CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Ho,ho,ho...cometh the families:lol:

"Mac...what time is everyone coming? Michelle...are the rooms all set up?"

"Relax mom, Maddy, our cousins, MJ and Leanne, have it all under control. I spoke to Uncle Danny and he said his family will be arriving in the next two hours, Uncle Flacks in the next three to four hours."

"Oh God...let's go over the list once more. Who's all coming?"

"Geez mom...you ready? We have, Michael, Anya, Caroline, Tyler, Danny, Lindsay,Natalia, Katerina, Mackenzie, Eric, Eric jr, Sara, Sharon, Shannon, Selina, Serina, Sasha,Don, Jess, Marie, Jenson, Jake, Danny Jr, Karen, Daina, Dominique, Thomas, James, Peter, Lily, Jillian, MJ, Leanne, Maddy, Adam, Grayson, Gregory, Sheldon, Alex, Sheldon Jr, Toby, Tyson, myself, you, dad, Sid and his wife. So don't worry mom, I'm sure the nut house has enough straight jackets to spare after Christmas."

"You know Michelle, sometimes I wish...."

"I know...sometimes you wished we stayed small. Now I have lots of other things to do before the nuts arrive."

"Hey nana...where do you want all the mistletoe?"

"Umm...some at the front door, some hanging over the den, and some in the living room. Leanne...can you and Grayson bring out the desserts, and sandwiches?"

"Sure...we're right on it. Let's go Gray."

"MJ...have you seen your grandfather?"


"Spill it MJ?"

"He said he's hiding out in the garage till everyone arrives."

"Oh really...we'll just see about that."

Storming out of the house into the garage Stella found him sitting with a cup of coffee in his hand.


"Hi love...I was...umm...I was...hmm."

"Don't hmm me Taylor. Get your butt into that house now. You will meet the troops, just like the rest of us have too."

Walking away Mac snuck up behind her and grabbed her around the waist.

"Shh...listen love. How about you and I hang out in here for Christmas. We can make love on the car, the workbench, the warm ground."

Stella laughed...leave it to Mac and his sinister ideas to heat up a rather hot day.

"No...now behave and get into the house."

Caressing his hand up her thigh he felt her shiver.

"Now tell me again love?"

Reaching over she grabbed the remote, pushed the button, closing them both in. Leaving the soon to be arriving families on their own.

Over at the Airport Don and Danny had rented two vans.

"Damn Don...this is going to be one large family Christmas. This is the first years the kids have decided to fly down."

"I know. One good thing. All three flights arrive half an hour apart. So you can take the first set, and I'll take the next set."

"Hah...poor Mac and Stella. Can you imagine. We actually have to cook two of the turkeys at our house, two at yours, two at Mackenzie's and two at the Taylor's."

"Yeah...at least this year the girls are doing the potatoes. Can you imagine, three fifty pound bags of potatoes. The cashier thought we were insane, I mean she almost passed out when we told her the size of the family."

Still snickering away, they waited for the flights to arrive.
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Back at the Taylor's

"Alright...where did mom and disappear too now?" "I think they're still in the garage, where you sent them MJ." "Oh yeah...well it shouldn't take them this long. I'll go find them." Walking out to the garage he could hear loud sighs, and pants.

"Hey kids...you have till the count of three to get yourselves dressed, before I open this garage door wide for all of Miami to see. One...two...three..." Opening the door he found them fully dressed. "Tsk, tsk, and to think you two are supposed to be the mature ones."

Honk, honk. "Oh God...they're here." Running out to greet them all Stella noticed they were all dressed in long sleeved pants and shirts. "Geez Auntie...you could have told us how hot it was out here." "Ooohh...little Danny, look at you...and your kids. You must be Karen, and you're Daina."

"Close Aunt Stella. I'm Daina, she's Karen." "Okay...I'll have to remember that. There are way to many twins and triplets in this family. Aww..
Dominque and Thomas...James, Peter, Lilly and Jillian...you've all grown so big."

"Hi Auntie. We've missed you." "Good...now come over here and let me hug you all." Once everyone had hugged and gotten reaquainted. They were shown to their rooms so they could change. "Don...where's Marie ,Jenson and Jake, Sid and his wife?" "They're with Danny. They should be here shortly."

With the first set of troops in the house getting changed. Everyone waited downstairs to be introduced to family they didn't know. "Alright guys...I have name tags with your name on them, and your parents names. This way everyone knows who is who."

"Well that is smart of you Auntie. Good idea." "Thanks Lillian. So come get your tags and put them on." "Now do we have to wear these everyday? Even when we go out?" "Of course not Karen. Once we all get to know each other, then we won't need the tags."

"That's good. I'd hate to be shown around Miami with a name tag, it screams tourist." "Who said you'd be going out young lady?" "Come on Daddy, this is our first time in Miami...you have to let us go out. "Yeah Uncle Dominque...let them live a little." "I see you're still the saucy one Michael."

MJ laughed. Poor Dominque didn't even realize he was addressing the son. "I'm not Michael...I'm MJ, his son." "Good Lord...you're a damn beast. Look at the size of you boy. I thought for sure you were your dad." "Mmm...he is handsom...so is he my real cousin daddy?" "Forget it Karen...he's to old for you." "No way...he's my age. So tell me MJ are you single?"

"Sorry Karen...this is my lovely lady Leanne." "Aww...sucks to be me. Okay...who's next?" "Karen behave." "Sorry daddy. It's the Miami heat. It does things to me." "Hello everyone we're finally here." "Oh...oh my...oh Sid...Sid...I've missed you so much."

Jumping into his arms Stella almost knocked him over. "Hello to you too Stella." "Oh I've missed you so much Sid, look at you, and where is the lovely wife?" "She's bringing in the rest of the gifts with Danny." "Aww...and Marie...hi sweetheart. You've grown so big, and look at your babies. Hello Jenson and Jake...how do you like Miami so far?"

Shrugging they clung to Marie. "They're shy Aunt Stella. Give them time." "So where is Mac Stella?" "He's hiding in the den Sid. Why don't you get him out here." Walking into the den Sid crept up behind him. "You have to be quieter then that Sid...how the hell are you?" Getting up Mac embrassed him in his arms.

"I'm great Mac...where's Sheldon?" "He'll be here shortly. So have you met the rest of the family?" "Most of them...see our name tags. Where's yours?" "I hid mine Sid...shhh...don't tell Stella." Walking out of the den all Danny's boys stood in shock. For here was Mac, Michael, and MJ. All the same height, build and looks. "Good God...as if one Uncle Mac wasn't enough...we have to be reminded of three."

Embrassing Danny Jr in his arms they teared up. "I've missed you kiddo?" "I know Uncle...I've missed you too." Mac was closet to Danny Jr, he had needed alot of help getting through his mothers death, bringing him and Mac very, very close.

"Daaaaaaaaaaad....we're here." Everyone in the house covered their ears as Mackenzie and her troops came through the door. "Holy mother...damn Mackenzie...you've been a busy girl. Look at all these little brats." "Danny Jr..." Running into his arms he caught her in mid air. "God I've missed you." "Listen Mackie baby...you'd have no cause to miss me if you married me when you had the chance."

Eric looked Danny Jr up and down, as Mac tried not to laugh. "Hey Mac...what's that look for?" asked Sid. "Danny Jr and Mackenzie share a past. A very long past. Alright you two break it up." "Sorry daddy. Anyways...this is my husband Eric, and all our children. Sara, Shannon, Sharon, Selina, Serina, Sasha and Eric Jr."

"Wow...now I remember why I didn't marry you. You were to wild for me." "Enough kids...everyone who doesn't have a name tag, grab one please."

Hearing the knock at the door Maddy answered it. "Hey hon...come on in." Kissing Maddy sweetly he noticed Sid. "Sid...oh wow...err...you made it." "We did Adam. Look at you...do you miss New York?" "To be honest...no. I love it here."

"Ho, ho, ho...the Sheldon and the troops are here. "God damn...tell me I'm not dreaming. Sid...God damn Sid." Slapping each other on the back Mac was surprised they didn't throw up their lungs. "Oh...this is so wonderful...everyone is here."

Wrapping his teary wife in his arms, he kissed her sweetly. "this is what family is all about love. Togetherness and love. It's going to be another wonderful year in the Taylor home. Stella couldn't agree more.
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With everyone unpacked, changed, and enjoying lunch. Stella said..."Alright guys. Let's take this opportunity to introduce ourselves. Each of us will give a little detail of ourselves. Who wants to start?"

No one said a word. They just continued to eat. "Fine...I'll start, and we'll go counter clockwise. "I'm Auntie Stella, mom, nana, or just Stella." "I'm Mac, Uncle Mac, daddy, papa." "I'm Michael, this is my wife Anya, my daughter Caroline, my son Tyler. The oldest one will introduce himself."

"Hi...I'm Michael Jr. You can call me MJ, and this is my lovely lady Leanne, you can call her Lea. "I'm Michelle, I belong to Mac and Stella. "I'm Mackenize, this is Eric my husband, my daughters...Sara, Shannon, Sharon, Selina, Sarina, Sasha, and our son Eric Jr."

"I'm Maddy or Madison, these are my sons Grayson and Gregory." "I'm Adam, I'm Maddy's boyfriend, also Mac and Stella's friend." "Family Adam." "Oh...umm...sorry Stella." "Hi...I'm Danny Sr, this is my wife Natalia, my daughter Lindsay, and new daughter Katerina." "Hi...I"m Danny Jr, these are my daughters Karen, and Daina." "Hi...I'm Dominique, this is my son Thomas."

"Hi...I'm James, these are my two daughters Lilly, Jillian and my son Peter." "Hi...I'm Marie daughter of Don and Jess, and these are my sons Jenson and Jake. "I'm Don, and this is my wife Jess." "Hi...I'm Sid, and this is my wife Grace. "Hi..I'm Sheldon and this is my wife Jimeka, our children Jordan and Jerome."

"Wow...are we missing anybody?" "No love...we are done." "Great...then let's finish up lunch and we will split up in groups, and show you Miami." As Mac and Stella discussed the groups the kids began arguing. "No way Sara...you just want to be in with Peter and Thomas." "Me...I'm not the one that's boy crazy, you are." "No I'm not...you are."

"Girls...enough." "Sorry papa." "Alright...groups are as follows. "Michael and Anya, your group consists of Caroline, Tyler, Dominque and Thomas. "Danny and Natalia...you have Lindsay, Katerina, Danny Jr, Karen and Daina." "Don and Jess...you have Marie, Jenson, Jake. Mackeize and Eric, you have your four youngest. Sheldon... Jimeka you have James, Peter, Lillian and Jillian, Jordan and Jerome."

"Stella and I will take Sid, Grace, Maddy, Grayson, Gregory and Adam." "MJ and Leanne...you take Sara, Shannon and Sharon. It's good practice for you two, it will make you think twice about...." "Paaapa...." "Sorry son. Are we all ready? Then let's head out. Remember we have 46 of us in total, so let's come back with 46. Now troops...Heeeeead out"
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Post #227
:eek::eek::eek::eek: That is soooooo sooooo and extra many people. :lol: I'm looking forward to how I'm going to cope with the names. I don't have a good memory, need to eat alot of fish oil. *Sighs* Both of them is soooo not tired. Never did they stop having effect on each other. :adore: They are alone in the garage with Mac's naughty idea. :devil: I'm afraid that if I imagines I'll melt soon. I wonder if the family will find out where they were. :lol: Seriously, that would be an unforgettable Christmas for the family. Hmm.. That's a lot of potatoes! What are they making besides turkey? I wanted to eat. Yummy! :lol:

Post #229
Okay... I'm catching up, need to revise the first page though. You're great, Linda! :thumbsup: Karen is very funny. She cracked me up. So does Sid, I bet he should be a great great grand father already. I'm very bad. Why Mac is so scared to meet the family? Doesn't he want to meet the kids and grand children? I think MJ, Michael and Mac looks the same? The resemblance between them sure will make a mistake and I'm glad that they had nametags on them. As they were more than 40 there? I couldn't imagine what a crowd would there be. It's really getting more and more interesting.

Post #231
Oh... Thank you sooo much, Linda. I'm getting better in the names after reading this chapter. *Rolls on floor laughing*. They had a great moment. As Sara and Shannon starts to argue again. Are they going to be any incidents happening during their outing? I hope not. ;) Well, I thought they were going to queue up two by two in 46 and walk out together. I'm glad that split up though, it's going to be easier and more convenient. Hmm.. Where are they going?
so many kids!! how do u keep them all straight? lol!
I keep them all written down In order :lol:eek:therwise I'd be lost too.;)

As they walked down the streets of Miami, Karen kept complaining. "Aww...come on...Uncle Mac...you said we wouldn't have to wear the name tags?" "You don't love. When you are out with the kids. But this is your first day here. Alot of the others don't know you, so humor your Uncle."

"Fine...can I at least walk with MJ's group. I want to get to know my cousins." "Me too Uncle Mac, can we?" "You have to ask MJ." Running up to MJ she giggled. "Cousin MJ...can I walk with you, Lea and the girls?" Mj thought about it, five girls..."I don't know. I have enough with these three she-devils."

"Oh...come on...we'll be good, we promise." "What do you think Lea?" "Hmm...they are quite mature, sure why not." "Cool...let me run up and tell daddy. When Karen returned she walked with her sister, Shannon, Sara, and Sharon. "Hey...you guys know any great hang out joints?" "Yeah...this is Miami, of course we know."

"Cool...very cool. How about we sneak away?" "Are you crazy? We'll get grounded for Christmas. You don't know my dad, he's strict." "Oh come on...how bad can Eric be?" "BAD...real bad. His temper is never in check when it comes to us girls. Mom says we are trying to put him into an early grave."

Karen laughed...her new cousins were very cool. "So what...come on. He'll get over it. Besides...MJ and Leanne aren't even watching us, they are way up ahead with the rest of them. So let's escape." Making sure MJ and Leanne weren't watching, they took off leaving their name tags behind.

After sight seeing, everyone was dead tired when they got home. "God I'm getting old. That was quite the tour Mac. I really enjoyed that." "Thanks...I think we should do a head count love." As Stella took count she noticed they were five short.

"Umm...seems we have five missing." "What?? Who love?" "Let's see...Shannon, Sara, Sharon, Karen, and Daina." "Well, well...aren't they from MJ and Leanne's group?" MJ and Leanne looked around. "Shoot...umm...oh boy." "Oh boy? Is that all you can say son?" "Sorry dad, we'll go look for them." "Start at the Arcades, then the Malls."

Leaving out the house MJ and Leanne knew when they caught the little imps there would be hell to pay.

At the Mall the girls were trying on clothes. "Damn Miami has some sexy clothes. Look at how hot I look in this mini dress." "God Karen...if daddy seen you in that he'd flip." "What do you think Sara?" "It's okay...but red isn't your color, try the silver."

While they continued to try on clothes, they didn't see MJ or Lea walk in. "Ehem...excuse me...I do believe you five have alot of explaining to do when you get back to the house." "Damn MJ...please don't tell daddy...he'll ground us for weeks." "Don't you think you deserve it Sara? You ran away from us. You made us look like idiots in front of the family."

"We're sorry MJ, really we are. Please don't tell." "Yeah...come on MJ...be a cool parent, stand up for us." "When you mature and learn to be adults, then I'll stand up for you. Now let's go...and Sara, Shannon, Sharon, get that crap of your face before your parents see it." "Yes MJ...we know."

When they got back to the house MJ waited to see if the girls were going to be mature enough, and let their parents know. "Well...well...where were you girls?" "We're sorry dad. We took off from the group. We wanted to show Karen and Daina our version of Miami." "No...we can't let them take the blame, we asked them to show us the cool places. We're sorry Daddy, I guess we got a little excited."

Danny Jr understood their need to have some freedom. But he also knew that this was a strange place, with strange people, and five young girls on their own just isn't right. "I understand you're sorry, but you are grounded to this house for the rest of the day and night." "That goes for you three girls too." "What? Come on daddy...you can't do this." "You three knew better, but instead of talking them into staying, you took off with them."

"Mom...come on mom." "You heard your father girls. Grounded for the rest of the day and night." "This sucks...some Christmas this is going to be." Storming upstairs the five girls slammed the door.
:lol: loved them stomping up the stairs.
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:Some people stomp up the stairs because their legs are weak, using lots of strength to climb.

Aw.. Poor girls.. I'm very bad and evil because I think they deserve some punishment so they won't do it again next time. They doesn't know how much it worries the family especially their parents and doesn't understand what it tooks to be a child's mom/father.. Once and twice they escape and they still doesn't know how dangerous it is. Wasn't it enough when they experienced MJ's incident? Hmm.. I don't know. :lol: I just hope they won't throw themselves into some dangerous situation. I'm glad all the cousins hang out well together, as in they like each other and get close together easily. That's great. :thumbsup:
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