CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Grins evily:evil::evil:

After spending the night in a Motel. He headed over to see a real estate agent.

"Good morning sir, can I help you?"

"Yes, I'd like to purchase a small house. Two bedroom if possible. Money is no object. I'd also like to have a den to set up my game room. It needs to be a fair size, as I play pool tournaments in my home."

"Well, we have the perfect house for you. I can show it to you this afternoon at 1pm."

"Sounds great. I'll see you then."

Walking out he rubbed his hands together.

"Now to head to a hardware store, and get special padding for a sound proof room, this way no matter how much the child screams, they won't be heard."

Once he had all his purchases, he headed over to the house, where he found the realitor waiting.

"Here we are Mr. Hendrix, come on in."

One look and he was sold. It was perfect, and the houses were spaced far enough apart to stop nosey neighbours.

"I'll take it. Shall we sign the contract, I'd like to get moved in this afternoon."

With everything signed, he called the furniture company to deliver his goods, while he unloaded his van, and got to work on the sound proof room.

By the middle of the afternoon everything was in place. He was glad his father had made him take all those carpentry courses, they sure did pay off. Sitting down to lunch, he thought about all the children he could now have at his disposal. Cleaning his dishes, he headed out.


Mac recieved the call from his team. As he arrived he seen the look on Danny's face and knew it wasn't good.

"Another child Danny?"

"Just not a child Mac. A prostitute dressed as one too."

"Sheldon, time of death?"

"For the child, around 8-8:15 give or take. The female around 4am this morning."

"Has the child been violated?"

"No. It seemed he was in a hurry. Something may have gone wrong, and he was forced to smother her."

"Okay, get them back to Sid. Have him start with the child. Check her stomach contents, and check her blood for traces of medications."

"You got it Mac."

"Danny, have you questioned everyone in the building?"

"I have Mac, no one seen or heard anything. Officers have checked all the apartments and they all cleared."

"How many apartments have no one living in them?"

"Just one, but it was immaculate, very clean, fresh paint. Super said he just finished it a week ago."

"Hmm...okay, let's get these bodies back to lab. I need to pick up Claire."

As they left, Mac wondered to himself if they would ever get a break on this damn case.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac arrives at the school, the kids were all lined up waiting for their parents.

"Daddy bear, you're here. Can we go home now?"

"Of course we can Claire bear. How about we pick up some ice cream?"

"Yay!!! Chocolate daddy, with the big chunks in it?"

"You betcha. Let's go."

Buckling her in the car, he was watching from the restaurant across from the school.

"Such a pretty little girl, with pretty little curls. I could play with her all the time. But I couldn't kill her, no way. She is to pretty to kill."

As they drove out of the lot, he watched the other children leaving with their parents. All but one little girl who was still waiting.

"Candice, are you sure mommy is coming for you?"

"She said she would. I know she had to try and get out of work early."

"Okay. How about we go back inside and wait."

As they walked back into the school, he left.

Walking along the street towards the park, he seen a young girl getting off her bike at the store.

As he watched, she came back out with a loaf of bread, which she put in her basket. Following her along, he seen her turn down an alley. Following her in, he seen her open a chocloate bar and eat it. Knowing she must have snuck it from the store, he approached her.

"Excuse me young lady, did you pay for that?"

"Ummm...yeah." she said nervously.

Taking out his badge he said.....

"I'm afraid you'll have to come with me, let's go."

Following the officer with her bike, he lead her to his car.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To police headquarters, there we will call your mom."

Placing her bike in the trunk, she got into the back seat.

"Listen officer, I'm really sorry, do you have to tell my mom?"

"I'm afraid so, that's my job. How old are you?"

"Eight, I'll be nine in two days."

As she watched them drive along, she noticed he went right by NYPD.

"Hey...isn't that the police station?"

"It is, I'm taking you around the back. Here have another chocolate bar on me."

Passing her the bar, she ate it, and in a matter of minutes, she was sound asleep. Pulling up to his house, he opened the garage door, and pulled in.

Lifting her from the back seat, he carried her into the sound proof room, layed her on the bed, and locked the door.

Going back to his car, he got in and drove to the dump. Taking out the bike, he wiped it down, and tossed it in the pile of junk and headed back home.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac returned to the lab, Lindsay chased him down.

"Mac...we have hit, the seman sample we ran belongs to Jack Hendrix, no fixed address. But we do have a photo, as he's in the data base. He's a registered sex offender, it seems his parol officer lost track of him several months ago, there is a warrant out for his arrest."

"Our you telling me this pediphile has been running our streets, and not one officer has seen him anywhere?"

"I guess not Mac. Where do you want to go from here?"

As they were thinking Mac heard the woman screaming.

"Someone help me, please, my daughter is missing, she didn't come home from the store. Someone help me."

Running towards the woman, Mac tried to get her to calm her down.

"Listen Maam, just relax, come with me to my office."

As she walked with Mac, Danny asked Lindsay what was going on.

"What the hell is happening Lindsay?"

"It seems another child may have been taken. Mac's with the mother now."

"Have a seat. Can you tell me your name?"

"Lorraine, Lorraine Seacrest. My daughter is eight, her name is Francis.
I sent her to the store for some bread, but she never returned."

"Okay Mrs.Seacrest, do you have a photo of your daughter?"

"I do, right here. This is her school picture."

"Danny, take this to Adam, have him blow it up and send it to the Media, let them know to show it around the clock, and if any witnesses have seen her, they are to call 911 immediately."

"Sure Mac."

"Now you said your daughter was on a bike. What did it look like?"

"It was a black ten speed, with pink hearts running down the racks. It also had a basket, and it was marked at the last police identification drive."

"Okay, what I'd like you to do is head home in case she tries to call. We will get in contact with you if we hear anything."

Leaving the NYPD, she got into her car and drove home in tears.

When the Media aired the picture, several calls came in from all kinds of citizens, who said they seen the young girl earlier that afternoon.

"Mac...we have a call you should take."


"Yes, is this Det.Taylor?"

"It is, how can I help you maam?"

"This afternoon I seen the young girl on the TV get into a blue mercury with white trim."

"How can you be sure, this was the girl?"

"The bike, I seen him put a black bike in the back trunk with pink hearts. The girl was also in the back seat, when he got in."

"Would you be able to recognize him if we showed you a picture?"

"I would, as I was standing right across the street."

"You were across the street, but didn't find it strange that a young girl was getting into some guys car?"

"I just figured it was her father or someone she knew, for she wasn't fighting him, she was actually quite obedient."

"Okay, if you could come in as soon as possible, it would be much appriciated."

"Sure, I'll be right there."

Hanging up the phone, Mac hoped to hell, this was the break he was looking for.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Oooo Hendrix, does this guy play guitar :p

:guffaw:I didn't pick up on that, but I did pick up on the last name "Seacrest" and all I could think was "I wonder if she's related to Ryan." LMAO!

good chapters, MLA. I'm glad it looks like they have a lead. And I would say something else, but I don't want to take a chance on giving away another possible plot point, so I'll just shut up. ::does zipper motion over mouth::

Maybe I'll PM the comment to you later. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Go get the horrid weirdo! He deserves to be locked up and have the key thrown away!


"The thrill is in the chase. Never in the capture."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As the police were on the look out for a blue mercury, Mac and his team went back to the alley, where the girl was last seen. Processing the area, they could find nothing out of the ordinary. Just as they were about to pack it in Mac got the call.


"Det.Taylor, it's Officer Fred Singe. We'd like to inform you we've arrest a suspect driving a blue mercury. We are transpoting him to NYPD now."

"Thanks, I'll be right there."

As they arrived at the station, Mac noticed the guy sitting in the interogation room.

"That's not him."

"What do you mean that's not him Mac?"

"Danny, he doesn't even look like our pediphile, wrong hair, eye, and shape."

Entering the room Mac sat down and began questioning him.

"Okay Steve Host, can you tell us where you got this car?"

"Look, like I told the officer, some guy on the street sold it too me for 500 bucks."

Pulling out the picture, Mac said....

"Is this the guy?"

"That's him. He said he needed money to get out of town."

"Did he have a young girl with him?"

"Nope. Just himself."

"Okay Danny, let him go."

After releasing Steve, Danny said....

"Now what Mac?"

"Now we get all the roads in and out of NY blocked. Then I want all the Airports, Subways, and any other means of transportation blocked. Each car, bus, bicycle, train, plane, are all to be checked."

"Christ that could take hours Mac."

"Then you better get right on it."

Storming out of the room, Mac headed back to his office, to call Stella, and let her know it was going to be a long night."


He returned home with two cheeseburgers and fries. Opening the door to the sound proof room, he seen the girl crying on the floor in the corner.

"Hey now. There's no need to cry, are you hungry?"

"I want to go home. Please let me go?"

"I'll tell you what. IF you promise to do everything I ask of you, I'll let you go."

"What do I have to do?" she sobbed

"Just let me play with you for a little while. Let me be your man."

"Nooooooo....please. I want to go home. Please don't hurt me."

"I'm afraid it's going to hurt a little bit, but I'll try and be gentle with you. Shall we begin?"

As he crawled his way beside her, he touched her hair, and caressed her soft face.

"So pretty. To bad you don't have bouncy curls. There's this one little girl I really like, but I can never seem to get her, she's well protected by her father, he's a detective you know."

As she listened, she tried to take in as much as she could. The only thing she could hope, was that she gained enough of his trust in the next few days, that she would be able to attempt an escape. Even if it meant allowing him to assault her.

"Now, would you like to eat first? or play first?"

"I think I'd like to eat first, I'm very hungry."

"Okay, then we shall eat together."

Passing her a cheeseburger, fry and coke, she began to eat.

"Ummm....mister, mine tastes funny. Kind of chalky."

"Hmmm...mine too. Could be because they sat to long on the drive home."

As they finished their meal, he noticed her feeling excited.

"I feel....so hot."

"Come here, I'll help you off with your shirt."

Being to drugged to understand, she allowed him to remove her clothes, as she watched, but couldn't do anything to fight him.

Once he had her body exposed, he carried her to the bed, and began his first assault.

Falling into sleep, her world went black.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Ugh, what a sicko this guy is! I hope they hurry and catch the creep! I hope that little girl gets away unlike the others. I figured he'd ditch the car. Good chapter. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac finally crawled home. The first thing he did was check on his Claire bear. Opening her door, he found her sound asleep, all snuggled up. Leaning over her, he kissed her, and whispered.....

"I love you my little Claire bear. I promise to always protect you."

Tucking her back under the covers he left the room. Walking down the hall, he walked into his room, stripped of all his clothes, and climbed into bed beside his wife's heated body.

"Mmm...you're so cold Mac." Whispered Stella, as he pulled her towards him.

"Sorry love, I tried my best to warm myself up."

"It's okay Mac. How is the case going?"

"It's not love, we can't seem to get a break. This pediphile is always one step ahead of us. The worst part is, with him running around the streets, the children of NY aren't safe. I'm telling you Stella, the playgrounds are so empty, the streets are so quiet at 3 in the afternoon. We've become the City with a curfew."

"I'm sorry Mac. You are so tense. Turn over and I'll work your muscles."

As he flipped onto his back, Stella shifted herself upon him.

"I'm not to heavy for you, am I?" She giggled.

"Mmm...no love, you could never be to heavy."

Taking her hands, Stella started at his waist, digging deep compressions into his muscles, as she slowly worked her way up his back, down his arms, back up to his neck, where she massaged her fingertips within in tired neck.

Leaning further in, Mac felt the kick of his child, against his back.

"You feel that love?"

"I did. Seems like Junior wants his daddy's attention."

Carefully turning his wife over, he lifted her nightgown and exposed her swollen tummy. Then taking his hands, he began to massage round circles in slow motion, causing his child to ripple against his hands.

"Hello son. How's daddy's boy doing?" Are you nice in warm in mommy's tummy? How about you close your eyes, and daddy sing to you."

As Mac began to sing "Sleepy little Angel", Claire walked in.

"Daddy...I can't sleep. I had a bad dream."

"You did. What about Claire bear?"

"A monster daddy. A mean man monster, he tried to run away with me, and Uncle Danny couldn't catch him."

"He couldn't? Aww...come on Claire bear, you can sleep with mommy, daddy, and your brother."

As they snuggled in Claire whispered....

"Daddy....I no want to go too the park no more."

"Okay Claire bear. You don't have too. Sleep now."

Kissing his family goodnight, they all fell into a restless sleep.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When she woke the following morning, he was beside her smiling, as he began to touch her again.

"Please...I need to go to the washroom."

"Okay. Just let me get you a shirt to slip into and I'll take you."

Knowing this may be her chance, she followed him down the hall.

"Here you go. I'll be waiting right outside this door. Don't try anything funny. I'll know."

As she sat on the toilet, she looked around and seen a tube of lipstick he must have bought for dress up. Taking the tube and some toilet paper, she wrote in big letters "H E L P M E, I M U P S T A I R S K I D N A P P E D". Rolling it up, she squeezed it out the opening in the window.

"What's taking you so long?"

"I'm coming Steve, I just need to wash my hands."

Opening the door, he inspected the washroom. After finding everything in place, he walked her back to the room.

"Are you hungry?"

"A little, what do you have?"

"I can make you some pancakes, and some apple juice."

"Do you have coffee?"

"I do, but you are to young to drink coffee."

"Not no more, you made me a woman now, remember?"

"No. I didn't yet, I just played with you, with my fingers. Do you want me to make you a woman now?"

"Oh no...I think we should wait till tonight don't you?"

Feeling himself become erect, he whispered....

"I can't wait now, I need something. Get on your knees, or no breakfast."

She knew what was coming, she knew what he wanted her to do.

"Ummm...please. I...."


No, no I don't. I'm sorry.

Doing as she was told, he hurt her this time. He became so excited, he hurt her bad.

"I'm sorry, but you made me angry. I'll get you some ice for your jaw."

Leaving the room, she crawled into the corner, and made herself throw up, until she could throw up no more.

Meanwhile one of the neighbours were walking their dog, when the pup sniffed the toilet paper.

"What have you got there boy?"

Taking the toilet paper from the dog, he seen the lipstick on it. As he opened it, he seen a bunch of letters, letters he couldn't make out.

"Hmm...must be some kids scribble."

"Hey Peter, what have you got there?"

"I don't know Mike, looks like scribble."

As Mike looked at it, he read the letters.

"Peter, give me your cell phone."

"What for?"

"Just give it to me."

Passing him the phone, he called NYPD.

"Good morning NYPD, what's your emergency?"

"Yes, I'd like to talk to Det.Taylor. I believe he's handling the Pediphile case."

"Hold please. I'll transfer you."


"Yes, my name is Peter Shever, and I'm not sure if it means anything, but I found a piece of paper on the street. It seems to be written in code or something. The only word I can make out is.....

"H E L P M E. The rest of it I can't understand."

"Can you give me the letters?"

"Sure....I M U P S T A I R S K I D N A P P E D".

"Okay Peter, thank you for your help. I'm going to transfer you back to the front desk, give them your information incase we need you again."

Hanging up the phone, Mac looked at the words, and it didn't take him long to figure out.

"I'm upstairs kidnapped."

"Danny, get in here now."

"What is it Mac?"

"I think I know where he's keeping Francis. Let's go."
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