CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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I'm trying to understand Anya as I read throughout her whole case. But still I shook my head sometimes 'cause of her aggresiveness. I mean more to obstinate/stubborn and sometimes really difficult to accept what's in reality.. I don't blame her though. She's been through too much that most of us never had gone through before. One experience like hers is enough for the rest of our lives.

About Maddy, I think Eric Jr might have reminded her of Gregory. The moments and time that she spend to raise Gregory. Those times where she change and feed Gregory. Taking care of him. :) I hope that they're all going to be okay.
When Adam and Maddy got back to his house. Adam sat her on his lap and wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry Adam... I can't believe I did that. My poor sister must think I'm awful." "No she don't Maddy. She understands. They all do. It's not easy losing a child, then having to watch others doing what you loved. Don't ever be sorry for feeling maternal loss Maddy. You and Gray have been through hell."

"You forgot about yourself Adam. Why do you do that?" "Umm... err..hmm... I"m not sure." He smiled sweetly. "I think I know why? I think it's because you care more about others then yourself, and for that I love you even more." Adam figured this was good of time as any. Afterall... roses and candlelight were overdone.

Getting down on his knee, he pulled the small box from his pocket. Watching Maddy's expression, he could see her tears fall. "Aww... don't cry Maddy. I haven't even asked you yet." Maddy cried all the more.

"Maddy... umm... I know we haven't been together long. But umm... I know you love me like I love you. So... err... will you marry me?" Taking her hand, caressing Adam's cheek she whispered... "Yes Adam... yes I will marry you."

Kissing between their tears, Adam slipped the ring on her finger. "Forever Maddy. I'll love you forever. I promise." "I know you will Adam. As much as I'll always love you." Softly touching their lips again, they allowed the passion, the desire, the warmth of their love to carry them away.


When Eric, the kids, and Mackenzie got home from lunch. She put Eric down for his nap. Covering him up, she felt Eric's warm breath before she turned. "I believe you and I have a date with destiny," he caressed against her neck. "Hmm... do we. I thought that was cancelled due to lunch."

Just as Eric was about to answer, his phone went off. "Delko." "Eric it's Danny... we have a homicide at The Club Romance. It seems someone took out the owner." "Okay Danny, I'll be right there." "You have to go?" "Yeah... we have a homicide, I"m sorry love." "It's okay. At least we had lunch." Kissing her passionately he left.

Running to the phone Mackenzie called her mom. "Hello." "Hey mom, what are you up too?" "Not alot love, how are you Eric, and the kids. We're good. Eric got a call out , so I have time to talk too you about something." "About what love?" "Maddy... I seen her and Adam at the beach cafe today, and she was eating trout. Just not one, but three pieces."

"Are you sure? Your sister hates fish." "I know mom. It was really weird. She was eating it like she loved it all her life." "Strange... very strange." "What are you thinking mom?" "I"m not sure yet love, but your father told me this morning Maddy was feeling ill. I thought nothing of it. But now... now I'm just wondering if she's pregnant."

"Oh my God... you think mom? If that's the case, then Adam better move his ass on marrying her, else daddy will hunt him down," she laughed. "Stop that Mack. Don't you dare go scaring Adam with daddy's threats." "Who... me? Not me mom," she laughed again. "What are you up too Mack?" "Nothing mom, I have to go. I love you." "Mack...Mack... you leave those kids alone." *Click*.

Back at the Taylor's MJ and Lea were headed over to see a potential apartment. When they arrived they noticed the outside looked kind of shady. "Umm... MJ... I think I've changed my mind, I like living with your grandparents for now. Can we go?" MJ had the same thoughts, turning around they came face to face with the building manager.

"You must be Michael Taylor?" "I am... and you are?" "Mr. Trannel, the building manager. Don't let the outside fool you. Trust me it's well secured. Come on in and I'll show you the flat." When they walked in they noticed the halls were spotless, and the carpets clean. "Here's the flat we have available."

Walking in Lea was in heaven. It was beautiful. The hardwood floors were immaculate, and it was so sunny and spacious. "This is gorgeous. If I may ask... why is the rent so cheap?" Sighing he said... "well... we've had trouble renting this unit. The last two couples said it was haunted. They swear the the cupboards slam, the floors creak, and they hear talking."

Michael laughed. He didn't mean too. But he also didn't believe in the supernatural. "Umm... should we call a preist?" "Michael... stop that."

"That's funny kid. I think I'm going to like you. You aren't afraid of a few bumps and bangs in the night." Lea was... if her expression had anything to say about it. She boardered on terrified.

"Oh come on Lea... you don't believe that it's haunted. Do you?" All of a sudden Lea felt a chill. She felt someone or something caress her neck. "Aaah... yes I do MJ, and I don't want to move in here."

Running from the apartment MJ told the manager... "Hold it for us. I'll talk to her." "Sure kid. It's not as if it's going anywhere fast."

"Wait up Lea. Come on love, you don't really believe do you?" "I do

Michael. Something touched my neck in there. I felt it." "Aww... it was most likely the wind. It's a beautiful flat Lea. We should take it." "I said no, and if you try and have me move in here I'll divorce you before we are even married." MJ laughed. "Come on Lea... let's get you home, we'll talk it over with the family. We will even have them look it over."

"Fine. But the first thing that touches me, I"m out of there." Laughing again, MJ took her hand as they walked home.
A haunted flat? Sounds like they need to call the people from Paranormal State (haha, I love that show!).

:lol: at Mack.

Adam and Maddy are so cute as usual. :)
No... there is not going to be any ghosts. Just more angst. Alot of Angst. What you read now is nothing compared to the day of the wedding

When they got in the door, Lea ran into Mac's arms.

"Please papa, please don't make me move in their." Mac was shocked, Stella laughed. That was the first time Lea had refered to him as papa. "Hey... hey calm down love, tell me all about it." MJ wrapped his nana in his arms and laughed with her. "Looks like she has papa wrapped around her fingers already," whispered MJ.

"MJ wants us to move into a haunted flat." "What? I'm sorry love, what did you say?" "He wants us to move into a haunted flat. I swear to you, something touched my neck, I don't want to move there. I don't want to hear cupboards bang, and floors creak." Mac looked to his grandson, he just couldn't understand Lea's ramblings.

"The flat we went and seen is beautiful. It has hardwood floors, and it's huge. So I asked the manager why he was having trouble renting it at the price he was asking. He informed Lea and I that his last two tentants swore it was haunted. That they heard cupboards bang in the night, floors creak and voices. Then Lea freaked when a breeze blew across her neck."

"That was no breeze MJ, someone touched my neck. And I'm not going back there." "Aww... listen Lea, how about we all go and check it out again. Then I'll have Eric do a background check and see if anything happened in that apartment." "You believe me? Honest?" "I do Lea, so let's go check it out together okay."

Putting on their coats Mac called his daughter. "Michelle... come on love, we are going out." "Coming dad." Running down the stairs Michelle noticed how pale Lea was. "You okay Lea? You look like you've seen a ghost." MJ laughed, Lea slapped him. "It's not funny Michael." "So where we going daddy?" before he could answer, MJ said... "to a haunted house... oooooww," joked MJ which earned him another slap. This time from his nana.

"We are going to see a possible flat for MJ and Lea honey." "Oh...she said with sadness." "Don't worry kiddo, I"m not going anywhere yet. Even if I do, I promise to have you stay with us whenever you want." Smiling again, she wrapped herself in his arms. "Alright... let's go before it gets dark."

Locking the door they headed out.


Nat had dropped Anya off at home. Then calling Danny he wasn't available to pick her up. "I'm going to take a cab Anya. But before I leave. How are you feeling now?" "I'm fine, just get out." Not wanting to upset her sister more she left.

"Hi Auntie... I didn't know you were visiting today?" "Hi sweetheart, yeah I took mom to the doctor. I want you to listen to me. You're mom hasn't taken her medication in a couple days. If she gets to bad, I want you to bring yourself and your brother to my place, understand?" "Of course. But why wouldn't she...."

"She thought she was pregnant. So she refussed to take it for two days. The doctor gave her a dose in his office, but I'm not sure if she took it.

She's still pretty ajitated." Caroline was scared, she hated the way her mom was without the medication. "Can't we come to your place now auntie? Please?"

"I'd love you too Caroline. But your mom will think I'm trying to take you and brother away from her. I'm sure she took the pills. Just keep an eye on her. Here's the money for cab if you and your brother need it."

Watching as they got into the cab, Caroline called her dad, cause there was no way she was going into that house.

"Hello." "Daddy... it's Caroline. Can you come home?" "Why love? What's the matter, you sound like you're crying?" "Auntie just left. She told me mommy had a bad day at the doctors, and she hasn't taken her medication for two days, she thought she was pregnant, now she is mad cause she's not."

"Slow down sweetheart. What do you mean mom hasn't taken her medication?" "I don't know daddy, that's what Aunt Nat said. She just left with Kat. She even gave me money for cab fare if mom got out of hand."

"I want you to listen to me. When your brother gets home, you head right over Nat's. I'll pick you both up later." "Okay daddy, I love you." "I love you too Caroline. Don't worry love, it will be fine."

Hanging up the phone Caroline waited outside for her brothers bus.

An hour later...

Back in the house, Anya heard a noise. As she listened, she realized he was coming back for her. God... she could even hear him calling her name..."Anya... Anya I'm home."

Grabbing the long butcher knife she hid behind the kitchen door and as it opened, she attacked. Stabbing her kidnapper over and over, while he fought screaming her name.

When she was sure he was dead, she dropped the knife and walked out of the house covered in blood. As her neighbour watched, she called the Police. First on scene was Danny, followed by Don. "Oh my God... Anya.

Anya... look at me. What happened?" "He tried to get me Danny. He tried to take me again. But I killed him this time. I stabbed him over and over."

Danny knew it wasn't good. For he had heard from Natalia that Michael's kids had shown up at their place. "Take her Don, we need to get into her place, fast. Call the EMT's on our way too."

When they arrived at the house. Don and Danny ran in, and what they seen had them stop cold in their tracks. Kneeling down beside Michael he felt for a pulse. "Anything Danny?" "Yeah... but weak. Where the hell are those EMT's?"

Once the EMT's arrived they stablized Michael and rushed him to the hospital. "I'll call Mac, Danny. Then I'll get a Psych to the Station for Anya."

Picking up his cell Don took a deep breath and said... "Hey Mac...it's Don."

Add: Please don't forget, Anya never took her medication at the doctor. She spit it out. So her meds won't be kicking in until she's forced to take them. Also with any kind of anti psychotic medication. If you come down off it quickly it causes hallucinations, sweats, tremors, depression, suicidal tendencies. I'll get into that a little later. I've done some research on this.
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:eek: Wow! That was great but i cant believe that happened but it fits, i just hope Anya doesnt hate herself when her meds kick in :)
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"Vacancy 2" I hope there's no killer inside. I thought there's going to be a Ghost Storyline too. heee.. I don't believe in this but one creak sound can make Asprine run like lightning. Influenced by thriller and horrors. First, I'm happy for Maddy and Adam. Finally .. Finally they are going to tie the knot and as their new individual came. :adore: One family shall reunite as one. What they did to heal and those understanding towards each other. It's great to know that someone you love or care about is in a great/fine condition. As long as they are happy, we are too.

I can't help but to smile throughout this two whole chapter. Their family closeness that brought it to me. I love this plot. :) Poor Michael being stabbed by his own wife, this got me thinking about all the angst that is coming. Before this, I thought it was just a dream but it was real that Anya stabbed someone. I'm hope that Michael is okay but I also hope that no one blames Anya for this. About hallucination, we had a case here where a teenage boy after he swallows some drugs, he raped his own grandmother 'cause he thought he saw some beautiful/gorgeous girl with only a towel wrapped around her sitting across the street. :rolleyes: Looking forward to more angst.. :adore:
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Sometimes you can be so Psychotic, that those around you never realize it, ever. I mean there are times you meet those who are crafty at hiding their hate, their evilness, their sick pleasures they derive from hurting others. Welcome... welcome to the....

The final twist....

When Mac, Stella and the kids arrived at the Hospital they found Don.

"What the hell happened Danny?" "I don't know the whole story Mac. Only what I was told from Nat. It seems Anya has been off her medication for two days, she went through some dangerous withdrawl. When Michael came home, she was hiding in the kitchen. She butchered him Mac."

"What? What do you mean butchered?" "She tore him up good. She thought he was Gavin come back to get her." What's the matter Mac? You look confused." "I am confused Stella. None of this is making sense. I need to see that surgeon." Heading out into the hall, Mac asked the nurse to page Michael doctor.

"I"m sorry Mr.Taylor, he's still in surgery with your son." "As soon as the surgery is done, I want to see him right away." Walking back into the waiting room Mac said... "Danny I want you to go to the Station, bring me the complete file on Gavin. I want the whole file, don't leave anything out."

"What are you thinking Mac?" "You wouldn't want to know what I'm thinking, now go please." Once Danny left Mac looked at Don. "In that case file, did it not say that Anya was dragged place to place by Gavin? That he took her everywhere with him." "Yeah... what are you thinking Mac?"

"What if Anya took on Gavin's personality. What if she became infactuated with him. Think about it. Why didn't he kill her? In fact when Officers found her, they said it seemed like she was enjoying being dragged around town by him. That she didn't really fight. She wasn't in restraints, he had her unbound, she could have left him at any time. But she didn't.

"Come on Mac... are you trying to say she turned into a cold blooded killer? That her illness is all an act?" "Why not. If you see enough of it, or if you come to admire the work of your asailant. I mean... how much do we, or even Nat know about her sister?"

"So what you're saying , she's in love with Gavin?" "Why not, they spent enough time together. What if she liked watching as he tortured those young girls. What if she took on his personality? What if she had a killing personality, all along? Maybe he seen it in her, maybe that's why he never killed her."

"I don't know Mac. It just don't make sense. Why wait so long then to do her first kill? Why marry and have children?" Why be jealous of her sister because she had another baby?" "Think about it Don. Natalia has everything Anya wanted. Only not with Michael.

What if everything she wanted was with Gavin. What if something in my son triggered her to finally realize that he could never be Gavin. Forcing her to finally realize he wasn't what she wanted. That he wasn't Gavin, only a poor substitute of what she couldn't have. What if being off that medication for two days, made her realize that she'd never have a chance at a perfect life."

"If that's the case Mac. Then Natalia and her children are in danger. For that matter, so are Caroline and Tyler." "I know... where is she now?" "She's in holding. We can't get a Psych in till this afternoon. Just as Don was about to continue, the doctor walked in.

"Excuse me Mr.Taylor?" "Yes... how's my son?" "He's critical. He has several stab wounds, all in a downward angle." "Are you telling me it was intentional?" "I'm afraid so. His attacker knew exactly what they were doing. The stab wounds were percise. If not for your sons quick thinking, thick skin and muscle, he'd be dead right now."

"I need to see my son... is he awake?" "He is, but very groggy. You can have a few minutes." Running into the room Mac carefully woke his son. "Michael... Michael, wake up son." Looking at his dad with glass eyes he tried to talk. "Don't talk son. I just need to ask you... what did Anya call you as she stabbed you? What did she say?"

Looking at his dad with tears he said in the barest whisper..." I hate you Michael, I hate you Michael. Over and over again." Passing back out into sleep, Mac ran from the room. "Let's go Don, she knew exactly what she was doing." Turning to leave they then heard Danny yelling down the hall.

"Don... Don, Anya's gone. Psych showed up, they had her in a room alone with Anya. When they went in to check on them, the Psych was dead, and Anya was gone." "How the hell did she walk out of the station?" "I don't know Don. But the Psych's clothes were gone, she could have just walked out, alot of the guys at the station wouldn't have had a clue who she was."

Mac interrupted. "Danny, we need to get too your place now. Your wife, children, and my grandchildren are in danger." Danny had no idea what was going on. "What's going on Mac?" "We'll tell you on the way, let's go."

After Mac had explained to Danny. He just couldn't believe it. "I don't get it Mac. What the hell does she want?" "That's what we need to find out Danny." Pulling up in front of the house, they ran inside.

"Not one step closer or they all die." Stopping in their tracks they seen that Anya had them all cornered together, with paper around them, and the smell of lighter fluid that filled the home. "One shot, and they all go up like a barbeque. I want Gavin. I want him in the next five minutes, or they all die."

"Come on Anya... you don't want to do this. She's your sister, and those are your nieces and children." "I don't care. I know exactly what I'm doing. Now get me Gavin, get me him now. I love him, so get him." They could tell Anya was right out of it. They could see it in her eyes.

Picking up the phone, Don called Miami-Dade and made arrangements to have Gavin brought in. Hanging up the phone he said... "Alright Anya, he's on his way over. Now you have to give me something in return." "Forget Don... that's not going to happen. This is my time, not yours. We go by my rules, or they all die."

Mac looked over at his grandchildren. He could see the fear in Caroline's eyes, the pain, and fright of Anya's threats. As they all waited, Caroline knew she had two choices. One... she could try and sneak out from the back with her brother, but would that leave Anya to go crazy, and kill Natalia, Lindsay and Kat?

All she knew was that she couldn't spend another minute inhaling those fumes that were making her ill. Watching as Anya continued to yell and spew hateful words at Danny, she grabbed Kat from Nat's arms, took her brothers hand, and tossed them across the floor towards her papa.

Hearing Kat's screams Anya turned and seen Mac had Kat and Tyler wrapped in his arms. "That was stupid caroline. Very stupid." Walking up she grabbed Caroline by the hair and pulled her up shoving the gun under her chin. "I should blow your face off and be done with it. You've been nothing but trouble since I met your father."

Caroline tried not to cry. She tried not to show fear. "Do you know how long I had to listen to your fathers constant whining about taking that damn medication. Medication that screwed with my stable mind. I would have been fine, but your stupid brother caught on to my little game. So I had to put on an act that I was PTSD. Do you have any idea what that medication does to a mind that isn't fucked up? Do you?"

Then in that God damn doctors office with Susan. Finding out that she was one of Gavin's surviving victims too. Only she was to stupid to realize I was onto her. I knew exactly who she was. For in her glory of trying to change her face, she forgot about that damn moon shaped birth mark on her neck.

I knew she was trying to kill Tyler and me that day. All because she wanted my Gavin for herself. I tried to kill her at that moment, but she jabbed me first, leaving me half out of it. Then Nat had to come back and ruin everything. Leaving Susan to take off to Canada.

As they listened, they could see how far gone she was. They knew there would be no bringing her back to the relm of reality. She had fooled everyone into believing she was a victim from a haunting event. When all along she had turned into a cold blooded killer, with her hateful personality.

As Don was about to answer, he turned as the officer came through the door. "Don... we have Gavin outside." "Alright... I'll be right back Anya."

When Don got outside he said... "We need your help Gavin. We need you to talk down Anya." "You're kidding right? She's nuttier then I am. Do you know she enjoyed watching what I did to those young girls. Do you know she said she loved me, that she wanted a future with me?

God I should have gotten rid of her that day I took her, but I couldn't do it. I mean how often is a guy like me admired. It's not my fault she went insane through it all. But I'm not going anywhere near her. Like I said... she's crazier then I am."

Don was getting pissed. He was at his wits end. "Now you listen to me Gavin. Because of your evil mind, Anya went insane and became you, almost killed her husband. She now has her children, sister, and nieces at gunpoint. Threatening to set them all on fire."

"Christ... that crazy bitch found someone to marry her. Poor guy. Damn... fine... if I do this, what do I get?" "You get a nice sunny cell upstate, with extra privileges." "Alright, you have a deal. Let's go." Walking into the house Anya seen Gavin.

"Anya... hi sweetheart. God look at you, still beautiful as the day I left you." Walking towards her Gavin tried to remain normal. But damn... she looked more then crazy. He could tell she was more then unstable. Reaching out to him, she wrapped her arm around him, then with her other hand, she brought it up and shot him three times in the stomach.

Seeing what was happening, Don aimed and fired at her, right between the eyes, killing her instantly. Nat had Caroline and Lindsay's faces covered. Protecting them from seeing what had happened. Running over Mac grabbed his granddaughter, while Danny wrapped his wife and Lindsay in his arms.

"I'm sorry Nat... sorry we couldn't save your sister." "Don't be sorry Danny. That wasn't my sister. My sister died years ago. I'm only sorry none of my family or I ever realized she was having these thoughts after her kidnapping. Maybe we could have healed her, or at least saved her."

Nat knew she would never have all the answers to her sisters behaviour. She knew all she could do was move on with her own life and happiness.

Taking his family from the house, Mac, Caroline, Tyler, and Danny headed back to the Hospital, to check on Michael, and give their families the news.
Final twist...I loved it! I loved the idea that Anya shot Gavin and when Caroline helped her family. Glad Mac worked it out and I hope Micheal moves on without regretting that he couldnt help her.
I was listening to some sad song when I read this and it makes my tears form.. Something I MUST say, you did an excelent and SPLENDID job! *Tons and tons of Thumbs up* I never thought it would turn out like this. That's most interesting and I love it. Something that can never be expected or predicted, the twist and turn. And the storylines are totally logic, involves in thinking linear. It may happen in reality. First, you have the suspension with "What If-s" and it was all answered by the end of the chapter. It was great when I have those question marks in my head.

But, I am pity about Anya.. I understand, even the closest person to you may betray you. On the other hand, I wanted to STRANGLE her. Now I had my mind confused. I think both have the bad and good side. *Sighs* They have had been through a lot. It's not only a lot. Most people would choose to avoid this but I'm proud of them 'cause they look forward into their everyday life. They fixed it together. :adore:

Sometimes, seeing all those pains they are facing, I feel like going inside Linda's story and fix everything right for them. :lol: I guess that's what we all feel about as a reader.

Once again... :thumbsup::bolian::thumbsup::bolian::thumbsup:! Asprine loves this Final Twist! :)
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