CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

He was hunting again. The urge to take was overwhelming. As he sat in the park he knew his chances would be slim, for very few parents allowed their children out at night in NY.

Walking the path, he seen a girl no more than 8 walking her dog. As he watched her from the shadow, he wondered if the dog would attack, or if it would allow him to stroke it.

"Stroke it," he laughed to himself. Just like he stroked the little girl earlier. Feeling himself get excited, he walked towards her.

"Hello, that's a beautiful dog you have."

As the girl ignored him, and kept on walking he tried again.

"I said...that's a beautiful dog you have."

"Listen mister, in about five minutes I'm going to have him attack your ass, now leave me the hell alone before I call the cops, you pervert."

"Aren't you the smart mouth. I am a cop, see."

Pulling out his badge, he showed it to the young girl.

"Oh...sorry Officer, you can't be to safe these days."

"Good for you, it's nice to see young kids so street wise."

"Is it okay to pet your dog?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Does he like chocolate?"

"No. You don't give dogs chocolate, it's not good for them."

"Oh, I see. I'm diabetic, and a friend of mine bought me this bar, as a joke you see. Would you like it?"

"No. Listen, I have to go, my mom will be getting worried."

"Sure, okay. I'll walk you to the gate, just to be sure you get out of the park safely."

"No. I said I'm fine. Now if you will excuse me."

Knowing he could knock her out and be done with it. He changed his mind, due to that damn dog.


Danny had returned to Mac's with the book of badges.

"Claire...can you come see daddy for a minute?"

"But daddy, the Prince is gonna kiss Cinderella."

"Okay sweetheart, but as soon as that's over, you come see daddy."

"Okay daddy."

When the movie had ended, Claire walked out and sat on her daddy's lap.

"Our we going to look at the book now daddy?"

"We are Claire bear, you ready?"

"I'm ready daddy."

Opening the book Mac turned it to the first page. With no response Mac kept turning them, till they came to the Sheriff section, and that's when Claire seen it.

"That's it daddy. See, this one."

Looking at the badge he said to Danny.....

"NY City Deputy Sheriff".

"You have got to be kidding me Mac. Maybe it's a stolen badge."

"I hope you're right Danny."

"Mac, I'm afraid we are going to be pissing off alot of people over the next few days.

"Not right away. We will check the log books first. See if anyone has reported their badge stolen, or have recieved a new one."

"You want me get started on that now?"

"I do. Get Flack in on it. Also on your way Danny, sure those Officer's are patrolling the parks."

"What are you going to Mac?"

"I'm going to call in on an old friend."

"Okay Mac, see ya."

"Daddy, can we go to the park tomorrow?"

"I don't know sweetheart, we'll see okay. Why don't you go get ready for bed. School tomorrow."

"Okay, love you daddy."

"I love you too, my Claire bear."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

He was still lurking in the park. He knew there was no way he would find a child this time of night. But he needed something, someone to ease the sexual fever.

Walking the street, he found a hooker.

"Excuse me, if I pay you $500 to dress like a child and act like I'm really hurting you, will you do it?"

"Hey honey, for $500 I'll do anything you like."

Walking her to his apartment, he pulled out a pair of childs undergarments, t shirt, and a childs curly wig.

"This should do go change. And remember you are a child."

When she came out of the washroom, he felt himself swell.

"Hi little girl, would you like some candy?"

"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."

"But I'm not a stranger, I'm an officer, see."

"Oh, okay."

Taking the candy, he lifted the prostitute into his lap, and began tickling her. Pretending to laugh, like she was enjoying it, wasn't working.

"Damn..this isn't working, can't you be more childish, cry, scream, or something."

"Listen mister, this is as good as it gets."

"Well it;s not good enough for me."

Grabbing the wire in his pocket, he choked her to death.

"Saves me 500 bucks. Dumb ho."

Wrapping her body, he threw it down the garbage shoot. Walking back into his apartment, he took three of his sleeping pills, to knock himself out for the night.

In the morning Claire was already up with her mommy, when her daddy came downstairs.

"Morning daddy, I have a kiss?"

"Of course you can Claire bear, and how is mommy bear this morning?"

"I'm fine Mac, so is baby bear."

"Good. Listen Claire, before you go to school, I have a few things I want you to remember."

"Sure daddy."

"You do not talk to any strangers. None, not even if they have a badge. Understand?"

"Yes daddy. But I thought it was okay to talk to Officers?"

"I know baby, but daddy said not to, okay. Also, you are to stay with your friends, and on your playground till I, Uncle Danny, or Uncle Flack pick you up. You are not to go over to the park, understood."

"Of course daddy, I would never leave the playground."

"I know love, daddy just needs to be sure you understand."

"I do daddy. Don't worry. I promise."

"That's my girl. Now one more thing, if you see a stranger hanging around outside your school or the park, you tell the teachers right away okay."

"Okay daddy. Can we go now?"

"We sure can Claire bear."

"Mac....did you and Danny get the information to the schools, and the Parent Council?"

"We did love, notices will be sent home with the kids today."

"Thanks, I'll see you tonight."

Kissing his wife good bye, he and Claire left for school.

As they pulled up in front, they seen all the other parents talking and discussing their ideas for keeping their children safe.

"Morning Det.Taylor, thanks for all that wonder information, it really helps."

"Glad to hear it. We will be having Officers patrol the area, but the children need to know that the Officer's will not talk to them. If a child finds one that does, they are to report to you or the office right away."

"I understand Detective. Don't worry, I'm sure you will catch him soon. You are to good not too."

"Thanks Principal Skinner. I'll see you later Claire bear, remember the rules."

"I will daddy, love you."

"Love you too, baby."
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Too bad the pervert didn't overdose on those sleeping pills or have an allergic reaction to them or choke on them. If he was smart enough, he'd realize the police were looking for a predator and he'd go on to another district or something. though that would be even worse cause those kids, parents, teachers wouldn't know to watch out for a predator.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

If he was smart enough, he'd realize the police were looking for a predator and he'd go on to another district or something. though that would be even worse cause those kids, parents, teachers wouldn't know to watch out for a predator.

Nooooooooooooooooo:lol::lol: You gave away the next scene. I was going to have him see the Officers, and have him take off, to another school.

You guys are killing me here:guffaw:

You know my thoughts before I write them. How many times have you and I been on the same wave length GNRF, even in Add a Line:guffaw:
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Change in story:lol:

As he walked through the park, he seen two girls walking to school. Looking left to right, he also seen the Officers walking through the park.

"Looks like I need a diversion."

Walking to a garbage can, he took a piece of paper and lit it on fire, throwing it into the trash. As the blaze grew, it attached itself to a tree, causing a large fire.

"Call 911," yelled the Officer, as he ran over with his partner.

Seeing the oldest girl engrossed in the fire, he knew this was his only chance. Grabbing the little one by the waist, covering her mouth, he ran with her, while everyone watched the blaze.

Hiding behind a huge tree, he took out his pills, and forced the little girl to swallow one. Not more than ten minutes later she was out.

Carrying her to his car, he placed her in the back seat, and covered her with a blanket. As he started his engine, he heard the scream.


The officer turned and asked....

"What's the matter?"

"My little sister is gone, we were watching the fire, I didn't see her leave. Where is she?"

"Okay, I need you to calm down. Have a seat with this Officer, while I call it in.

When Mac and the team arrived, he questioned the young girl.

"I'm Det. Mac Taylor. Can you tell me what happened?"

"I was walking my little sister to school, till I seen the fire. We stopped to watch, and I must have let go of her hand, and now she's gone. It's all my fault." she cried.

As Mac was about to question her again, the mother came running up.

"Candice, where is your sister?"

"I don't know mom. I lost her."


"Excuse me. I'm Det.Taylor, do you have a picture of your daughter?"

"Yes, of course I do. Here."

"Danny, get out an Amber Alert, and inform the Media another child is missing."

"Oh God. Please, please tell me that pervert hasn't got her? Please, NOOOoooo."

"Calm down Mrs.Thomas, it will be okay. I want you and your daughter to go with this Officer to the Police Station."

"Please Det.Taylor. Please find my baby."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Oops! Sorry, my bad! Didn't mean to do it. :lol: Good chapter though. It would have been the other way as well. It doesn't matter which way you write it, its still good cause you are good with these stories. You think quick on your feet though (or whatever that expression is). :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Once he had the young girl at his apartment. He waited patiently for her to wake up. As the hours passed, he began getting worried, for she still hadn't waken.

Walking into the room, he began shaking her.

"Hey...hey girl, come on, time to wake up."

"Mmmm..."came the small sound from the child.

"That's it little one, wake up."

As she opened her eyes and seen the stranger, she tried to scream. But not before he covered her mouth.

"Shh!!! listen to me now. your mommy sent me to babysit you. Your sister got hurt, and she had to go to the Hospital. Now don't yell. Are you hungry?"

Shaking her little head yes, he got her a sandwich and a glass of milk. As he watched her eat, he began to get excited. Watching as the milk dribbled down her chin, he moved closer beside her and licked it.

Becoming more excited, he forced open her mouth and crammed his tongue inside as she bit it by accident from being scared.

"Ouch, you little brat." *Slap*

As she began to scream, he smothered her mouth with a pillow, pressing so hard, not stopping until she stopped kicking. Removing the pillow, he realized he had killed her to soon.

"Shit. This isn't supposed to happen. Now what the hell am I going to do."

Removing her clothes, he began to play with her anyway. Caressing her, kissing her, playing with his fingers. But it was no fun. Being so frusterated, he tossed her aside, wrapped her in a bag, and threw her down the garbage shoot with the prostitute from earlier.

"I've got to get the hell out of here. I'm going to have to find a new place to live. While I still have the chance to get away."

Packing up all his stuff, he left the building on 47th.


After Mac and his team had processed the whole area, they finally called it a night.

"Come on Lindsay, let's go. Mac said to pack it in."

"Wait Danny, I found something?"

Walking over, Danny seen Lindsay taking a sample from the ground by the tree.

"What does that look like to you?"

As Danny looked closer, he seen it was sperm.

"Christ Lindsay, great catch, Mac will be impressed."

After gathering up the samples, they headed back to the lab.

"Hey Mac. I found some traces of seman on the tree in the park. Adam is analyzing it now."

"Good. When he is done, run it through, see what you get."

"You got it Mac. Hopefully we will be able to I.D this pediphile by tonight."

"I hope you are right Lindsay. For our time is running out."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I knew he was gonna end up killing the kid by accident. Poor little girl. Well, at least she didn't have to suffer too much before she went like the other little girl did.

They better hurry and catch him since he's planning on leaving.

And yay, Linds, good find! :lol:
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