CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Back at Adam's, he heard the knock at his door.

"Hi Adam... is Gray here?" "Of course he is Lindsay, come in. Gray... Lindsay's here." Walking to the door Lindsay could see Gray's tears. Opening her arms he fell into them and cried.

"I'll leave you two alone." Turning to head back to the living room. Adam hoped Lindsay would be able to help Grayson through the next few days.

"Who was at the door Adam?" "Lindsay. She came to see Gray."

Wrapping Maddy back in his arms, he heard her whisper..."I don't want to bury my son tomorrow Adam. I don't want to say good bye." "I know
Maddy. Believe me I know... though I promise I'll be right beside you every step of the way." "I feel so empty. My baby is gone, every part of my soul feels empty."

Adam understood how she was feeling. He only wished he could do more to bring his Maddy back some happiness. But what was there? Nothing really. All he could do was love her, and Gray. Giving them all his strength, help them to move on.

"Adam..." "Yeah Maddy?" "Make love to me. Please Adam... I need to feel your touch." Wrapping his fingers in her curls he softly tenderly kissed her. Trying with all his passion to help her forget, even if only for a little while.

Tracing his fingers along her waist, he pulled her shirt up and over her head. Then leaning down he kissed her beautiful skin, leaving her to toss her head back and purr out his name. God they could feel each others bodies set in the liquid fire of their sensual souls. Too long their touch forgotten by the tragic events of their lives.

Laying her down, Adam traced his fingertips along her jeans, unclipping the button, exposing her black laced panties, watching as Maddy was writhering in his arms. And as she felt the heat of his hand, she raised her hips in greed, wanting nothing more then to feel, feel the pleasure, the caress, the strokes that burned her within.

Laying himself beside her, he pulled her on top of his body, begging her without words to take all she needed from him, to help her forget, to help her feed what they both needed. Rocking herself upon him, they could both feel their soul build, build to bring forth the burning desires of their love.

Nearing the edge, Maddy lost control, as the tears poured from her eyes, as the pain hit her hard, they came together in their hurt. Wrapping her tighter, Adam whispered her name over and over, reassuring her that he was right there with her. And as they both fell silent, as the passionate storm came to its end. Little did they know, that Maddy had conceived their first child.

A child that would come to be known as Adam Gregory Ross.

In the other room Lindsay was comforting Gray. Holding him tightly while he cried, Lindsay wasn't sure how to hep his pain. All she knew was that he had held it in since the shooting happened. To worried about his mother to allow himself release from his pain.

Once Lindsay heard his cries become silent, she raised his face and looked into his tear filled eyes. Kissing each lid, then his cheek, till she reached his lips. Then allowing her tongue to dance with his, she slowly, cautiously took them both into new sensual exploration.

Feeling the changes in his body begin, Gray wrapped his fingers tightly in her hair, pulling her in closer, grinding their bodies against each other.

Lindsay could feel herself respond to each and stroke Gray was giving her. Everything felt so natural, so alive. There was no fear, no unsureness between them.

Then at the last second Gray stopped.

"Gray... what's the matter? I just can't do it Lindsay, not like this. Not while my brothers death is weighing on my every thought. When I love you, I want it to be our special time. A time that is filled with just our souls, our love and passion. Not with hurt and pain. I love you Lindsay, and I do plan on loving you. I promise you that much. It's just at this time it's not fair to either one of us."

Laying her down in his arms, they held each other close through the night.
Can.. can I have a tank of water please..? *Swallows a glass and the water*. *Nods* Even if it's for awhile, it's enough. I'm sure Maddy will learn to let it go day by day with Adam and Grayson by her side, supporting her, giving her strength/fortitude that enables courage in the face of adversity and telling her that everything is going to be alright. I can't help but to squeeeee!! *Jumps around* :lol: They're going to have a child to love, to hold. God has grant them something special. Though Gregory has gone to somewhere he shall rest in peace, he'll always remain in their hearts every second. Grayson and Lindsay :adore:.. As much as I love them, I really hope that they're ready to go through the line that has been drawn long ago, the consequences that need to be face in the future.
Adam and Maddy were so sweet, yet so hot at the same time. :D

Gray and Linds- I'm glad Gray stopped when he did. He's right it wouldn't be fair to either of them.

I love how Maddy wanted comfort from Adam and Gray stopped Linds from giving him the same kind of comfort because he thought it wasn't the right time.

great chapter.
One month later...

With the death of Gregory behind them, Maddy, Gray and Adam knew it was time to move on. They had decided to bury li'l Greg beside his father so he would have someone to hold him when he became scared.

Meanwhile for Michelle she had been home for almost two weeks now. Though most nights she still woke up from her ordeal in the Hospital. Mac had concerns, but he also knew with time and love she'd forget.

So now we move on to a new Chapter in the life of the
Taylor's/Delko's/Flack/Messer and soon to be Ross. In this Chapter we will see Adam ask Maddy to become his wife. But... on the day of the wedding, tragedy will strike for a few of our couples. Which ones? You'll have to wait and see.

The Taylor Home

"Mom... did you need me for anything today? If not I'd like to go see Lindsay." Trying to get out of bed Maddy felt the wave of nausea. "Mom... did you hear me?" "I did Gray. You can go, I'll be fine I have plans with Adam today." "Okay mom, I love you." "I love you too Grayson."

Finally feeling balanced again, she ran the shower and stepped in. God it felt good as the spray hit her back. After washing her hair, she dried, perfumed, and dressed for her day with Adam. Heading downstairs she felt the nausea hit her again.

"Sweetheart... you okay?" "I'm fine dad, no worries. Just a little tired this morning." "Are you sure love?" "I'm positive dad, don't worry." "Alright, your mom has coffee on." "I think I'll pass this morning." Hearing the knock on the door, she knew it was Adam.

"Morning Maddy... you ready to go?" "Mhmm... right after I get your kiss?" Blushing cause Mac was watching, Adam softly kissed her lips. "Good job Adam. Sweetheart, have fun." "Thanks dad... I'll see you later." Closing the door, Maddy felt the dizziness hit her full force. Seeing her sway Adam caught her in his arms.

"Maddy... are you okay? You look awful pale. Or do I make you faint?" He winked. "Such as naughty boy Adam Ross, and a lady never tells." Feeling steady again he helped her to the car.


With this being the first week-end of the new month, the girls had no plans. So they decided to switch their rooms around. Problem was they couldn't figure out how to get the beds moved.

"Come on Sara... just detach the canopy, then it will fit through the door." "I'm trying Sharon, it won't fit. Go get daddy." "No way... you go get daddy. He's so grouchy with everyone, even with mom. I really don't know what the hell is up his butt." Sara was flailing her arms, trying to tell her sister their dad was behind her.

"What are you doing Sara, it's true you know. Daddy is so...." Turning she seen her dad standing behind her. "So what Sharon?" "So handsom daddy. Now if you could find it in your heart to help us move our beds, that would be nice." "Well gee Sharon... maybe I should pull hell out of my butt first."
Sara giggled. "That's funny dad. See... this is what we miss. Your humor."

"I'll give you girls humor." Grabbing his daughters in his arms, he tackled them tickling their sides. Seeing their sisters having fun with daddy, they decided to get in the action too. Soon Eric had his whole six pack wrapped in his embrace, as they attacked him.

Walking up the stairs with li'l Eric, Mack laughed. "Oh my... this is something I haven't seen in ages. Daddy with his beautiful girls." Pulling himself up into a sitting position he pulled his wife and son down with them. "Now this is where we all belong. Wrapped in each other arms, and love."

"Awwwwwww.... daddy. We love you too." Smothering him in more kisses, they finally let him up. "Alright girls, let's get those rooms done, then we will go out for lunch."

Once they had all the beds moved, they started unpacking things while Eric went in search of his wife, who had left him behind. Walking into their room, he found her alseep on the bed. Quietly walking up he covered her mouth with his hand, leaned down and whispered...

"Don't move... don't try and scream. I promise I'll make you love me."

Mackenzie could feel her body begin to respond from her husbands heated breath. Laying her over on her tummy, he covered her from head to toe. Then talking his moist hot tongue he caressed the nape of her neck, while his fingertips brushed up and down her arms.

"I can feel your flesh raise to my touch Mackenzie... I can feel your body raise to reach mine, begging me without words to bring our souls back to what has long been forgotten. "Please Eric... she cried. I can't take anymore. I need to feel you touch me." Sliding his hands down her thighs, he rested them under her tummy and the bed.

Then sliding them lower, he touched her, causing her to burn in fire, as her hips raised to meet his, as her back, thrashed against his chest. so lost in the passion of clothes on clothes. So erotic, so tempting not being able to actually touch the flesh. But just to be able to tease, and taunt through the fabric.

"Ehemm... umm... we are done our rooms but I guess lunch is cancelled?" Laughed the girls. "Oh... erm... just give us a minute kids. Get your coats on." "Coats?? Mom... this is Miami."

Once they were out of earshot Mackenzie whispered... "Eric... I'm right on the edge here. There's no way I can move." Unclipping her jeans, he gave his wife what she needed. Then getting himself up, Eric ran downstairs leaving her to change.

"Shake your butt Mack... or we leave without ya." "I'm coming, I'm coming." Sara, Shannon, and Sharon laughed. "Just what's so funny?" "Nothing dad... nothing at all."

Heading outside the girls and li'l Eric waited in the car.
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why are you always mean to them? lol

They will eventually get closer together as one family. :) I think we have to go through the hard times before it comes to happy ending. And we have the perfect climax in each and every storyline. :) This chapter is full of humor, with all the teasings. I'm happy for the family, Adam and Maddy, the delkos, finally they had time for each other, finally they went through another hurdles that keep their wounds opened and hurt. Adam being more and more naughty to the side of Taylor's is adorable and cute. I'd love to see more of that but I also love to read the "Ummm.. errr" -s from him. :) Tragedy strikes? I'm looking forward to that. :adore:
When they arrived at the Cafe on the beach. Sharon seen Maddy and Adam.

"Mom... it's Maddy and Adam. Let's go say hi." Walking over to their blanket Maddy smiled. "Hey sis. What brings you here?" "We brought the girls for lunch. How you feeling?" "Alright. Adam and I thought we'd tried the broiled trout, it's actually great. I had two pieces." "Huh... Maddy you hate fish. Ever since you were a kid."

"I know. But this is different. You have to taste this." Taking a bite of her sisters trout she had to agree. But still... Maddy hated fish. Helping with the blanket, Mackenzie continued to watch her sister eat. "What's the matter Mack?" "I don't know yet. But my sister hates fish. She can't even stand the smell of it, yet she's eating it for the first time in years."

"Hmm... I'm sure you'll figure it out." "Mom... there's Tristan and the boys, can we invite them over?" "Not today. This is our day together remember, I'm not sure when the next time we'd be able to get daddy alone to ourselves." "Can we say hi at least?" "Sure... but hurry back." "Mama... I's hungry." "Okay Eric... daddy will get you some french fries."

While Eric left to get their lunch Mackenzie seen her sister eat her third piece of fish. "Alright Adam... what did you do with my sister? Are you cloning in your lab again?" Blushing he said... erhm... hmm... no. "I can honestly tell you there could never be another Maddy. For perfection like hers is one of a kind."

"Aww... damn Maddy. Move over, I want Adam." Eric reached over and wrapped his wife in his arms while scolding Adam. "Cool it Ross... you're making us married men look bad." Laughing Eric turned and seen his son mucking in the ketchup. "Ahh... no, no Eric. Here... give to daddy." Eric screamed. He didn't want daddy helping him, he wanted to do it himself.

"Hey... shh... come here Eric."

Taking her son in her arms, she passed him a french fry with some ketchup on it. While Maddy watched she teared up. Not wanting her sister to see her upset, she leaned her face into Adam's shoulder. Kissing her hair, he said...

"We're going to get going Mackenzie. We'll see you all later." "Oh... okay. Love you sis." "I love you too Mack. Bye Eric. See ya girls." "Bye auntie, by Adam." Once Maddy left Sara asked... "how come aunt Maddy was crying?" "She's still a little upset. She'll be fine. Adam will help her through the pain."


Natalia decided to take Kat to see her aunt. Putting on her coat Danny stopped her.

"Hey... where are you two sneaking off too?" "I'm just heading over to see Anya. She thinks her and Michael are pregnant again." "Christ... you're kidding right? Michael never meantioned it." "Well... that's most likely cause he doesn't know, and you can't tell him."

"Ouch... how long has she known?" "She doesn't know for sure yet. She's waiting till she finds out. Right now her main concern, is finding out if the medication she's on is going to hurt the baby." "What's she going to do if it does?" "I'm not sure. That's one of our major concerns. Without that medication she'll fall back, and that could be dangerous not only to Caroline and Tyler, but to Michael as well."

"Jesus... not to mention how unstable she'll be at the wedding." "Wedding? What wedding Danny?" "Oh... erhm... hmm... I gotta go." Kissing his wife and Kat on the lips, he took off out the door. "Hold it Danny... I need a ride with Kat."

Grabbing his daughter, he raced to the Hummer.

Once they were on their way, Nat asked again... "Tell me Danny. Who's wedding?" "You never mind Nat. When the time comes you'll know."

Reaching her hand over, she gripped his thigh. "Oww... come on Nat... that hurts." "It's going to hurt more if you don't tell me." Pulling up in front of Michael and Anya's Danny unbuckled his daughter and walked her up to the door. Passing her to Nat, he took off.

"We'll talk about it tonight Danny. You're not getting off that easy."

Pulling out he honked the horn and waved.

Walking into her sisters place she found her on the couch.

"Anya... get up, you have that doctors appointment." "I don't care, I'm not going." Looking at her sister she could see she was coming down off her medication. "Anya... did you take your meds today?" "No... I don't want to hurt the baby." "I know that Anya. But you need to take your meds." Passing her sister the pills, she threw them. "I said I don't want them. Now let's go."

Nat knew this wasn't going to be good. With her sister off her medication, she was very unpredictable. When they arrived at the doctors, Anya checked in.

"Anya Taylor... if you'll come with me please." Getting up she walked into the room with her sister and niece. "Alright Anya... first thing I need is a urnine sample, then we'll do your weight, blood pressure, and internal." When Anya was finished, she returned to the room to await her results.

"Are you excited for me sis?" "If you are then I am Anya. If your not that's okay too." "Oh but I know I am. I have the tenderness, and I've missed my monthly the last two months." As much as Nat understood that. She also remembered being told by Anya's doctors that this medication may cause changes in her levels.

Hearing the door open, Nat seen the doctor walk in. "Good afternoon Anya, how are you doing today?" "I'm fine, excited really. Do you have my results?" "I do... I'm sorry to tell you that the results were negative Anya. You're not pregnant." "No... no that can't be right. I've skipped my monthly's, my breasts have been tender. I have to be."

"I wish I had more exciting news for you Anya. But I don't. As I told you before with the medication you are on, it can cause changes in your system." "Well I don't believe you. I should know if I am or not. It's my God damn body." Looking at Nat he asked... "did she take her medication today?"

"Don't ask your damn questions to her, ask me. And for your information. No... I haven't taken them for the last two days." "Listen Anya... you need to get back on that medication. Let me give you a couple pills here, then when you get home , you can get back on schedule." As the doctor left to get the medication Anya looked towards her sister and niece.

"This isn't fair Nat. You have another baby. What do I have? Nothing. Sometimes I hate you." Nat tried not to cry. She understood it was her sisters withdrawl from her meds that were causing her outbursts. But still... it hurt all the same.

"Okay Anya, if you can swallow these for me." Taking the meds, Anya slid them under her tongue. "Again I'm sorry Anya. But there's no reason why you can't keep trying. I'll see you in four weeks for a follow up."

Getting up, walking out the door, Anya spit the pills on the sidewalk.
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