CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Poor Claire. I hope he didn't hurt her that way. She was brave and smart fighting him back and then getting away as fast as she could. I can't wait for Mac to get his hands on the perp. I don't feel sorry for Hendrix one tiny bit. :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When they pulled into the Hospital, Mac followed behind until her was stopped at the desk by a male nurse.

"Excuse me, we need you to fill out papers."

"Are you insane. Screw your damn papers, I'm going with my daughter, and if I were you, I wouldn't bother calling Security, cause at this time, I'm in no mood for games."

Leaving the desk, Mac walked right into the Trauma room.

"Excuse me sir, you can't be in here."

Mac was getting pissed, this was his little girl, his little Claire who had been beaten.

"Pulling out his badge, he threw it on the floor.

"Now you all listen to me. I'm not a Detective at this time. I'm a father, so you all have five minutes to assess my daughter before I start throwing my temper around."

As the Trauma Team looked at Mac, one of them tried to leave to call Security.


"Come on guys, let's get it done."

As they worked on Claire, the nurses kept looking at Mac, as the tears were pouring from his eyes.

*Whispering* "Doctor....please, let him know something. "

As the doctor looked at Mac, crying, he felt his pain. Being a father of three girls himself, he gave in.

"Det.Taylor, he whispered softly. Why don't you come hold your daughters hand, I'm sure she'd like to know her dad was here."

Walking up to his daughters little form, he took her hand, as he watched them cast her little ankle.

"Claire Bear...it's daddy. I know you are sleeping right now, but I'm here, Papa bear is here right beside you and you're safe, I promise you Claire bear, you are safe."

As they continued to work on Claire, the nurses were all in tears. For here was a father who risked losing his job by threating a Trauma Team, all for the love of his daughter.

"Please Doctor, has she been....did he...?"

"No Detective. Your daughter was not sexually violated, she was beaten though, and has a slight concussion, with her broken ankle. besides that, she will heal. Though I imagine with your love, you'll help her through the Trauma and the nightmares.

We've done all we can here for now Det.Taylor. We will be moving her to recovery. You may stay with her there until we transfer her to the Children's Ward."

"Thank you. Thank you for understanding."

Bending down to pick up Mac's badge, the doctor handed it to him.

"I think this belongs to you, Det.Taylor. Take Care."

Leaving the Trauma Room, the doctor turned and watched as Mac rocked his little girl.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Once they had Claire in her private room, with Police Officers on her door, he went to get his wife.

"Stella, come on sweetheart, let's go see our baby."

Helping her up, they walked arm in arm into their daughters room. As Stella seen her little baby, she broke. Embracing her tightly, Mac whispered....

"I know love, it's okay. She's going to fine. Come on sweetheart, be strong."

Walking over the bed, Stella took her daughters little hand and held it while she whispered....

"Claire...Claire bear, it's Mama bear. I'm here, can you feel me."

Opening her little eyes, still groggy from the anesthetic, she whispered....


"I know sweetheart, I know you hurt."

"I want daddy, where's daddy?"

"Daddy's right here Claire bear, here's daddy bear."

"He hurt me daddy, he hurt me bad. But I bite him and he hit me, and it hurt daddy, and no one was there to help me, where were you daddy, I coudn't find you, and he took me."

Mac was feeling his daughters disaapointment. Even with being five, she understood there was no one there to protect her.

"I know Claire bear, daddy's so sorry. But we were all looking hard to find you, and we did, and you are safe. Safe with us, back in our arms."

As they Mac and Stella held their daughter, she whispered....

"I told you I know like the park, I told you daddy."

As they laid their daughter back down, she feel into sleep again.

"Oh Mac this is all my fault, Stella cried. The ice cream store was closed, so I told her we could get one in the park, but she said no, and as we turned around to come home, he got her, I wasn't fast enough to catch him."

"It's okay love. None of this is your fault. Listen, I need to go, I'll be back as soon as I can okay?"

"Oh Mac, you're not going to....."

"I'll be back soon love, when Claire wakes again, give her a kiss for me."

As he embraced Stella one last time, he carefully layed his badge on the little desk top, and left.

When Stella turned around to face her daughter, she seen the badge, and that's when she knew, Mac was out for blood. There would be no mercy, no forgiveness, no courts, or arrests. The only thing there would be was death, death for the bastard that hurt his daughter.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I don't think there'd be a jury that would convict him if he did kill the guy. :lol: But, I think death at Mac's hands is too good for the guy. I think they should just throw him in jail and let the other inmates know what he did... they don't take too kindly to child molesters in there. Or better yet, they should throw the guy in a shark tank and let the sharks have their fun. :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

GNRF, you did it again:lol::lol: GET OUTTA MY HEAD:wtf::lol::guffaw:

Story changed:p:guffaw:


As Mac headed out of the Hospital, Stella picked up the phone and called Flack.


"Flack, it's Stella. I need you to find Mac fast. He's gone searching for that Pediphile."

"Yeah, well that's his job Stella."

"No...he's out for blood. He left his badge sitting on the table top by Claire's bed. I'm telling you, he's not thinking straight."

"Calm down Stella. Danny's with me here. We'll find him, don't worry."

As Mac drove up and down the streets of NY, he stopped at every Motel/Hotel he came across.

"Have you seen this man?"

"No, no one that looks like that has registered in here."

Walking out without so much as thank-you, he continued his search for the bastard Hendix. Turning down 47th, he seen a group of guys, standing on the corner.

"Have any of you seen this guy?"

As they looked at the picture, one said...

"Isn't that that Hendrix guy, the animal predator the cops are after?"

"Yeah, he's the one, you seen him?"

"Listen mister if we had, we would have bashed his face in a million times over."

"Why...what's it to you?"

"The bastard kidnapped and beat my daughter."

"Son of a bitch, is she okay?"

"She'll survive, but with scars."

"Wow man, we're so sorry, but I can guarantee you, if we find him, he won't live to tell about."

Looking at the guys, Mac nodded his head and drove off.

Driving around in cricles, Mac was still having no luck, but he also knew he now had help. For his only thought was getting this animal of the street.
Stopping at the corner waiting for the light, he seen a guy hiding in the shadow of a closed down store, beside a bar.

Turning the car around, he pulled over, and watched.

"Hey man, I need a ride, can you give me a lift?"

Mac knew right away it was Hendrix.

"Get in the back."

Climbing into the back, Hendrix heard the doors lock.

"Hey man, why you locking the doors?"

Ignoring Hendrix, he drove back to the group of guys that were in the alley. Stopping out of sight he said....

"Get out. I said get out."

Opening the door, Hendrix stepped out, and seen the six guys looking at him with hatered.

Squeeling his tires quickly before they seen him, Mac left him.


Stella was sound asleep with Claire when Mac walked in. Walking over to her , he kissed her lips.

"Mmm, Mac?"

"Hi sweetheart, how is she?"

"She's fine, but in alot of pain. Where did you go Mac?"

"Just for a walk, I needed time to think, think out of a cops world."

Just as Stella was about to say something else. Mac got the call.


"Mac, it's Don, we need you down on the corner of 47th, we've found Hendrix, he's dead."

"I'll be right there."

Grabbing his badge, Mac headed out. When he arrived he seen Sheldon over the body.

"Are you sure it's him?"

"Positive Mac, we found Claire's blood on his knuckles. It seems he was beaten to death, by more then one person, looks like a gang take down."

"Have you questioned the witness?"

"We have, they said a group of six or seven guys, surrounded him, and started bashing the hell out of him. One of them even shoved a foreign object inside his anal area."

"Did the witnesses describe anyone?"

"No. But I'll tell you what they did all say."

"What's that Danny?"

"One less bastard pediphile off our streets of NY, and away from our children."

"Okay guys, let's get this scene cleaned up. I'd like to get back to my family."

"Did you want Sid to file a report?"

"Hendrix didn't have any family, so have Sid do the report and leave it on my desk. I'll file it later. There's nothing to look into here, if anything people will be thankful he's off the street."

As Mac walked away, Flack whispered.....

"Do you think Mac had anything to do with this?"

Looking at Flack, Danny said...."To do with what? "Come on guys, let's get this done, I need a beer."

With the Pediphile now in hell, Mac knew the time had come to help his little Claire bear heal.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Well it's better than Mac doing it himself...nobody will be able to tie him to it that's for sure
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac returned to the Hospital, he found his little Claire bear crying from the doctor examing her.

"Daddy......I want my daddy. Mommy, where's daddy. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaady!!!!" She kept screaming.

"Claire bear, it's okay love, daddy's right here, see, I'm right here."

With her eyes full of tears, and little yawns, she whispered....

"I wanna go home daddy. Please, I go home, no stay here."

Damn if Mac's heart wasn't already broken from his baby being in pain. Just how much more could he take?

"Okay sweetheart, just let the doctor finish the dressing, come on love, calm down."

"I wanna go home daddy bear, please, I go home."

Finally calming down back into sleep, Mac took the doctor aside.

"Look, I know how to look after wounds, I know how to give meds. I was in the Marine's, I lived through horrors. Now I want to take my daughter home. So please give me instructions on how to change her dressings, what creams and meds to apply. Cause either with or without your help, we are all walking out of here tonight."

"You win Detective. You've been on my ass since the Trauma room. I can tell a good father when I see one. Come with me, and I'll show you the x-rays, the pictures, and what needs to be done at home."

"I'll be right back sweetheart, are you okay?"

"I'm more worried about you Mac, and what happened with....."

Kissing his wife before she said to much, he said....

"I'll be back."


Flack, Danny, and Sheldon headed to the bar. As they sat and ordered a drink they heard people talking.

"Did you here they found that Pediphile beaten to death, and violated with a steel pipe."

"Ack...as far as I'm concerned he got off to easy. He should have been tortured for hours, and then killed. Shame really I wasn't there, I would have helped."

As Flack and the others listened, they knew that this case would never be brought light. For if the Chief, Governor or anyone else ever tried, they'd have a riot on their hands.

"Any news on Claire?" asked Sheldon.

"Yeah, Mac phoned, said that they have permission to take care of Claire at home."

"Haa!!! I bet ya 10 bucks, Mac threatened them, if I know Mac. He's not going to let anyone near his baby ever again." said Danny.

"I can tell you this much. For all the hell Mac has been through in his life, I'm honestly surprised this case didn't break him."

"Oh it did Sheldon, I can guarantee you it did."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

GNRF, you did it again:lol::lol: GET OUTTA MY HEAD:wtf::lol::guffaw:

You were gonna throw him in a shark tank? :lol:

I was watching the news earlier and heard a story about something someone had done to a kid and I just got so angry... that was me expressing what I'd like to do to the people who hurt that kid I heard about on the news. I didn't mean to get inside your head. :lol:

I'm glad Hendrix is in hell. He's the devil's problem now. :lol:
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