hey Melina what's up?" "Not alot. Some of us are attending the formal opening tonight. Are you coming?" "I'm not sure I can make it." "Aww... come on Michael... it's going to be great. Plus none of us have seen you since senior year."

"I know Melina. I promise to try, okay?" "Fine... but if you come, you have to save me a dance." Pulling at her hair, like he did when they were little, he got into his car and left. Arriving at Michelle's school, he seen her walking alone with her head down. "Hey my angel... need a ride?"

"MJ...." running to the side of the car, she leaped into his arms. "Oh I've missed you so much." "I've missed you too kiddo. So... did you want to go for lunch?" "Honest?" "Mhmm... your choice." "Okay... the beach side Cafe." "You got it kiddo. "

As they drove Michelle asked... 'MJ... do you miss us?" "You know what Michelle? I do, alot. It's just not the same." "I know... that's what daddy says too, we both sulk around the house all night. Mom says we drive her nuts." "Papa sulks? You're kidding?" "Nope... he says it's like a piece of his heart is missing." "Aww... how about we take lunch home."

"Cool... you said home. I like that MJ." "I like it too Michelle."


When Michael and Lea arrived, they found his parents in the den. Looking up from what they were doing, Mac knew right away, and boy... so did Michael. He could feel his father anger coursing through him, and he hadn't even told him yet. Somehow he knew it would be like this. But that intense, pissed off face. No one wore it better then his father. I mean... he could feel Lea shivering, from his glare.

Then there was his mom. Looking at her, he could see her tears already forming from what was about to come. Reaching over Michael went to take to Lea's hand, to reassure her it would be okay. "Not in my home you don't Michael. Not well she is with your son." Lea jumped at Mac's tone, Michael dropped his hand to his side.

"Please dad... you're scaring Lea." "She's obviously a big girl, I'm sure she can learn to handle my wrath."He hissed. "Michael I think you and Lea best explain before your father really loses it."

"Fine mom. Lea and I have come to realize that we are in love. That we have longed for each other. But with me being married, I could never act upon it, I could never be honest about it with anyone. I had to keep it hidden. I'm really sorry dad, but once Anya died, and Lea started helping me out we couldn't stop what we felt so long ago."

"Let me get this straight. You're saying because you had a wife, you couldn't act upon your feelings. Yet Lea belongs to MJ, they are engaged, but that doesn't matter now, cause Anya's dead? What the hell kind of logic is that? As for you young lady, you're taken... what's your excuse for this?"

Lea was terrified. She knew once she told Mac everything, they would all hate her for what she had done to MJ.

"I was always in love with Michael. But because I couldn't have him, I chose his son. He was the closest I was going to get to Michael. They have the same looks, attitude, charming nature. It wasn't till Michael and I started spending time together, that I realized I was replacing MJ with him. I swear I never meant for this to happen this way."

Stella was shocked. She just couldn't fathom it. Taking advantage of their grandson, while pinning for his father. "You should have had enough sense Lea to tell MJ, instead you make him spill his heart and soul too you. You allow him to give you his ring, his love, when in reality you were wishing it was Michael all this time. I'm sorry Lea... that's just wrong." Stella cried.
"I know Stella... I'm so sorry. God I'm sorry." Stella couldn't take anymore, turning her back she looked out to sea.

Pulling into the driveway MJ and Michelle got out. Running into the house, she could hear her dad yelling at someone. Turning around, she told MJ to shh. "I think daddy is mad at someone MJ, I can hear yelling."

"Well come away from the door Michelle, it's not nice to listen." As she walked away from the den door MJ heard his name. "It's about you MJ. Did you do something wrong?" "No... why?" Putting down the food MJ walked towards the den and heard...

"He's your God damn son, how the hell can you do this to him, and as for you young lady, I guess I had you pegged wrong. I treated you as my granddaughter, I held you when you fell apart, and were frightened. And this is how you repay me. How dare you use my grandson as substitute for his father."

Opening the door MJ seen his dad with Lea, both in tears, while his grandfather was ready to kill. Putting two and two together, he figured it out himself.

"You have got to be frick'n kidding me... I should have known. That damn kiss last night before you left the house Lea, it was different, almost like you were trying to feel for something that was no longer there. Then you dad...

That explains why you weren't hungry last night. For God sakes, talk about God damn honesty. You can both go to hell... the engagement is off, and as for you Lea... as much as I'd appreciate being compared to him, you're God damn wrong. For I would never... never, do what he did to one of my children.

You will never be anything to me except the worst mistake of my life, and a painful lesson learned. Oh... and one more thing before I go... I no longer have a father, you are dead to me. Forever. Lea you can keep the ring. Seeing my dad seems to like used items, he can have that too." "Michael Jr... that was uncalled for." "Go to hell Michael." Leaving the room, Michelle chased after MJ.

"What about you dad? Do you disown us too?" Shaking his head in shame he said... "No... but I can never accept Lea as part of this family. Only you and my grandbabies will be allowed in my home, and only when my grandson isn't here." "What? Are you saying my children aren't welcome when MJ's hear?" "No... you're not welcome when MJ is home. His siblings and our grandchildren are more then welcome, anytime."

"But dad." "No... I'm sorry Michael. You can't have it all ways. It's best if this family has some space. MJ has taken more enough pain for one day.

Now please remove Lea from my home. I'll stop by this afternoon and pick up MJ's belongings." Taking Lea's hand, they walked out as Mac turned with tears and said... "I love you son." Turning to face his dad he said... "I know dad. I love you too."

Hearing the door shut, Stella wrapped Mac into her arms. "We honestly knew this day would come Mac. We just never knew this family would be torn apart in so many different directions." "I know love." Gripping his fingers tightly in her hair, he held her as close as he could to his broken heart.

"You know what worries me Mac?" "What's that love?" "MJ took this all to well. I thought for sure he'd be torn up inside. Instead he was very angry. Especially what he said about Lea." "I know... but deep down he didn't mean that, he was just angry." "I guess. So where does this leave our family for the wedding? This isn't going to be at all fair to Adam and Maddy if Michael and MJ butt heads."

"I think the best thing we can do is let Maddy and Adam know what's happening, then they can decide how they want to handle it." Walking out arm in arm, Mac seen the food. "Looks like MJ brought lunch. Bending down Mac seen the ring sitting on the bag. Picking it up he placed it into the family safe. "Let's go find our grandson."

Outside Michelle sat beside MJ.

"You okay MJ?" "I'm fine Michelle, don't worry." "I do worry MJ. I know I'm young, but I understand hurt. I can see it in your eyes." Placing his arm around his cousin he leaned in. "Listen to me Michelle. I don't want you to worry, okay. Yes it hurts, yes the pain in my heart is strong. But I'll survive this."

"But... did you mean what you said to dad? Did you really disown him?" "I did Michelle. I don't think that's one thing I'll ever change. What he and Lea did was wrong. I mean... my own father having feelings for my fiance is one thing. But to act upon them is another, and at the same time she's doing the same, but using me as her stress release, as a substitute for him. That's what hurts most."

Coming out the door Mac and Stella seen their daughter wrapped with MJ in her arms. "Hey son... how you doing?" Whether it was the moment, or whether it was the fact his papa was more a part of him, he jumped up and gripped himself tightly onto him. "Come on Michelle... let's go heat up the lunch MJ and you brought. I'm sure they will be hungry when they come in."

Walking into the house, Stella left Mac to help their grandson deal with his pain.
*nod* Why doesn't he want her there with the grandkids?

He doesn't want Leanne there when MJ's there. As for the other kids, I guess he thinks she's a bad influence because she basically cheated on her fiance with his father (though they only kissed I think).
That was well written, I was able to piece little bits together and had a feeling it might happen, I think that the whole storyline is pretty intresting ;)
Why doesn't he want her there with the grandkids?

Okay... Mac and Stella do not approve of what they did to MJ. Nor are they willing to accept their sons and Lea's relationship

Mac is saying he can never accept Lea as part of their family. So she's never welcome in the Taylor home again.

Only Michael is and only when MJ isn't home. Cause it's to painful for MJ.

But his brother and sister can come anytime.

Then Michael doesn't think it's fair, so Mac tells him he can't have it all ways. Basically... he can't have Lea and MJ too. He made his choice. And his son disowned him.

To put it in mildly. They are disappointed that Lea used their grandson to substitute for his father, who she was in love with all along. And they are ashamed of Michael for not telling MJ how he felt about Lea.:)

This is why I don't like doing big chapters. It's too much all in one. Small chapters, make for an easier read, and better understanding.
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I think every problem has it's own best solution. Heeee, decisions made are appreciated. Not everything will turn out right in everyday life. All those memories and reminiscences, through the years, through all the good and bad, gone in just a blink. I am surprised on how this turned out and I love them. I was trying my best to stay optimistic in the last few chapters. But in this situation, most people would react angrily just like MJ. I got myself confused of who to agree, 'cause both are understandable, reasonable. It's true of what Mac said, time is needed. For now, they stand by on each others side when all the world is crumbling down. I have lots of things to say but I can't put them into words. :lol: Leanne, I have this hesitations about her. 'Cause I was disappointed in her, conversely, I'm not at all. I just wanted and wished all of them to be happy.

Apart from that, you've done great! :thumbsup: The first time I read this storyline, I am really amazed. It started really well and proceeded very well. It's resplendent! :bolian:
Alrighty... I've decided to go back too two chapters a day.

When MJ released his grandfather he said...

"I'm sorry papa... I just don't understand how they could do this to me. What did I ever do wrong to deserve this kind of hurt. I mean for Lea to say that I was a substitute all this time for my dad. How sick and twisted is that? Why couldn't they have been honest with me? Why did they have to hide their feelings away?"

Mac wished he had all the answers to his grandsons questions. But unfortunetly, he never would. For he couldn't understand himself why.

"She was my first papa. She told me she loved me, I should have known.
Several times she would call me Michael, instead of MJ. I just figured she prefered my full name. How stupid was I to believe that? And then to go on like I was so important to her. I risked my life for her, I was the one who protected her, how could I have been so wrong?"

"You weren't wrong son. She was wrong. Your nana and I actually had a feeling that something like this was going to happen. We talked about it the day you and Lea were packing. I thought I noticed something back at the Hospital after your accident, but I wasn't too sure then. But after seeing your dad spend more time with Lea and her with him, we noticed it a little more."

"Then why didn't you tell me papa? Why didn't you say something?"

"We couldn't son. Your nana and I were unsure, we didn't want you or Lea to think we were trying to talk you out of living with your dad. Or worse... what if we were wrong? Then you would have blamed us for accusing her of having feelings for your dad."

"Oh papa, I could never hate you or nana. You both gave me the love and nurturing I needed. It wasn't till I came here that I realized what was missing from home."

"I know son... what hurts me the most, is the fact your father did know and didn't stop it, or at least stop you from getting engaged."

"Don't ever call him that... for even if it's my dying breath, I will never call him dad again."

"MJ... you don't mean that son."

"I do. I swear to you... I do. I'm eighteen now, and I have no intention of going back. Ever."

Mac was becoming increasingly worried. For once again it looked like his wife was right. MJ was the complete opposite of what he should have been. Instead of tears and hurt, he was feeling anger and hate. Too much hate for one so young.

Back in the house, watching from the window Michelle cried. Oh she was happy she had MJ back for good. But she was heartbroken that her cousin had been burned by Lea. Wondering to herself if this was what she had to look forward too in the years to come. Some guy hurting her, using her, making her think he loved her, when all along he loved another.

"Are you okay love?"

"Hmm... umm... yeah mom. I'll be fine."

Hearing them come in, Michelle sat at the table wiping her tears. Sitting down beside her MJ knew she was upset about something.

"You okay kiddo?"

Taking one of her french fries, she nodded yes. But MJ wasn't buying it. Taking her chin in his hand, he raised her tear stained face to his.

"Talk to me Michelle. What's the matter?"

"It's nothing MJ... I was just upset for you."

Mac and Stella knew there was something going on with their daughter. Problem was, they couldn't put their finger on it.

"Listen Michelle... I know those tears are more then for me. So what is it?"

"I hope I never fall in love. I don't ever want a boyfriend."

"What? Come on kiddo, you're a beautiful girl, some guy is going to come along and sweep you off your feet."

"No he's not MJ. Never will that happen. I will never let it. No guy will ever hurt me. I'd rather stay single and alone for the rest of my life."

"Aww... I know love seems difficult Michelle. But with the right partner it can be beautiful and rewarding. Just look at nana and papa. They've been married for a billion years, and their love is so alive, so nurturing and warm.

Smirking Mac said... "thanks for the billion years son. It's good to know we're so ancient."

"I'm sorry papa, I didn't mean it that way." he laughed. Then there is your sister Mackenzie. She went through a very difficult marriage, but look at her now. She's married again to a wonderful man, who fills her and their childrens world with love. Of course there is always going to be ups and downs before we find the right one."

"But that's just it MJ. I don't want to be hurt along the way. I don't want some guy using me and then leaving me behind. I don't want to be left alone to pick up the pieces."

"Then we make sure that the choice you make, is the right one Michelle. The most important thing to remember... is that not all men and women are out to hurt each other. Besides that... I'll always be here to protect you, how's that?"

Smiling through her tears, she hugged MJ tightly and whispered..."okay... I love you MJ."

"I love you too kiddo. Now eat your burger and fries."

Watching as their daughter smiled happily, they still had concerns for MJ who was hiding a heap of anger inside.
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