CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

That's a good girl! I'm glad she got the message out. I hope they find her in time. Good chapter.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As he came into the girls room with breakfast, he heard the sirens.

"Did you call the police?"

"No...How, I have no phone." she cried in the corner from the pain of her jaw.

"I got to get the hell out of here. But as for you..."

Pulling out a knife, he sliced her across the throat. Gathering up what he could, he took off out the back.


Getting no response, Flack shot the lock, opening the door, and as they ran upstairs, they seen the young girl gasping for air.

As Mac bent down, he could hear here gurgling.

"It's okay, just relax, nice calm breaths."

Knowing the young girl wasn;t going to make it, Mac held her tightly, as she gurgled out.....

"h....e...lp....curly hair, p...oli..ce....daaaughteeeeeeeeeer."

Closing her eyes, she died in Mac's arms.

"What the hell did she say Mac?"

"I'm not sure Danny. I couldn't make it out. Something about curly hair, police, daughter. Listen Danny I want this room swept now, every inch of it. Get Flack to have the officers comb the area, he couldn't have gotten far."

Laying the girl back on the ground, Mac covered her till Sheldon arrived. Putting on his gloves, Mac searched the room. Under the bed, in the bathroom, in the corners, and that's when he seen it. The piece of paper hidden under the floorboard.

Picking it up, he read.....

"He like this one girl with brown bouncy curls, she's always in the park. He tries to catch her, but she's always got an Uncle around her, and her father is a detective. He says he loves her, and he wouldn't kill her because she is special. He dreams of playing with her, hurting her.

God I hope someone finds my note, I hope someone can save me."

Mac couldn't believe what he was reading. He couldn't believe this young girl who was tortured to no end, kept notes written in lipstick.

"What do you have there Mac?"

"Notes...this young girl kept notes on what that bastard pediphile was saying."

Passing the note to Danny, he read it.

"Mac....you know...."

"I know Danny, it sounds like he's talking about Claire."

"Christ Mac, she was our only lead. Now what are we going to do?"

As Sheldon walked in, he seen the sheet covering the young girl. Then looking at Mac, he seen the blood covering his suit.

"She didn't make it, did she Mac?"

"No...she didn't Sheldon. Do me a favour, put her in a new body bag please. Time of death was 10:45am."

"Sure Mac. You going to be okay?"

Looking at Sheldon with vengful eyes, he said.....

"Not until this animal is off our streets, alive or.....DEAD."

Walking from the room before he lost it in front of his team, he headed home, to inform his wife, that Claire was not to leave the house without supervision, not even in the back yard.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

i hope the team find the Pediphile before he get's another girl..
i got too say this story is good, can't wait for more too come:)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Aww, poor girl. I'm glad she wrote the note about Claire though. At least they know now.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Ack you're evil. How'd they not see him going out the back?

Cause he heard the sirens in the distance, giving him the chance to escape out the back.:p:lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac left the scene. He rushed home calling Stella on the way.

"Hi, you have reached the Taylor residence....."

Hanging up the phone, he wondered where they could be. He knew he didn't have much time, especially with that pediphile reeking havoc on NY. As he pulled up to the house and walked inside, he seen the note on the table.


Took Claire and I for ice cream. The baby was having a craving. See you soon, Love Stella."

Getting back in his car, he rushed over to the Ice Cream store, and found it closed for the day. Knowing the only other place to get Ice Cream was at the Park, he turned on the siren, called the team, telling them to meet him there.


Claire was holding her mommy's hand tightly.

"Mama...I know like the park, I want to go home. Please mama, we go home?"

"You don't want ice cream?"

"No mama, I want to go home."

"Okay love, we'll go home."

As they were walking out of the park, he seen her. The little girl with the bouncy brown curls. Walking by, he smiled at Claire. As she looked up, she screamed.


Letting go of her moms hand, she began to run. Leaving her mom behind, for Stella was to pregnant to run.

"I can get her for you maam?"

Taking off quickly, he had Claire in his embrace in a matter of minutes. Running the opposite way, Stella began to yell for help.

"Help...some one help, he has my baby."

Hearing the sirens, Stella ran as carefully as she could .

"Mac, Mac, he's got her, he ran with her that way."

"Danny, Flack, split up. Get all the officers on duty over here."

"You got it Mac."

As they searched the park, they couldn't be found anywhere. That is until Flack seen the little clues. Following the ice cream mealted cone, it ended at the Parks and Recreation shed.

Not wanting to startle the guy. Flack called Mac, and informed him that he had the guy in the shed.

"Okay Flack. Be very quiet. We don't want him to know you are out there."

Meanwhile inside, he had Claire in his arms.

"Hi there. Do you know me?"

Shaking her head no, she began to cry.

"Aww...don't cry little brown haired girl. I love you, and I promise to take my time. Can I touch your hair?"

"Auuuuuuuuuuuuuugh, auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh...." she creamed and cried trying to escape his hold. Getting in one good kick, she removed herself from his lap, but he caught her foot, and dragged her back.


Flack could hear him yelling at Claire. Not waiting for Mac, he took out his gun, and fired the lock. But as he opened the door, he seen nothing, for it was pitch black inside.

"Claire, Claire...answer Uncle Flack."

As Claire tried her best to bite down, she managed a small nip and he yelped.

"Ouch...you little bitch. That's it I've had enough."


Just as Mac caught up with Flack, they found the tiny opening, that lead to an underground tunnel.

And as they crawled through the opening, they heard the scream stop.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac, and Flack finally got into the tunnel, they found it empty.

"Christ Mac, this is like a maze. It doesn't end."

"Just keep walking Flack, they have to be hear somewhere."

As Hendrix came to the middle of the tunnel, he seen the two exits had been blocked.

"Shit!!! Now what the hell am I going to do?"

Placing Claire down, he began to move the rockes frantically, as he watched to make sure Claire hadn't waken.

When he had removed enough bircks and stone, he gabbed Claire and squeezed them through the opening. Then laying her back down, he covered the opening with rocks again, to make it look like they hadn't gotten out.

As he continued to pile the rocks, Claire was waking up. Looking at the man with his back to her, she tried to get up and run away, but her ankle was broken. Crawling on her hands and knees, as fast as she could, she seen a couple sitting on the sidewalk.

In her little small voice she said...

"Heeeeeeeeeelp me, heeeeeeeeeeelp me," with tears

As the young couple turned around , they seen the little girl all beaten with her clothes torn.

"Oh my God Mike, get help quick."

Picking up his cell he called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Yes, I have a young girl hear, badly beaten, we need medical assistance immediately. We are on the North side of the NY bridge."

Hearing the sirens in the distance, Hendrix turned and noticed Claire gone.

"No, no, no, no, this can't be happening."

Knowing he had no time to get her, he took off down the other end of the bridge, onto the NY streets, down an alley and hid.

When the EMT's arrived, they carefully braced Claire's ankle, and neck to be safe.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Being in and out of conciousness, she tried to whisper......


"What was that sweetheart?"

Falling into sleep again, the world went black.

"It sounded to me like she said Claire."

"Claire, are you sure?"

"I think so, we better call it in to NYPD."

NYPD, this EMT David Frinks calling. We have a young female victim, approximately 5 years of age. She's been in and out of conciousness, but we managed to get a name from her. What sounded like Claire."

"Did you say Claire David?"


"Does she have brown curls?"

"She does."

"I believe you've found Det.Taylor's daughter, she was kidnapped this afternoon. Hold tight, I'll patch him through."

"Dispatch to Det. Mac Taylor."

"Taylor, go ahead."

"It seems we've found your daughter, she's on the North side of NY bridge, EMT's are assessing the situation now."

"I'll be right there."

"Flack, let's go, Claire's been found."

"Is she......?"

"No, she's alive, but injured."

When they arrived they seen the EMT's starting an IV drip.

"Is she awake?"

"She's been in and out of consciousness. From what we've assessed, she has a broken ankle, and possible concussion. We need to move her."

"Flack, I'm going with Claire. Go back and get Stella, bring her to the Hospital."

"You got it Mac. What about Hendrix?"

"I'll deal with him later. Just tell the officer's to keep searching, alleys, ran down buildings, Motel's, everywhere."

As the Ambulance pulled out, Mac reached over and whispered......

"Claire bear...wake up sweetheart, it's daddy bear. Come on sweetheart, wake up for daddy."

Looking over his daughters broken body, and torn clothes. He wondered to himself if that bastard animal had touched his daughter.


"Stel....come on Stel, we need to go. Claire's been found, they've taken her to the Hospital, Mac's with her."

Helping her into the car, they headed over, as Stella prayed her daughter wasn't violated.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Glad they found her but why're you taking so long to catch him?

Melly, why are you always so impatient. There is always a method to my stories, you should know that by now:p:lol::guffaw:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

LMAO at Mel....Come on Mel where would be the fun is the person was found staight away :p

I want Mac to get his hands on Hendrix :D
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