CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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^^ I havent got any daughters! :lol:......No, i loved that part aswel, so much love a care- cant wait 'till Lindsay has to help etc at home :)
3 Days Later...

"Where is your father Lindsay? I'd really like to get Kat home."

"I know mom. I"m not sure. I tried his cell phone and got the machine. I called the station and they said he was off today."

Picking up the phone Natalia called her sister.


"Anya...are you busy today?"

"Umm..no why? What did you need sis?"

"I'm scheduled to go home with Kat today. But it seems Danny has disppeared again. So I was hoping you could pick me up."

"Aww...of course. But you know...Danny's disappearance's are becoming more frequent. Maybe you should talk to him."

"I will sis...I promise. So we'll see you soon?"

"You will. I'm on my way."

Once Natalia was settled at home with Katerina. Lindsay started lunch for her and her mom. As she prepared the meats she heard her sister crying. Knowing her mom was still slow at getting up she checked on her sister.

"Hey my little Kat...what's the matter with my little sis? Are you wet?"

Finding her sister wet she changed her diaper.

"Aww...look at the little teddy bears Kat...do you see them on your little pampers?"

While her sister yawned Nat was watching from the door.

"Oh hey mom. I was just about to bring her to you. I think she's hungry."

Walking her over...she laid her in her moms arm.

"Lindsay...can you help me with my gown?"

"Sure mom."

Taking her moms gown down to bare her breast, she left the room to finish lunch.

"Hey Linds....where's your mom?"

"Where's mom? That's all you have to say. You were supposed to bring her home today. Where were you dad?"

"I was working on a case."

Lindsay was getting angry. She knew damn well her father wasn't working today. Taking her moms sandwich and milk into her room, she sat it down and helped her mom with her gown again.

"Here mom. I'll take Kat...you eat. You need to keep your milk up."

Nat was so proud of Lindsay. She had done a complete turn around.

"Danny??? Hey...where were you?"

Kissing his wife on the lips, he picked up his daughter and snuggled her.

"I was busy with a case. Sorry I couldn't pick you up. Who brought you home?"

"Anya....she borrowed Michael's car."

"God she's beautiful isn't she. So much like our Lindsay?"

Lindsay looked at her dad with suspicion. Something about his excuses just weren't adding up.
Post #167
They.. They.. covered for him. I don't know if it's right or wrong. Although I hope it's right and they won't charge him with anything since everything is over already. He just wanted to save Leanne and Lindsay. He had to. If it had been Mac or Danny came in with a gun, it might already be too late. It would even cause all of them to get killed 'cause George is armed with a knife and it will eventually cause incidents and accidents if they struggles here and there. MJ did a great shot by shooting him right in the head. His mind is currently adnormal and it has to be fixed. Glad that Lindsay took it with all her bravery and she's not freaked out at all. *Thumbs up* They're going home.. to where they belong, and this incident brings them closer together as they

Post #170
He kinda liked it
Ohh.. The good girl side is revealing more to itself. And Grayson.. *Grins* seems to like it. When a person changes, it's either good or bad and it's easier to become bad then changes into a good girl. Unless a person goes through some drastic or tragic things that 'cause them to fear of what might happen in the future. People say, "Learn to become a good person, it took three years but learn to become a bad person, it only took three days." I wonder what's more about Lindsay's good girl side. It's going to be interesting. Hmm.. the psycho is dead and there's still the psycho's nephew running wild on the street. *Sighs* Will they ever have a peaceful city? It seems like all were holding grudges against them. Crime never stops, everything is possible to happen in the next milliseconds. Sometimes, I just don't understand why. Some were too unrepentant, to get what they want, they craved, they obsessed.

Post #176
In the beginning, I thought Lindsay went through that. I mean she moved on without George's stalking haunting her at in her sleep but the incident did leave a piece of wound inside her. She needs to accept that George is dead and he won't stalk her anymore. But, the nephews is still somewhere around the street, spying on her every move that she made. I'm afraid that she has to go through this again and this time, it won't be the same anymore as I can read what's on their mind is different from George's goal towards Lindsay. Where is Danny? He is not by her side at the time where his wife needed him the most. Relieved that Natalia shouted at Lindsay as loud as she could. Hmm, I'm sure Lindsay can help her all the girls to deliver their babies next time. *Grins* She did a great job! I wished I had tons of thumbs but I only have two. *Both thumbs up* I.. I..mm going to take a jar of water.

Post #180
Asprine wanted to join them too.. *Standing straight, both hands resting on my waist* "What happened to the boy?" Well, it doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl as long as it is healthy. :) Lindsay cracked me up. I think another girl wouldn't be that bad at all. As all the cousins could help her dress up and they can always play and hang out together. Lindsay is a great big sister. Errr? I hope it wasn't Danny that did that. Very suspicious and tricky. Or he saw everything that happened to the nephews? I.. I.. never knew.. it would be continued.. They took each and every moment that they shared together happily and they cherish and appreciate them. It was wonderful. *Faints*
Sorry for late reviews. I have four more chapters to go.. Thank you for this. :)
Taylor Home

"Maddy was getting breakfast ready when she seen Adam at the back patio door.

"Hi Adam...come on in. Would you like some coffee?"

"Err..umm..sure, thanks. Umm...I was wondering if you'd like to spend the evening at my place. Umm...we could watch some movies, order Pizza...err...hmm...and bring the boys."

Maddy looked shocked. Adam wanted time not only with her, but her boys."

"Sure...we'd love too. What time would you like us?"

"Umm...is seven okay?"

"Seven is perfect Adam."

Getting up he walked over and kissed her cheek.

"Umm...I'll see ya. Bye."

"Bye Adam."

"Morning Maddybee...was that Adam I just seen leave?"

"Yeah dad. He invited the boys and I to watch movies tonight."

"Hmm...seems he's taken quite an interest in you, and the boys. Are we happy about this?"

"Yeah dad...we are. He's so sweet, so shy, do you know he's only kissed me once when I initiated it, most times he'll just shyly kiss my cheek."

"He is a great guy. One hell of a lab tech too. If you're happy, then I'm happy Maddybee."

"Thanks daddy...I love you."

"Hey...what's going on in here. Where's my hugs..."

"Morning MJ...where's Lea?"

"She's coming. She's just changing her dressing on her neck."

In the washroom Lea noticed the distinct infection around the slice she had recieved from George.

"Umm..Mac...Mac..can I see you for a minute?"

Running into the room with MJ, Mac seen the redness right away.

"Hisss...oh Lea...how long has it been like that?"

"I'm not sure Mac. It was fine yesterday."

"I think MJ should get you to the Hospital."

"He can't Mac. He has the orientation at the University this morning."

"Okay...get dressed honey. I'll take you."

Lea started crying. Such warmth and love she felt from this family.

"Hey...hey now love...it's okay. Come on now...don't cry."

Embracing her in his arms. Mac continued to comfort her.

"Mac...what's going on in here? Aww...what's the matter with her?"

"I need to get her to the Hospital sweetheart. She has infection in that cut on her neck."

"Oh Lea...don't cry love. You'll be fine. Mac will take good care of you."

Once she was dressed, her and Mac headed out the door.

"MJ...don't you have that interview this morning?"

"Yeah...I was just headed out. Call me when Lea gets home...please nana."

"I will hon. Don't worry."
When they arrived at the Hospital Lea was taken right in.

"Okay Leanne...let's have a look at that neck."

"I don't think it's that bad Brian. But I could be wrong."

"Well Leanne...you are running a fever, and from what I can see you have a small infection line that has just shown. I'm afraid you'll have to be in for a few days."


"We need to drain the poison out of it, and it would be alot quicker to do your antibiotics through IV drip."

Leanne's tears slid down her cheek.

"I'll be right back withe the nurse to start the IV. Then once you've had your first bag of Cipro, I'll do the first draining."

When the doctor left the room Mac comforted her in his arms.

"It's okay love. I promise I won't leave you alone. I"ll stay with you till MJ get here. Just try and relax."

"I'm trying Mac...you know it's funny. I am here all the time to work with my patients. Yet when it comes to me staying in, I freak."

Mac laughed...he figured it was that way. For it was always different when it came to yourself.

"Hey Lea...I'm going to start your IV, and here's your I.D bracelet. Do you have anyone to get you your overnight bag?"

"Yeah...Michael will bring it later."

"Aww...don't cry Lea. We are going to take good care of you. It's only for a couple days."

"I know Beth."

"Who's this with you?"

Before Leanne could say anything Mac said...."I'm her grandfather. You can call me Mac."

"It's nice to meet you. Lea talks about you and your wife all the time. She says that you are a very loving family. Her love for you and your wife is very sweet."

"We love her just as much Beth. And we are looking forward to her joining our family."

"Aww...that's right. See Lea...how many times did I tell you that you would find a wonderful boyfriend and family to love you."

"All the time Beth."

"That's right. Next time you will believe me. Now try and relax, just let the Cipro do its work."

Leaving the room Leanne laid back on the bed and tried to rest. As she closed her eyes she felt Mac's hand caress her hair. Then bending down she felt the warmth of his lips as he kissed her head.

"Just sleep Lea. I'm right here."

When MJ finished his interview he checked his messages. Finding the one from his grandfather, he headed home to pack Lea's overnight bag.

"I most likely won't be home tonight. I'm going to stay with Lea."

"That's fine MJ. I'll have Maddy and the boys drop you and Lea by dinner before they go to Adam's."

"Thanks nana. I love you."

"I love you too son. Just take care of our granddaughter."

"I will. See ya."

Arriving at the Hospital MJ seen his grandfather in the hall.

"How is she?"

"She's doing fine. The doctor is just draining some of the infection from her neck."

"Did they say how long she'll have to be here?"

"A couple days son. Try not to worry, she's going to be fine. So...now you are here, I'm going to say good bye and head home. I love you MJ."

"I love you to...thanks a billion for staying with Lea."

"Always son. It's what we do. Look after each other."

Leaving the Hospital Mac could barely wait for MJ and Leanne to marry. For he was looking so forward to becoming a great grandfather.
With Lea sleeping MJ climbed out of bed.

"Hey MJ...we brought supper from home. How is she?"

"She's a little better. The infection line has gone down. They still have the tube in for draining."

"Aww...tell her to come home soon. I love you MJ. We'll see you later."

"Okay...have fun at Adam's."

After his Auntie left MJ noticed Leanne was awake.

"Hey beautiful. Are you hungry?"

"I'm starving...please tell me it's your nana's famous lasagna."

"Hmm...let me see. Smells like it...looks like it. Yup...even thick slices of garlic cheese bread."

"Mmm...oh pass it over."

Pulling up the little table MJ and Leanne sat down to their meal.

When the boys and Maddy arrived at Adam's they could smell the Pizza from the door.

"Whoa...does Adam make his own Pizza?"

"I don't think so. If I remember right...he said we'd order it."

Kocking on the door Adam answered.

"Hey guys...umm...welcome...come in."

"Whoa...this place is cool Adam. How come all the places in Miami are so awesome?"

"Well...err..hmm...I think it's too attract the tourists."

"Oh...whoa...is that your XBox360? Can we play?"

Maddy tried not to laugh. her boys just didn't know where to start.

"Adam...did you make your own Pizza? It smells amazing."

"Umm...err...yeah. I thought it might be better...err...that's okay right?"

"Yeah...that's totally cool. You're awesome."

Plugging in the system for the boys they began playing NHL2008.

"Umm...err...can I get you something to drink Maddy?"

"Sure...a coke would be nice. Or Pepsi."

After grabbing the drinks they sat down and played a two on two Hockey Match, which Maddy and Gregory won.

"Wow...you're good Maddy. Should we eat guys?"

After they finished eating they watched the three Home Alones. After half way through the third the boys feel asleep.

"Shh...looks like the boys have had it. Did you want me take you home Maddy?"

"Do you know what Adam?"


"You don't get all nervous and tongued tied with me or my boys. Did you notice that?"

"Umm...err...hmm..ahh...yeah. Interesting."

Maddy laughed. As soon as she mentioned it, he started again.

"Aww...I'm sorry Adam. You're so sweet."

Pulling him towards her she kissed him.

"Let's see if I can put your lips to another use."

Adam blushed...damn Maddy sure knew how to make him blush like a teenager.
Haha... I love Adam and Maddy together. So cute. :D The kids were cute too. Loved Lea excited about Stella's lasagna. :D
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