CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Two days later

"Alright then Lea. You are ready to leave us. Here are your antibiotics, and cleaning solution for your wound. Don't forget...twice a day for the next eight days."

"Thanks Beth...I can't wait to get home. I've missed my family so much."

"I bet...listen. Has MJ asked you yet?"

"No...we both decided to wait till he finishes his first year of University."

"Aww...that's great. Though wouldn't it be nice to have a ring at Christmas?"

"You are a hopeless romantic Beth."

"Now listen honey. I only want to see you settled already."

"I know...soon. I promise."

"Hey...there's my lovely lady. All ready to go home?"

"I am MJ. I just need to grab my toothbrush and paste."

With Lea in the bathroom it gave Beth time to work on MJ.

"MJ...so when are you going to ask out Lea to marry you?"

"I heard that Beth. Stop nagging him." She laughed.

"Shh...Christmas Eve. I already have the ring."

"Good for you...I knew I like you."

Laughing Beth left the room.

"What was that about Michael?"

"Nothing...just Beth being Beth."

When they arrived at home MJ got Lea settled back in bed.

"You know...I'm getting really tired of being in bed. Why can't I watch TV in the den?"

"Cause my lovely lady. I have plans for you and I...and believe me...it beats TV."

Kissing her passionately she soon forgot all about the TV.

Over at the Messer's Lindsay was helping bath her sister.

"Mom...why is it babies constantly need to have their heads and necks supported?"

"Well...they have alot of soft tissue that hasn't formed yet. So we have to give them extra support. Else they will damage it."

"Hmm...anyways mom. how are you feeling about daddy? Does it bother you that he's never hardly home anymore?"

"No...your dad is very busy. I understand that. Some of his cases are pretty high profile, so he doesn't talk about them."

"Is that what he told you?"

"He did. Why sweetie? What's really bothering you?"

"It's nothing mom. Let's get Kat dry before she catches a cold."

Once they had Kat in bed, Lindsay went to her room, found her video recorder and decided tomorrow, she would follow her dad to see exactly what he was up too.
I'm sooo GRRR at myself. I can't even keep track of this story and others. *Sighs* ..Asprine..
Post #185
Michelle.. Michelle.. She's getting smarter and more independant day by day. I love this child. She's cute and lovely. She'll be a great Taylor when she grows older, most of all, she knows how to differentiate between right or wrong and good or bad. I'm.. I'm always speechless about Mac and Stella. They are both a great parents. They gave their family freedom as long as they doesn't fool around or does anything illegal, something that will spoil the families name. With this, love, warmth, comfort and safety they provide to the family, both of them made them feeled loved all around, happiness and joy that they gave cheers them up whenever one is down. Apart from that, they will be more comfortable to share when it comes to something that is bothering them. I love the end of the chapter. That's an awesome name. You always did great with those lovely names. I love it. "Katerina.. Katelynn" "Katerina.. Katelynn". Sounds very nice, and she's a beautiful baby girl, as I could tell by reading the last 3 sentence. ;)

Post #190
it might have been someone with knowledege in Police work
Hmm.. Maybe some forensics.. I just hope that it's not Danny 'cause it does make sense if it was Danny who done it. He's not with anyone in the family when both the nephews were killed. Did he over-reacted? Probably not. He knows what he's doing right, he's a cop? Danny the BIG GREAT GUY! Though I know when you can't control, you done silly things. Love this case, as it's complicating. Evidence with no traces to lead them to their killer and more, and with that, they closed the case. I know.. someday, somewhere, they'll find something that will lead them back to this case. Detective Mac Taylor says, "Everything is Connected". ;) I do believe in that, sometimes.

Post #194
Hmm.. I have faith in Danny. :) But I wonder what is wrong with him, where did he went when both George's nephew were killed. I hope that Eric finds something that will lead them to some professional killer/murderer or some people that can't bear to see those psycho's running wild on the streets. One of the things I'm always *happy to read about was how often they express the love they had for each other, consist of all the relationship, e.g. Father/Mom - Son/Daughter and husband/wife. That's really a good thing. Not only good but wonderful. It shows someone how much you care or love them. They knows.. Though, some people they use different ways to show their loves for their love ones. As in, with actions like you gave the them. For example, moral supports, advices and more that they need in their daily life. BUT, sometimes, they doesn't see in a way like this, they don't know about it.
Argh! I have to go again.. I love these 3 chapters, I wanted more. I want to come home!!! :scream: To be continued.. :) 5 more chapters to go..
Hooo hooo.. I sneaked in here for a few minutes. Need to continue, couldn't wait anymore.. *impatients*
Post #197
That's really a COMPLETE different Lindsay. I have to say this because I does love the good girl side of Lindsay lots. Usually she doesn't care that much but now.. She helps a lot, not only that, her family is her top priority. That's really good though, don't she forget about Grayson? I hope to read how they cope up with what they shared before Lindsay went through those incidents. I don't know what to say about Danny anymore. He's been disappearing into somewhere too much. He even forget about lots of things. What's the matter with him? Hmm.. It wasn't just a case? Why is it so difficult for him to share it with the family if he didn't do anything wrong? Or he doesn't wants the family to worried about him? That's... more worst.

Post #202
Geeezzz.. *Sobs* The family's warmth and comfort for each other always force my tears to form. *Laugh out loud* You know.. There's lots of people out there, who doesn't even get to see their parents or lose their parents when they were just kids, I mean they were lack of parents love. Sometimes, it may caused them to be affected emotionally and lots of things happened. I always think how lucky we are, who has parents to loves us and care for us whenever we need them, advice us and correct us when we did something wrong.
That day, My niece asked me one question.. "Is there any parents who doesn't hit and scold their children?"
Hmm.. I'm glad that Leanne find out early if not the infection may have caused some disease. I hope that she's okay.

Post #205
Helppp.. Couldn't stop smiling, for the love and they were so caring for each other. Mac and Stellaaaaaa.. :adore: Both were going make extremely wonderful great grandparents. Aw, speaking of their great grandchildren, I read that you mentioned it won't be that soon. Though, I'm looking forward to both their lovely wedding and their child! Leanne and MJ.. MJ and Leanne. Of course will wait patiently. PERFECT! I wonder what's coming on their way before Christmas, for the Taylors and Delkos. Would there be more psycho's or freak coming? About Maddy and Adam.. Their developments so far, were great! I love it, as Adam is trying to get closer to the family with the first step, knowing more about Maddy's child. He's a great guy. I couldn't agree more.

Post #208
I'm sooo hungry! *Steals some from Leanne* Umm... Adam.. 's err.. pizza.. umm.. that.. err.. smell.. umm .. nice.. The kids seems to love Adam lots. I guess they would be like Mac don't they? "As long as Maddy is happy, they would be happy too." Though, I'm sure they would love Adam too. Are they going to go out more often? I mean Maddy and the Kids with Adam? That's going to be really great. It draws them closer together. Geeezzz.. This is new to me. Cause Adam and Maddy is toooo cute and adorable. Both would make a great couple. I love the last sentence. :adore: Maybe Maddy should be the guy and Adam should be a girl. *Kidding* Adam is sooo shy and Maddy is the other way round, she knows very well how to lighten up the atmosphere. That's what makes them perfect! I love it!

Post #212
"Cause my lovely lady. I have plans for you and I...and believe me...it beats TV."
What was the plan he had planned for both of them? *Blush* Aw? Christmas Eve, 24th December.. 6 more days. Can't wait for that. I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful proposal that MJ made for his soon-to-be wife, Leanne. Both had been through alot had they? Are they going to have MJ/Leanne babies really soon? Though I'm sooo a little bit confused. :D "Shocking and interesting"? Sounds very interesting. I also wonders what is he up to? He always seems soooo weird. This Danny.. *Sighs*. Hopefully nothing that ruins his career and family.
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When they arrived at home MJ got Lea settled back in bed. "You know...I'm getting really tired of being in bed. Why can't I watch TV in the den?" "Cause my lovely lady. I have plans for you and I...and believe me...it beats TV." Kissing her passionately she soon forgot all about the TV.

While he continued to assault her senses, he stopped. Getting up from the bed her grabbed the Scrabble game. "Scrabble? You have got to be kidding me. I thought you wanted to love me?"

"Later Lea...trust me you'll love this Scrabble. It's called Naughty Word. Each word we make must consist of a naughty word. If we can't make a word from our letters then we have to do something naughty to the other."

Lea laughed..."MJ...there are other ways to get me into bed. You don't need to use games." "I know that Lea...humor me. It's more fun then it sounds." "I hope you're right...mix the tiles."

After MJ mixed the tiles Lea picked her first seven letters. Placing them in her tray she realized she couldn't make one word. Then she finally caught on to the jest of it. "Aaahhh...now I get it. Oh...this is going to be fun."
Smirking sinisterly MJ couldn't agree more.

Out in the living room Mac and Stella started wrapping gifts for the family. Problem was...they weren't sure where to start. It seemed every year it grew in size. "Sweetheart...I thought Maddy and the boys were going to help?"

"They were Mac. Then Adam called. He invited them out for the day." "What about MJ and Leanne? They could help." "Leanne needs rest, and MJ is looking after her."

"I bet he is. I can just imagine what those kids are up too. Most likely what we should be up too." Tossing the present on the table. Mac swept his wife up in his arms and tossed her under him.

"Mmm...this is much better. Maybe I should just wrap you up love. then I can spend eight to ten hours unwrapping you piece by piece." "Mm...you...are...so...bad." "Only for you love, only for you. So...I'll be your Bond, and you can be one of my many women?" He smirked.
"I'm sorry?? One of your what?" Mac realized what he had said. Umm...I mean my only woman." "You are naughty Mac. The only thing I should give you is a slap." "Promise love, he winked...kiss me now love."

Leaning his head down to her lips, she moved at the last minute leaving him to kiss her ear. "Steeella...don't you want to feel me touch you? Don't you want to feel my tongue duel with yours?" He whispered. Mac could feel her body responding to his whispered words, as he continued to assault her ear...her neck...her soul.

"You don't play fair Mr.Taylor...how am I supposed to fight your warmth, your passion, your sinister ways?" She whispered. "You're not love...just let me love you into eternity. Let me bring your body to soar again with mine. Just feel love, just feel each and every caress."

"Ehmm...ehmm. Kid in the room...ewww." Jumping off his wife he seen his daughter. "Michelle...what happened with Cheerleading?" "Dad...it's seven o'clock at night. Practice ended half an hour ago. Thanks for picking me up." "Aww...I'm sorry love. I didn't even realize the time." "Of course not dad. You were bust playing tonsil hockey with mom again. I'm starving...please tell me you made dinner mom?"

"Oh...umm...I'll get right on honey. It won't take long." Sighing at her parents she headed upstairs to finish up her homework. "God save me from overgrown teenagers." "Think she's mad at us Stel?" "Gee Mac...what do you think? Now help me peel potaoes." "Aaahhh...come on Stel...not potatoes." Sulking his way into the kitchen Stella couldn't help but laugh. For her husband had gone from Casanova to a whinny little boy.
*Asprine afraids to scroll down more* *reddens*. It.. it'sss.. burniiing.. I have yet to read them. It's been a long time since.. I read this but I.. I.. couldn't even get myself to breathe before I start. :lol: My cheeks are burning soo hard. I haven't been this happy since a bucket of work came to me last week. Thank you sooo much. I need help to stop myself from reddening and butterflies are flying in my tummy. :lol:

Someone interupted me. :lol: I'll come back and review later. I only read 1st and 2nd line. :adore: I..I.. wanted to continue.. Be right back.

Back. I'll just edit this.

Leanne seems to be impatient. :) *Laugh out loud* Ohh .. What game is that? "Naughty Scrabble"? Sounds interesting though. Day by day.. I found them getting more and more naughty especially Mac and MJ. Time passes by so fast. MJ and Leanne were just between patient and a doctor since then. Now they were a couple and I love it. ..gulps.. *bites on my towel* Lindaaaaaaa.. aaaaa.aaaa.. Maaaaac.. aaand Stellaaaaa.. *Faints* Michelle is soooo grown up. I mean it's great. The next time I read, I think she would have someone already. :D Love the ending.

Hmm.. I wonder what Lindsay and her father is up to. And what will she finds out soon.
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Messer Home...

When Lindsay seen her dad leave at seven in the evening. She grabbed her camera and followed him. The first thing that didn't seem right was why would he be walking. Continuing to follow she seen him turn into a garage.

Moving up towards the window she turned on her VC and began recording. While she was watching she didn't see the guy sneek up behind her. "Hey...what are you doing here? Boss...looks like we have a visitor."
Walking out they noticed the young girl with the camera. "What the hell you doing? You taping us? What are you some kind of teenage cop?" Hearing the commotion Danny ran outside.

"Linds...what are you doing here? It's okay Bob she's my daughter." "This is Lindsay? The one you are fixing up the...." "Shh...shut up man." "Oh...sorry, umm...we'll leave you two alone."

When the guys walked back into the garage Danny took his daughter by the hand. "What's going on Lindsay? Why are you following me?" "I'm sorry daddy...I'm really sorry. I thought you might be cheating on mom, or you were getting yourself into some trouble."

"What?? Lindsay...I would never cheat on your mom. I love her, Kat and you way to much for that." "I'm sorry daddy. It's just every night you sneak out. I get worried where you've gone, or what you're doing."

"Aww...come on Linds. All I can tell you is I'm working on something very important, please trust in me Linds. I love you, Kat, and your mom. Now go home sweetheart. I'll be home as soon as I can." "Promise dad?" "I promise baby, now go."

Once Danny was sure she had left he walked back into the garage. "Damn Messer...that was close. Would have been terrible if your daughter seen that beautiful cherry red convertable you've been fixing up for her, for Christmas."

"You got that right Bob. Now let's get the final touches on this sweet car and see how she drives."

When Lindsay got home she put the VC back in the closet and checked on her mom and sister. "Hey mom...how you feeling?" "Good sweetheart. Where were you?" "I had to run to the store. Would you like me to get you anything?" "Just your company. So tell me swetheart...how was school?"

"It was alright. We had a class party before the holiday's, the teacher liked her present." "Well that's good. So what are you going to do now?" "Tomorrow I'll go to to the Mall and finish up my shopping. Then I'm coming back home to help you and Kat."

"Lindsay...listen to me love. I want you to go out and have fun. I can take care of Kat and myself. Why don't you call Grayson...maybe he'd like to do something." "I don't know mom. I don't really think he's right for me. He's to reserved, and he doesn't laugh alot."

"Then you should help him lose some of that. Remember love, his life was totally different from yours. Show him what life outside of what he knows is like. besides that he's very sweet, and I know you'll be safe with him."

"Mom...I told you I've changed." "I know you have sweetheart. I'm very proud of you for that. But you need to have fun too. Enjoy being a teenager, Kat and I will be fine." "Alright...I'll call Grayson." "Good...that's my girl."

When Danny arrived home he found Lindsay laying on the couch sleeping. "Linds...wake up honey, go to bed." "Dad...you're home." "Of course I'm home, now go get some sleep." Walking upstairs with his daughter he kissed her goodnight. Then walking into the nursery he checked on his baby Kat.

"Hey there sweetheart...what is daddy's girl still doing awake?" Snuggling her close he carried her into their room. "Nat...Nat...you awake love?" "Mmm..Danny. Yeah...are you home now?" "I'am love. There will be no more late nights, we are finally finished the case." "Oh that's good news. Now...please tell me you didn't wake Kat?" "Of course not...she was wide awake when I walked in."

Laying down on the bed with their daughter between them, Danny snuggled them close. "There is only one thing missing from this bed. Lindsay...come here." "What is it daddy?" "We need you. Hop in." Jumping carefully into her daddy's arms, they all snuggled together on the bed and fell into sleep.
Hmm.. Never thought that he has a partner working with him or maybe there was more? The question, "What was he working on and what is he up to?" has finally answered and I'm satisfied with the answer 'cause he thrown all his effort in just to make Lindsay happy, a christmas tree! I wanted to buy one.. Lindsay has been a very good girl :thumbsup:, helps her parents and more! Aw, Danny is such a lovely Daddy. :adore: .. Well, they would have a great Christmas don't they? Wonder what the chapter would be like. I'm so excited and the storylines seems to be getting more and more interesting and wonderful. :) I loved the ending of this chapter. More to the family genre.. as they all snuggled close together. Hopefully there's not more psychos coming.. Will something happens there? ;)
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