CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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wonder how the parents will react

They would most likely understand;). MJ and Leanne are adults. Also when you almost lose your life, things tend to change. Here's a couple in love who thought they would lose each other before their life even started. So it's understandable that they would want to experience every moment of their lives now. For they never know...when it could disappear again. This time forever.:)

I'm sure Mac/Stella/Michael/Anya...would be more then understanding, plus the kids are smart enough to play safe.:) I
Loved Lindsay telling Danny that the baby changed its mind at the last minute.

Wonder what happened to the nephews. Hmm...

Everyone asking what happened to the boy. :lol:
As the daylight shone through the windows of the Taylor home. Stella woke the troops.

"Let's go guys. Everyone up..we have to go see our new addition today."

"What new addition mom?"

"Your Aunt Natalia had her baby last night. A beautiful little girl that Lindsay delivered."

"A girl mom?? What happened to the boy?"

"I don't know love...I guess someone changed their mind at the last minute."

"What!!! You can't just change your mind on the type of baby you want mom. You're silly."

Stella laughed...her daughter was right.

"Well Michelle...I guess we'll never know why. Now get dressed love."

When Stella got downstairs Leanne and MJ already had the coffee made, along with breakfast.

"Wow...you two are up early. How was your night? And how is your head Leanne?"

"Our night was wonderful Stella...and I'm feeling much better."

"Good. Now how about you sit down and rest that head. I'll finish breakfast."

walking into the kitchen Mac smelled the fresh coffee.

"Mmm...smells great love."

"Credit your grandson and Leanne. They made it."

Kiising Leanne on the head he said....

"Thank you...how you feeling this morning Lea?"

"I'm fine Mac."

"Good. You had us worried. MJ...you and I need to have a conversation this morning before we leave. Okay?"


He knew his grandfather knew he and Leanne had made love last night. He always knew what went on his childrens and grandchildrens lives. He'd always call it the Taylor trait....something MJ hoped he would eventually figure out so he could use it on his children when he and Leanne had them."

"Morning dad...morning mom, MJ, Leanne. How you feeling?"

"Good Maddy...thanks. How's Greyson this morning?"

"He's better. Though I think I'll make him stay in bed one more day. So you'll give Nat my congrat's for me mom?"

"Of course I will Maddybee. Sit down and have some coffee."

After breakfast MJ and his grandfather headed into his office.

"Have a seat Michael."

"I know what this is about grandpa. So before you say anything...yes Leanne and I used protection."

"Good....end of conversation."

Walking back out MJ laughed. His grandfather sure sucked at sex talks.

"Alright troops, let's go. Time to see your new cousin."

When everyone arrived at the Hospital they piled into Nat's pirvate room.

"Aww....aww...look at her....aww...she's so tiny. Did you give her a name?"

"We did...Katerina Katelynn Messer."

As Stella picked her up she inhaled her baby scent.

"Oh....my Lord she's beautiful. Look at her Mac...so dainty."

"Forget love. Yes she's adorable, and dainty. But she's someone elses adorable and dainty."

Stella laughed. She knew Mac would react like that. Especially after almost losing her when she was pregnant with Michelle.
I wonder why they thought it was a boy not a girl lol

Cause of post #121:lol:
"Okay....here we are...there is the head....then if you look carefully you can see the heart beating. Oh...it's nice and strong. Now going lower we see...hmm...did you want to know?"

Nat looked at Danny...while Danny looked at Nat...."we do.."

"Alright congrat's you have a beautiful healthy boy."

"A boy.....you sure now??? You're not gonna change your mind right?"

The Radiologist laughed.

"No Mr.Messer....I'm not going to change my mind. You can dressed now Natalia. I'll have your pictures wating for you at the front desk."
Oohhh hehe, i thought they'd said boy though but why'd it change :lol:
damn ultrasounds. they just aren't 100% accurate:p:lol:could have been anything peeking at that radiologist:guffaw:

I want Leanne/MJ babies though!
that ain't going to happen for a long while:p;)

Passing the baby back to Danny..Mac noticed Danny seemed out of sorts.

"Danny...you feeling okay? You look like you have something on your mind. Want to talk?

"Hmm...oh...no Mac. I'm fine. It's just been a long night. To many cases, not enough time."

"Hmm..I remember those days well."

Looking outside the door Danny seen Eric walk in with Mackenzie, the girls and little Eric.

"Aww....aww...oh...can I hold her. Look at her...she's so tiny."

Passing their daughter to Mackenzie she cooed and awwed it.

"I heard you did a great job Lindsay. I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks Auntie Mac...it was amazing. I'll never forget hearing her take her first breath."

When the Nurse walked into the room she huffed.

"There is to many visitors in here. I'm afraid some of you will have to leave."

"That's fine...we were heading out anyway. The new parents and big sister need some bonding time."

"Thank you. I appreciate your understanding.

"Danny....can I see you outside for a minute?"

"Sure....what's up Eric?"

"George's nephew's were found dead this morning."

"What!!! How?"

"We don't know. They were tortured...then strangled with some kind of rope."

"Christ...it just doesn't make sense. Who's working on it?"

"Sheldon, myself and Don. But we came up with nothing. Whoever did it knew what they were doing, they also knew how to properly clean up evidence and trace. So we closed the case as an unsolved. If anything comes up...we'll re open it."

"Alright guys...let's get out of here. Nat and her new baby need some rest. Congrat's again Danny. She's beautiful."

"Thanks Mac....I'll see ya later."

When the Taylor's got back to the house, everyone scattered off.

"Wow...doesn't take long for the kids to disappear on the week-ends, does it love?

"Hey dad."

"What is it Eric?"

"Have you ever had a case where there was no trace, or evidence anywhere on or around the victim?"

"Hmm...a few, why?"

"Well....George had two nephews. Don and I found them both tortured and strangled this morning. The strange thing was....it was almost as if someone had cleaned not only the bodies, but the crime scene area as well."

"So what are you thinking Eric....it might have been someone with knowledege in Police work?"

"I don't know what to think dad. It's confusing."

"If it's that confusing Eric... go back to it. Sometimes you can find something you missed with fresh eyes."

"Thanks dad. I'll see you."

Heading back to Miami-Dade, Eric called Sheldon and Danny on the way.
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After breakfast MJ and his grandfather headed into his office.

"Have a seat Michael."

"I know what this is about grandpa. So before you say anything...yes Leanne and I used protection."

"Good....end of conversation."

:lol: That was quick and painless. :lol:

As Stella picked her up she inhaled her baby scent.

"Oh....my Lord she's beautiful. Look at her Mac...so dainty."

Dainty... that's what my aunt says about her granddaughter. :)

Beautiful name, by the way. :)

damn ultrasounds. they just aren't 100% accurate:p:lol:could have been anything peeking at that radiologist:guffaw:


Hmm... I wonder who killed George's nephews. Danny seemed almost disappointed that he doesn't get to put the punks in jail. :lol: I can hear him thinking "damn, someone ruined my fun before I could even start it". :lol:
When they got back to the lab Eric wondered where Danny was.

"Sheldon....did you hear from Danny yet?"

"No...did you check with Don? He called him before we left the house."

"Hmm...maybe he's running late. Let's get started."

As they processed the clothes, shoes, soil, and samples they came up empty again.

'I just don't get it....we've been through everything twice...still we can't find one piece of evidence as to who did this, or why."

"What did you want to do Eric?"

"I guess we'll close the case. If anything comes in, we'll just reopen it."

Sealing the evidence box, Sheldon took it downstairs.

"Hey Sheldon...is that the evidence?"

"Yeah...we just finished with it. So Eric wants it put with the cold cases. This way if any new information turns up he'll know where to find it."

"Why don't I take it for you. I was heading down to drop off my jacket anyway."

"No...I got it. Thanks though. Besides that...I think Eric wanted to see you."

"Okay....thanks Sheldon. See ya."

Walking upstairs Danny headed into Eric's office.

"You wanted to see me Eric?"

"Yeah....I'm heading back over to George's home. I'm hoping he left some trace or evidence behind. The last time we were there I remember seeing lots of ropes. So I thought I'd collect some of it."

"Oh....hold up...I'll go with you."

"That's okay...you stay here in case a call comes in. One of us have to be here."

Danny watched as Eric left the office. Thinking to himself he said...

"Damn Messer....just can't get a break today...can you?"

Back at the Hospital Lindsay was holding her new sister.

"Mom....are you feeling okay now? Do you need anything? If you do just let me know, okay."

"I will sweetheart."

Placing her sister back in her moms arms she sat down beside her.

"Mom...do you think Katerina knows I brought her into the world?"

"I'm sure she does love. Even if she forgets we'll remind her how her sister delivered her warm and safe with her love."

"Look at her grip my fingers mom. She's so tiny. So precious. We're going to have to take good care of her because she's so small."

"You know what Lindsay?"

"What mom??"

"You are a wonderful big sister. I just can't stress that enough."

Bending down she kissed her mom, then her sister.

"Thanks mom. It means alot, I love you...and you too Kat."
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