CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Ohhh! Not with the gun please.. He might be charged for stealing and handling police officer's gun. He is too rushing. Without thinking twice, he could have done silly things with the gun. Hopefully Mac and Danny reach there in time to stop him, save Leanne and none of them would be hurt, comes out safely.

He could see her shivering. Not allowing himself to feel sorry for her. He walked back outside away from her.
This made me have second thoughts about this George. He does have heart after all, human feelings. He just couldn't control what he's feeling inside. The jealousy and anger is winning over himself. Poor little 15, Lindsay. She must be terrified in the condition she's in now. I'm afraid that this might leave a piece of memory inside her mind where she was kept in some place alone and half naked, being slice by some psycho. She will always remember his face. :eek:
When MJ arrived at the storage unit, he found Leanne in George's arms. Then he seen Lindsay undressed, bleeding, and shivering in the corner.

"Let her go George....don't make me shoot you."

George laughed....MJ shoot him, that would be the day. Kid didn't have the guts.

"I'll kill her first Michael. I'll slice her throat even before you set off the first shot."

Watching as George brought the knife to Leanne's throat, he seen the blood seep out.

Pulling up in front of the storgage unit Danny and Mac heard the gun shot.


Running in they found George with a bullet hole through his head, MJ on the ground holding Leanne's neck. And Lindsay standing quietly.

"Daddy...My shot him. He had to save Leanne. Is Leanne going to die daddy."

Throwing his jacket across his daughter and covering her, Danny noticed her leg was only a surface cut. After cleaning off his gun... he put his finger on the trigger, leaving only his prints behind.

"Danny....what the hell happened here."

As the EMT's ran in behind Eric, Danny looked at Mac, then at MJ, and back to Eric.

"I had to shoot George. He kidnapped Lindsay...then tried to kill Leanne. If we hadn't of gotten here in time they'd be dead."

Eric knew Danny was lying. He also understood why. Looking at George's bullet hole, Eric knew it was MJ's mark. For he had trained with his dad and with him over the years, and MJ never missed a target.

"Son....how's Leanne MJ?"

"I don't know papa. I need to go with her. I'll call you from the Hospital."

Embracing his grandson he whispered...."make sure you wash your hands with lots of soap when you get there, and grab the extra black shirt from my car. Throw that one out."

"I will papa...I love you."

"I love you too son. Now go."

"How's Lindsay Danny?"

"She's shaken up Mac. But she's fine."

"Daddy....can I see Gray....is he okay?"

"He is Lindsay. I spoke with my daughter earlier. He has six stitches and a slight concussion, but he's fine."

"Can we go see him daddy?"

"Sure Linds. Eric....do you need anything else?"

"No...go ahead. I'll see you guys back at the house."

Once they were on their way back Lindsay asked....

"Daddy....why did you lie to Uncle Eric?"

"Linds....that's our secret okay. No one else's. Understand. Promise me Linds."

"I promise daddy. I won't tell anyone...ever."

"Good. That's my girl. Your mom would be proud."

Lindsay smiled. And yes...she would have been proud. For her daughter showed alot of bravery tonight, and survived.

At the Hospital MJ waited patiently for news on Leanne. Pacing the floor the Nurse walked out.

"Micheal....Leanne is asking for you. Come on ....I'll take you down."

When he walked into the room he found her sitting up with a bandage across her neck.

"Leanne....thank God....you scared me."

"And you saved me MJ....thank you.."

"Leanne....you can never tell anyone I shot George, okay?"

"I know MJ....I seen Danny clean the gun. Plus you've changed your shirt."

Embracing her gently he passionately kissed her....."let's go home."

"Mm..home...sounds so nice."

Leaving out the Hospital exit. MJ and Leanne knew that their near death experience was about to change both their lives forever this night, when they got home.
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It would have been quite the neat trick if Lindsay had pulled the trigger and hit the mark so accurately with her hands tied behind her.

I liked Danny protecting MJ and Eric knowing and staying silent as well. Glad everyone is okay. :)

Good shot, MJ!

I'm confused about Lindsay though. I thought that Lindsay was Nat's biological daughter, but in this chapter you have her as not Nat's biological daughter. So, I must be getting stories confused again. :lol:
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Nope...you're right...just me confusing you all again:)

When Mac, Danny and Lindsay pulled up to the house Natalia was waiting with open arms.

"Mom....I'm so sorry mom. Are you okay? I didn't mean to worry you."

"Shh...I should be asking you if you're okay. Let me see you."

Looking over her daughter she seen the slice on her leg.

"Let's get you cleaned up Lindsay."

"I want to see Grayson mom. Please?"

"As soon as I get your leg bandaged. Let's go."

"Mac...what happened? Where's MJ and Leanne?"

"At the Hospital love. Leanne was attacked by George...MJ shot him."

Nodding that she understood Lindsay walked out of the kitchen, and seen Grayson laying on the couch.

"Gray....how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay Lindsay....how are you?"

"Alright. I had quite a scare. But George didn't really hurt me. Just sliced my leg a little. But I'm okay."

"What happened Danny?"

"Not alot Nat. Don't worry. Everything is fine. George is dead."

"Thank God this is over. Now maybe we can look forward to happy times for Christmas?"

"One can hope Nat. Lindsay....let's go home love."

"Okay daddy. Night Grayson...I'll call you tomorrow."

Leaving out the door Gray was impressed. This was the first time Lindsay didn't try and kiss him. He kinda liked it.

As the Messer's left MJ and Leanne walked in.

"Aww....look at you Leanne. Let's get you into bed love."

MJ smirked. He loved the way his nana cared for Leanne. Always letting her know she was family.

"Is everything straightened out papa?"

"It is. No worries. Well...it's getting really late. I think we've all had alot of excitement tonight."

"I agree dad. I'm just going to say goodnight to Adam. Then I'll be back okay Grayson?"

"Okay mom. Night Adam."

"Oh....err..night Grayson. Get better."

Once outside Maddy wrapped her arms around Adam and kissed him before he had the chance to become all nervous. Falling into the kiss he pulled her closer...deeping the passion they were already feeling.

"Goodnight Maddy....I'll call you tomorrow."

"Night Adam. I'll look forward to it."

When the Messer's got home they didn't notice George's nephews across the street. As they watched with pure evil they knew they would have their revenge soon.

"Daddy....I need to talk to you about something that happened yesterday."

"Sure Linds. What is it?"

"You remember those two boys that were here yesterday?"

"I do. What about them? They were George's nephews."

"What!! How'd you know that daddy? I didn't know that?"

"Eric and I ran into them the other day when we talked to George.

"Oh...well...they didn't come for a paper daddy. They came to attack me. They heard from some girls at school that I was....I...I was easy."

Danny could see his eyes weld up with tears. He knew something like this would happen eventually. He also knew his daughter had been through hell tonight.

"So what you're telling me is these boys tried to rape you?"

"It didn't get that far daddy. He tried to kiss me, I told him to stop. He wouldn't....till he heard you come in. Then he backed off. If you hadn't of come home daddy...I don't know what would have happened."

"Did they threaten you Linds...I need something to pick them up."

"They said if I ever told, they'd come back and kill me."

Danny knew they didn't enough evidence to hold up in court. Until they could get some Lindsay would have to be extra careful.

"I want you to listen to me Linds. When you go to school you stay in large groups. When you go to the washroom you take someone with you. After school you wait for me to pick you up. Understood?"

"Yes daddy."

"I want you to promise me Linds. Cause until we get something on these boys, they're free to walk the streets."

"I know daddy. I promise."

"That's my girl. Now get up to bed. You can have the day off school tomorrow. I want you to rest."

Kissing her daddy on the cheek, she ran up to her room.
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I was wondering about the nephews. But you'd think they'd be upset with their uncle seeing as to how he double crossed them.

Good chapter. :)
I was wondering about the nephews. But you'd think they'd be upset with their uncle seeing as to how he double crossed them.
They really have nothing to be upset about. Their main concern is Lindsay. It's her they want. They had planned on getting her themselves. But when the Uncle offered it was easier for them to have him help. But now they are on their own like they were before.

Ohhh...and they're kindas stupid...hehe

thankies for the reviews, and the errors....hehehe...
I was wondering about the nephews. But you'd think they'd be upset with their uncle seeing as to how he double crossed them.
They really have nothing to be upset about. Their main concern is Lindsay. It's her they want. They had planned on getting her themselves. But when the Uncle offered it was easier for them to have him help. But now they are on their own like they were before.

Ohhh...and they're kindas stupid...hehe

thankies for the reviews, and the errors....hehehe...

hehe, yeah the brothers are kind of dumb to go messing around with the daughter of a cop who has a whole family of cops basically whether its blood family or not. :lol: And I guess being upset with their uncle is a moot point seeing as to how he's dead. :lol:
Later that night Natalia woke to her daughters screams. Trying to get out of bed her water broke.

"Auuuugh....oh God..."

Looking over to Danny she seen he wasn't there. Where the hell was he. Still hearing Lindsay's screams she yelled her name as loud as she could.

"Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiindsay...Lindsay.....wake up....Lindsay....I'm in labor."

Startling herself out of her nightmare., she ran into her moms room soaked with tears. God she was terrified as George was stalking towards her.

"Oh my God...mom...I'm sorry..."

"Shh....never mind that Lindsay....the baby is coming right now. I can feel it. I need you to put some clean blankets under me...hurry."

With the blankets in place...Nat told her daughter to look and see where the baby was.

"Oh....oh mom...I can see the head. I can see it mommy."

"Okay...grab me the phone...hurry Lindsay."

Natalia could feel the need to push...but she also knew the next push would bring their child into this world.

"911...what's your emergency?"

"Yes....I need Paramedics dispatched to....Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh....huff, huff, hee, heee..."

"Okay maam...just calm down. We have your address on our screen. I'm sending EMT's out now. Is there anyone there I can talk too?"

"My daughter....hee, hee....Lindsay....take the phone."


"Hi there. I'm Patricia...Is your mom in labor?"

"yes...yes she is."

"I need you to calm down okay. Just breathe deep for me. What I'd like you to do is look and see where the baby is at. Can you do that?"

"Uhuh...I can see the whole head...but the shoulders won't come out."

"Okay....very gently on my count I want you to put one hand under the baby's head, and the other just on the back of the neck near the shoulders. Have you done that?"

"I have."

"Okay....now tell your mom to push...and as the baby slides out glide your hands down it's back until you are holding his little legs just below his bum."

"Okay...mom...push...I need you to push mom.."

Giving one large push...the baby slid out into Lindsay's arms.

"Oh...oh she's here. She's here."

"Lindsay....what I need you to know is to get the baby to cry. You need to clear the mucus away from the mouth and nose. Do you understand Lindsay?"

"I do...but how?"

"I need you to take your fingers and place them in her mouth, and then scoop out all the fluids."

Lindsay tried not to gag...ewww everything was slimmy and bloody. Then all of a sudden loud screams could be heard as Lindsay's sister bellowed out her arrival.

"Oh...ohohoh...she's crying...she's crying."

"Great job Lindsay...now wrap the baby up and place her on your moms tummy, then go let in the EMT's, they are at your door now."

Passing the phone back to her mom. The ERO asked....

"How you feeling maam? You have an amazing daughter there."

Crying through her tears of joy, Natalia couldn't agree more.

After talking to his father and Anya on the phone. MJ headed into bed. Opening the door he found Leanne dressed in a long white silken gown and her hair down.

MJ tried to remember how to breathe, she looked more than beautiful. Walking up towards her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, leaned in and kissed her neck with a whisper caress.

"I just spoke with my father and Anya...they asked how you were doing. I told them you were resting. They send their love."

"MJ....does your dad know that you killed George?"

"No...no one knows except for Eric, Danny, Lindsay and my grandparents."

"Where did you learn to shoot like that?"

"I use to go to the range with my grandfather and Uncle Danny. I could remember them telling me I was a natural...as I never missed a shot. We always talked about becoming a Detective....but it just wasn't for me. I know I would never be able to handle the stress, or the gore."

Leanne laughed....she could just imagine MJ at a crime scene. He'd be the first one in the middle of floor hurling.

"What are you chuckling about Lea?"

"I can just imagine your face as you walked into the crime scene."

Smiling widely, he kissed her sweet neck again.

"How you feeling Lea?"

"Tired...sore...but okay. I just keep thinking back to if I would see you, or your family again. So frightened that all this love I've been blessed with would have been gone forever. But the worst part....the part that scared me the most....was that I would never get to feel you love me...touch me, finally make me yours."

MJ could feel her soul crying out to him, he could feel her need to be touched, caressed, but most of all loved....now knowing waiting wasn't an option. For life could change that quickly in a space of a heartbeat.

Sliding one of his hands down her waist, while the other he wrapped around her shoulders, he picked her up and carried her to the bed. Looking into each others passionate eyes, they knew these next few hours would change who they were forever.
Lindsay did amazing, being the big sis' will help her grow up a lot more now thats for sure. So much love at the end with MJ and Leanne, brilliant :D
When they arrived at the Hospital Lindsay tried her dads cell. Still getting no response she called her Mac and Stella to let them know about the baby.


"Auntie Stella...mom had her baby. I had to deliver it. A baby girl, she's so tiny."

"A girl...what happened to the boy?"

"Don't know. All I know is I have a sister. Mom's doing good, but I can't find daddy. Has Uncle Mac seen him?"

"No love. Your Uncle Mac's been here all night. If I hear from him, I'll let him know."

"Thanks Auntie. Love you."

"Love you too."

Hanging up the phone Claire decided to try Miami-Dade. As she dialed the number she seen her dad walking towards her.

"Linds...where's mom?"

"She's in her room with the new baby. Where were you daddy? I had to deliver my sister. It was awesome. She's beautiful."

"She....what happened to he boy?"

Lindsay laughed. Her dad sounded like Auntie.

"I don't know dad. I guess the baby changed its mind at the last minute and decided to be a girl."

"Haha...funny Linds. Now let's go see your mom and sister."


Don and Eric were at the crime scene looking over the two male victims.

"You know them Eric?"

"Yeah...yeah I do. They are George's nephews. Danny and I met them yesterday. Sheldon what's the TOD?"

"No more then two hours ago. So around nine pm. Both dragged and choked to death."

Turning them over Eric seen the scrapes and scratches across their backs, along with ligature marks on their throat caused by some type of rope.

"Any idea who would do this Eric?"

"No. Doesn't make any sense. Let's get everything collected and back to the lab. Any idea where Danny is Don?"

"Yeah....Nat was rushed to the Hospital. She went into labor, they had a baby girl."

"A girl....what happened to the boy?"

Don laughed...that seemed to be the question of the night.

Back at the house MJ sensually traced his fingers across Leanne's heated flesh, watching as her shivers came to life from his touch. Brushing his fingers back up, he slid the gown from her arms, her waist, her legs, till it pooled on the floor.

Admiring her gorgeous form with his heated glare, he lowered his head and placed soft sweet butterfly kisses along her shoulder, neck, and lips. feeling each other begin to soar, MJ caressed his way down her beautiful arms, tummy and waist.

With their souls flamming high above the misted room, MJ and Leanne both knew the time had come to join each other together forever in their love. Sliding his hands back up her legs, he linked their fingers, raising her arms above their heads.

"Are you ready Leanne...are you sure?"

Crying from the passion she had already felt from MJ's touch and kisses, she knew she was more then ready to accept him.

"Yes MJ...I'm ready. Please...I need to feel...."

Feel they did...as the pleasure, the passion, the sensuality, and desire poured forth leaving them both knowing that they had finally bonded not only in their hearts, but in their love as well.
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