CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Slapped? I guess that's the only way to stop someone from talking or maybe a punch.. :rolleyes: :lol:

no win win situation in acts of violence like this
*Hands up* I totally agree with this! All they could do was having a big wide wound to be patched up together and sticked permanently with a plaster that will remain, not to be opened anymore. What's the point of blaming oneself right now. Hmm? There's more things need to be done like what Eric said, "Move on". A person can't predict what's going to be happening in the future, what's going to happen tomorrow or today in the next second. Who would have thought this event would happen? :) Well, I'm proud of Grayson, matured and knows how to think for others.
Thanks for the reviews.:)

Meanwhile Grayson was searching everywhere for Adam. Checking his home he found it dark and empty. Running down to the beach, he seen him sitting along the shore.

"Adam... Adam..." Turning to face Gray, he could see his tears.

"Aww... Adam... it's not your fault. Please don't think that. Mom is just very upset right now. She's not thinking straight. Please don't leave us. We are going to need you. We have no one left but you. We love you Adam, please... just try and understand."

Collapsing in Adam's arms, Gray cried. Cried for the loss of his brother, cried for the pain his soul and his mothers was going through. But most of all for Adam, who must be feeling so much angst and hurt, from his mothers painful words.

Wrapping his arms around Gray, he just held him.

"I'm sorry Gray... sorry that you and your mom have lost so much. First your dad, and now your brother." "I know that Adam... I really do. But you need to understand it wasn't your fault. I would never blame you, either does mom. She's just really hurting right now, she's not thinking straight. I need you both to stop blaming yourselves and each other."

"I wish I could Gray... I do. I just don't see it any other way." "Adam, think about it. You didn't kill David. He rolled onto that knife. God can't you understand it was a series of events gone terribly wrong. Just promise you won't leave us. Promise you'll help me, help my mom heal. Promise me Adam. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose another dad. I love you Adam."

Adam's caress froze. Never once did he think that Gray concidered him like a father. God... he didn't deserve it, not after what had happened to Gregory today. Still holding each other tight, Adam whispered...

"I love you to Grayson. You and your mom." With no more words between them, they stayed like that till the night sky glowed over Miami.

Back at the house, Maddy was finally coming around.

"Where's Gray? Where's my son?" "He went to look for Adam Maddy. He hasn't come home yet." "What? What if he's in trouble? What if something happened to him? You have to find him daddy, find my only child I have left." "Okay Maddy, just calm down. I'll find him."

As Mac put on his coat, Gray walked in with Adam. Stella and Mac watched, they knew it would go one of two ways. Either Maddy would slap Adam again, or she'd apologize. Both of them hoped it would be the second.

Looking at each other, then at her son. She could see how much Gray loved Adam. She also knew that it wasn't Adam's fault Gregory was killed. It was no one fault except that bastard shooter.

Feeling her tears begin to flow, as she watched Adam with her son, she ran into his arms and apologized over and over, until all that remaind in Adam's mind and heart was Maddy and Gray's unconditional love.

Later that evening when Eric, Mackenzie and the girls got home. Eric paid the sitter.

"Dad... do we have to go too school tomorrow?" "No... it's fine for you all to stay home. I think it would be a good idea for everyone to visit Maddy tomorrow. She's going to need all the support she and Gray can get."

"I'll be right back Eric... I'm going to check on Eric." Walking into Eric's room Claire found him awake. "Hey there little monkey. What are you still doing up?" "Juice mama... I have juice?" "Of course you can. Picking him up she carried him downstairs.

"Daddy... up daddy. I have juice?" Of course you can. Was he still up Mack?" "He was. I'm not sure why the sitter put him down." "Hmm... maybe she thought he was tired." Walking into the living room the girls noticed the blankets on the couch were out of place, and their were two glasses instead of one.

"Daddy... do you know why the blankets been moved, and there are two cups on the good coffee table?" "No... there shouldn't be anything on your mothers table." "Well there is. Two glasses daddy, and the blankets been moved." Smelling the cups, Eric noticed the scent of alcohol.

"Eric... what's the matter now?" "I think I know why Christina put Eric to bed." "Why hon?" "Cause she had her boyfriend over. She's fired Mack. I don't want her back in this house. She's supposed to be watching Eric... not drinking." "Alright Eric, I'll talk with her in the morning."

Meanwhile Lea had finished her shift and stopped in to see Michelle before heading home with MJ.

"Hey Michelle... how are you feeling sweetie?" "Better, I just wish I didn't have to stay here alone tonight." "Aww... did you talk to your dad sweetie? Maybe he'll come back." "I don't want to bother mom and dad. They have enough with Maddy." "I know sweetheart. It broke my heart when I heard. But I'm sure your dad will understand."

"No... Maddy needs him more. I'll be okay," she said with tears. Giving her kisses Lea and MJ headed home. Laying her head on her pillow she softly cried. Michelle hated being along in the Hospital. She just didn't like it.
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Wow! I loved the Adam and Family stuff just great....and I loved the ending too, I just hope mac realises how she feels soon :)
Aww at the Adam and Gray scene. Loved Gray saying that Adam was like a father to him. Glad Maddy is no longer blaming Adam.

If that babysitter is under 21 and drinking in the home of a member of law enforcement, she's not thinking very well. :lol:

Poor little Michelle. :hugs her:
what do you mean about Mac realizing how she feels? Sorry, my brain is blank for some reason.

Mel, I think Natty was referring to Mackenzie and her decision whether or not to have another child. Eric doesn't want another one right now, but Mackenzie does... or did.
Poor Michelle.. I understand what she felt. Hmm, I hope she doesn't feel left out after all. I think it's better for her to tell her father about it. He wouldn't mind at all if Michelle were to recover and heal at home. Aw.. The beginning of the chapter made me smile and it's unstoppable. I'm happy for them. They had sort it out together. And all they had went through were pains and wounds to be healed. This incident shall pulls them closer together. Get them to realise what's most important and here, we get a value. Cherish and appreciate what's in front of us.

I just hope mac realises how she feels soon :)

Heee.. Mel, I thought she was refering to Michelle being alone in the hospital. :) Or was it what GNRFan said?
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yeah which one is it?

I think Eric should go along with her already lol Or why don't they just adopt? They could get one that's old enough not to cry and need changing and maybe then they'd both be happy.
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I just hope mac realises how she feels soon :)

Heee.. Mel, I thought she was refering to Michelle being alone in the hospital. :) Or was it what GNRFan said?

No, you're right, Asprine. I was tired last night apparently and not paying attention to what I wrote. :lol: Sorry for the confusion. :D

I think Eric should go along with her already lol Or why don't they just adopt? They could get one that's old enough not to cry and need changing and maybe then they'd both be happy.

I think Mackenzine wanted a baby cause she missed when her kids were little. She thinks little Eric is getting so big now and she wants another little one. She's starting to get a case of the empty nest syndrome before the nest is even empty. :lol:
Heee.. Mel, I thought she was refering to Michelle being alone in the hospital. :) Or was it what GNRFan said?
Sorry guys, thought i should settle it lol, Asprine's right I did mean Michelle, sorry for the confusion Mel *remember not to post at 3am again*
When MJ and Leanne got in the door they noticed the silence.

"Where is everyone MJ?" "I'm not sure Lea. I'll check in the den." Walking into the den he found it dark and quiet. "I guess they're all in bed. I really wish I knew how Maddy was doing?" "I"m sure she's fine MJ, else your family would still be awake." "I guess. though I should wake my grandfather, and let him know about Michelle."

While Lea headed into bed, MJ headed upstairs and shook his grandfather awake. "Papa... wake up, wake up papa." "Hmm... what is it MJ." "Two things. One... how's Maddy and Gray? The other is Michelle. She's terrified that we left her alone. I told her to call you and you'd come back but she said Maddy needed you more."

"Maddy and Gray are doing better. They both went to Adam's for the night. They have alot of healing to do. I'll get dressed and head back to the Hospital." "Okay papa, night." "Goodnight son." Getting up and dressed Mac woke his wife.

"Stel... Stella wake up love." "Hmm... what is it Mac? Is it Maddy?" "No love. I need to go back too the Hospital. MJ just informed me that Michelle is scared of being alone." "Aww... okay hon. Drive careful." "I will Stel. I love you." Giving her a sweet kiss, he left.

Back at the Delko's Mackenzie finally had the girls and li'l Eric watching a movie in the den. Walking back to the living room, she could see her husbands anger.

"Eric... did you want to talk about it?" "There's nothing to talk about, she's fired." "I understand that Eric... but I don't like you when your angry." Reaching for his wife's hand, he caressed it.

"I just don't understand her at all. She's barely sixteen. What the hell is she doing drinking, and in our home of all places. Who knows what the hell I'd find on that blanket if I looked. She's a God damn minor. If I was smart I'd walk over there and give her parents a warning."

"Just let it go Eric. I said I'd fire her. So let it drop." "Why Mack? Her parents need to know?" "Oh for Christ sakes Eric. Are you trying to get us all killed? Why is it everytime you think to do something, it back fires harming one of our own." "Whoa... hold it. Are you blaming me for little Greg's death?"

"Nooo... never that. I"m just making a point. It seems everytime we try and do the right thing by others, we end up getting our own hurt, stalked or killed." "Stop it... stop it both of you. We can hear you all the way in the den. Stop fighting... haven't we all lost enough? You're scaring us, what's next... divorce." Running from the room Sharon, and the girls took their brother upstairs.

Sighing deep Eric knew she was right. It did seem that their family had a bad aura over them right now. "I guess you're right Mack. We'll let it go, but she's still fired."

"Yes... that I promise to do. I'll also give her heads up that I'm informing the other mothers about her drinking." Getting up to check on his children, Eric said... "Good. Cause the last thing we need is another child dead at the hands of a psycho." Mackenzie watched Eric walk away, all the while thinking..."that was a little harsh, wasn't it?"

Meanwhile Michelle was pulling at her IV tube when the nurse walked in. "Michelle? What are you doing there?" Trying to hide her hand under the blanket the nurse pulled it out. "Look at this... look what you've done to your hand Michelle. Now I have to start a new line.

Once the nurse removed the old IV line, she covered it with gauze.

"Alright Michelle, I"m going to start a new one now." Michelle wouldn't let her start the second IV. "No... I don't want it. I want to go home."

Trying to get up from the bed, the nurse held her down ,while pushing the call button. "Let me go... let me gooo...help me...noooooooo." As the other nurse came running, she seen the young girl struggling and screaming at the nurse. "Help me hold her, before she tears her sutures."
Grabbing her other arm, they carefully secured Michelle to the bed. When Mac walked in.

"What the hell are you doing to my daughter? "I"m sorry Mr.Taylor, she was very upset, she tried to pull out her IV. I tried to start another line, but she panicked and screamed. We had no choice but to secure her."

"Get the hell away from her now. And I want both your names." As the nurses let go, Michelle secured herself in her fathers arms, shaking and shivering with fright.

"Daddy...daddy...I want to go home. I want to go home daddy. I hate it here. I hate it."

Mac knew there was no way he could take her home. Not while she had that infection, plus her surgery was less then twelve hours ago. Rocking her back and forth, Mac ordered the nurse to grab his daughter a warm blanket.

"It's okay baby... it's okay. Daddy has you Michelle. daddy has you and won't let go. Shh... calm down love, just listen to daddy's voice. Listen to daddy tell you how much he loves you... how safe and secure you are in my arms. Can you hear me Michelle. Can you feel daddy protecting you."

Once they had Michelle wrapped up and warm in her fathers arms, he allowed them to start another IV line.

"We are really sorry Mr.Taylor. We in no way meant to hurt or scare her. We're not mean like that. I hope you and your daughter can understand that. I've left you our names, and the name of our supervisor."

When the nurses left the room, Mac placed his daughter on the bed.

Climbing in with her, he pulled her right up against his heart, and began singing to her like he did when she was little. Looking down he found her sound asleep. Closing his own eyes he finally broke.

God... it has been a hell of a year. And this new year just isn't looking any better. Why are you doing this to us? why?" Mac knew God wasn't going to answer him. But he had to try all the same.
Mac knew God wasn't going to answer him. But he had to try all the same.

Someday, somewhere, God will answer him 'cause he asked with all his heart and the quality or state of being sincere. :) I always laugh when Mac raises his voice, poor nurse and Michelle, I hope Mac wouldn't keep it in his heart.. Hmm, I'm glad that MJ as a big brother or nephew did his best in preventing the family from being down and falling apart. People say, "There have to be lost then there's realization". It means, one only knows how to appreciate when they lost it. The best is yet to come? :adore:

About Mackenzie and Eric, they'll come to that someday. They can't avoid the question for all the time. :) Even if they don't, will Mackenzie ever get over it after a while?
get her better already!

All of it needs to get better lol

Couldn't she get meds at home for the sickness?
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