CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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With the families settled, peace in the house didn't last long. Just as they sat down to supper the phone rang. "Hello." "Hi Mac is Flack there?" "Sure...Don...Miami-Dade." "Yeah...what is it?" "We need you and the CSI's down at the west docks, we've got two male vics. "We'll be right there."

"What's going on Don?" "Seems we have a case, let's go guys." Once Eric, Danny, Adam, Sheldon, Don left. The rest of family knew it was going to be a long night. "What have we got Smith?" "Two bullet wounds, both to the head. Looks like they tried to take each other out."

"Are you thinking showdown?" "I don't know...it is what it looks like though. TOD Sheldon?" "Four hours ago, though I'm thinking more along the lines of a double hit. Notice the muzzle stamp on both vics, same pattern, same penitration."

"Hmm...mob hit maybe?" "Looks like it Danny. Alright, let's get these victims back to the lab. Adam you start working on an ID." "Sure Eric." "Danny you and I will process, Sheldon let me know what else you get off these two." "You got it Eric."

Back at the house Mac got out his bass and began playing Silent Night. While the family listened Sara, Shannon, Sharon, Karen, and Daina were planning their late night escape. Sharon wanted desperately to show Karen this new club they opened for teenagers.

"Okay...so tell me about this club again?" "It's for us younger teens. It's strictly non alchol or drugs. We can go here from seven till midnight and dance, meet up with friends, and just have fun. "Sounds great...but how are we going to get out?"

"That's the easy part. Through the window. It seems papa forgot this is the room with the tressel. So all we have to do is climb down it, and we are off." "I don't know Sharon...it seems we've gotten into enough trouble. My dad was like really pissed, and trust me my dad...is never like that. I could tell he was terrified that we took off this afternoon."

"Fine...then stay home Karen. Sara, Shannon you coming?" "No...I'm going to take my punishment for once. But if you want to go, we'll cover for you." "Never mind. Damn you guys are sucks, don't ask me to help you all escape later, cause I won't."

"Girls...you can come downstairs now. We are about to start carol siniging." "Thanks Aunt Stella. We'll be right there. Come on Sharon...just let it go for tonight. You can show us another night. Let's go have some fun with the family. Besides...when you here my dad sing, you'll howl. He sounds like a sick cow."

The girls laughed at Karen's comment. "Alright fine...let's go. But tomorrow we do the teen club." "Deal...now let's go. I'm dying for some of Aunt Stella's cookies." Running downstairs the girls headed into the den.
you'll howl. He sounds like a sick cow
Was it that bad? :lol: Ohh.. I've never thought that Sharon turns into a real teenager. She looks like doesn't really love to stay at home with family, rather spend her time outdoor with her friends? Well, a teenagers club? hmm.. I hope that they are safe inside, as in, the people they hang around with.. I couldn't comment much more about teens nowadays. Love it, based on reality. Seriously, I don't think the parents are too protective of their daughters. They're just great. They gave the kids freedom, much more than some child had have. Love the new case and how they work together as a team. :thumbsup:
When Danny, Eric, Adam, Sheldon, and Don got back to the house they heard this loud howling sound to Jingle Bells. "What the hell is that? I thought Mac put those dogs out back?" "Sounds more like a sick cow to me? Laughed Danny.

"A cow? Just who is singing Messer?" "It's my son Danny Jr, he's always had this deep mooing voice." Laughing they all headed into house. "Daddy...you're back." "We are Peanut. What are you doing out of your room?"

"I brought them down for family sing along." Carrying his Peanut to the couch he sat down with her. "Alright...this next song we will split into two groups. All the kids to the left side of the room, and all the adults to the right."

As Mac watched them all seperate, he noticed most of the generation were on the adult side. "Excuse me...all the children to the left?" "What?? You're kiddin dad, you can't be serious. We are adults." "No Michael, you are our children. The only ones on this side should be Don, Jess, your mom, myself, Danny, and Nat."

"Aww...come on Uncle Mac...you can't leave us with my dad. He sings like a cow." All the kids laughed, they found their cousin Karen funny. "What was that young lady?" "Admit it dad, you can't sing?" Grabbing his daughter onto his lap he tickled her into endless fits of laughter.

"Alright you two break it up. Now...we are going to sing On the Twelve Days of Christmas. The kids will start the first verse, then us adults will do the second. Understand?" "We got it dad, let's go." "Alright kids...take it away...

"On the first day of christmas my true love sent to me...a partrige in a pear tree." "Now us...on the second day of christmas my true love sent to me, two turtles doves and a.... slience could be heard. "Kids...that's your line." "No it's not. It's yours."

Mac sighed...the others tried not to laugh. "Let me explain this again. You kids sing your verses which is one, three, five, seven, nine, eleven." "We did dad...you adults are the ones that stopped." "Listen son...we stopped because it was back to your line."

"Auuuuuuuugh...for crying out loud." "Calm down Mac. Listen kids, when it comes back to your lines you all sing them. When it comes back to our lines, we sing them." Mac, Don, Jess and the rest of adults gave her the look. "Sweetheart...that didn't make one bit of sense."

"Umm...is this going to be an all night thing? Cause us kids are getting bored and hungry." "Okay fine...we'll all do Santa Claus is coming to town, then Frosty, how's that?" "That's good papa, let's do that." Gathering all together again on the floor, they finshed their songs. With the carols complete the ladies started coffee, while the guys yelled above each other to catch up on all that was missed.

"Girls...come help with the desserts." While the girls helped with snacks, everyone forgot all about little Eric who was nearing the huge bright glowing tree. Crawling underneath it, he disappeared. "Hey everyone...we have sandwiches, desserts, coffee, teas, juice, pop, and other goodies in the next room. Come help yourselves."

While everyone left the living room Mackenzie looked around for little Eric. "Eric...where is our son?" "I don't know...I thought he was with you?" "No...why would he be with me when I'm in the kitchen with mom." "Girls...where's your brother?" "I don't know daddy. We weren't watching him."

"Oh this can't be good. Mac...let in the dogs." Opening the door King and Kong Jr headed to the tree, laying down under it, they whined. Nearing the tree, Eric moved them away, then looking underneath, he found his son sound asleep on the skirt.

"Aww...Mack...get the camera love. Look at this guys." As they walked over they awwed. Here was little Eric, all curled up with his thumb in his mouth sleeping near the manger scene. Whether it was the spirit of that moment, or just a passing thought, Mac began singing, Away in a manger.

"Aww..that's so beautiful dad. Lifting his grandson up into his arms, he passed him to his daughter as she carried him to bed.
Wow.. Great chapter! :thumbsup:. You're great in this. First it was about the whole family then suddenly I was surprised when it jumped to little Eric.. What I meant was you went to the minor ones too. Besides concentrating on the 46 nuts on Christmas, you wrote in some case and adorable moments between the characters. That's really a great and interesting one. I love it! :thumbsup: Eric is sooo cute and adorable. I could picture that. Poor Danny Jr.. At least he had the courage to sing. Are they in a mess? :lol: Looking forward to next chapter.. :)
With the children and teens finally bedded down for the night, the adults finally had some time to themselves. While MJ and Lea Left for a walk, Michael, Anya, Adam, Maddy, Mackenize and Eric, Danny Jr, Dominique, and James did the same. Leaving the rest of the family to reminese.

"God it's a beautiful night, isn't it Adam?" "It is Maddy. But not as beautiful as you." Staring into Adam's eyes, Maddy leaned in and softly kissed him as he gripped her in closer to his already warm body.

"Alright you two...break it up." "Oh...umm..err.." "Relax Adam, I was kidding." "Oh...okay Michael..yeah...umm." As they continued to walk up the beach they found a spot to start a fire, in one of the pits. Once it was flaming, they all snuggled in.

"Wow...I never knew Miami was so chilled at night. I always figured it was warm all year round." "It is, though we have the odd nights like this where the chill sets off the water." "Thanks Eric...did you want to be a tour guide?" "Ahh...no. I'll stick to Lt. thanks for the offer though."

"So tell me Mackenzie...what ever happened to the first Mr.Wrong?" Mackenzie had forgotten Danny Jr had met her first husband. "He died." "Huh...painfully I hope?" Eric was really begining to wonder about Danny Jr. Just how deep did his feelings for Mackenzie run?"

"I think that's enough. Danny back off of my sister." "Sorry. Just trying to figure the puzzle out." "Well don't. Things are left better in the past." "Fine...I got it Michael. So...how did you meet this one?" "Danny...knock it off. Give it a damn rest."

Getting up Eric and Mackenzie headed back to the house.

"Sweetheart...just how close were you two?" "Not close in that way Eric. Danny Jr was very possesive, he never understood why I wouldn't chose him. When I married Scott, he knew what he was like. For they went to school together."

"So he was upset that you wouldn't marry him?" "I guess. It was complicated Eric. It's not that he wanted to marry me, it's that he wanted to protect me." "Mack...that is beyond protecting. I've seen it before. It's obsession." "Don't worry Eric...please just let it go. Don't let it ruin mom and dads Christmas."

"I won't. Though if he gets out of hand, I'll be left no choice." Mackenzie knew when they got back to the house, she would have to talk with her Uncle Danny again.

"Why do you have to keep doing that to her Danny? Why don't you let her past rest." "Rest...with the mistakes she's made throughout her teen years. Someone has to take of her." "Eric does. He's an amazing man, he helped her through all her scars, her pain and hurt. He was the one there for her when she fell apart. Eric took on her girls right away as their father without even being asked."

"Come on Eric...you make him sound like a Saint." "Trust me...he comes close. Those girls are loved, spoiled, and never made to feel they are not worthy of anything. So before getting all high and mighty, get to know the real Eric. You'll soon see what we all see."

"Fine...I'll give him a chance. But if I don't think he's right for her, I won't hesitate to make my feelings known." Getting up Michael put out the fire in the pit, and walked back towards home. Knowing as soon as he arrived, he was going to have to tell his dad that trouble may be brewing.
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Good chapter. Loved Michael teasing Adam and Maddy and Adam getting all flustered. He's just the cutest when he's flustered. :lol:
Uhuh..? This is an unexpected storyline. Sounds very interesting between their relationship Danny Jr/Mackenzie/Eric.. Well, I don't want any changes between Eric and Mackenzie.. They look great and perfect together. Is Danny Jr trying to spoil them since it's an obsession? :( I hope they'll be all okay. The last line sounds very scary of Danny.. I thought he were suppose to be happy for her but not like that.. I'm sure the kids love Eric lots. :)
When Eric and Mackenzie walked back into the house, she knew it was time to talk with her Uncle Danny. "Umm...Uncle Danny can I see you for a minute?" "Sure hon, where?" "In dads office." Walking into the office they sat down.

"What is it Mackenzie? It seems serious." "It is. Danny Jr is starting again. He deliberately mentioned Scott, and started on about Eric too. I really thought he had calmed down, but I guess I was wrong."

"Okay Mack...I thought something like this might happen. I'll talk to him." "I'm sorry Uncle Danny. I just don't want any trouble over Christmas." Embracing Mackenzie in his arms, he let her know it was okay.

Walking back out they seen the rest of the gang come back in. Danny Jr knew right away that Mackenzie had informed his dad. "Danny...can I see you for a moment please?" "Sure dad." Following his dad into Mac's office he shut the door.

"Mackenzie...what's going on?" "Nothing dad. Don't worry okay everythings fine. Anyways I'm heading to bed, you coming Eric?" "Of course. Night everyone." "Night guys, see you in the morning." Once they were out of ear shot Michael motioned his dad with his head to follow him.

"What's going on Michael?" "It seems Danny Jr is starting again about Mackenzie. He kind of embarrassed her and Eric on the beach. He doesn't seem willing to give Eric a chance. I think we may have some problems with them."

"Okay son. I'm sure your Uncle can handle his son. I'll keep my eye on Mackenzie and Eric." "Thanks dad, I'll see you in the morning." "Okay son night." Heading upstairs with Anya they hoped the family would be able to pull back together before Christmas eve.

In Mac's office Danny Jr waited patiently for his dad to start. "Come on Danny, what's going on in that mind of yours?" "Nothing dad." "That's not what I heard son. Do you want to tell me why you felt the need to hurt Mackenzie like that?"

"Oh for christ sakes dad. You know exactly why. She's forever making mistakes in her life." "I want you to listen to me carefully, what Mackenzie does with her life is up to her. Yes...she made mistakes in the past, but she's moved past them. You need to too. She loves Eric. They have shared almost eight years of marriage together."

"So I've heard dad. Just like I've heard Eric is a Saint. All hail Eric." "I'm not going to listen to another year of this Danny. If you can't leave Mackenzie and Eric alone, go home. I will not have you ruin everyone elses Christmas. She doesn't love you, never has in that way...never lead you on in that way, ever. So let go son."

"How can I dad. How can I when I've always loved her. Do you know what's like watching the girl you've always loved with another guy. Do you have any idea how it hurts." "I do son, but this is what I mean. You should not be feeling those feelings for her. Never has she given you a hint, or an idea to feel love for her that way."

"I know dad. I also know what's coming next. I'm obsessed with her, I'm over protective, and obsessed." "You are son, and it's not healthy. You need find someone for yourself. I know how hard it was for you when Brianna left you, but you've done great with those girls. Just concentrate on them, they are what is most important in your life."

"I know dad. I'll try and give Eric as chance." "That's all I ask son...and I promise once you get to know him, you'll see why Mackenzie and her girls love him so much." Leaving the office Danny Jr headed to bed.

When Danny got back into the livng room everyone had retired for the night except for Mac and Stella. "Well...should we be worried Danny?" "I'm not sure yet Stella. I hope not." "I hope not too, anyways we'll see you in the morning." "Yeah...night."

"Danny...you coming to bed?" "Mhmm...I'll be right there Nat." Walking up to her husband she wrapped him in her arms. "What's going on Danny?" "It's a long story Nat, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Let's go to bed." Walking up the stairs they clicked off the light.
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