CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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When they got back to the Hospital MJ took his brother and sister to see their dad. Opening the door Caroline teared up. Wrapping herself into her brother, he noticed they had left their father uncovered.

Looking at his chest and arms, MJ couldn't understand how he even survived. "Shh... come on Caroline, it's okay sis. Try and be strong." "MJ... why does daddy have so many bandages?" "Well Tyler, cause daddy was hurt in alot of different areas, so the doctors had to cover the cuts to stop infection."

"Is daddy going to die MJ? Is he going to go too heaven with mommy?" "No Tyler. Daddy isn't going anywhere but home with us in a few weeks." Caroline just couldn't look at her dad anymore, she had seen enough horrible things to last her a lifetime.

Running out of the room, she took off past the family. "Caroline... I'll get her Mac, you stay with Stella." Chasing her down the hall Leanne caught her. "Hey... hey Caroline, it's okay. It's going to be okay."

"No it's not Lea. It's never going to be okay. How is my daddy going to heal from what Anya did to him? How is my daddy ever going to trust in love again. I hate her, I hate what she did. I hate that she broke my dad, and destroyed our family."

"Caroline... she didn't destroy your family honey. Your family is very, very strong. If anyone can help your dad move on, it's your family, love. I've never seen a family so devoted, and understanding to each others needs. It really is a blessing, that this kind of love exists."

Holding Caroline close, she allowed her to cry out, all the pain and hurt she had built up over the last few hours. "Did you want to go see your dad again?" "Will you come with me?" "Sure... I can do that." Walking into the room Caroline noticed her dad was awake.

"Daddy... oh daddy. I'm sorry," she cried as she ran to his side. "Hey... hey pumpkin, it's okay. Just calm down." Removing her hair from her tearstained face, Michael kissed her. "I heard you did a very brave thing tonight caroline. I'm so proud of you right now.

"Thank you daddy. I'm sorry Anya was insane. I'm sorry she almost took you away from us. I love you daddy, and I was so scared of losing you, like we lost mommy." "I swear to you sweetheart. I will try my best never to leave you, how's that?" Embracing her dad gently, she whispered okay.

Back out in the waiting room Stella asked.... "What happened Mac?" "Don had to shoot Anya. She's dead love." "Oh my... how's Natalia doing?" "She's okay. Danny's with her. She said she knew her sister was to far gone too be saved." "It still must be upsetting for her Mac." "I'm sure it is love, but she'll heal with her family to help her."

When MJ and the kids came out of their fathers room. They headed home.

"We'll see you later dad. Lea and I are going to take Tyler and Caroline home." "Okay son... make up the spare rooms for them. the sheets are in the linen closet." "I know nana, don't worry. We will be fine."

"Sweetheart... why don't you head home too, I"ll stay with Michael tonight." "You sure Mac?" "I'm positive love. Go home and get some rest."

Kissing her husband good bye, she left with MJ, Lea and the kids.

Later that night, screams could be heard from not only the Hospital, but also at the Taylor home.

"Michael... Michael... wake up son, it's okay dad's here. Wake up son." Waking from his nightmare, he couldn't catch his breath, reaching for the breathing mask, Mac turned it on and placed it over his sons mouth. "Just breathe son... deep even breaths, that's it." Mac could see the fear in his sons eyes, he could see the haunting emptiness behind them.

"Shh... just focus Michael. Focus on dad. Nothing is going to hurt you, I'm right here protecting you." In the barest of whispers he heard... "why dad? Why did she hate me so much? What did I and my children do, to make her hate us?" Mac teared up. "Nothing son... you and your children did nothing wrong. Don't ever think that, ever."

"How can I not dad. How can I ever forgive myself for not being able to see through her hate. What if it had of been my children, I couldn't even protect them from her wrath. If not for Caroline calling me, I would have never known till my children were dead. Then there is Nat... why didn't she tell me herself. Why didn't she call me and tell me once she found out. Why dad?"

That was something Mac, Stella and even Danny wondered. "I'm not sure son. That will be for Danny to find out. I don't want you to worry about the what if's. The only I want you to do is get better. Remember, nothing matters now but your children. That's all that matters Michael." Caressing his sons hair, he pulled back the covers and climbed in with him like he use to do when he was little.

"Close your eyes son, just close your eyes and I'll sing to you." Michael tried to laugh. "Dad... this is embarrassing." "Shh... now let me sing." As Mac started singing, the nurses listened from the door, awwing, and smiling at Mac and his son. Stopping for the briefest of moments he said... "see that Michael. I got you a whole sexy troop of nurses."

Climbing back out of the bed, Mac turned to the nurses and said... "which one of you would like to watch my son for me for a few minutes?"

As all the nurses piled in Mac smirked at his son and left the room.

Meanwhile Stella had her hands full trying to get Caroline settled down.

"Caroline... come on love, nana's here. You are okay. I've got you, calm down." Rocking her in her arms, she could feel her shiver. God Stella could just imagine the horror she must have witnessed today. Hearing her sobs become silent, she laid her back down and whispered...

"I swear caroline, we are going to get you and your father through this. Together as a family, we will all heal. I know this must sound like a never ending verse by now. But we have to keep reminding ourselves, that Taylor love is the strongest love of all" Kissing her softly, she wrapped her back in her arms, covered them up, Stella tried her best to reassure herself that Mac's embedded words would forever hold true.

Over at the Messer's. Danny and Nat had just finished tearing up their carpet in the living room. "Do you think Lindsay's okay Danny?" "She'll be fine Nat... she's with Grayson, he'll take care of her." Danny looked at his wife, he was surprised she hadn't broke yet. He thought she would feel some kind of hurt after losing her sister. But nothing, not so much as a single tear.

"Nat... I think we should about what happened. It's not good for you to hold all of this pain inside." "That's the thing Danny, Im not in any pain. I know it's an awful thing to say. But I can't help it, I just knew something was going to happen. I knew the last few days Anya was acting very strangely. My only pain is that none of us were able to truly see the whole package sooner."

Taking his wife into his arms, he held her close. "I understand that Nat. More then you will ever know. But somewhere in between all of this you must have pain, so I promise you when you are ready to accept it, I'll be right here for you." "I know you will Danny, and I love you."

Continuing to hold her close, Danny knew their healing was just begining.
Your family is very, very strong. If anyone can help your dad move on, it's your family, love. I've never seen a family so devoted, and understanding to each others needs. It really is a blessing, that this kind of love exists.
Totally agreed! I love this line, never get tired of it. :) Something that keeps me wondering was WHY? Someone can goes really unrepentant even though it has been a long time since the event happens. and HOW? Anya can just forget each and every moment they had shared together with the kids and... Those laughter and smiles they shared.. Ohh.. COLD-BLOODED! How can you share a bed with someone you don't even love for a long period and even had a child with him.. IF it was possible, without knowing, I thought Anya did fall in love with Michael. Sometimes, we have to think on the bright side. Anya played a very important role in this family too. And before and even after all the PTSD happened, I think she did bring happiness to the family. I'm glad that the family is helping each other to heal. Even though it's just the beginning, I have faith in them. *Refering to the line of Quotation above*
The best psychotic's are the ones that can fool the heart and soul.

I know my stories have been angsty. It's not because I'm picking on the story honestly. It's just a few people have told me that I have to much happiness and love. When in real life, there are always trials, pain and hurt. So I'm now bringing the fiction to life a little more. So don't think I'm being evil, cause I'm not. I'm just trying to balance out what all the readers are looking for.

Two weeks Later...

Michael had healed from his wounds. Though he was left with scars inside and outside of his soul, heart, and body. Even talking about it with the family, none of them could fathom how Anya could act like she loved her family, when all along she loved another.

Especially for Michael, who could still remember the nights Anya said she had loved him, but then he could remember other nights where she'd be distant and cold, not even wanting his touch.

I guess it's as his father and family said... "none of us will ever know why people do the things they do. All we can do is move past it, and help each other heal. Lea and MJ decided to move in with his father, brother and sister.

Now that MJ was starting his first year of College today, it would help them save for a better place in the future. But in the weeks to come MJ will come to regret his decision.

Will there ever be peace for any of the Taylor's? Of course. But before they can get to the peace. They have to hit a few more major and minor bumps along the way.

So... now we move on to the month before the wedding of Adam Ross and Maddy Taylor.

Maddy had waken to the sun shinning in the window. Getting up from the bed, she felt the nausea hit her again. Taking out the test kit she had bought the week before, she waited for the results. Turning over the stick, she seen it had double blue lines. "Oh boy Maddy... looks like you were right." She whispered.

"What did you say Maddy?" "Umm... nothing Adam. Just talking to myself." Adam laughed. "Try not to do that too much Maddy, it's not healthy." Giggling she thought..."if you only knew Adam." Coming out of the bathroom she sat on the bed, reached over, took Adam's hand and placed it on her tummy.

"Adam my handsom husband to be. We are going to start our family." Adam looked at her with confusion. "Umm... hmm... I don't understand Maddy?" "Adam... we are pregnant." Adam didn't know what to say.

Though the look on his face was priceless. You'd think Maddy had told him she gave him an STD or something.

"Adam... Adam... hello." "Umm... yeah... I'm here Maddy. Are you sure?" "Yes Adam. See... here's the little stick, it's double blue. You are going to be a dad." Looking down at Maddy's tummy he grinned. "Wow... me... a dad... I never... umm... oh wow." Maddy laughed. Poor Adam, he just couldn't get his mouth to catch up with the rest of his thoughts.

"So are you happy about this Adam?" "Umm... yeah... I am Maddy. Very happy, we should tell Gray and the rest of the family." "We will... right after you satisfy my first craving." "Err... hmm?" "My sexual craving Adam, I want you to love me." God Maddy loved Adam, he was so sweetly shy and just to damn loveable.

Wrapping her in his arms, Adam passionately kissed her, until all that remaind in their room were sighs, and moans of their love.

Meanwhile MJ and Anya were packing up their things when Michelle walked in.

"MJ... can we talk?" She cried. MJ could see her pain. He could tell she was upset he was leaving to move back home. "Sure Michelle... what is it sweetie?" "I don't want you to go. Why can't you and Lea stay here while you go too school? I don't understand why you have to move back home."

"Aww Michelle... cause my dad needs our help. We need to take care of him for a little while." "But why do you have too live with him to do that. Couldn't you just go over there everyday, and then come home?" "It's just easier Michelle to live there, but you can always come stay with us, I'm sure papa will let you."

Out in the living room Mac and Stella were arguing quietly.

"I'm telling you Stel... this is a bad idea. Michael has always had a thing for Lea, since that day she first showed up at the Hospital to care for MJ.
I seen it in his eyes."

"Come on Mac... you're being silly. Michael wouldn't do that to his own flesh and blood." "Not intentionaly, no. But it's going to happen, and when it does, it's going to tear that family apart for good."

Stella serious tried not to believe Mac's words. But she had to admit she noticed the looks between Lea and Michael lately herself, especially when she helped change his dressings and apply his creams in the Hospital. The little looks of changes in their eyes. Then their was the age difference again. MJ was eight years younger then Lea.

But she just chalked it up to her feeling sorry for what had happened to Michael and his children. Even Caroline and Tyler had grown to rely on Lea alot, and that worried Stella even more. For she knew in her heart, that her grandbabies were looking for stability in their lives.

"Just what would you like to do Mac? Confront them? then find out we were wrong in our assumptions. That will tear us all apart too." Taking his wife in his arms, he kissed her beautiful hair. "What are we going to do Stel?" Looking into his eyes she whispered... "just be here for them when and if... it all falls apart."

Kissing him tenderly they walked into MJ and Lea's room to say good bye.
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Yay for Maddy and Adam.

Michael has a thing for Lea? Yikes. Mac's right. That would further tear apart that family.

Personally, I thought the angst and romance was balanced out nicely already, but that's just my opinion. :)
^^^ Well MJ loves Lea and im sure he wouldnt take too kindly for his father wanting something or having something with her, make sense?

I liked it :) I just hope Lea doesnt get into anything she'll regret...
The best psychotic's are the ones that can fool the heart and soul.
Heeee.. :) Understood. Ohhh, I'm not implying you are evil. Like I said, there's lots of things that we've never seen before, human nowadays.. *Sighs*, they do everything to satisfy their needs. Besides, I love the angst. I enjoy each and every of them. It's really sad sometimes but there's lot of Angst storylines that are interesting that I may have yet to read and have yet to face. And I'm looking forward to all of them. Most of the time, I shall smile or laugh throughout the whole chapter and forget the world or sometimes crying is good for the lungs. :lol: I really love the closeness and angsty between the family. What they did to bring the family closer together and what that drifts them apart and by the end, they shall fix it together, doing their best and all those efforts they put in were more than enough.. :adore:

Sometimes, I really am speechless. I was flabbergasted by Linda's storylines that were coming in. They were wonderful. Tons and tons of angst/love that came in. I'm sure that I will love this Michael/MJ/Leanne. Something that my mind never expand to thought or expect before. I loved how their parents know something was up and before they took their steps, they thought about the consequences first. :thumbsup: Ahhh, umm.. naughty err.. Maddy and Adam. :lol: Once again, I'm happy for the both of them. Moved on with life after what has happened in the past. I need to get myself to stop smiling. Before that, you did really awesome and great job in balancing them. For example in this chapter, you have had the love :adore: and angst that is coming soon. :bolian::thumbsup:.

I don't get it, why would it cause trouble? Can someone explain?
Mel, do you still remember you read about Leanne's first appearance? Michael has an effect to her. And Linda mentioned about those looks they had exchanged from the hospital when Leanne changed those bandages. I hope that what the outcome is, it won't drifts the family far away apart. :)
When the kids arrived at MJ's dads, they unpacked and got everything settled. "I'm going to start supper MJ, then I'll check on your dads dressings." "No... I can do that Lea. You shouldn't have to do everything." "I don't mind MJ, it's what I'm trained to do." "I know that Lea... but the Hospital showed me too. I'll be back."

Walking into his dads room, he found him sound asleep. "Dad... dad we're home. How you feeling?" "I'm in alot of pain son. Pass me my medication." Reaching over the table MJ passed the tablets to his father, then he checked his dressings. "They look clean dad, and no signs of infection. You feel like joining us in the kitchen for dinner?"

MJ felt out of place. He had been gone to long, to feel comfortable around his family. "Well dad? do you, or don't you?" "I'll be there soon son. It's good to have you home by the way." "Sure dad. I'll see you soon." Walking back out MJ asked Lea to set a place for his dad. "Are you sure he's up too it MJ? He really shouldn't be out of bed."

"He's fine Lea. Plus the doctor said he needed to work his muscles. I'm sure he'll be fine." "Okay then, I'll set another place." Once they had the table set, the kids came in from school. "Lea... MJ... we're home." "Hey kiddo's, how was school." Walking past their brother, they hugged Lea. "It was okay MJ, Lea... can you help me with my homework tonight?" "I'd love too Caroline, but I have the nightshift tonight."

Listening to Caroline, MJ kind of wished Lea didn't have too work either. He just wasn't feeling comfortable around his family. Which he knew wasn't good. But what could he do... his dad needed help.

"I can help you Caroline. It's not a problem." "Fine... whatever." "Listen Caroline. I promise we can work on that project that's due friday, tomorrow, I have the day off. So let your brother help you tonight, he's smart." On that note, Michael walked in. "Hi daddy... how are you feeling?" "Okay sweetheart. Hi Lea... what's for dinner? Something smells great."

"I made chicken, potatoes, and fresh vegtables." Setting the food on the table, everyone ate in silence, not sure what to say too each other. For it had been to long between their visits. "Are you okay Michael... you haven't touched your food." "I guess I'm not as hungry as I thought. I think I'll go rest." Trying to get up, Michael felt the pull in his side. "Oww... damn it."

Getting up from his chair, MJ grabbed his fathers arms and held him. "You okay Dad? Just get your balance." "Thanks son, I'm fine now." While Michael headed to his room, the rest of family sat back down, and finished their meal. "I'm going to get ready for work MJ." "I can do the dishes Lea." "Thanks Caroline, you're a doll."

Heading down the hall, Leanne heard Michael's curses.

"Michael... is everything okay?" "Hey Lea. Not really, I"m kind of tangled up here." Walking in she found him trapped within his sheets. "Here... let me help you." Standing Michael up, he inhaled her perfumed hair and as Lea pulled back the sheet, she could feel the warmth of his breath against her. God... she knew she shouldn't be feeling these feelings. Helping him back into the bed she said... better?" "Much... thanks Lea." "No thanks needed, that's what we are here for. To help you heal."

Covering the covers over his shoulders, she turned to leave when he reached for her hand. "Have a good night at work Lea." She could feel the heat of his hand, so warm, so powerful, so different from MJ's. "Thanks Michael. Goodnight." "Night Lea." Coming back into the kitchen, she said good bye to the kids, then kissed MJ with all the passion inside her.

"Is something wrong MJ?" "Yeah... I'm not feeling right here Lea. I guess I've been gone to long, I feel out of place." "So do you want too move back?" "No... I promised dad we'd help him... have a good night Lea. I'll see you in the morning. I love you." "I love you too MJ."

Once Lea left, MJ helped the kids with their homework, then he helped them get ready for bed. After checking on his dad, he got his books ready for his first day of College tomorrow. He knew Lea wouldn't be home till after he had left with the kids. So taking the time he wrote her a little note...

"Hello my love, I know we didn't get a chance to say good bye. But I'll see you tonight, and I love you alot. Get some rest, and try not to overdo. Love and kisses, MJ."

Meanwhile at the Taylor house...

Mac and Michelle were sulking. The house was so quiet without MJ and Lea. Even Stella couldn't get the two of them to cheer up. Walking out into the kitchen she heard the knock.

"Hi mom... we came to visit." "Hi sweetheart, your dad is the den sulking with his daughter." "Ohoh... MJ and Lea left today, didn't they?" "They did... hi Adam." "Hi Stella." Heading into the den Maddy laughed. They looked like two little pouty kids who couldn't get their way. "Hi dad... hey Michelle. Why the long faces?"

Michelle didn't say anything, she got up and ran out of the room. "I'll get her Mac. You stay with Maddy and Adam. "I'm sorry dad. I didn't realize she was hurting that badly." "It's okay love, we both are. Actually so is your mom. But she's better at hiding it." "So they really left. Wow."

"Why is it wow Adam?" "Well... umm... well." "Spill it Adam... why is it wow?" "Umm... I just wouldn't feel comfortable knowing my girlfriend was eight years younger then me, moving into a home where a husband just lost his wife, and he and his children are hurting. Things can happen Mac. Things that can have serious consequences."

"We already figured that Adam. Unfortunetly the kids are going to have too figure it out for themselves." "Do you really think Michael would fall for Lea dad?" "I"m not really sure Maddy. She's closer to his age, she's spent alot of time with him and the children while he was in the Hospital. Feelings are bound to show."

"God I hope you are both wrong. Poor MJ has been through enough hell. They all have, the last thing they need is something like this to happen. It will tear MJ and his dad apart forever." "Yeah... we know. Anyways... what brings you here love?" "We have some news to share with you and mom."

Sitting down they waited for Stella and Michelle to come back down.
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